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Tamriel Rebuilt:Telvanni Towers
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< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places
- Tel Aranyon — A high Telvanni tower directly east of Ranyon-ruhn, ruled by Master Mithras.
- Tel Darys — The large Telvanni tower that overlooks Gah Sadrith and is the seat of power of Mistress Eldale.
- Tel Drevis — The home of a Telvanni spellwright who prefers the quiet life.
- Tel Gilan — A large twisted Telvanni tower ruled by the Mad Lord Nisa Darythi.
- Tel Onoria — A small Telvanni tower that is precariously perched on a cliff in Marog.
- Tel Oren — An isolated Telvanni tower, at the eastern coast of the Inner Sea, the study of Mistress Faruna.
- Tel Ouada, Tower — A large Telvanni tower, perfectly in the middle of Tel Ouada and the powerhouse of Mistress Rathra.
- Tel Sadas — A medium-sized Telvanni tower which basically is a Velothi tower with Telvanni roots, the village center of Sadas Plantation.
- Tel Thenim — A huge Telvanni tower dominating Port Telvannis.
- Tel Vaerin — A medium-sized Telvanni tower which rises over the waterfall in Alt Bosara, ruled by the Telvanni Councilor Master Vaerin.
- Tower of Tel Mothrivra — The central tower of Tel Mothrivra.