Online:Thane Mera Stormcloak
Thane Mera Stormcloak (lore page) |
Home City | Windhelm | ||
Location | In front of the Palace of Ysgramor Skuldafn |
Race | Nord | Gender | Female |
Health | 39,959 | ||
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Ebonheart Pact |
Thane Mera Stormcloak is a Nord noble who can be found in Windhelm. She is the thane of Windhelm and the right-hand of King Jorunn in his home city. She plays an integral role in various quests in Eastmarch, most notably Windhelm.
Related Quests[edit]
Shadows Over Windhelm: Investigate the reappearance of a Nord clan.
The Konunleikar: Represent Windhelm in the Footrace of the Nine Holds.
Windhelm's Champion: Find the assassins.
One Victor, One King: Stop assassins from killing the Skald-King.
Sounds of Alarm: Find out what is happening at Fort Morvunskar.
Snow and Flame: Cause enough chaos at Skuldafn to keep the Stormfist Brigade occupied.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
Shadows Over Windhelm[edit]
She will be overlooking from the entrance of the Palace of Ysgramor. When you approach her:
- "Ah, fresh from the warm southern lands. You smell of salt and sunshine."
If you start the quest through her, she will need you to investigate the Stormfist clan:
- "You look strong and capable. Good in a fight and brave enough to travel the world in search of adventure.
If my assessment of you is even close to correct, I could use your help." - What do you need?
- "The Konunleikar, the great games to honor the reign of King Jorunn, fills the city with good cheer. When a new king survives to his tenth year on the throne, we celebrate.
But not everyone who has come to Windhelm is in a festive mood." - What's wrong?
- "The Stormfist clan hasn't been seen in a decade, but they returned for these games. Since then, there have been numerous injuries and a few deaths. And there are rumors of worse things prowling the shadows.
The clan stays at the Cold Moon Inn." - I'll see what I can find out about the Stormfist clan.
If you are sent by Murilam Dalen to see her since she needs help investigating the security of the city:
- "You look strong and capable. Good in a fight and brave enough to travel the world in search of adventure.
If my assessment of you is even close to correct, I could use your help." - What do you need?
- "The Konunleikar, the great games to honor the reign of King Jorunn, fills the city with mirth and good cheer. When a new king survives to his tenth year on the throne, we celebrate.
But not everyone who has come to Windhelm is in a festive mood."- What's wrong?
- "The Stormfist clan hasn't been seen in a decade, but they returned for these games. Since then, there have been numerous injuries and a few deaths. And, I fear, worse things are to come.
The clan stays at the Cold Moon Inn. See what you can learn."
- What do you do in Windhelm?
- "I'm the Thane of Windhelm. My father was Captain of the Guard. I followed in his footsteps and climbed a bit higher.
We Stormcloaks helped build Windhelm centuries ago. We're an old family and we're proud of our heritage."- But what does a thane do?
- "What do I do? What don't I do! Rules and regulations. Meetings with King Jorunn and other thanes. Now I'm hosting Pact delegates. A lot of political nonsense!
Mostly I delegate so that I can guard the city. People feel safer with the thane around."- There are Ebonheart Pact delegates in Windhelm?
- "Yes. They've come for the celebration, but also to meet with King Jorunn about Pact business. I try not to get too involved.
In fact, I'm not sure how Jorunn stands all the pomp and ceremony. It would drive me insane!"
- Why do you suspect the Stormfist clan?
- "We don't like to talk about it, but Jorunn wasn't the unanimous choice to ascend the throne. The Stormfist clan backed his challenger, and they have been associated with ill omens ever since.
Discretion is called for. Hence an outsider, like you."- Who was the challenger?
- "Jorunn's brother, Fildgor. He desired the throne. Normally, succession is determined by the Crown of Freydis, but there were ... complications. Anyway, the brothers fought, Jorunn won, and Fildgor was exiled.
End of story. Or so we thought."
Speaking to her again before you go to the Cold Moon Inn:
- "Let me know what you find. I don't trust these Stormfists. They were trouble a decade ago and I know that they're trouble today.
