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High Isle

Online:Squire Rayan

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Squire Rayan
Location Near Spire of the Crimson Coin
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Albatross
Squire Rayan

Squire Rayan is a Breton squire of the Order of the Albatross who can be found near the Spire of the Crimson Coin.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Blood, Books, and Steel[edit]

Squire Rayan can first be encountered on the beach near a dingy, and when approaching him:

"Hey there! Over here!"

Speaking to him:

"An adventurer! Thank every single Divine you're here.
I'm a squire without his knight, and she needs our help!"
What's going on?
"Dame Madach and I are on a quest to slay the bloodmage who resides within this ancient edifice.
I did extensive research to ready us for the trials ahead … but she forbade me from entering the fiend's lair now that we're here."
Why didn't she want you to enter the tower?
"She has a rather unique style of mentorship. However, I fear confronting the villain and utilizing my research may be difficult for one person to do alone.
If you're going to take the boat over, and I follow … surely she can't fault me for that."
Got it. All right, squire, you're with me.

After you agree to help him, you can ask further questions before leaving:

"Excellent! I do so hope we'll see an efficacious outcome to today's events. And that Dame Madach is safe, of course."
You don't seem much like a knight in training.
"Ah. Yes. I have heard that sentiment before. It was my use of expensive words, wasn't it?
Dame Madach has been an able teacher, and I'm a fair hand with a blade. But my mouth and my mind are my greatest weapons."
Are you sure you want to be a knight?
"As sure as the light of Magnus rises upon the face of Nirn each morning.
I've wanted to join the knightly order since I was a child at my father's knee. Dame Madach was good enough to take me into her service. I'll do her proud. You'll see."
What is this place?
"An excellent question! We stand before the Spire of the Crimson Coin. A relic of a bygone era, the time of the Breton coin-barons.
The Systres have been owned by many groups over the years, sold and resold by Tamsfolk on the continent."
And who's this mage you're after?
"I have only an educated guess … but my guesses are usually pretty good. I believe the spire's ruler is none other than Jacquard Cassel, archmagus in service to House Guimard some thousand years ago.
Fascinating, isn't it?"
Yes, but how is it possible the mage is that old?
"Hmm. He could have prolonged his life any number of ways. My best guess is some form of mystical prolongation, commonly called lichdom. My research indicates he has invested his soul in a powerful phylactery.
Further study is obviously indicated!"

Once you arrive at the Spire if spoken to:

"I'm sure Dame Madach hasn't gotten far …."

Approaching the gates to the Spire, you will see Dame Madach and Bloodmage Cassel:

Squire Rayan: "Dame Madach!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "There's no profit in this. Away with you!"
<Bloodmage Cassel teleports away.>
Dame Madach: "Blast! This isn't over!"
<She notices you and Rayan.>
Dame Madach: "Ah, Rayan! And you've brought help. Thank Stendarr."

If spoken to after this:

"That was the Bloodmage, Cassel! You should talk to Dame Madach, adventurer."

Speaking with Dame Madach, she will explain why they have come to the Spire and asks you to assist Squire Rayan, as it was he who came up with the plan to deal with the Bloodmage. After speaking to the Dame he will run off to the northern gate while shouting:

Squire Rayan: "Follow me, let's get started!"

He will stop at the northern archway and you can talk with him about the plan:

"It was so good to see Dame Madach in fighting form. She's gone after the bloodmage?"
Yes. What's the plan?
"The tower itself is a conduit for the bloodmage's power.
The heart of the tower is his dark phylactery. He's invested his soul within this mystical construct, so violence to his physical body will not be enough to end his dark reign."
So we need to destroy the heart of the tower to kill the mage.
"Hah, I can see you are no stranger to inexplicable arcane phenomenon!
Together, we will construct a symbolic weapon that we can use to smash the phylactery. Normal weapons, like hammers, wouldn't make a dent in this thing."
How do we do that?
"First we gather materials from the tower grounds. They'll be sympathetic foci for the dark power Bloodmage Cassel wields.
Once we have the materials, we imbue them with gore from the heart. Then … well. Smashy smashy."
Build the weapon, smash the phylactery. Let's get to it.
"I've extensively studied this ruin. The spire's statuary gardens should be littered with bones from ancient rites.
A large one, possibly a femur, would be a good handle for our sympathetic weapon."

