Skyrim talk:Enchanting

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Archive 5: Jul 2012 - Jul 2015

Charges and their usage resets[edit]

I have over enchanted (with resto looped alchemy made enchant potions) few weapons (2 dragon bows with very long paralize >7.000s, and deadric waraxe with >20.000 absorb health all with very large charges) and they worked some time with out need of recharge (i could not even recharge them when they worked) and after reloading or restarting they didn't have even one charge and can not be recharget even with grand soul gems with grand souls. So what is the cap or limit of strength and amount of charge after witch charge get nulled ? I am on PC Legendary edition 1.9 with HF, DG, DB no mods or unofficial patches Ciberzombie (talk) 23:14, 21 September 2016 (UTC)

So what is exact conditions of reseting? Ciberzombie (talk) 21:59, 22 September 2016 (UTC)
it seams that items created with fort enchanting potions lose charges or they charge cost gets increased up to point when fully charged item don't have enough charge for one use or items can't even be charged at some time after creating it. Maybe this happens when leveling something??? Ciberzombie (talk) 16:52, 29 September 2016 (UTC)

Alchemy Loop Cap[edit]

This Fortify-Alchemy-Enchanting loop claims it's "not a glitch" like the Fortify Restoration loop, and that the strongest Fortify Enchanting potion that can be brewed from this is +40%.

1. Is this the hard cap on this loop?

2. How many revolutions does this take?

I want the best enchantments possible, but I don't want to feel as though I'm fully cheating/breaking the game. — Unsigned comment by TheVagabird (talkcontribs) at 23:36 on 19 January 2017

No, there is no hard cap, it's just a mathematical loop involving diminishing returns that get so low around this point that they won't make any difference. The amount of revolutions are dependent on your starting point and variable rounding by the crafted potion, but given you start with the roughly strongest non-boosted stats of 25% it can take up to 10 revolutions. If you follow the process on the page exactly you will not be able to trigger the glitch. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 01:20, 20 January 2017 (UTC)

It seems you need an end-game level alchemy skill to even use the alchemy-enchant-alchemy-enchant loop, unless it's been removed by official patches. I don't really understand the fuss. End game skills are supposed to make all but the very strongest opponents fairly easy. I'm NOT using the unofficial skyrim se patch, nor any mod that affects alchemy or enchantments, and I just tried to use the exploit. Even when starting out with a fortify enchantment 20% potion that I purchased on three pieces, the gauntlets were already enchanted, the boost to my own fortify enchantment potions was only 1%, 7% from 6% before enchanting the other three pieces.

The three pieces each got 11% fortify alchemy when enchanted. So together that's a 33% fortify alchemy boost from when I made the 6% fortify enchantment potions. So, for a 33% boost in fortify alchemy, I was able to get only a 1% increase to my fortify enchantment potions. In case you'd like to know, my alchemy skill is 43 with no perks. That's already near midway, and I am still unable to even use the exploit. It seems pretty balanced to me if you have to wait till end-game skill levels to use an exploit like that. Perhaps a solution for those for whom it ruins realism would be to make alchemy level up 10 times slower, but also make each level increase to alchemy skill noticeably better, except of course where it enables the exploit until the last few levels.

Very Useful Dual Enchantments Section?[edit]

Would it be worthwhile to have a section dedicated to these synergistic double enchantments, similar to the useful potions section in Alchemy? I know there are combinations that are perhaps not immediately obvious, taking possible augmented destruction/illusion/necromage perk type mechanics into account or what ever might affect the end result in a desirable way - the hidden mechanics of Skyrim often surprise me, even having played since launch I continue to find unexpected little secrets about how these perks and effects work behind the scenes and I suspect that with the release of Skyrim SE I am not nearly the only one. I've been looking all over for an insightful guide to illuminate this topic (presently paused at Neloth's enchanting table with a Philter of Enchanting on :) but have had only minimal luck. One of the things that made me fall in love with the UESP was the offering of this type of information. Crayolamanic (talk) 15:44, 17 February 2017 (UTC)

