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Skyrim talk:Sofie

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I can't find her — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:29 on 8 September 2012‎

I've seen her in the Gray Quarter and also near the alternate city gate (not the main one you fast-travel to, but the one you get to by the docks). Hope this helps! — ABCface 14:41, 26 September 2012 (GMT)
She sleeps in the nook where the thieves cache barrel is located. You can usually find her there at night. Deanmakoma (talk) 09:28, 28 October 2012 (GMT)

Gifts to Sofie[edit]

I am using the Xbox 360 and I adopted Sofie and cannot give her anything. I get a message that the gift is to heavy. I tried a doll and all of the of the girls outfits with no luck. Any ideas out there??? Thanks all184.88.12.130 11:46, 10 October 2012 (GMT)

I had this problem too. To fix it, I reloaded a save from before I adopted her, did the dialogue option to buy her flowers, and bought all the flower baskets she had (like 250). Once I adopted her, I was then able to gift her things. 04:38, 25 October 2012 (GMT)haphsaph
For PC users- I didn't try to give Sophie a gift until reloading a pre adoption save was not worth the trouble. I successfully resolved this issue by accessing her inventory and removing the suspect flower baskets. For those who are new to console commands I have explained in detail but you should ALWAYS save first in case you mess up. Here is exactly what I did:
while Sophie is in front of you (in my case she was sleeping) access the console by hitting the ~ key
While in the console screen, use your mouse to target Sophie. Her ID number will appear in the Top Middle of the console screen indicating that what you do next will effect her. In my case- her ID number is 01004031. NOTE other players games may have a different number for her. I do not know what governs this. I suspect it may be effected by whether or not she is the first or second child you adopted.
With Sophie targeted in the console- type "showinventory" DO NOT INCLUDE THE QUOTE MARKS.
You will see her inventory listed in the console under your command. The problematic line is the one stating she has some number of flower baskets. For me she had: 240 - (000D955a) Flower Baskets. We're gonna get rid of those!
Now type "removeitem 000D955a 240" AGAIN- DO NOT INCLUDE QUOTE MARKS. This tells the game to remove 240 Flower Baskets (000D955a) from her inventory. Remember to enter whatever number of baskets it shows she has. If you purchased any from her- your number will likely be less than 240.
Hit enter
Now to check they are in fact gone- just retype the showinventory command and hit enter. This time Sophie's inventory should not show any flower baskets.
To exit console hit ~ again
Now try giving her a gift.
Good Luck.
— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:10 on 24 February 2013
Is it too late to resolve this issue if I already overwrited the save data of her adoption? I was hoping for an alternative. 01:56, 30 November 2013 (GMT)
Probably. You need a save from before her adoption in order to reload it. If you're not on PC, I don't think there's any way to fix this after you've adopted her other than reloading. --Xyzzy Talk 16:08, 30 November 2013 (GMT)

Adoption problem[edit]

Discussion moved from Skyrim_talk:Hearthfire

Lame joke-title aside, I've recently just run into a bug with adopting Sofie in Windhelm. After adopting her she didn't go to my home (Lakeview Manor) and instead just continued her usual routine of sleeping in that little corner and standing near a gate trying to sell flowers. Waiting did nothing (And neither did waiting in various locations where she isn't present) and talking with her gave nothing but the "I need to get my things and say goodbye" response. So I tried using the moveto command to bring her to me, which got her to my house and eventually got her to enter it and trigger the "thank you so much" thing that your kids greet you with when you first meet them at home. But now I get no dialogue window when I try to talk to her, having tried everything I can think of (recycleactor, enable/disable etc.) I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this and has a possible solution? I would have reverted to a previous save but I jerked around in Riften thinking she would go to my home and I'd meet her later, only to run into the problem, so that's been kind of impossible. 01:26, 26 October 2012 (GMT)

Yeah, I changed the title. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:48, 26 October 2012 (GMT)
I've been having the same issue. I've tried waiting in different locations for 3-4 days, but Sophie never comes to my house, also Lakeview Manor. After having no success with her, I tried adopting another child and had absolutely no issues. Tried to adopt her as second child and the same thing happened. I've no idea what to do. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:26 on 30 October 2012‎
UPDATE: I sort-of fixed this by moving my family to Breezehome. Sofie appeared there and thanked me for adopting her, but now I can't talk to her. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:28 on 13 November 2012‎
This must be triggered by something or such because I've yet to have this issue with Sofie and Lakeview, and I've adopted her a dozen times or more, I had a problem with Lucia not adopting because I talked to her before having a room, which in turn removed the adoption option completely from all of the Non-Orphanage orphans. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 12:40, 21 November 2012 (GMT)

() Something I'm not clear on. When people encounter this bug, are they waiting on her to manually walk to Falkreath or are they leaving the area and checking to see if she arrives? If they're waiting in Windhelm for her to leave, she won't. None of the children operate that way unless the home they're being sent to is within the city they're found in. Sending the kids to one of the 3 HF added homes will queue them to wait until you leave the area before they get transplanted. Arthmoor (talk) 12:30, 3 January 2013 (GMT)