You can also ask more about Dame Madach:

Can we talk more about Dame Madach? How long have you known her for?
"Most of my life, really. I've been her squire since I was first able to hold my own sword.
It was an inspiration to see her in fighting form, wasn't it?"
She's a bit … unusual for a knight.
"I've learned a lot from Dame Madach's … erm. Unorthodox leadership approach. She firmly believes in pushing squires to better themselves.
As she likes to say, I'm not your captain, kid. Figure it out! Heh."
Why are you glad she's in fighting form?
"She was ill for some time, just a short while ago. Past it now, I'm sure. But she's such a vibrant force, on the battlefield or the stage.
It was a blow to see her barely able to swing a blade. Not like today, hah!"

As you walk under the archway he will say:

Squire Rayan: "Let's head to the statuary hall, on the northwest side of the gardens. Should be plenty of bone to work with there."

Before you enter the Statuary Hall:

"The tower statuary was used for a number of debaucherous celebrations in the ancient time of the Coin-barons.
I expect a number of stained, pitted bones will be available for procurement."

Once you enter the statuary hall, if spoken to:

"A lot of grim celebrations happened here.
Yech. Look around for a bone we can use. It has to be large and sturdy, with just the right sort of necrotic properties. I'll know it when I see it."

As you approach a suitable femur, Rayan will point it out:

Squire Rayan: "That one looks strong enough. It'll work for what we need."

After picking up the Large Femur:

Squire Rayan: "We have the hilt, now we need a head. I suggest we make for the prison warrens, on the north side of the tower. We should find an executioner's block we can use."

You have the option of speaking with Squire Rayan about the next item:

"For the hammer's head, I suggest we go to the prison warrens.
An executioner's block will be perfect for what we have in mind … macabre though it may be."
So this weapon will be made of a bone and a chopping block?
"Not exactly traditional, I know. But these objects are soaked in the dark aura of this place. They should prove able vessels for the tower's power.
And they'll smash the heart without fail. That's important, too."

Speaking with him again afterwards:

"The prison warrens should have what we're looking for. It's on the north side of the tower, sunken deep into the earth."

When you reach to the outside of the warrens:

"Somewhere within the warrens should be an executioner's block. Just what we need for this weapon."

Once you enter the warrens:

Squire Rayan: "Somewhere in here is the old executioner square. Keep an eye out for a block, most likely still stained from the tower's darkest days."

Speaking with him in the warrens:

"All right, we're here. We need to find a sturdy chopping block. It won't be pretty, but it will work for what we need."

Once you find and collect the Executioner's Block:

Squire Rayan: "I cringe to imagine what horrors that thing has seen. All right, now we need to get the water flowing around the tower again. Let's head to the mill, southeast of the tower."

You have the option to speak with him again about the next step:

"Let's find that mill, which I believe lies southeast of the tower.
We'll need the waters around the spire flowing again if we're going to finish the weapon."
Why do we need to get the water flowing?
"Well, binding the parts together won't be a problem. The real question is, how do we imbue it with the heart's power?
My research indicates the tower's energies flow into the watercourse nearby."
Let's go, then.

Your trip to the mill may take you past the hedge maze where sigil traps spawn. Squire Rayan will point out the first one you see:

Squire Rayan: "Watch your step. Those sigils are dangerous."

When you reach the water mill, you will find that it is not currently working:

Squire Rayan: "Hopefully the mechanism is just jammed. See if you can find a way to get it turning again."

Before pulling the lever:

"There should be a lever or pulley or something around here. Hopefully we can just get it unstuck to get the wheel turning again."

