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Skyrim talk:Hearthfire/Archive 3

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This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Hearthfire discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Not able to adopt from Honorhall?

I've downloaded Hearthfire, and I'm able to adopt homeless orphans, but I still haven't recieved the adoption letter. Also, when I talk to Constance before the Innosance Lost quest, she still tells me the children aren't up for adoption, and after the quest, she still won't stop running around and panicking, even after waiting several days and leaving the city and coming back. Is this a known bug, and if so, is there any known fix? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:00 on 10 September 2012‎

I'm sure the problem is that you were caught killing Grelod, or spotted during the act. Mabe try reverting to a save before her killing and try a more stealthy approach? On my file I waited till she fell asleep then did a sneak attack. Katiebugg (talk) 00:08, 10 September 2012 (EDT)
Have you actually completed the quest or have you just killed Grelod? Because until you return to Aventus and officially complete the quest she will continue to run around screaming. If she still is once that quest is done then yes it would be a glitch. However you can still adopt the orphans added by HF who are found out and about in the world. Lord Eydvar Talk | Contribs 01:42, 11 September 2012 (EDT)
Constance will panic whether she sees you kill Grelod or not, so that wasn't it. But after I reported back to Aventus and proceeded with the whole abandoned shack portion I did recieve the letter. Thanks guys! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:44 on 15 September 2012
Hey Guys, you can't adopt children too any of the newly built homes until you add the West Wing Bedrooms off of your Main Hall. Believe it or not even though you have one adult and two children beds the two kids beds don't count so you have to build the additonal bedroom wing. Alternatively you can add bedrooms to any of your existing houses in the five major holds. (Solitude adds an entire extra room without taking anything away.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:39 on 24 October 2012‎
The Above is Incorrect you just need the dresser that goes between the 2 main hall single beds... Constance will not send you a letter either until you've completely finished Aventus' quest. Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 05:41, 24 October 2012 (GMT)
As Eydvar said, the post by is incorrect. As noted on the Adoption section of the Child page, the Bedrooms addition is not required to adopt. The dresser upstairs in the northwest room Main Hall is required as a children's container before you can use your player-built home as a place for your children to live. Otherwise, you can add a children's bedroom to other purchaseable homes. Also, though you need to complete Innocence Lost in order to receive the adoption letter from Constance, you can still adopt homeless orphans without receiving the letter. — ABCface 05:51, 24 October 2012 (GMT)

Cant Keep Dog in House

Hi guys, I've had a really annoying problem in which I cant keep a pet dog in my house. I have children and everything, and one of my children even came up to me asking if they could keep a fox, but I just cant seem to keep a dog. I go into my house with Meeko, and walk up to my children. They dont say anything, not even "Stupid dog", and then I put up the dialogue box and still nothing. One possible cause is I had the glitch where I could not get a dog to accompany me, so i fixed t by going to get Meeko, but before I did that, one of my children came up to me saying if they could keep my non-existent dog, and I said yes, so it may be that the game thinks I already have a dog. Is there anyway that I can fix his, I really want a dog in my house? P.S. I'm using a 360 so I cant use console commands. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:11 on 10 September 2012‎

I'm also having the exact same problem due to exact same reasons as you described. I managed to make a temporal fix by having Husky with me and then asking him to "wait" in one of the rooms. Eventually, husky will return to Dawnguard if left unused for long time. 03:09, 21 October 2012 (GMT)

Marcurio and Removing Stewards

I had Marcurio as a follower, and he asked to be my steward, now his only option is for me to rehire him.

Is there a console command to remove him as my steward so I can try again? I don't have a backup save from before this. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:18 on 11 October 2012‎

--Edit-- I went into an area with a ton of enemies to let him die, and then got a working Steward, all fixed. If you have this problem, just let the non working Steward Die. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:17 on 11 October 2012‎
I fast travelled to another location, waited a few days and when I went back I got the steward dialog options from Marcurio. Deanmakoma (talk) 09:16, 28 October 2012 (GMT)deanmakoma

Not receiving letters glitch + fix!

When i first downloaded hearth fire i was deeply pissed off at how the courier didn't give me the letter about concerning adoption or the letter about killing some bandits, i still haven't received any of those letters yet, but i contacted Bethesda support and the told me to look at this page. I fixed the glitch where i couldn't build a house in falkreath by going to the jarl and asking him for some work, he then asked me to get him some black-briar meed. When i had given him that i asked him again and he told me to kill some bandits which then leads you of in the quest to build a house. However, I am now building my house and its working fine (so far) but i then decided that i would like to adopt some children from the orphanage. no. I am still not allowed, I have built a two children's beds (and chests) but i cant. I don't know if you have to finnish the room and take the carpenters bench thing out but at the moment i cant. I would be very pleased if someone could help me. thanks

Also if your children asks you to keep a pet that is no in your liking and you say no to that, will they never ask you for a pet again?