I'm not sure such a page would be capable of being anywhere near impartial, given how enchanting is so dependent on each users playstyle to determine which effects will best serve them. The only real synergy between enchantments would be between the apparel-only fortify magic school and the weapon effects that come under that school. That can be expanded to recommending using effects from only one school in order to more efficiently boost uses, to save having to use two slots for two schools, where one would do. The schools that each effect use are on the Enchanting Effects page. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 00:38, 18 February 2017 (UTC)
Ok, I was playing around with enchanting at 100 in the skill, with the perks 5/5 in enchantment strength, Fire Enchanter, Corpus, Insightful, and Extra Effect, as well as 2/2 Augmented Flames and Necromage taken as a vampire but subsequently cured, and what I noticed was that when applying Frost Damage to my weapon the value shown for the frost portion was 25 points. However when I added Damage Stamina as my second effect, it bumped the frost portion up to 37 points. I then cleared selections and looked at the numbers with and without the Frost and Shock Enchanter perks as well as with and without the Augmented Frost and Shock perks, with any other combination of Damage Stamina, Damage Magicka, Shock Damage, Fire Damage, and Frost Damage, and it was only THAT combination that boosted the damage of one enchant when adding another. I also considered and tried Fear with the three elements because I know there is some synergy between the Fire Effect and Fear with relation to perks, especially when Necromage is a factor. I am on XBox so I have no real options for exploring this in depth beyond using saved perks I luckily had accumulated and multiple reloads with different applied perk allocations. This kind of interaction is what I was referring to when I made the original post, but could this be some kind of effect from using Necromage? I hope someone with more insight can clear up why we get this unexpected result, and whether there are other combinations that give us unexpectedly beneficial results. :) Thanks, Crayolamanic (talk) 18:54, 19 February 2017 (UTC)

Soul Siphon only working on charged weapons[edit]

In special edition specifically, can anybody else replicate the perk Soul Siphon only providing a charge when the weapon already has an existing charge? My Auriel's bow is not gaining any charge from Soul Siphon after it depletes. It's already such a marginal benefit, I don't really see the point in the perk at all if you still have to manually use gems so much still. I uploaded a video example on youtube at rk7jRFiCtps of what I'm talking about. Mike the Great (Talk) 18:52, 23 February 2017 (UTC)

Also, this perk seems to work as intended after you recharge up until you switch weapons to something else for a while. Mike the Great (Talk) 19:26, 23 February 2017 (UTC)

Enchantments Lost[edit]

It's hard to say what caused this but at some point today, two previously enchanted weapons both completely lost their enchantments. When I go to an enchanter, they're once again listed as available for enchanting. The two weapons were a Dragonbone Bow and Dragonbone Dagger, both enchanted with Chaos Damage and Soul Trap. No other items in my inventory appear to have been affected. I was doing a vanilla run in SSE, so there were no mods active other than official add-ons. Dragonborn quests are still listed in my journal, so I know it didn't just lose access to the enchantments or anything like that.

I was planning on abandoning this game soon anyway, so it's no great loss. I'm just putting this here in case it's not some bizarre one-off, and other people have had this happen to them. Robin Hood  (talk) 08:38, 18 March 2017 (UTC)

Unlearning enchantments (removing from table list)[edit]

So, I was following the instructions that ls404 gave here, regarding removing learned enchantments from the table list. I wanted to give a bit more detail in the hopes that it might help someone else, particularly about figuring out what enchantment to unlearn.

ls404 says, "When in the ESS File Editor, find the entries in the 'Change forms' list (between 'Global data table 2' and 'Global data table 3') designated by 'ENCH'. These are your learned enchantments, though the nested information my not be all that useful. I'm not sure how to tell which enchantment is which, but I would assume they're either alphabetized or listed in order learned." The way to tell which is which is actually pretty simple.

First, in Skyrim, you should use the console command save test 1, where test will be the name of the save you make and can be anything. The 1 makes Skyrim also write out data to a text file, as that page explains - this took a few seconds for me but if your save games are large it could take a few minutes. This command is also useful because you're going to be editing your save, so you want a backup.
Skyrim will open the file in a text editor automatically. Ctrl+F and search for ENCH, matching case: you should find a list of enchantments that looks like this. Note the ID next to each enchantment, in the first column.

Now, you should open the accompanying test.ess that was created, using your save editor (I used ESSE, same as ls404, but I won't link it here). As he says, you can find the entries in the Change forms list designated by ENCH; they were fairly high up for me, just below FACT. Each of these also has an ID, as here, which does not correspond to the FormIDs given on this wiki. I believe they are semi-random designations just used for saving - they won't be the same for me as you. Anyway, the last four hex digits of these IDs match with the last four of the ones in the text file, so this is how you match them. Say we want to remove Fortify Alteration and Magicka Regen. It has an ID in the text file of 0010EAD1, so we find the ENCH in the editor with the ID 50 EA D1 and delete that. Then save, and if you open test.ess in Skyrim, that enchantment should be missing.

