Tamriel Rebuilt:Lorindil

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Lorindil (TR_m3_Lorindil)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location East Empire Company: Basement
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Level 8 Class Scribe
Other Information
Health 77 Magicka 130
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) East Empire Company 1(Clerk)

Lorindil is a Wood Elf scribe and Clerk of the East Empire Company who can be found in the basement archives of their building in Old Ebonheart. She plays a role in two faction quests, including Paper Trail, where she is one of the many contributories to a report for Briricca Bank, and in Buying Time, as one of the individuals who can remark on the smell of what turns out to be a rather useful resource.

Lorindil is the only individual who has actually completed her side of the report well ahead of time, having submitted it for review by the company deputy, Zenurie Mondette.

She wears a common shirt, a common skirt, a pair of expensive pants, and a pair of expensive shoes. She wields a Steel Jinkblade and carries 10 random gold.

Aside from her natural resistance to disease, and the ability to command animals, she knows the following spells: Cure Poison, Great Heal Companion, Resist Fire, Rest of St. Merris, and Seryn's Gift.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]

  • Paper Trail: Collect reports for submission to the Briricca Bank.
  • Buying Time: Recent shipping delays require some savvy negotiation.


  • Greeting:
(If you haven't started 'Paper Trail'):
"Sorry, I'm swamped. Can't help you. Talk to someone else." Goodbye

East Empire Company: Paper Trail[edit]

  • Briricca report:
"I finished my end of that project a while ago. I asked Zenurie Mondette to look over my report, but if Cano needs it now, get it now. To find Zenurie, head back up to the lobby and take the stairs up the central tower."
"I handed it to Zenurie Mondette for review. Go upstairs, up the central tower, and ask her."
(If you have Lorindil's Briricca Report):
"You have my report. Bring it to Cano."
(If you have given Lorindil's Briricca Report, Mero Maro's Briricca Report, and Crendal's Briricca Report to Cano):
"You've got this, %PCName."
(After completing the quest):
"Thank you for getting it in on time, %PCName."

East Empire Company: Buying Time[edit]

"Scribs cut into strips and dried in the sun are called scrib jerky. Though primarily a native foodstuff, they're quite popular with colonist sailors, and my nose tells me this place has been sitting on some for far too long. Now, you're %PCRank-rank. Could you do me a favor and sell it off? You'll need authorization from Mette Black-Briar or Quilmaro, but everyone in this building will thank you."