Right now the page says this:
"A possible fix is to have a separate house with a room for a child, and tell Sofie to go there. Find her once again at that separate house, and then tell her to move to Lakeview Manor. She will appear at the manor some time later."
But how? I sent her to Soltiude but now when I talk to her I don't get the option to move her. 09:07, 21 January 2013 (GMT)
I have a problem where when I try to talk to her, the dialogue box doesn't show up at all! Playing on PC... — Unsigned comment by ‎ (talk) at 05:22 on 3 January 2014
If you can't talk to her, try telling your spouse (if you have one) to move to a different house (again, if you have one). This appears to fix this bug for some users. PC users could also try using the console to disable then enable her. --Xyzzy Talk 12:55, 3 January 2014 (GMT)
The only "fix" Im aware of for Sofie's adoption and leaving Windhelm is too right after you have bought her flowers and adopted her. Go to Whiterun and adopt Lucia. Now, once you tell her "Lucia" she can move in with you, she replies saying she will meet you back home just like Sofie did prior to this. Go to your house Sofie should greet you and thank you. Shortly after you can wait or sleep. Lucia will appear and be there in the house, but she wont greet and thank you like Sofie but both Sofie's and Lucia's dialogue options should be back to normal. "I need to get my things and say goodbye" response' glitch should be fixed this way. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:10 on 1 October 2014 (GMT)

What I'm seeing is this actually was two problems: 1. That she wouldn't move from her regular schedule in Windhelm and 2. After moving her to a new house she could no longer be interacted with. I had the same problem with her not moving and I used the moveto trick just fine, but now I can't talk to her at all. I've tried moving her to new houses, recycleactor, nothing works. I came here to see if there was a fix, but it looks like people just got caught up with moving her from Windhelm no one even acknowledged the problem... 07:37, 10 September 2021 (UTC)

Do all HF-added children interact with eachother?[edit]

With the notes about Sofie's interactions with Lucia, I'm wondering if this is true for all of the Hearthfire-added children. Or indeed if it's even unique to them or if that just applies to all adoptable children? Might need testing. TheRealLurlock (talk) 14:49, 13 December 2012 (GMT)

I know I watched Sofie and Allesan have an argument too. Sofie won I guess. It was very similar to the fight I saw in my last playthrough between her and Lucia. — Unsigned comment by Romandoug (talkcontribs) at 07:02 on 20 December 2012‎

Sophie seems to have the Courier's "nudist" bug[edit]

After I adopted Sophie and sent her to live at Lakeview Manor, she suddenly stopped wearing clothes. All she has on now is a green wraparound bra and green underpants. If you give her a dress, she will accept it and thank you, but she won't put it on; instead, she stores it away. This produces some very odd scenes, especially in winter weather. I've added a note to the Bugs section of the main page. 23:14, 28 December 2012 (GMT)

This bug isn't unique to Sofie, it applies to many kids. The bug is already documented here, and if you check the talk page for that article there's a section on that topic with at least one link to other related discussions. — ABCface 15:38, 29 December 2012 (GMT)

Deleted arguments note[edit]

I've deleted the:

  • She has interactions with Lucia if you chose to adopt both her and Sofie.

...etc. from this article, as I've adopted various kids in few games, and they all have this same dialogues, not only Sofie and Lucia, any couple of kids. --Mr.Killjoy (talk) 00:51, 28 March 2013 (GMT)

On The Baskets...[edit]

Is there really any reason why Sofie has an UNGODLY (Caps for effect) amount of Flower Baskets in her inventory? Never in all my time of playing this glorious game have I encountered an error so preposterous it borderlines on the absurdity of Sheogorath! I mean, if they needed to weigh her character down, couldn't they have added a multitude of different items? I've only discovered this because I read it on here (I now always try to avoid breaking bugs and such before hand) and as I did not have the merchant perk at the time. I was blown away by how many she carried. I thought it would be a small amount that she held, or at least along with some other items, but no. Flower Baskets. I didn't want to risk selling her items to create the same effect, so I was out almost 3000 gold pieces. 266 Flower Baskets, Lord help us.

Anyway, is there any reason for this issue? Is it an intended joke, did all the known flower baskets in the game warp to her inventory? I'm aghast at the bug. I've never seen anything like it; merchant-wise, that is. Like, I've never seen Anoriath carry 100 pieces of venison or anything of the sort (arrows don't count, they're supposed to be in mass numbers) so before any NPCs walk around with "The baskets, look at the baskets!" and "The baskets shouldn't look like that." and "The baskets. Something bad is coming." or "These baskets seem all wrong to me." and finally "Watch yourself traveler, the baskets are a bad omen." Hopefully this is as baffling to you as it is to me. I just want to know why she has so many (I don't suppose the comedic sentences could speed the answer up any faster?) Basket Case-- 15:51, 2 April 2013 (GMT)