I feel it in my bones."
Returning to her after finding evidence:
- "You've been gone for a while. Tell me you found something useful."
- I found these notes in weapon caches hidden around the city.
- "Cheating at the Konunleikar? And the Stormfist clan? They haven't caused this much trouble since ....
Oh, no. This is worse than I feared. We need to determine what's really going on here."
The Konunleikar[edit]
If you haven't started the quest, she will say:
- "I can't believe the Stormfist clan threatens my city. What a ludicrous notion!
But the evidence you collected gives me cause for concern." - What should I do next? (Leads to quest dialogue)
Otherwise your conversation will continue from the previous quest, which she would like you to enter the footrace to find information on the Stormfist activties:
- "While you were completing your mission, another competitor was injured. One of my best. The champion of Windhelm
This just got personal. I have another task for you, if you're willing." - What do you need me to do?
- "I want you to enter the next event—the Footrace of the Nine Holds. I name you Windhelm's new Champion. That should confuse our enemies.
If you're willing, go talk to the race organizer, Lenning. He's along the western wall." - I'll speak to Lenning at the western wall.
You can ask her some questions after accepting the quest.
- "Hurry! Speak to Lenning the Hawk and enter the race."
- Why do you want me to run in the race?
- "You're good at digging up information. Where better to keep an eye on things than right in the middle of the race? I can't post guards at every tower.
And as an outsider that no one has ever heard of, your participation should confuse our enemies."
Returning to her after the race:
- "What a race! I saw some of it and I was informed of the outcome. I have eyes throughout the city, of course."
If you did not help Hadring the Swift during the race and lost:
- You wanted to speak to me?
- "That was an admirable showing. Even in defeat, you represented Windhelm and the Pact with honor.
Sadly, Hadring was murdered during the race. Felled by a poisoned arrow of Orcish design. I'm convinced the Stormfists are responsible."
If you did not help Hadring the Swift during the race and won:
- You wanted to speak to me?
- "You caused quite a stir. I'm impressed that you outraced our finest runners. You've done well for Windhelm and the Pact.
Sadly, Hadring was murdered during the race. Felled by a poisoned arrow of Orcish design. I'm sure the Stormfists are involved."
If you helped Hadring:
- Hadring was attacked during the race. I had a chance to speak with him before he died.
- "Another blasted attack! You showed compassion, abandoning the race to aid another. Empathy is worth as much as strength, in my opinion.
Now, about Hadring. We need to find his killers and bring them to justice."
Windhelm's Champion[edit]
If you haven't started the quest, she will say:
- "Hadring murdered? In broad daylight? The assassins made their move while the entire city watched.
I won't stand for this! Hadring's killers must be found" - Where do we start? (Leads to quest dialogue)
Continuing on from the previous conversation, you will need to track down the assassins and deal with them:
- "Someone must have seen something during the race.
The assassins fled after their cowardly attack, but every rat has a hole to hide in. You must find that hole." - I'll find the assassins.
She does not want you to spare the murderers:
- "I don't want you to just find the assassins. I want you to hunt them down like the rabid dogs they are and dispatch them with haste and extreme prejudice.
Do we understand each other, Champion?" - I understand perfectly.
- "I'm taking the gauntlets off and granting you the authority to do whatever is necessary to deal with these assassins.
I name you as Justice Carl of Windhelm. Dispense your authority as needed and deal with this as quickly as you can."
- "Well done! I'll mobilize the guard to prevent any more Stormfists from getting into the city.
Go south and find the assassins. Bring me back something I can show to King Jorunn to let him know we've taken care of this problem."
- "Well done! I'll mobilize the guard to prevent any more Stormfists from getting into the city.
- "Excellent. I will mobilize the guard and patrol the city. King Jorunn must be protected.
When you find the assassins, destroy them. Bring me back something to prove to the King that the situation has been dealt with."
- "Excellent. I will mobilize the guard and patrol the city. King Jorunn must be protected.
