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Tamriel Rebuilt:Elvilde

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Elvilde (TR_m3_Elvilde)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Guild of Mages
Race Nord Gender Female
Level 12 Class Guild Guide
Guild Guide
Other Information
Health 87 Magicka 118
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Mages Guild 3(Evoker)
Elvilde, the Old Ebonheart Guild Guide

Elvilde is a Nord guild guide and an Evoker of the Mages Guild who can be found on the ground floor of the guildhall in Old Ebonheart. She provides transport to the Mages Guild halls in Akamora, Almas Thirr, and Andothren. She also dabbles in enchanting, and can assist with calming down the flying chairs in The Moth and Tiger during the quest A Watery Fate.

She wears a common robe and a pair of common shoes.

Aside from her natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield herself, and a natural frost damage spell, she knows the following spells: Absorb Willpower, Blood Gift, Dispel, Great Resist Common Disease, Great Resist Fire, Great Resist Frost, Great Resist Magicka, Greater Resist Poison, Poet's Whim, Powerwell, Rapid Regenerate, Reflect, and Weak Spelldrinker.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Background:
"My name is %Name, and I provide guild guide services for mages here in Old Ebonheart. I also do some enchanting on the side, though until I get my license, it's all to be considered 'experimenting'. Not many enchanters in the Travelers League. Still, if you ever need some help with a difficult enchantment, I'd be glad to give you a little advice."
  • destination:
"I can teleport you instantly from our Mages Guild here in Old Ebonheart to the Andothren Mages Guild, the Almas Thirr Mages Guild, or the Akamora Mages Guild."
  • little advice:
"If you're having trouble with your enchanting, try drinking a potion or casting a spell that fortifies your Intelligence."

Mages Guild: A Watery Fate[edit]

  • chairs start flying:
"Chairs that fly? How interesting! I suppose that would be Alteration? No, no, maybe Mysticism, but chairs don't exactly have souls to displace within the Dreamsleeve... Tell me, how did you do it?"
  • Nevermind who did it. Can you help me undo it?:
"If you are willing to wait, I can make a ritual candle that will dispel the enchantment on the chairs when it is lit."
  • I'll take it.:
"Here you are. Just place it anywhere in the Moth and Tiger and light it. My enchantment should do the rest." (You receive Elvilde's Ritual Candle)
  • I didn't. An apprentice did.:
"An apprentice made chairs fly? I'm assuming that wasn't on purpose? It's not magic we normally condone here, after Jorli tried bespelling some mops to clean the Guild while we were sleeping. Arquebald woke up with one trying to strangle him! Still, you're in luck. I think I know of a spell that might help you."
  • Continue: (See response to "Nevermind who did it" choice above)