The game just creates a new basket every time she requires one, and drops it in her inventory. That's just a guess based off of other cases, (like the SI fight club) but that is almost certainly the issue. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 15:56, 2 April 2013 (GMT)

Ah, so every time she pulls a basket out of thin air, it's a new basket? So, hypothetically, if she had brooms and she needed to sweep, she'd acquire a new broom every time the desire to sweep the dirt struck her. Not saying that that's what happens (with the brooms, that is), but it seems that from what I understand that every time a flower basket is generated, it adds one to her inventory, correct? Basket Case-- 18:09, 4 April 2013 (GMT)

Sofie keeps forcing dialogue with me[edit]

Whenever my character gets close to Sofie, she keeps forcing me into dialogue. The options for talking are no different, i.e. it's not for a special event like adopting a pet or asking for an allowance, but rather it's as if I had begun conversation with her. Any ideas on what's causing this, and if possible, how to fix this? — Unsigned comment by Jadebrain (talkcontribs) at 00:28 on 8 April 2013

EDIT: It seems it's not just a problem with Sofie, as Brother Verulus in Markarth is now displaying the same problem. I'll search the wiki for answers; meanwhile, if this post needs to be deleted due to no longer being relevant to the specific page it's on, go right ahead. — Unsigned comment by Jadebrain (talkcontribs) at 16:00 on 8 April 2013‎
EDIT: If you have the dwarven sphere with you, dismiss it and the children will stop pestering you. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:48 on 1 August 2013‎

Fix for Adoptation bug![edit]

this goes arround all problems with adoptation. thing is Sophie tries to exit the town via the gate next to her and for some reason she doesn't manage to do so and messes up her script. Fix: Stand between the gate and Sophie. When you adopt her and close the conversation menu... exit the gate before she reaches it (quickly!). this makes her move in your selected home normaly and her script and conversation options work fine after that. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:29 on 15 June 2013‎

Thank you! This fixed the adoption bug for me. Before I learned this, Sofie wouldn't move to any of my houses and when I used console to move her, she wouldn't offer any dialog options. Now with this fix, everything is working perfectly. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:38 on 26 April 2014
This did nothing for me, I waited at my house for 3 days, come back to windhelm and she's still sleeping on the ground. 18:03, 25 October 2014 (GMT)
Talk to sofie and before she gets done with her dialog exit through the gate that she's stuck by. Its seems to pull her through and she runs normal from there.-- 22:15, 7 November 2014 (GMT)

The tree in the park is so pretty! Wait, what park?[edit]

I assume the tree that Sofie is talking about is the Eldergleam sapling, yes? But why does she have that dialogue even though I have her living in Hjerim, and not Breezehome? Is there another secret park somewhere in Windhelm, perhaps?

Also, she seems to lose the option to buy things from her if you buy all her flowers. Add to that the ludicrous amount of flower baskets (she had 378 before I adopted her) makes me think she might be an aspect of Sheogorath. Ejia (talk) 12:30, 6 July 2013 (GMT)

The bug about talking about the tree applies to all adoptable children, and is listed as a confirmed bug on the Adoption page. The basket issue is a known bug listed on her page already. As for losing the option to buy things from her, is it possible you haven't waited long enough in between trying to buy things from her? Otherwise, you can put that one on her page as a bug needing confirmation. — ABCface 14:24, 6 July 2013 (GMT)


Are there a set of console commands I can use to basically reset an adoption of her? I accidentally adopted her on a character that I don't want to be married or have children and I can't figure out how to reset it. Olioster (talk) 17:25, 6 July 2013 (GMT)

Sofie Not Moving[edit]

Discussion moved from UESPWiki:Community Portal#Sofie NOT MOVING

I have Hjerim in Windhelm and have adopted Sofie but she seems to never leave her spot and continues to hold her basket of flowers, every time I walk up to her I get the phrase "I can't wait" but cannot interact or speak with her. Why won't she leave her spot and go to Hjerim or Breezehome??? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:00 on 22 August 2013‎

NPCs sometimes get "stuck" in one spot, preventing their scripted movement to another location (e.g. Erandur during Waking Nightmare). Try running into her a few times to get her to move, or if that fails, using Unrelenting Force to move her from her spot. This may get her moving towards your home. --Xyzzy Talk 00:07, 23 August 2013 (GMT)

One line of dialogue missing[edit]

(At least) one line of dialogue seems to be missing, cannot recreate since I already adopted her, but when you meet her in Windhelm in the evening after she finished her day, she says something along the lines of "Again nobody bought any flowers, I don't know how long I can go on" or similar. Somebody with access to her dialogue files can check that out? Thanks. --Ulkomaalainen (talk) 20:58, 8 April 2018 (UTC)

The first quoted line is missing a "Hi Mister/Lady!" opening. There are five other lines missing; "Buy some flowers? Pretty please?" "Please, won't you buy a flower?" "I'm... I'm so cold..." "No one bought any flowers again today. I... I don't know what to do." and "Stop by again!". The merchandise section is wrong about the baskets, these come from her personal inventory, not her shop inventory. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:14, 8 April 2018 (UTC)