I hope all that helps someone. Cycloneblaze (talk) 13:39, 14 July 2017 (UTC)

I Accidentally Three Enchantments[edit]

In the enchanting screen As you can see, I had been trying to enchant the dagger with Paralyze and Soul Trap, and somehow Absorb Health came along for the ride. I was only able to adjust Absorb Health with the slider, at this point. I don't know how this happened; I didn't select Absorb Health at any point during the enchanting session, and the bow I enchanted immediately beforehand had Chaos Damage and Paralyze, and no extra enchantments. I'd taken a Potion of Fortify Enchanting, but I wasn't wearing any of Ahzidal's set and had no other active enchanting bonuses. (I did enchant the bow in a different session so I could take a fresh Potion in between.)

The final product When I enchanted the dagger (mostly to see if all three enchantments would stick), I had all the values the way they are in the previous screenshot. They came out like this instead. After using it in combat, it definitely has all three enchantments, and is burning charge at the rate you might expect (almost out of charge after fewer than a dozen kills).

Shahrazad the Listener (talk) 02:56, 15 January 2018 (UTC)

I'm not aware of any bugs in the base game that would cause this, though that doesn't mean it's impossible. Do you have any mods installed that introduce new items? Either way, it's possible that an item has a mistake it, letting you disenchant it for a combined set of effects that's listed only as a single effect. If that's the case, it should be easy to reproduce...just have a look at the enchantment descriptions for any future items that use Paralyze or Soul Trap, and one of them will have two effects listed. Also, you'll likely end up with either two Paralyze enchantments or two Soul Trap enchantments available in your enchanting list, once you disenchant an item with the normal version of the effect. Another possibility is that it's a dirty mod that affects one or both enchantments, even on items in the base game, in which case you'd see the changed description still, but there'd only ever be one effect listed in your enchanting list and affected base game items would show the additional Absorb Health enchantment in their description. Robin Hood  (talk) 03:42, 15 January 2018 (UTC)
Well, the Absorb Health effect does seem to come hand in hand with the Soul Trap enchantment now; however, when I bought an ordinary single-effect Soul Trap item from a blacksmith, I couldn't disenchant it (it was greyed out as if I already know the enchantment). Based on what you said, it seems like either I should be able to disenchant it, and thereby have separate "Soul Trap by itself" and "Soul Trap plus Absorb Health" enchantments, or my new Orcish Battleaxe of Soul Snares should also have an Absorb Health effect listed, neither of which are the case. I did notice that an item I had enchanted previously with just Soul Trap now has both effects. Shahrazad the Listener (talk) 13:17, 15 January 2018 (UTC)
If I may add a little something: A combination of Soul Trap and Absorb Health sounds like the effects of Bloodthorn to me. In fact, the Elderscrolls Wiki precisely indicates that its secondary effect (Absorb Health) does not show up in the item's description. Howerever, it also says that this weapon should not normally be disenchantable... Perhaps a mod let you do so (I know that there are several which let you disenchant essentially any magical item), but even then, you should be able to learn the two "versions" of Soul Trap... I'd say, it would take quite a nasty bug to actually make you learn this "version" of Soul Trap as if it was the regular one, and prevent you from learning the latter altogether... 19:00, 20 November 2018 (UTC)
I really think it is Bloodthorn. I use the mod "EzEs -Artifact Disenchanting-" and experienced the same bug. In the Creation Kit I saw that Bloodthorn's enchantment has the Soul Trap enchantment as base enchantment which it has not in vanilla Skyrim. This is most likely to cause the bug. 15:12, 5 September 2024 (UTC)

Mage Stone? Lovers Stone?[edit]

"The_Mage_Stone: Those under the sign of The Mage will learn all magic skills 20% faster."

