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Tamriel Rebuilt:Andothren Charity

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Hawk a cure for greed to Andothren nobility.
Quest Giver: Nalvs Andolin in Andothren, Temple
Location(s): Andothren
Prerequisite Quest: Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Forgiveness
Next Quest: Armun Ashlands Avenger
Reward: 1 gold

(potentially) Quality Potion of Invisibility, Quality Potion of Jump, Potion of Detect Key, Exclusive Potion of Feather, Exclusive Potion of Fortify Attack

Reputation Gain: +5 (Temple)
ID: TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharity
Required Rank: Adept
Andas Estate surely has some change spare?


  • You must be at or above Adept rank in the Tribunal Temple to begin this quest.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Nalvs Andolin in the Andothren temple.
  2. (Optional) Speak to Ravur Othravel in the Andothren temple and either:
    • Agree to take her with you.
    • Decide to work alone.
  3. Speak to Gadani Pathavel in the Andothren temple for Cure Common Disease Potions.
  4. Speak to Mels Mathyn in Mathyn Manor.
  5. Either:
    • Speak to Velms Braven at the Dancing Cup and either:
      • Buy him sujamma and ask him to apologize...
      • ... or Intimidate him until he agrees to apologize...
      • ... or hurt him until he agrees to apologize...
      • ... or give him a Potion of Cure Greed to help him sober up.
    • Speak to Ravur Othravel while in the manor and:
      1. Agree to let her handle Mels.
      2. Leave the manor, and re-enter.
      3. Speak to Mels once more.
  6. Speak to Milns Lloran in Lloran Manor and either:
    • Sell her the cure for greed.
    • Ask her to support the charitable mission with 70+ disposition.
  7. Go to Tholas Horaren's manor and either:
    • Sell Thoras the cure for greed by implying he is sick.
    • Ask Manse Horaren to support the charitable mission with 60+ disposition.
  8. Ask Ulvys Ules in the Andas Estate Foyer if you can meet with Tholer Andas.
  9. Talk to Merenu Rathri in the Andas Estate Guest Quarters.
  10. Wait until asking Merenu to meet with Tholer Andas results in him being ready to meet you.
  11. Speak to Tholer Andas and either:
    • Speak to him about support the charitable mission with 100 disposition.
    • Speak to him about support the charitable mission and succeed on a hidden Sway check.
  12. Speak to Ulvys Ules again if you secured a donation from Tholer Andas in order to receive it.
  13. Speak to Zalan and either:
    • Sell Zalan the cure for greed.
    • Speak to Zalan about support the charitable mission with 65+ disposition.
  14. Return to Nalvs Andolin for your 1 gold reward.
  15. (Optional) Return any unused potions to Gadani Pathavel for a reward of other potions.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Once you have reached Adept rank within the Tribunal Temple, speak to Nalvs for further duties. He will express deep concern at the moral decay in Andothren.

"House Hlaalu is corrupted by Imperial influence, and while its nobles are grasping at fortune, they ignore the plight of their people. The common folk of Andothren are suffering, and they look to the Temple for aid. And like Lady Almalexia, we provide. We offer food for the hungry, and we do our best to provide safe shelter for pilgrims and paupers alike. But our resources are limited, and there are so many in need. If we cannot convince the Hlaalu nobility to support the charitable mission, it will fail."

Enquiring further on support the charitable mission will see him elaborate:

"The nobility of House Hlaalu may yet be persuaded to lend us their support. My appeals to their good nature have fallen on deaf ears, and it is clear that greed is as rampant as a plague in this town. But perhaps we can use that to our advantage. We shall call out their miserly ways, and offer them a cure for greed in exchange for renewed donations to our Temple. A symbolic gesture, inspired by our friend Ulmon Vathri, but I think it will be highly effective."

Ask about cure for greed for Nalvs to outline the final part of his plan:

"A potion cannot do such a thing, and the nobles know this. But I think the gesture will be effective regardless. Reputable mer do not tolerate disease, and the common folk will see our condemnation of the greedy nobles for what it is. For them to reject our offer of help would be foolish in the extreme. Now go, collect the potions from Gadani Pathavel downstairs, and offer them to Tholas Horaren, Milns Lloran, Zalan, Mels Mathyn, and Tholer Andas."

In short, Nalvs would like you to hawk false potions to Hlaalu nobility for coin.

As you approach the temple exit, Ravur Othravel will call out to you. Speak to her, and she will ask to join you in your mission. You may accept or decline her offer, but acceptance will make the quest slightly easier - although she will judge your choices throughout it. Before you leave however, make sure to speak to Gadani Pathavel in the room next to the exit on the topic of cure for greed, as she will give you 5x Cure Common Disease potions. It's plain that she doesn't agree with Nalvs' plan, and will ask you to try and avoid selling the potions at all - promising a reward if you bring them all back to her.

It's time now to hit the streets of Andothren, and find your way into the wallets of the high and mighty.

