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Tamriel Rebuilt:Athyn Favelnim

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Athyn Favelnim (TR_m1_Athyn Favelnim)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Ashamul
Location Cave Hall
House Favelnim Cave Dwelling
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 5 Class Pauper
Other Information
Health 60 Magicka 86
Alarm 80 Fight 30
Athyn Favelnim

Athyn Favelnim is a Dark Elf pauper who can be found near the campfire in the cave hall of Ashamul. He is a retired eggminer who lives with his wife and daughter, Midaves Favelnim and Iveru Favelnim, respectively. His brother is Seler Favelnim, who can be encountered in the Bloodmoon quest 'Bar Brawl'.

He wears a common shirt with matching pants and shoes. He wields a chitin longsword.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.


  • Greetings:

If Iveru Favelnim and Midaves Favelnim are dead, and your Agility is less than 75:

"You've killed my daughter and my wife. I can't believe you did such a thing. I'm old and frail, but I'll do everything I can to avenge them."
[Athyn stabs you by surprise with a chitin longsword, and wounds you cruelly.]
Goodbye (He attacks you, you receive 80 points of damage and a Chitin Longsword)

If Iveru Favelnim and Midaves Favelnim are dead, and your Agility is at least 75:

"You've killed my daughter and my wife. I can't believe you did such a thing. I'm old and frail, but I'll do everything I can to avenge them."
[Athyn stabs you by surprise with a chitin longsword, but you dodge his sneak attack.]
Goodbye (He attacks you)
  • Background:
"I'm %Name, the father of Iveru and the husband of Midaves. A retired miner, and in a way, the patriarch of Ashamul. Not that I claim that title, however. It's just that the others trust me and have faith in my experience. I'm the doyen of Ashamul, after all."
"My old workplace isn't very far. Follow the road toward Ranyon-ruhn, but once you crossed the Sirouada once, stay on the Ouadavohr rather than crossing the next bridge to Ranyon-ruhn. You'll find the mine if you go right south, along the eastern side of the hills. The first cave you'll find is Tansumiran, which is better avoided entirely. Dansudipat is still a bit more to the south."
"House Telvanni's greatest strength is that their leaders are all mages of considerable arcane strength. But that is also its greatest weakness, as mighty wizards are always reluctant to bow to any authority. They do not get along, and barely pay more respect to their Archmagister Rilvin Dral than they do to the Empire. The most powerful Telvanni magelords often end up doing what they want to do, and ignoring the rest of the world, including their brethren."
  • little advice:

If you haven't started the Bloodmoon quest 'Bar Brawl':

"The last time my brother Seler visited me, he told me the East Empire Company is planning to mine ebony ore on the wintry island of Solstheim, and that he was interested in such a job. At his age, it's not reasonable. But maybe someone still strong and vigorous like you would be interested?"
  • my trade:
"I'm retired now."

If Disposition is at least 50:

"I was an eggminer at Dansudipat, southeast of here. Now, I'm too old for that. I do my share of the work to stave off cave-ins here at Ashamul, but that's all."
  • Seler Favelnim:
"The last time I saw him, he was speaking of moving to Solstheim as soon as the East Empire Company would start mining the ebony ore at Raven Rock."

If you completed 'Bar Brawl' and didn't kill Seler Favelnim:

"He wrote me of you in his last letter, thanking you for your help in getting out of a nervous breakdown. The harsh climate and alien environment got the better of him."

If you completed 'Bar Brawl' and killed Seler Favelnim:

"Hey! You look a lot like Dralora's description of my brother's murderer!" (Disposition down by 20, and Fight up by 30)
  • someone in particular:
"We're an informal bunch here. Feduran and Gildaves are the ones who help the most this community stay afloat. Traven and Bradas are drunken louts, but they can be counted upon for strenuous or dangerous work, even if they sometimes need their manhood questioned before they'll get to work."