"Enchanting serves as the crafting skill for magic and uses a different set of mechanics"
Is there evidence for the claim that the Mage Stone and the Well Rested Bonus actually increases their crafting skill?
It's possible that, if the article was correct, and the Mage Stone actually worked, then the Lover Stone would work as well.--Lmstearn (talk) 12:58, 18 March 2018 (UTC)

As far as I am aware Enchanting is a magic skill when applying one of the guardian stones. Every skill falls under one of them so if it isn't magic then it is either the thief or warrior stone. The point being that these stones apply a 20% bonus which is better than the lover stone's 15% bonus. The line on the magic overview page is simply separating that page which describes spell usage from how enchanting works. The line would read exactly the same for Alchemy if it had not been changed to a stealth skill in Skyrim, where it had been a magic skill in Oblivion. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 16:37, 18 March 2018 (UTC)
I see. It's the most logical choice then as the CK doesn't reveal much: "All magic skills improve <20>% faster." But all the same, someone reading the article may infer that the Mage Stone is the only doomAbility that provides the described experience boost. Perhaps instead, "Using The Mage Stone, for example, and a sleeping bonus (such as Well Rested), will maximise the experience increase you gain per enchantment."?--Lmstearn (talk) 04:53, 19 March 2018 (UTC)
Maximized experience needs Lovers Comfort, from sleeping near a spouse. Well Rested is just easier and quicker to obtain from the start of the game, and more convenient to use unless you stock up materials. The SR:Sleeping page has reminded me that an active Lover Stone prevents you from obtaining resting bonuses, so it doesn't work even if it is less than the Mage Stone. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 11:14, 19 March 2018 (UTC)

Maximizing Enchantment Power Rewritten[edit]

Should this section be rewritten(new Side)? So we can split the information for "Vanilla" (33%), "Add-on" (41%) and Creation Club and "Add-on" combined (61%) (USSEP). -- 21:52, 30 September 2018 (UTC)

Information — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:04 on 1 October 2018
Should we add more information about Falmer Helmet and a Circlet, Dunmer Shoes and Vampire/Necromage ,Fortify Restoration -- 01:03, 3 October 2018 (UTC)
Falmer Helmets and Penitus Oculatus Helmets works with Circlets -- 20:33, 7 October 2018 (UTC)
The new "Bone Wolf's Revenge" works like the Vampire/Necromage trick(bug) -- 19:38, 7 October 2018 (UTC)
Yes, it needs rewritten with numbers for specific additions. No, exploits are not included. The method should be written with only vanilla items, then lines about what each mod changes and the new maximum after that change. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 23:35, 7 October 2018 (UTC)
If we do a new side for this we can add Smithing Information for the best Armor/Weapon and link to this side
Maybe add information for Fortify Carry Weight and Fortify Barter combined with Enchantment, Alchemy, Smithing as "Crafting/Sell/Transport Armor"
Sorry I will use the USSEP numbers: (Sort Version) If you use only Enchanting and Alchemy you can get up to 33%. And we only mentioned that you can up to (41%) with
In additon we only mention you can get up to (61%) with Creation Club and "Add-on because of higher Magnitude Magnitude?
Ingredient Name (ID) Primary Effect Secondary Effect Tertiary Effect Quaternary Effect Value Weight
SR-icon-ingredient-Dreugh Wax.png Dreugh Wax
Can be purchased from Khajiit caravans.
Weakness to Magic Weakness to Magic (1.5×Magnitude,1.56×Value) Frenzy Frenzy (2×Duration,2.14×Value) Fortify Enchanting Fortify Enchanting (2×Magnitude,2.14×Value) Fortify Smithing Fortify Smithing (1.25×Magnitude,1.27×Value) 25 1 N/A
SR-icon-ingredient-Gold Kanet.png Gold Kanet
Can be purchased from Khajiit caravans.
Paralysis Paralysis (2×Duration,2.14×Value) Ravage Health Ravage Health (1.5×Magnitude,3.34×Value) Weakness to Frost Weakness to Frost (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value) Fortify Smithing Fortify Smithing (1.25×Magnitude,1.27×Value) 30 0.1 N/A
SR-icon-ingredient-Stoneflower Petals.png Stoneflower Petals
Can be purchased from Khajiit caravans.
Weakness to Shock Weakness to Shock (1.33×Magnitude,1.36×Value) Fortify One-handed Fortify One-handed (1.25×Magnitude,1.27×Value) Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka (1.25×Magnitude,1.27×Value) Fortify Enchanting Fortify Enchanting (2×Magnitude,2.14×Value) 15 0.1 N/A
With the bugged Items/Perk: I understand that we add information in the Note/Additional Info Sektion how it inc the numbers.
With USSEP: The same. Add information of Notched Pickaxe(+5 Smithing), Seeker of Shadows(+10%) and mentioning of bugfixes.
Did I understand it right?-- 00:59, 8 October 2018 (UTC)
Yes, but the ingredient table isn't helpful, just link them and explain what they do to the formula the same way the powers from Dragonborn are done above it. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:54, 8 October 2018 (UTC)
So a new side to split the information (Vanilla,Add-On,CC), more info about Bugs and info about Fortify Carry Weight and Fortify Barter combined with Enchantment, Alchemy, Smithing as "Crafting/Sell/Transport Armor"?-- 09:27, 12 October 2018 (UTC)