After pulling the lever, the water will begin to flow:

Squire Rayan: "Almost done! We can assemble the weapon at the smithy, southwest of the tower. Let's go."

You can speak with Squire Rayan about what you need to do to forge your weapon:

"That's it! We've got the water moving! Now to put this damnable thing together, we just need to find the blacksmith shop. It is southwest of the tower, I believe."
That's our last stop?
"The magic of this place permeates everything. As you saw, the water here has taken on aspects of the bloodmage's power.
Now that we have a hammer made of the pain and death in this place, we just have to—for lack of a better term—forge it."
All right.
"Isn't magic strange? I believe if we dip the weapon into a trough of this churning water, it should have all the properties we need to destroy the heart."
Let's head to the blacksmith, then.

Speaking with him again afterwards:

"Let's hurry. We have to get to the smithy if we're going to put the weapon together."

When you reach the Blacksmith's Shop:

Squire Rayan: "There's the smithy! Everything we need should be inside."

Talking with him before you enter:

"Let's head inside. There we can finish the creation of this macabre weapon and ready ourselves for the final confrontation.
Huh, Madach was right. This will make a good story."

Once inside you will find the smithy is all ready for you:

Squire Rayan: "And here we are! Use one of those workbenches to bind the bone and the block together."

Talking with him before creating the weapon:

"We're here! Use one of the workbenches to make the hammer!"

After forging the Bone Hammer:

Squire Rayan: "Exemplary work! Now quench it in the water of the tower, and we'll have what we need!"

Talking to him at this point:

"Excellent work. Now plunge it into the waters and we should have the weapon we need."

After placing the Bone Hammer and creating the Imbued Bone Hammer

Squire Rayan: "Divines save us! Look at that thing."
Squire Rayan: "The weapon is ready. Let's head to the tower!"

With the newly created weapon, talk with Squire Rayan before heading into the tower:

"Very well done! We're like the heroes in all of Madach's old tales, now.
Let's head to the tower and face down the bloodmage!"
You think this thing will work?
"I do. With enough time he might be able to recreate his phylactery, even limited as he would be in his hemomorphic spiritual form.
We won't give him the chance. You, Dame Madach, and I will put an end to him. Once and for all."
Let's see it done.

Speaking to him again:

"We've done it! Let's find Dame Madach!"

Speaking with Squire Rayan before entering the Heart of the Spire:

"We're entering Bloodmage Cassel's seat of power. Be wary, many a knight has met their end here."

When you enter the Heart of the Spire:

Squire Rayan: "Look at this place. Cassel must be close. Let's find Dame Madach, traveler."

You will find a room of plusating red crystal which you can smash with the hammer. Speaking with Squire Rayan at this point:

"We've done it! Let's find Dame Madach!"

In the Spire Lower Sanctum, you will find Dame Madach confronting Bloodmage Cassel:

Bloodmage Cassel: "Enough! You will not undo my work here. Die!"
<He hits Dame Madach directly with red magic and she falls to the soot-covered floor.>
Dame Madach: "Argh!"
Squire Rayan: "No!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "Coinless mongrels. Come find me at the spire's pinnacle, if you dare!"
<Bloodmage Cassel teleports away.>

Squire Rayan will run up and kneel next to her, at this point you can speak with Dame Madach. Once you have done so, she will speak with Rayan and knight him:

Dame Madach: "Ugh … All things considered, that could have gone better."
Squire Rayan: "Please, let me help!"
Dame Madach: "No. No, my dear friend. You need to finish what I could not."
Squire Rayan: "I have so much left to learn! I'm not ready!"
Dame Madach: "You have been ready for a long time … take my hat, Sir Rayan. And stand as a knight of our order. Goodbye, my friend."
<Dame Madach dies and Rayan takes her hat and places it on his head.>
Squire Rayan: "Thank you, Madach. I won't … I won't let you down."

