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Skyrim talk:Coming of Age

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Quest Info[edit]

Elliot in the IRC channel noted that it is not in your journal.

Here is the starter dialogue:

That's done it! Let's get in there.

Well? There must be a way through. Look around.

This is it. We've found Gathrik's tomb.

Beem-ja: There's just one more thing I need from you. To fully absorb Gathrik's power I require a blood sacrifice.

Robinsmidsrod 10:09, 26 December 2011 (UTC)


What's the lowest-level spell capable of reanimating Gathrik? --Debatra 08:42, 30 December 2011 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure he's a leveled enemy, so you would need a spell a few levels higher than your own.--Liudeius 10:21, 30 December 2011 (UTC)

Confirmed levels, what applies?[edit]

I just noted that the confirmed level of the end boss got downrated from 51 to 44 by a IP user. Will not edit this myself as I don´t have the proper knowledge. But spontaneosly it feels like if level 51 has been confirmed before, how can it be "down edited" to 44? What I mean is that if someone have confirmed (actually confirmed) a higher level of boss it should not be edited away with a lesser confirmed observation. In my humble opinion, confirmed issues (for whatever issue) would preferably be noted in the talk page so editors actually can se the level of confirmation. Thoughts anyone..? --Middleofsweden 19:21, 7 February 2012 (UTC)

The 'higher levels' was actually referring to the player's level, not the level of the boss. I just clarified that in the article. Thanks for pointing out the ambiguity. :) Alphabetface 21:08, 7 February 2012 (UTC)
ah.. I see, now it makes sense and the article do so too. Thanks for clarifying. — Unsigned comment by Middleofsweden (talkcontribs) at 02:11 on 8 February 2012

() Just wanted to note that I cleared the dungeon at level 59 and Gathrik still spawned as Draugr. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:45 on 2 March 2012

I can confirm that Gathrik can spawn as a Dragon Priest as low as level 51, not 60. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:51 on 5 March 2012
I'm going to re-add the VN tag so we can figure out the exact level at which Gathrik may spawn as a Dragon Priest, given the conflicting edits which have been made. There's a related discussion going on here trying to get to the bottom of this. Alphabetface 14:57, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Looking at the data, Gathrik should have a 50% chance of being a dragon priest starting at level 60 (and a "Draugr Death Overlord" otherwise). Now what isn't really clear to me is what "level 60" signifies - it might be the player level, the dungeon level, or maybe even the combination of the two somehow. --Alfwyn 15:13, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Ok, the dungeon has an influence on the "level". Being level 51 and using player.PlaceLeveledActorAtMe 000b7989 (list that is used for Gathrik), I get only "Draugr Death Overlord"s while being in Whiterun, but mixed "Draugr Death Overlord"s and "Dragon Priest"s while being in Ironbind Barrow. --Alfwyn 15:51, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

() Well that just opens up a whole new can of worms... Another user made an edit [here] stating that they encountered him as a dragon priest at level 45, and [another] stating 44 as the level. So I really don't know how to edit the information on the page appropriately— if there are different variables involved, would it be simpler to leave out the specific level completely, or what? This is really bothering me now... I'm so sorry for putting you through all this trouble, but thank you for looking into it so much already! Alphabetface 16:10, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

For the time being leaving out the level is probably the way to go. But it would be of general interest to know, what exactly influences the "level" that is used for creating leveled NPCs (and loot), so it is really worth investigating this. --Alfwyn 16:17, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
Yeah, I really don't know how to investigate things like that, but I am really interested now. Thank you so much for your help! Alphabetface 16:19, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
I'm level 74 and he was a draugr. I would say that it is a certain chance after a certain level but that the chance improves the higher the level that you are, just a guess though. RIM 16:28, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
My earlier experiment was flawed. I did set my level per console, but the dungeon was already locked to my higher level. Entering the dungeon for the first time at level 51, I couldn't produce any dragon priests anymore. So digging around in the CK, finding the user of LvlDraugrAmbushBossMale located in Ironbind Barrow (000350bd), Gathrik has a "Level Modifier" of "VeryHard" set. This is probably responsible for him being a dragon priest earlier than a "standard" draugr boss. --Alfwyn 17:16, 5 March 2012 (UTC)
The creation kit wiki has useful information on this topic: LeveledCharacter and PlaceLeveledActorAtMe. Playing around with player.PlaceLeveledActorAtMe 000b7989 3 (being outside in Skyrim) produced about 50% dragon priests at level 40, and none at level 39. So I would expect level 40 to be the number for Gathrik - but I can't match that up to the theory stated at the ck wiki. --Alfwyn 18:25, 5 March 2012 (UTC)

() I literally just finished the Ironbind Barrow quest at level 49. Garthrik spawned as a dragon priest for me. The 50% chance that he spawns as a a dragon priest at level 60 isn't true. The 50% chance probably kicks in at level 45. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:23 on 7 March 2012

The article no longer lists a player level, and the post in this discussion directly above yours makes it pretty clear that they can be found at level 40. This is most likely the number we've been looking for. Alphabetface 13:33, 7 March 2012 (UTC)

Problem with Followers[edit]

Just played that quest with my spouse. She killed Beem-Ja while I was busy with the chest... no problem at all. Consider removing that bug note? --TinkyWinky 21:39, 17 March 2012 (UTC)

Beem-Ja and Salma Vanish?[edit]

This has been marked as a question that needs to be answered.