- Ted — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:47 on 15 October 2012‎

Have you killed Grelod the Kind and finished Innocence Lost? You must do so before adopting from Honorhall Orphanage. It's not necessary to receive the letter to adopt. You can also adopt homeless orphans (the kids listed here). Oh, and you may need to build the dresser in the northwest room upstairs in the main hall in order for the game to recognize that you have space for your children. — ABCface 20:46, 15 October 2012 (GMT)
thank you i just finished that quest and the courier came right away
THANKS!! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:27 on 18 October 2012‎
If you say no to a pet, the child will ask you again. The fox is really noisy by the way, I ended up reloading until she brought home a rabbit, which is really cute and quiet. Deanmakoma (talk) 09:20, 28 October 2012 (GMT)

Household sections wont appear

When building my house, I'll go and make the foundation, and it wont appear. Likewise, building the entire house wont be seen at all except as the stakes and rope used to designate the location of the house itself. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:49 on 17 October 2012‎

I was going to suggest taking a look at this section above, but based on this post, you've already seen it. I don't play on PC, so I'm not sure how it works, but can you deactivate the texture mods like you can deactivate other mods? From that post of yours, I can't tell if you did or not, and if you can that's probably a good thing to try. — ABCface 14:34, 17 October 2012 (GMT)

Questions about removing workbenches.

I got my stuard/wife to furnish my lakeview house. Is it safe to remove all the workbenches? Is removing them pernament? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:49 on 21 October 2012

It is safe to remove all workbenches, and no, it is not permanent. After you remove a workbench, you can go back to the drafting table outside and choose to "add workbench" to any part of the home. — ABCface 04:43, 21 October 2012 (GMT)

Buying the original houses prior to hearthfire

I bought the riverside manor, and i am no longer able to purchase any of the original houses that were available prior to my Hearthfire download. None of the stewards give the option even though the Jarl has given me permission to buy a household. What can I do to fix this? Can anyone help with this? Leviathan34.5 (talk) 13:16, 27 October 2012 (GMT)

I've been having the same issue. I've spent hours combing through Google and any Skyrim related forum just for this answer to no avail. If anyone has an idea on how to fix this it would be phenomenally welcome. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:23 on 28 October 2012‎
What platform are you playing on? If you're on PC, do you have any other mods installed? — ABCface 02:20, 28 October 2012 (GMT)
I'm on PC. I have a bunch of mods, but I can't think of any that would conflict with housing. In fact, I can buy the land and build the houses but I cannot buy the actual houses in the cities. Are there any mods that come to mind that conflict with Hearthfire? — Unsigned comment by ‎ (talk) at 03:11 on 28 October 2012‎
If you have mods installed, your very best option for solving this is to disable every single one (other than DG and HF, which are actually official) and then see if this issue still occurs. Sometimes mods which don't seem to affect certain types of items will have unintended effects, even some which you wouldn't expect. There have been many reports of PC users being affected by all sorts of random bugs only to find another mod as the culprit. Here are some mods which have caused issues for PC players:
  • Unofficial Skyrim Patch (older versions)
  • Unofficial Dawnguard Patch
  • Distant Detail
  • Birds and Flocks
  • Scenic Carriages
  • Unique Region Names
  • Realistic Animals and Predators
  • various texture mods
  • "spouse can live everywhere" mod (not sure of the exact name, but user-reported to cause issues)
  • one of the adoption mods (not sure of the name, but user-reported to cause issues)
  • a mod which fixed the top step of the ladder (not sure of the name, but user-reported to cause issues)
By the way, the above list is only from users on this particular site, so there's probably others out there that cause issues with Hearthfire as well. Even if you don't think it would affect something, it could. So try disabling all your mods, and trying again to see if the issue still happens. If so, go through the process of re-adding them and retrying until you find the culprit(s). — ABCface 18:14, 28 October 2012 (GMT)

() All mods were disabled besides Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, and Hearthfire.esm. Still unable to buy any houses. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:57 on 28 October 2012‎

Was this on a clean save? — ABCface 20:33, 28 October 2012 (GMT)
Did that just now. Still no change. Only did a save, quit, uninstall mods, save, quit, and try it out one though. There's one way to clean save that quite thorough but I didn't want to try that in case something went wrong with my game even more so. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:57 on 28 October 2012‎

Sofie problem

Discussion moved to Skyrim_talk:Sofie

Carriage driver at Windstad manor dead Xbox 360

I just had a bandit attack at Windstad manor and I changed into a vampire lord to beat them off with the drain life spell. When it all settled down I found the coach driver, Engar, dead, some way from his carriage. It looks like he took offence to my vampire form and joined in the attack against me as he is laying among the dead bandits, I must have killed him without realizing who he was in the commotion. Surely this is not supposed to happen, I thought coach drivers were classed as essential NPC's? And why would he attack my vampire form? Now I can't travel anywhere from Windstad manor because I have a horse and carriage with no driver. Nor can I hire a new one from my steward as the option to hire one is no longer there.

I rested several days hoping he would re spawn, but no joy. This is one bug to many for me, having a dead coachman who travels to all settlements is the main reason I bothered building the manor in the first place. Any one else seen this bug? Squallfie66 (talk) 18:47, 31 October 2012 (GMT)

This isn't a bug. As listed on his page, Engar is not essential but protected. This means that no NPCs or creatures can kill him, but the player can. Also, he is meant to respawn, so perhaps you should move to an entirely different area (different hold or something) and wait for a longer amount of time before looking for him again. Or reload a save from before killing him in the first place, if you have one. — ABCface 18:51, 31 October 2012 (GMT)

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