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Template:User Rank

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Provides a Userbox with the correct name, icon, and rank name for any of the common factions.


User Rank
Parameter Scope Description
1 or
required Faction name.
2 or
rank or
optional Normally the rank number or name. For factions with no ranks, the gender can be provided as the second unnamed parameter. Values for numeric ranks range from 0 to the maximum value listed in the table below (or on the relevant page if not listed below), with a default of 0 if not specified. In most cases, you can also now use named ranks (e.g., "Duchess of Dementia") instead of numbered ranks. Additionally, you can include this parameter but leave it blank to omit a specific rank and have the box simply indicate that you are in the faction (see third Court of Madness example).
3 or
optional Gender (M or F).
past optional Uses the wording "This user was" instead of "This user is".
game optional Required to disambiguate identically-named Morrowind and Oblivion factions. If not specified, Oblivion will be assumed if there is ambiguity. Factions such as House Hlaalu are unique to Morrowind and will be recognized as such.


The following table gives examples for all common factions and lists maximum ranks, as well as an indication which ranks have separate titles for different genders. Please note that the template looks at whatever faction page is specified and will use Rank and Icon information if it finds it there, so this list is not necessarily exhaustive. Also, this template historically used numbered ranks rather than named ranks, so most of the examples will do so as well.

Game Faction Maximum
Notes Example Result
Shivering Court of Madness 9 Titles are gender-specific for ranks 3 through 6. {{User Rank|Court of Madness|6|F}}
SI-icon-Court of Madness.jpg This user is a Duchess of Mania in the Court of Madness.
{{User Rank|Court of Madness|Duchess of Dementia}}
SI-icon-Court of Madness.jpg This user is a Duchess of Dementia in the Court of Madness.
{{User Rank|Court of Madness}} or
{{User Rank|Court of Madness|rank=}}
SI-icon-Court of Madness.jpg This user is in the Court of Madness.
Oblivion Arena 8 {{User Rank|Arena|8}}
OB-icon-Arena-Grand Champion.png This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena.
Oblivion Blackwood Company 1 {{User Rank|Blackwood Company|1}}
BlackwoodCompany.gif This user is a Company Member in the Blackwood Company.
Oblivion Blades 0 No rank required; title is gender-specific. {{User Rank|Blades|F}}
TheBlades.gif This user is a Knight Sister in the Blades.
Oblivion Dark Brotherhood 7 {{User Rank|Dark Brotherhood|Speaker}}
OB-icon-Dark Brotherhood-Speaker.png This user is a Speaker in the Dark Brotherhood.
Oblivion Fighters Guild 9 {{User Rank|Fighters Guild|9}}
OB-icon-Fighters Guild-Master.png This user is a Master in the Fighters Guild.
Oblivion Knights of the Nine 2 {{User Rank|Knights of the Nine|2}}
OB-KotN-DivineCrusaderIcon.jpg This user is a Divine Crusader in the Knights of the Nine.
Oblivion Knights of the Thorn 1 {{User Rank|Knights of the Thorn|1}}
KnightsOfTheThorn.gif This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the Thorn.
Oblivion Knights of the White Stallion 0 No rank required. {{User Rank|Knights of the White Stallion}}
KnightsOfTheWhiteStallion.gif This user is a Knight-Errant in the Knights of the White Stallion.
Oblivion Mages Guild 9 {{User Rank|Mages Guild|9}}
OB-icon-Mages Guild-Arch-Mage.png This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
Oblivion Mythic Dawn 1 {{User Rank|Mythic Dawn|1}}
MythicDawn.gif This user is an Acolyte in the Mythic Dawn.
Oblivion Nine Divines 9 Rank 0 assumes "Pilgrim" is wanted; to get "Layman", use named ranks or specify a gender. {{User Rank|Nine Divines}}
OB-KotN-PilgrimIcon.jpg This user is a Pilgrim in the Nine Divines.
{{User Rank|Nine Divines|Layman}}
OB-KotN-PilgrimIcon.jpg This user is a Layman in the Nine Divines.
{{User Rank|Nine Divines|0|M}}
OB-KotN-PilgrimIcon.jpg This user is a Layman in the Nine Divines.
Oblivion Order of the Dragon 0 No rank required. {{User Rank|Order of the Dragon}}
OrderOfTheDragon.gif This user is a Champion of Cyrodiil in the Order of the Dragon.
Oblivion Order of the Virtuous Blood 0 No rank required; title is gender-specific. {{User Rank|Order of the Virtuous Blood|M}}
OrderOfTheVirtuousBlood.gif This user is a Brother in the Order of the Virtuous Blood.
Oblivion Thieves Guild 7 {{User Rank|Thieves Guild|7}}
OB-icon-Thieves Guild-Gray Fox.png This user is a Gray Fox in the Thieves Guild.
Morrowind Ashlanders 9 {{User Rank|Ashlanders|9}}
MW-place-Erabenimsun Camp.jpg This user is an Ashkhan in the Ashlanders.
Morrowind Blades 9 game parameter required. {{User Rank|Blades|9|game=Morrowind}}
User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user is a Grand Spymaster in the Blades.
Morrowind Fighters Guild 9 game parameter required. {{User Rank|Fighters Guild|9|game=Morrowind}}
MW-sign-Fighters Guild.jpg This user is a Master in the Fighters Guild.
Morrowind House Dagoth 0 {{User Rank|House Dagoth|0}}
MW-creature-Dagoth Ur.jpg This user is in House Dagoth.
Morrowind House Hlaalu 9 {{User Rank|House Hlaalu|9}}
MW-banner-House Hlaalu.png This user is a Grandmaster in House Hlaalu.
Morrowind House Redoran 9 {{User Rank|House Redoran|9}}
MW-banner-House Redoran.png This user is an Archmaster in House Redoran.
Morrowind House Telvanni 9 {{User Rank|House Telvanni|9}}
MW-banner-House Telvanni.png This user is an Archmagister in House Telvanni.
Morrowind Imperial Cult 9 {{User Rank|Imperial Cult|9}}
MW-place-Ebonheart Plaza.jpg This user is a Primate in the Imperial Cult.
Morrowind Imperial Legion 9 {{User Rank|Imperial Legion|9}}
MW-banner-Imperial.png This user is a Knight of the Imperial Dragon in the Imperial Legion.
Morrowind Mages Guild 9 game parameter required. {{User Rank|Mages Guild|9|game=Morrowind}}
MW-sign-Mages Guild.jpg This user is an Arch-Mage in the Mages Guild.
Morrowind Morag Tong 9 {{User Rank|Morag Tong|9}}
MW-book-Morag Tong.png This user is a Grandmaster in the Morag Tong.
Morrowind Thieves Guild 9 game parameter required. {{User Rank|Thieves Guild|9|game=Morrowind}}
MW-npc-Gentleman Jim Stacey.jpg This user is a Master Thief in the Thieves Guild.
Morrowind Tribunal Temple 9 {{User Rank|Tribunal Temple|9}}
MW-banner-Temple.png This user is a Patriarch in the Tribunal Temple.
Tamriel Rebuilt Great House Indoril 9 {{User Rank|Great House Indoril|9}}
TR3-banner-House Indoril.png This user is a Grand Ascendant in the Great House Indoril.