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Online:Xal-Nur the Slaver

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Xal-Nur the Slaver
Location Ruins of Mazzatun, Stone Stockade
Species Argonian Behemoth
Health Normal1,473,488Veteran2,460,134 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 3.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Xit-Xaht
Xal-Nur the Slaver

Xal-Nur the Slaver is a monstrous Argonian found in the Ruins of Mazzatun. Xal-Nur becomes invulnerable when he summons swamp spice, and a group member will need to walk into the green AoE circle and bring the spice debuff to a geyser in order to damage him again.

The behemoth is resurrected during the final battle against Tree-Minder Na-Kesh, who uses amber plasm to summon a Phantom of Xal-Nur.

Related Quests[edit]

Skills and Abilities[edit]

As a boss type enemy, Xal-Nur the Slaver is immune to all crowd control effects.

Savage Swipe
A basic melee attack that deals minor physical damage.
Barbarous Bite
The boss bites its target dealing moderate physical damage followed by minor physical damage over time.
Brutal Bellow
The boss roars dealing moderate physical damage over time in front of him as indicated by a red cone. Do not stand in front of the boss unless you are the tank.
The boss stomps causing shockwaves to travel out from himself dealing moderate physical damage and staggering all players hit.
Slaver Slam
The boss slams both of his fists on the ground, dealing high physical damage and knocking players down as indicated by a red circle.
Monstrous Blitz
The boss charges at a target dealing high physical damage and knocking them back. The target will glow red to telegraph this. Group members can choose to hold block in front of the boss to intercept him before he reaches his target. If you are targeted and the boss reaches you, hold block to lessen the damage done and prevent the knockback.
Xal-Nur becomes enraged during Swamp Spice phase, and is shrouded in a red glow
Swamp Spice
At certain health intervals (75%, 50% and 25%), the boss will spit Swamp Spice. Cleansing the spice is necessary as the boss is invulnerable as long as the spice is up. At the same time, adds will spawn constantly to attack the party. To cleanse the spice, one player (usually the dps) will run into the spice's green AOE to pick it up and bring it to a geyser near the entrance or exit. It is advised tanks and healers not touch the spice as it will silence you as long as you are carrying it.
Summon Xit-Xaht Lookout
While the group is dealing with the Swamp Spice, adds will spawn to attack the group. If you're being overwhelmed by adds, kill one of the Argonian Wranglers holding the chained wamasu. They've been mistreated by the Xit-Xaht, so if you're struggling, free them and watch them pick off the adds. Keep in mind that Xal-Nur will eventually kill the freed wamasu.
Furious Roar
Xal-Nur will roar angrily after the Swamp Spice is cleansed, dealing moderate physical damage to everyone in the arena. This is unavoidable and must be healed through.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

He will first be seen menacing Heem-Jas and knocking him out.

Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Kill puny rat!"
Heem-Jas: "Stand back, or I will...."
<Xal-Nur breathes in his face, frightening him into passing out.>

Engaging players in combat:

Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Rats! I eat you now!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You not escape! You die!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Smash the rats! Smash!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "More rats? You die!"

Xal-Nur will shout various things during the fight, some signify upcoming attacks, others not so much.

Slaver Slam
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Die! Die! Die!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur strong!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You die, slave-scum!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur will crush your heads!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Puny rats fall down!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "All fear Xal-Nur!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur break ground! Ground break you!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You weak! Xal-Nur strong!"
Monstrous Blitz
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Hahahahaha!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Trample stupid rats!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur make you spit blood!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur make you flat!"
Xal-Nur kills an unchained wamasu
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You break chain, Xal-Nur breaks you!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur make lizard dead!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur kill stupid lizard!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur crush puny wamasu!"
Player cleanses the Swamp Spice
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You not be clean for long!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Washing not make you safe, slave-scum"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Xal-Nur will spit again! You'll see!
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You all wet! Xal-Nur hates wet rats!"
Group wipe
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "You stay down, or I make you dead again!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Ha! Now you feed the worms and lizards!"
Xal-Nur the Slaver: "The rats are weak! Xal-Nur is strongest!"
When he is killed
"No! You die! You..."
