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Tamriel Rebuilt:Crendal Barthe

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Crendal Barthe (TR_m3_Crendal Barthe)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location East Empire Company: Offices
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 6 Class Scribe
Other Information
Health 70 Magicka 142
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) East Empire Company 1(Clerk)
Crendal Barthe

Crendal Barthe is a Breton Scribe employed as a Clerk at the East Empire Company building in Old Ebonheart. He can be found in the offices there.

Crendal describes himself as the agency's chief importer, and outlines a hope to get out of exporting entirely. He doesn't seem particularly focused on his job. During the quest, Paper Trail, he will claim to be unable to finish his section of a crucial report due to having lost his pen, despite pens being all around the company office. He only manages to find it in the event that you substantially outrank him and threaten to cost him his job.

In the event however that you loan him yours, he will ask if you want it back, with his disposition dropping if you say yes.

He wears a common shirt, a pair of expensive pants, and a pair of common shoes. He wields a steel dagger and carries 10 randomized gold.

Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows the following spells: Cure Common Disease Victim, Strong Resist Fire, Strong Resist Frost, Strong Resist Magicka, and Strong Resist Poison.

Related Quests[edit]

East Empire Company[edit]

  • Paper Trail: Collect reports for submission to the Briricca Bank.


  • Greeting:
"You're standing before the agency's chief importer. If you have no business with me, take it to Cano."
  • importer:
"And I'm an exporter. I'm an importer-exporter. I'm thinking of quitting the exporting and just focusing in on the importing. This is causing a real problem for me."
  • Why not do both?:
"It's very complicated. I'm not sure you would understand."

East Empire Company: Paper Trail[edit]

  • Briricca report:
"Aha, yes! I have been working very hard on this, just as Cano requested, and let me tell you, I'm just about done with it, but there's just one wrinkle. You see, I seem to have misplaced my pen! Now, look: there's only one little sentence left on the page, and I can't write it. Not until I have my pen! But rest assured that from THIS moment forward, all of my mental energies will be devoted entirely to finding it. You can tell Cano I said that! I know him, and believe me, he'll like that I said that."
  • Nevermind.:
"Is there anything else you wanted?"
(If you have a Quill Pen):
  • Here's a pen.:
"Hehe... Thank you. I will finish this immediately. Just one short, tiny, small little paragraph to go on this little report." (Removed Quill Pen from your inventory)
  • [Watch Crendal Barthe write three paragraphs.]:
"At long last, as requested, here is my end of the Briricca report. Take this to Cano with my most heartfelt blessings. Oh, you didn't want the pen back, did you?" (You receive Crendal's Briricca Report)
  • Yes:
"Of course. Here you go." (Disposition -5, and you receive a Quill Pen)
  • No:
"Thank you very much! I can tell you that I will be treasuring this fondly for quite some time. Quite some time indeed." (Disposition +1)
(If you are at least an Officer in the East Empire Company):
  • Find a pen or you're fired.:
"Hehe... No need for that! It just so happens that when I turned to face you for this conversation, I caught just the slightest glimpse of what appeared to be a pen on my desk. On further inspection, it appears that this is, indeed, not only a pen but my pen! Thank you so very much for helping me find it. I will now finish this immediately. Just one short, tiny, small little paragraph left to go on this report."
  • [Watch Crendal Barthe write three paragraphs.]:
"At long last, as requested, here is my end of the esteemed Briricca report. Take this to Cano with my most heartfelt blessings." (Disposition -5, and you receive Crendal's Briricca Report)
  • I'll look for a pen.:
"Is there anything else you wanted?"
"As I said, I can't finish it! Not until I find my pen." (See identical choices above)
(After getting Crendal's Briricca Report):
"If you're looking for Lorindil, I bet Mero Maro knows where she is."
"Good thing we got it in on time, eh?"