UESPWiki:Community Interviews/RobinHood70
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Meet RobinHood70, a Wiki server admin and Patroller! To learn even more about them, visit theiruserpage.

What's your role around UESP?
- Patroller, Server Admin
How long have you been involved?
- Since ancient days...errr...7.5 years.
What's your favorite part of the site?
- I suppose I have to say the templates, cuz I'm a geek that way.
Favorite Elder Scrolls game? quest? faction?
- So far, I've only played Oblivion and Skyrim to any great degree, and it's really a toss-up between the two. I think I'd have to go with Oblivion, though Skyrim has grown on me slowly compared to what I originally thought.
- Favourite quest? Hmmm...don't think I really have one. There are several that are funny, interesting, or whatever else. Now, least favourite quest, that one I can tell you right off: the Shivering Isles quest, Work Is Never Done. 100 calipers and tongs and what do you actually get out if it? A few hundred gold...oh yay.
- Favourite faction? I guess these days that's gotta be the theives guild. I used to be a total mage player, but being chronically ill, I find it harder now to keep all the spells straight and keep track of what all abilities I have. It's so much easier just to do sneaky things and backstabbing and such.
You meddled with the Daedric Princes, and now one NPC is forced to be your sidekick. Who would you choose?
- Probably an odd choice, but of those I can think of off-hand, I think I'd go with Aicantar. Young, intellectual, and much more follower/sidekick material than his mentor, Calcelmo.
Tell us one of your favorite things about Tamriel.
- Ummm...I dunno...it exists? Without it, there wouldn't be TES games. :)
Tell us one thing that you've learned while being a member of UESP.
- Loads of technical stuff, how to edit a wiki, and I'd like to think I've learned something about how to collaborate with others. (Err...so much for "one thing". :Þ)
What would you like to say to UESP readers and fans?
- Gah! Why do you have to ask tough questions? I don't know.... "Hi" sounds so lame, but what *else* do you say to hundreds of people all at once?