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Tamriel Rebuilt:Alt Bosara

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Alt Bosara
Added by: Tamriel Rebuilt
Alignment: House Telvanni
Region: Boethiah's Spine

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

River Strider

TR3-banner-Alt Bosara.png
Alt Bosara
Another view

Alt Bosara is a small Telvanni town on the southern shore of Lake Boethiah. It is the southeasternmost Telvanni town of Map 2. A vast waterfall dominates the town, which is crowned by the Telvanni Tower Tel Vaerin, the tower of the Telvanni Councilor Master Vaerin.

Tel Vaerin[edit]

The tower itself is an expansive structure, with the central section encompassing four stories (each accessible only by levitation within). Two bedrooms and a small office branch off the third section and the mystically decorated chamber of Master Vaerin connects to the top floor of the tower.

On the first floor, Dilavesa Indalen offers alchemical trading services, while the mage, Fedura Sendal, watches over a shelf of trinkets on the second. In the west bedroom, Varasi Vaerin, the master's son, carries three different skill books, and in the office, the expensive potions, fine alchemical equipment and note with directions to all the Telvanni Councilors are notable treasures.

Guarded by the spellsword Vinryon Sendal, the Master himself stands on a flowery pedestal and carries a Daedric staff.

Outside the Tower[edit]

Sprinkled with a few housepods owned by commoners, the town offers a generous selection of services despite its humble size. On the left side of the waterfall Favana Selethi sells clothes, and above her Geroth Enlaris sells scrolls and offers enchanting services. On the right, the Weaponsmith Atherios Adirion can perform repairs and offers a selection of armaments.

At the foot of the tower is a modest general store where Fevras Beran sells a wide variety of goods.

Finally, on a separate hill to the north stands a cramped barracks where four guards stay the night crammed into the stuffy basement.

Getting There and Around[edit]

Alt Bosara's Docks

Masalmalu Mendas at the River Strider port at the north end of town can take you to Tel Mothrivra and Llothanis (from there you can connect to Port Telvannis). Hlavora Gilnith also offers transportation services along the lake on her longboat.


  • An early concept map indicates that Alt Bosara is supposed to be Greenheights from Arena.

Places of Interest Around Alt Bosara[edit]

  • Verulas Pass — A tiny settlement that lies a short distance down the road south and west from Alt Bosara.
  • Telvanni Waystation — A small stop booth just outside the limits of Alt Bosara, over the hills to the north. The proprietor is Medheleg.
  • Jherun Egg Mine — An egg mine along the path to the west under the arches. There is a skeleton with Bonemold Armor as well as a sack of gold and potions.
  • Theras Ancestral Tomb — An ancestral tomb farther down the same path. It has a significant number of altars with offerings and an Orcish War Axe in the sacrifice pit.
  • Beranus Cavern — A medium-sized cave along the coast west of Alt Bosara. It makes a tunnel under the river to the other bank. Inside are many spores and mushrooms, and some ebony. However, much of this cave is underwater.

Related Quests[edit]



TR3-map-Alt Bosara.jpg
Map Key


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Atherios Adirion Male Dark Elf Smith 15 165 102 85 30 Atherios Adirion: Weaponsmith Blacksmith, Merchant
Dilavesa Indalen Female Dark Elf Apothecary Service Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 35 177 200 85 30 Tel Vaerin Apothecary Service
Favana Selethi Female Dark Elf Clothier 12 94 136 85 30 Favana Selethi: Clothier Clothier
Favil Baldan Male Dark Elf Guard Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 15 205 184 100 30 Barracks
Fedura Sendal Female Dark Elf Mage Great House Telvanni Mouth(Mouth) 32 153 200 85 30 Tel Vaerin
Fevras Beran Male Dark Elf Trader Service 8 87 102 85 30 Fevras Beran's General Supplies Merchant
Garnos Otheril Male Dark Elf Drillmaster Service Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 34 250 152 100 30 Barracks Trainer
Geroth Enlaris Male Dark Elf Enchanter Service 17 52 116 85 30 Geroth Enlaris: Enchanter Enchanter Service
Grenivie Jemine Female Breton Commoner 5 58 108 85 30 Grenivie Jemine's House
Hlavora Gilnith Female Dark Elf Shipmaster 4 49 106 85 30 Outside
Hlera Velo Female Dark Elf Commoner 6 69 92 85 30 Hlera Velo's House
Masalmalu Mendas Female Dark Elf Therionaut 6 61 116 85 30 Outside Transport to Llothanis or Tel Mothrivra
Master Vaerin Male Dark Elf Sorcerer Great House Telvanni Master(Master) 45 232 2000 85 60 Tel Vaerin Telvanni Councilor, Ruler of Alt Bosara
Varasi Vaerin Female Dark Elf Noble Great House Telvanni Hireling(Hireling) 22 160 148 0 30 Tel Vaerin
Vinryon Sendal Male Dark Elf Spellsword Great House Telvanni Lawman(Lawman) 30 204 162 85 50 Tel Vaerin
Vyrion Aleroth Male Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 0 30 Vyrion Aleroth's House