A Whip-round for Donations[edit]

Mels Mathyn[edit]

Mathyn Manor is on the far southern side of the city, opposite the weaponsmith's. Inside, you will find Mels Mathyn. He'll be uninterested in your cure for greed, but with 50+ disposition will offer to support the charitable mission if you send a message for him. He'll ask you to rough up an individual who did not properly defer to him in the Dancing Cup. You can promise to be violent, or to simply seek an apology. Either suits Mels Mathyn.

If you brought Ravur with you, you may wish to speak to her before leaving the manor. She will ask to have a moment with Mels Mathyn alone, and she will try to convince him without any violence being necessary. If you agree, you'll need to leave the manor and return. Speak to Mels again and he has had a miraculous change of heart, offering 200 gold in contributions.

"Okay fine. I'll support the charitable mission of your Temple. Just, get this... novice out of my house, alright." - Mels Mathyn

If you do not have Ravur with you, or do not wish to risk her intervention, you will need to deal with the target of Mels' ire - Velms Braven. He can be found in the Dancing Cup, which overlooks the city square east of the temple building. He's not too concerned about Mels' thugs, so you have three options - buying him a drink of Sujamma from the bartender upstairs, threatening him (in which case combat will begin, and you will need to injure him until he surrenders), or by giving him a Potion of Cure Greed. This sobers him up enough to agree to apologize to Mels, but goes against Gadani Pathavel's request that you not use her potions.

However you do it, return to Mels Mathyn and speak to him about send a message to confirm his contribution to the Temple. He'll give you 200 gold right away.

Milns Lloran[edit]

Lloran Manor is on the west side of the city, on the same street as Mathyn Manor. Milns Lloran is inside and up the stairs. You can ask her about the cure for greed, and she will take it as a form of blackmail, buying a potion and granting you 150 gold. Alternatively, you can ask her to support the charitable mission. She'll note that she already made a recent donation. Revisiting the topic with 70+ donation however will succeed in inducing her to pay an advance on a future donation:

"Fine, I will give you an advance on my planned contribution for next year. But tell your Master that if he tries this same scheme again, I will rescind my generous pledge of support, and will not contribute a single drake to any of his future fundraisers."

Tholas Horaren[edit]

You'll find Horaren Manor next to the Andas Estate, in the southern part of the city. Tholas Horaren is inside, by the front door. You may choose to try to sell him the cure for greed. In this case, speak to him on the topic and claim that his hesitance is perhaps evidence that he is sick. He will part with 300 gold in exchange for your potion.

An alternate path is hinted at if you ask Tholas to support the charitable mission and have Ravur present. Speaking to her afterwards will have her suggest speaking to Tholas's wife, Manse Horaren. You can do this whether you brought Ravur along or not. Manse is upstairs. Asking her to support the charitable mission with 60+ disposition will see her make a 300 gold donation in her husband's stead.

Tholer Andas[edit]

Tholer Andas rules over the Andas Estate, the largest manor in the city, on its southern cliff. Ravur, if she is with you, will not enter the place, so you'll be going in alone. Be sure to speak to Ulvys Ules in the foyer to arrange a meeting - Tholer Andas will refuse to support your cause otherwise. Ask Ulvys to meet with Tholer Andas, and then proceed downstairs to talk to Merenu Rathri. She'll give you the key to the guest quarters. You will need to wait for a couple of hours, perhaps by sleeping in the bedroom she has given you access to. Once you have waited long enough, speaking to Merenu about meet with Tholer Andas again will have her confirm that he is ready to meet you.

Tholer Andas is in the Andas Estate Manor. He will have no patience for your cure for greed, so do not raise the topic with him. Instead ask him to support the charitable mission. He is skeptical of why more money is needed:

'Surely you are aware that I already contribute generously to your Temple. Why is it that your Master demands more of me?'

Answer: "The poor people of Andothren are hurting, and the Temple's capacity to support them has been stretched to its limits."

This may fail. You will either need 100 disposition with the canny Andas for it to work, or else you will need to succeed on the hidden Sway check that this answer triggers. Sway checks are based on your Personality, Speechcraft and Luck, are positively modified by disposition, and negatively by low fatigue. Try to boost Andas' disposition and attempt to persuade him on full fatigue, to have the best chance. Anything that fortifies Personality, Speechcraft or Luck will also aid your chances. If you succeed, you'll need to return to the front desk to retrieve Andas' donation - in the form of 600 Hlaalu Company Scrip - from Ulvys Ules. If you fail, you'll be leaving this one empty handed.

If Ravur was travelling with you before you entered Andas Estate, she'll have returned to her usual position in the Andothren Temple. You can speak to her if you wish her to follow you again.


Zalan's Manor is on the southern side of Andothren, on the same road as the others. Zalan is the Redguard on the top floor. He'll be annoyed more than anything by the topic of cure for greed, but will give you 100 gold to go away. Or, you can convince him to support the charitable mission with 65+ disposition, which will also result in 100 gold.

