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Skyrim talk:Bow to the Master

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Stumbled on the bow first and it took me forever to find Draven. Added minor details to the page to help others find Dravin. --Mawcs 22:24, 26 November 2011 (UTC)

Failed Quest[edit]

I got the quest and as I was walking away I got a message informing me I failed the quest. Anybody know why? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:48 on 22 December 2011

He probably died as you were walking away (Dragon, maybe?) Schiffy (talk) 22:59, 4 October 2012 (GMT)

About the quest item bug[edit]

I found the bow, and it was marked as a quest item. I never triggered the quest or met Dravin, but I was unable to drop the bow. A few dozen hours later, I accidentally dropped the bow - I think Dravin had died, as I couldn't find him at Merryfair Farm. So I got the bow, but not the quest, and Dravin's death removed the quest item status.

If you actually have the quest in your journal, does Dravin's death not allow you to drop the bow? Chris3145 19:44, 10 January 2012 (UTC)


On the PS3, the bow does add 7 to the total encumberance, ie, it is not weightless, even though it is a quest item 06:00, 13 January 2012 (UTC)

Quest items have a weight value displayed, but they don't actually add anything to your encumberance. If you complete a quest where you turn in a quest item, you'll see that your carry weight does not change. Chris3145 15:52, 13 January 2012 (UTC)
The bow does indeed add 7 to encumbrance on the PS3. I found the bow, carried it around for quite some time until finally deciding to look up what it was for. Went to the farm. Dravin was nowhere to be found. So, after double checking the journal to insure the quest was not there and reading this page, I checked my carry weight, dropped the bow and discovered the 7 was deducted from it. Dilavni (talk) 21:13, 27 January 2013 (GMT)
I see this is old, but if you could actually drop the bow, it probably wasn't a quest item anymore (Dravin died, quest failed), thus having weight. That's normal quest item behavior. 03:22, 11 November 2013 (GMT)

Quest Stages Are Different[edit]

I got stuck on this quest so I tried to use the quest stages to advance it manually. I noticed that stage 10 doesn't do anything and it is stage 20 that actually says retrieve the bow. Stage 30 is to return the bow. I have changed the numbers in the main page. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:23 on 19 September 2012‎

Starting the quest from the console[edit]

When I got to Merryfair Farm I couldn't find Dravin to start this quest - he was dead. I managed to start the quest by doing the following (on PC):
prid 19E15 (this selects Dravin)
moveto player (brings his dead body beside the player)
resurrect (just that)

However he would not give me the quest. I had to start it by console with setstage FreeformMerryfairFarm 20

This allowed me to pick up the bow and deliver it, finishing the quest normally. The only glitch is that there were 2 bows in the chest. Once Dravin took one the other had the Quest Item flag removed and it was possible to drop it.

Hopefully this will help someone.

Improving it does not allow it to be dropped[edit]

"You can also take the bow to a grindstone and upgrade it, which will allow you to remove it from your inventory."

I improved it to legendary and was never able to drop it. If someone was able to drop it, then it was for reasons other than mere improvement (e.g. Dravin's death). Has anyone else been able to drop it solely by improving it? If not then as it reads, it is not a bug and I removed it. Kalevala (talk) 19:26, 30 October 2014 (GMT)

I just tried this too. Dravin alive, quest active, improved, attempt to drop (or store) = fail (PS3) Philbert (talk) 02:39, 1 November 2014 (GMT)