As the quest page cautions the reader that Beem-Ja and Salma will run ahead, I decided to sprint through the dungeon ahead of them and kill Gathrik - for my own amusement more than anything. However, when I killed Gathrik, Beem-Ja and Salma appeared to vanish from the game. I retraced my steps back to the entrance and even tried waiting for a few hours, but they appear to have gone. They were certainly there at some point as I note that the spiders are dead (I left them alive initially). Has anyone else come across similar issues? Threepwood87 16:31, 26 April 2012 (UTC)

That's very strange. I've done this quest while using the same tactic as you, but I've found that Beem-Ja always turns up eventually and tries to attack me. --Morrolan (talk) 19:05, 27 March 2013 (GMT)
This just happened to me too. As above, I sprinted through the dungeon with Serana at my heels, making short work of everything with the Cyclone shout and a very enhanced Dawnguard crossbow (I was level 55 at the time). Beem-Ja and Salma seem to have kept up to some point shortly beyond where you encounter the giant frostbite spider, but I did not notice them after that. Serana and I took down Gathrik and his minions easily (he appeared as a dragon priest), and then we backtracked through the dungeon looking for the other two. No luck. They weren't in the dungeon and they weren't anywhere near their camp at the entrance.
Another very odd thing was that the Steel Battleaxe of Firey Souls turned invisible. At first I thought we had blown it off its mounting to somewhere inaccessible, which would have been very annoying, since it, with its unique two in one enchantment, was our main motivation for doing the dungeon. However, when I approached the rear of Gathrick's throne, I received the prompt for the still-invisible axe and was able to take it from the back of the throne and add it to my inventory. 11:17, 7 May 2013 (GMT)

They followed me to Whiterun[edit]

After finishing the battle with Gathrick, I kept kiting around the room to keep Beem-ja from starting his betrayal dialog, looted everything and left before he could speak to me. A little while later, I was at the Skyforge to talk to Eorlund and had to wait for him to appear. When the waiting timer ended, Beem-Ja spawned and grabbed me in his dialog. A little while after that (after several fast travels), I came back and there was Salma hovering over Beem-Ja's body.

I don't know if this is a repeatable bug or just a one-off glitch. -- 19:08, 1 August 2012 (UTC)

Not sure.He might have followed you,some enemies will do this.I myself have had both a dragon and a mammoth chase me for a while.I don't think this is a glitch.He is just supposed to run through his dialog with you.So he will seek you out until he can talk to you.You could probably recreate this.I can test it.--Skyrimplayer 19:57, 1 August 2012 (UTC)

Beem-ja vanished from my game[edit]

I overheard their conversation upon my first visit to ironbind, but didn't begin the quest (I was in the middle of another quest and stumbled across ironbind barrow by accident). Upon returning later, Salma was still there, but Beem-ja was missing. She still acted as if he was there, using her "worry-scales" line. I could still run through the dungeon with Salma, but She remains in the boss room after Gathrik is killed. I can't locate Beem-ja because of his dynamic refID — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:29 on 24 August 2012

Above the dungeon exit ?[edit]

If you go uphill from the dungeon exit, there are 2 dwarven chests and a couple of enemies (ice wraiths for me, level 50). I don't generally edit here, so am not ;sure if it should go in the standard page or not. Ayanac (talk) 07:22, 4 August 2013 (GMT)

Hey Ayanac! That information actually belongs on the location page (and is already there). --Nocte|Chat|Look 07:46, 4 August 2013 (GMT)

Beem-Ja and Salma missing[edit]

I took a quest from the Companions to eliminate the monsters in Ironbind Burrow. After that, I took another quest from Salma. Upon entering the cave, Salma and Beem-Ja were missing. I tried to use console command "setstage cr05 20" and then complete the quest by talking to the Companions to complete the Eliminate quest. Then, kill the boss in the burrow but Salma and Beem-Ja never appeared. What I can say here is the Eliminate quest conflicted with this Ironbind Burrow's Coming to Age quest. Besides that, if the boss is killed and the player did not talk to the quest-giver to complete that quest, he/ she can take a new quest from other companions but the old Eliminate quest cannot be completed and the quest will stuck in your quest list.-- 15:37, 10 August 2013 (GMT)

Moved from Article[edit]

  • If you have a follower, he/she will attack Beem-Ja when he attempts to kill you. Beem-Ja will simply stop, saying that "you're not worth it", and then proceed to wander around aimlessly.

Beem-Ja's article notes that sheathing your weapons may cause him to become non-aggressive. Considering that the "you're not worth it" dialogue is common dialogue when surrendering, I have doubts about whether followers have anything to do with it. I'm inclined to think that these two notes are referring to the same issue with Beem-Ja's unusual willingness to surrender that's already noted on his page. Zul se onikaanLaan tinvaak 17:31, 25 July 2014 (GMT)

Salma and Beem-Ja stuck at Ironbind Barrow Gate.[edit]

According to what this person said

At a certain point in Ironbind Barrow, there is a gate that must be opened by a switch. When Beem-Ja arrives at this gate, he'll comment on how there must be a way through, but if you've already opened the gate when his dialogue triggers then he and Salma may just stand there.

   Close and open the gate again so they notice you opened it.

^ I've followed what this said and they still are stuck there, And I'm on the Xbox one so this is not Classic Skyrim that I am on.

Edit : never mind they randomly started to follow me after i got way past them, But normally after opening the gate they would follow me instantly.