Returning to Nalvs[edit]

Once you have donations (or else, once you've spoken to all individuals concerned and had at least a refusal), speak to Nalvs on the topics of the various nobles you have visited. For each noble, you will be asked how much they donated. Only for the donation from Tholas Horaren will you receive any reward - a measly one gold.

A greater reward will come from Gadani Pathavel, assuming that you still have all of the potions that she gave you left over. Talk to her about the cure for greed, and she will reward you with a selection of other potions.

Speak to Nalvs for further duties.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Andothren Charity (TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharity)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Nalvs Andolin told me of the moral decay in Andothren, and the difficulties of keeping the Temple's charitable work going.
20 I was instructed to find more patrons to support the charitable mission of the Andothren Temple among the Hlaalu nobility. They do not seem particularly eager to support the Temple, but Nalvs Andolin believes they can be coerced into renewing their donations if we offer them a cure for greed.
30 I should offer a cure for greed to Tholas Horaren, Milns Lloran, Zalan, Mels Mathyn, and Tholer Andas. I can pick up the potions from Gadani Pathavel in the Andothren Temple. Or alternatively I could try to convince them to support the charitable mission without resorting to trickery.
40 I received five potions from Gadani Pathavel, the Temple's apothecarian, who seemed very sceptical of Nalvs' plan.
50 Mels' donation is now with the Temple.
100 Finishes quest☑ I am done collecting donations for the Andothren Temple from the town's Hlaalu nobility. I should ask Nalvs Andolin about further duties to perform.
110 Gadani Pathavel was glad I didn't squander her potions of cure disease on Nalvs' scheme, and exchanged them for a more useful set of potions.
Andothren Charity (TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharityMels)
10 Mels Mathyn offered to donate to the Temple if I roughed up, or intimidated a commoner who had insulted him. I turned him down.
20 Mels Mathyn told me to find the drunk Dunmer that insulted him in the Dancing Cup, in the eastern part of town, and send him a message. I am to convince him to apologize to Mels. It was suggested I use intimidation or violence to teach the commoner a lesson, but perhaps he can be reasoned with.
30 I convinced Velms Braven to apologize to Mels for his insults.
35 Velms Braven is dead.
40 Ravur Othravel wanted to try to convince Mels herself. I'm not sure if she will succeed, but I agreed to leave her alone with Mels for a moment.
50 It seems that Mels was satisfied, and he gave me his contribution to the Temple's charitable efforts.
60 It seems Ravur -- somehow -- managed to convince Mels to support the charitable mission.
110 Mels Mathyn cannot support the charitable mission.
Andothren Charity (TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharityMilns)
10 Milns Lloran claims she has made a recent contribution to the Temple already.
50 I blackmailed Milns Lloran into increasing her donations to the Temple.
60 I convinced Milns Lloran to give us an advance on next year's contribution.
100 I handed Milns' donation to Nalvs Andolin.
101 I told Nalvs that Milns' previous donation should suffice.
110 Milns Lloran cannot support the charitable mission.
Andothren Charity (TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharityTholas)
10 Tholas Horaren seems extremely suspicious. It might be hard to convince him to support the charitable cause.
50 I convinced Tholas Horaren to buy the cure for greed.
60 I gave Tholas Horaren the cure for greed, and he contributed a donation to the Temple in return.
70 I convinced Tholas' wife, Manse Horaren, to contribute to the charitable cause in his stead.
100 The Horaren donation is now with the Temple.
101 I told Nalvs of Tholas Horaren's suspicions and refusal to support the charitable mission.
110 Tholas Horaren cannot support the charitable mission.
Andothren Charity (TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharityTholer)
10 Ulvys Ules, the steward of Tholer Andas, said the councilor already makes regular donations to the Temple, and that I should meet with Tholer Andas directly if I wanted to solicit an additional contribution from the councilor.
15 Tholer Andas appears reluctant to support the charitable mission of the Temple.
20 Tholer Andas admonished me for entering his estate uninvited, and refused to further support the charitable mission of the Temple.
50 Tholer Andas agreed to support the charitable mission of the Andothren Temple. I am to collect his donation from his steward, Ulvys Ules, in the foyer.
60 I was given a large amount of Hlaalu Company scrip, to serve as Tholer Andas' donation to the Temple. We will see whether this satisfies Nalvs.
100 Nalvs seemed slightly bemused with the fact that the donation by Tholer Andas consisted of Hlaalu Company scrip, but accepted it regardless.
101 I told Nalvs that I had not managed to speak with Tholer Andas.
102 I gave Nalvs gold in equal value to the scrip that Tholer Andas donated.
110 Tholer Andas cannot support the charitable mission.
Andothren Charity (TR_m4_TT_AndothrenCharityZalan)
10 Zalan does not seem eager to support the Temple.
50 Zalan relented, and accepted my cure for greed in exchange for a small donation.
60 I convinced Zalan to make a donation to support the charitable cause.
100 I gave Zalan's donation to Nalvs, who seemed satisfied enough.
110 Zalan cannot support the charitable mission.

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