UESPWiki:Community Interviews/Avron the S'wit
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Meet Avron the S'wit (not to be confused with Arvel the Swift of Skyrim fame), editor of the Social Media pages here (and a past moderator and administrator on the forums) at UESP! To learn even more about them, visit their user page.

What's your role around UESP?
- I like to think of myself as community cheerleader. I'm the voice behind your social media pages, and have served as both a moderator and administrator on the UESP forums.
How long have you been involved?
- I officially signed up back in 2010. In 2011 I started in my first role as forum moderator, and from there, well, the rest is history.
What's your favorite part of the site?
- Probably the community. I love the TES information, obviously, but meeting people is really great. My two favorite places to be are the forums and the wiki's lore section. I often use it to help other fans learn more about the world of Tamriel!
Favorite Elder Scrolls game? quest? faction?
- My favorite game is Morrowind, without a doubt. The main quest really drew me in and I really thought it was very intriguing, and had a lot of questions for my character to tackle.
- Favorite quest? That's difficult, given there are so many good ones...but I think The Wayward Knight in Oblivion. Nobody likes Farwil, but he was such a pain in the butt to me, I had to love him!
- I love both House Redoran and the Fighters Guild in equal parts. I was really torn up when the lore beat up my Redoran, so when they reappeared in Skyrim with the Dragonborn DLC, I was ecstatic!
You meddled with the Daedric Princes, and now one NPC is forced to be your sidekick. Who would you choose?
- Aldos Othran. We'll drink at the taverns and he'll serenade me with his cliff racer song!
Tell us one of your favorite things about Tamriel.
- I love that there's the spirit of "anyone can do it." There aren't any real gender roles in Tamriel, so you get a really diverse feeling of people just doing what they love or what they got to do, regardless of who they are. It's really refreshing.
Tell us one thing that you've learned while being a member of UESP.
- I've learned a lot while interacting with everyone...but I guess the biggest thing is just to keep an open mind. There's a lot of back and forth everywhere, on both the wiki and the forums, and everyone just wants what they think is right and best for the site. You have to learn to accept things that you may have not originally thought of, and also learn to give and take. That's how quality is made!
What would you like to say to UESP readers and fans?
- Thank you so much for your support and for reading UESP! Without you, all the hard work we do would be for nothing. Your words of encouragement are very appreciated, believe me!