Returning to her after you found the evidence of Stormfist involvement with the murder:
- "The guards found more caches of weapons hidden around the city, but nothing else. I hope you had better luck."
- I found a camp outside the city. You should see these.
- "King Jorunn's exiled brother, Fildgor, used to run the Stormfist Brigade. That's his symbol, added to the Stormfist emblem. And these orders ….
Fildgor has returned to Skyrim! King Jorunn must be told. Hopefully, it's not too late."
One Victor, One King[edit]
If you haven't started the quest, she will say:
- "The Skald-King is in danger! We must warn King Jorunn. The Stormfist clan has gone to the Hall of Trials, and I fear the worst."
- Who's Fildgor Orcthane? (Leads to quest dialogue)
Continuing on from the previous conversation, you will need to alert King Jorunn of the return of his exiled brother:
- "Fildgor is King Jorunn's twin brother. When Queen Nurnhilde fell in battle, the brothers joined forces to defeat the Akaviri, but then they fought over the throne. Jorunn won the day and exiled his brother.
Now Fildgor has returned." - What does Fildgor want?
- "What does any exile want? Needless to say, to announce his presence in this manner can't bode well for King Jorunn.
The final event has started in the Hall of Trials. I'll send guards to the camp. You need to go to the hall and help the king!" - I'll protect King Jorunn.
Speaking to her again:
- "Hurry! To the Hall of Trials! You must protect King Jorunn at all costs."
Returning to her after you spoke with the king:
- "You're back. Tell me, is King Jorunn well?"
- King Jorunn sent me to tell you he's fine.
- "That's good to hear. You don't know how relieved I am by this news.
You risked your life, even though you had no duty to uphold or vow to keep. To me, that makes you the champion of the day."
Sounds of Alarm[edit]
If you haven't started the quest yet, she will say:
- "You upheld my honor and the honor of Windhelm. This Ebonheart Pact is worth more than I hoped.
May all your enemies fall before you!" - Something's troubling you. (Leads to quest dialogue)
Continuing on from the previous conversation, she got news that the Stormfist clan has attacked Fort Morvunskar and she needs you to report to the fort's captain:
- "While you were aiding the King, a runner arrived from Fort Morvunskar. The fort is under attack! Fildgor and the Stormfist clan are certainly behind the attack. It can't be mere coincidence!
Windhelm must be protected, but we can't abandon the fort." - Fildgor's launching multiple attacks?
- "It makes sense strategically, but we weren't prepared for this. We weren't expecting to fight a war while the Pact leaders were in council.
I need your help. Captain Hamar sent the runner. Report to him. Find out what's going on at the fort" - I'll find Captain Hamar.
Speaking to her again:
- "You upheld my honor and the honor of Windhelm. This Ebonheart Pact is worth more than I hoped.
May all your enemies fall before you!"
Snow and Flame[edit]
After you get past the Hidden Tunnel, you'll find her crouched down with a group of King's Scouts in the excavated burial mound. She will ask you to slow down Fildgor's forces by sowing chaos in the Stormfists' encampment before lighting a signal fire that will allow Jorunn's forces to advance:
- "Stay low! The Stormfists don't know we're here yet and I want to keep it that way."
- We're just going to hide?
- "We're waiting for King Jorunn and his troops to arrive, but Fildgor has his own agenda. He's moving fast and I don't think the army is going to show up in time.
But I've got a few ideas on how to slow him down." - What's your plan?
- "Fire. Nothing causes more chaos than a raging fire. Scares even the most dim-witted, hard-headed Nords.
The carts the Stormfist brought are full of weapons, food, and other gear. Set them ablaze and start a panic. That should slow them down a bit." - Then what should I do?
- "Light the signal fire. That's the sign the King's troops are waiting for before they make their final push up the mountain.
That said, I still don't think they'll make it in time. You need to reach Fildgor and slow him down. Good luck."
Speaking to her again:
- "The Stormfists have three supply wagons with them. Set them on fire and we'll send the entire camp into panic!
Then light the signal fire and find Fildgor. If he finishes whatever foul ritual he's performing, it will mean the end of the kingdom!"