Seeker of Might[edit]

The Skyrim:Smithing#Item Quality section contradicts (and criticizes) the Skyrim:Enchanting article as incomplete, missing information about the Seeker of Might ability and its effects. — Darklocq  ¢ 19:14, 26 October 2018 (UTC)

Enchanting "without glitches"[edit]

I'm just wondering about the recent edit that tried to remove Fortify Restoration, then it being reverted. At the top of the Maximizing Enchantment Power section, we specifically talk about doing it "without glitches". Yet, in the body of the method, we talk about using Fortify Restoration potions, which seems to be consistent with the glitch. This part was added during this edit almost a year ago, but on this very point, Darklocq said at the time that it makes only a marginal difference. So, I'm wondering, does the current description actually meet the "without glitches" criteria or not, and if not, what's the difference between this method and the glitch? Robin Hood  (talk) 21:41, 15 March 2019 (UTC)

Exploiting fortify restoration is the aim of the exploit, but not the exploit itself. Without using the actual game-breaking glitch using fortify restoration only serves to get you to the end point quicker. The wording was put there to alleviate concerns people had that the method described was the game-breaking one. In fact, you could exploit any other glitch with it, but so long as you don't have the specific exploit needed you will never break the diminishing-returns loop (though you might get slightly higher numbers). Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 22:30, 15 March 2019 (UTC)
Thanks for the explanation! Robin Hood  (talk) 23:17, 15 March 2019 (UTC)

Thieves Guild Armor[edit]

Is there a way to disenchant upgraded thieves guild armor (after Tonilia upgrades it in Scoundrel's Folly)? It doesn't show up in the list of items to disenchant. I'm not wearing it and it's in my inventory. Right now I'm wearing the Guild Master's Armor. Help please! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:32 on 29 May 2019‎

In the vanilla game, there isn't. I believe the armor is flagged as not disenchantable. It's possible that a mod could be created that would remove the "not disenchantable" flag, but I don't know of a specific one offhand.--Shahrazad the Listener (talk) 15:59, 7 December 2019 (GMT)

Why is it impossible to disenchant a Master Robes of X and then enchant and get the same kind of outcome?[edit]

Master Robes of X--remaking them is impossible.

Whereas the magicka discount on doing X is small like 22% to 25%, the excellent magicka recharge rate is 150% on the original piece of equipment, BUT the enchanting boosted with a potion for fortify enchanting only elevates the discount amount for doing X and the magicka recharge rate shrinks in immense proportions to a fixed amount of 10% only regardless of any fortify applied.

Why is the excellent ratio of 22% paired with 150% demolished and replaced with say X variety magicka discount of 45% paired with fixed rather than variable value of 10% recharge rate increase?

Seems like the "enchantment learned" was way way brain damaged making it impossible that the learned enchantment matched the original enchantment "studied" otherwise how can one enchantment reproduce the original 150% magicka recharge rate of the original piece?

To me, the promise of learning something is way broken by this "game logic" version of learning the enchantment process. I'd consider the "game logic" version a bug or "undesirable feature" rather than remaining faithful to the way "game logic" works with other forms of "learning enchantments." 14:46, 21 January 2022 (UTC)

Bug Enchanting Skill Tree Base Shows 98 In Red When I Have 100 Skill And Seeker Of Sorcery, Etc.[edit]

Xbox One Skyrim SE with Anniversary Upgrade applied.

Enchanting Skill Tree Base Shows 98 In Red When I Have 100 Skill And Seeker Of Sorcery, Etc. Moving the selection to the bottom most perk in the tree shows that I have skill 100 with all the perk tree filled.

I also just got Ahzidal's Mask, Armor, Boots, Gauntlets, Helm and rings.

I only wear the Armor, Helm, Boots, Gauntlets when attempting enchantments and when using these sipped a restoration loop-overpowered fortify enchanting potion on more than one occasion, but until now never noticed that this ill effect had taken hold of my game character.

Removal of all clothing keeps this apparent net minus two on my full 100, or minus much more if counting the Seeker of Sorcery, Thief Stone, Companion's Insight, Ancient Knowledge--which ever ones have an effect upon the apparent Enchanting skill net level.

No amount of taking Potions of Cure Disease helped, nor getting the blessing at various shrines, nor shedding all the crazy gear made into container chests was able to eliminate this obvious significant reduction in my Enchanting skills. I could try taking a very weak Fortify Enchanting potion to see when it wore off if it would reset back to proper, expected net effective skill level, but this likely would be a wasted effort. Next I shall try sleeping, and I already cured myself of werewolf lycanthropy so that that was eliminated from the list of possible causes.

The Magic, Active Effects display screen shows no diseases causing red highlighted negative effects for anything for if it had done so, I would have gone about the process of remedying whatever ills that would have had this unfortunate effect.

Don't know if this is some kind of punishment for having used crazy large enhancement potions or what? 01:29, 17 October 2022 (UTC)

Enchantment value bugs[edit]

"For some reason, the values of enchantments placed on items gradually decrease as the enchanting skill grows in level. It is not known if this is intentional or a bug."

The reason for this is known, it's detailed here. Essentially the bug is twofold. Primary issue is that it's the price, not enchantment power that lies in the foundation of the item stat calculation. In other words, it's the price that determines how much charge the item uses, not the other way around. So the game has to lower the item price to make higher level player enchanted items to consume less charge. Consequently, the second issue with this bug, is that the game uses different formulae for base enchanted items and player-made items, but on reload it "forgets" that the item is player-enchanted which is why if you restart the game and reload the price of your item increases dramatically (more than double sometime) and it's charge consumption also goes up. For example, if you make Banish / Paralyze Iron dagger it will cost around 700 gold when you made it, but after you restart the game, the very same dagger will almost double in price to about 1400. Now, as detailed in linked article, the intended behaviour for the game is to remember that lowered "player-based" price, but I think the general sentiment is that there should have just been a single item formula for all items regardless of their origin and it's the case of the bug actually fixing dumb game design decision.

Someone should probably add this to the main article in a more digestible format

Let's see if I've got this right. Bethesda was dumb enough to have the monetary value of a player-enchanted item determine how stats are calculated for the enchantment, instead of having the stats depend directly on enchanting skill. This was making weapons use up their charges too quickly for some reason, so Bethesda added in a "bug" that artificially lowered the monetary value of enchanted items to try to correct this - meaning that every time my character enchants items, I'm probably getting cheated out of enchanting experience (because I know it's based on the monetary value of the enchantment), and I'm definitely getting cheated out of money when I sell player enchanted items if the value hasn't been corrected. And all of that is on top of the fact that I'm getting seriously cheated when it comes to selling the items because I have to go through the hassle of selling them individually rather than in a stack to maximize speech experience thanks to another bug, and when I sell enchanted items, I also don't get speech experience for the actual monetary value of the item but only for the value of the unenchanted base item thanks to yet another bug, but someone couldn't decide whether or not lowering the value of enchanted items as the enchanting skill increases counted as a bug?!? Riiiiiiiight. Valeria (talk) 05:00, 9 March 2025 (UTC)

No Equation?[edit]

"Increasing this skill increases the amount of charges available when creating an enchanted item and the quality of the enchantment that can be placed on that item . . . Each level in the Enchanting skill increases the strength of enchantments in a quadratic fashion to a maximum of +25% effectiveness at level 100."

That's all we have for what exactly the skill level does? No equation or graph to show how this tracks?

What does +25% effectiveness even mean? does it mean +25% power AND charges or just +25% power which you could trade in for more charges at base power?

Then the Maximizing Enchantment Power section provides a minmax guide for an outdated exploit rather than explaining the numeric impact of various magical effects on the enchanting equation.

I suggest replacing/displacing the outdated restoration loop guide with a more technical explaination of the base mechanics of enchanting. The exploit guide could go to a seperate page for documenting exploits. As it is the page feels like it encourages cheating rather than understanding the mechanics.