After this moment, you can speak with Sir Rayan:

"She … she just had to take center stage, even at the end."
I'm sorry, Rayan.
"I can grieve later. I'll hold up a flagon in her memory and sing one of those songs we learned together.
And, of course, wear her ridiculous hat."
She said she knew this would be her last adventure.
"I know. We … we can talk about it later. Now then. Ahem.
We need to find the bloodmage and put an end to his murderous ways. Will you join me?"
Of course, Sir Rayan.

You will now need to reach the Spire Upper Sanctum to confront Cassel and destroy his phylactery. Speaking with Sir Rayan at this point:

"We … we'll have to raise a flagon to Dame Madach. Later. Right now, the best way I can honor her is to see to this quest completed."

When you reach the Upper Sanctum:

Sir Rayan: "This is it! We need to destroy his phylactery! Smash it with the bone hammer!"

The phylactery will be in a room behind Bloodmage Cassel. Talking to Sir Rayan before destroying it:

"The bloodmage is vulnerable. After all our hard work, this is it.
You take the final step, friend. You've earned it."

Once you smash it with the imbued hammer, if Bloodmage Cassel is still alive he will feel it:

Bloodmage Cassel: "What have you done? Noooo!"
Squire Rayan: "We've done it!"
Squire Rayan: "I'm going to head back to shore. See you there, my friend."

If you kill Bloodmage Cassel:

Squire Rayan: "The Bloodmage is dead!"

You can meet with Sir Rayan on the stairs back on High Isle. The dialogue will differ depending on whether Bloodmage Cassel was dead or not before the phylactry was broken:

Bloodmage Cassel was not slain:
Bloodmage Cassel was slain:
"It's over. The phylactery is destroyed, and I am a knight.
What a thrilling adventure."
What will you do next?
"I shall return to the tower and slay the bloodmage. With his phylactery destroyed, he will be well and truly dead.
Also … I need to recover Madach's body. I'll see her brought back to the Order, and make sure she gets proper honors for her deeds."
Do you need any assistance?
"It's over. We have slain the bloodmage, and I am a knight.
What a thrilling adventure."
What will you do next?
"I need to recover Madach's body. I'll see her brought back to the Order, and make sure she gets proper honors for her deeds."
Do you need any assistance?
'"No, my friend. You've done so much already.
I am … was … her squire. This is for me to do alone."
Perhaps we'll see each other again someday, Sir Rayan.
"I'd like that very much. Best of luck on your adventures here on High Isle.
I'll ensure that your name is sung alongside Dame Madach's in the Tale of the Crimson Spire."
Good luck, Sir Rayan. / Good luck.

Leaving and entering the conversation at this point:

"I shall return Dame Madach's body to our order. After I take a moment to rest, of course."
Good luck, Sir Rayan.
"I couldn't have done it without your help … or, of course, without Dame Madach. I'm sure wherever she is she's smiling, singing, and toasting our success.
I'll need to return to the order and let them know what happened. Thank you, my new friend."

Once you have completed the quest, you can speak with Sir Rayan some more:

"I'm not sure if I'm worthy of the title, but I will do all that I can to bring honor to the Order of the Albatross.
It's what Dame Madach would have wanted, after all."
Did you know that Dame Madach was dying?
"I didn't, but I suspected. She's been a bit quieter, the last few months.
She'd never make people worry about her. Those of us closest to her would be the last she'd want to know."
I'm sorry for your loss.
"She was trying, sometimes insufferable, our Dame Madach. I mean, look at this hat.
But she was also the most generous, kind person I've ever known. And her example is one I shall follow to the end of my days."

A Chance for Peace[edit]

Sir Rayan in Gonfalon Palace

If you assisted Sir Rayan earlier, he will be at the Gonfalon Bay Palace during the ceremony after the battle at the All Flags Islet:

"The turnout for this is incredible. Look at all these lives you've touched. Draigh, I knew you were a hero, but …."
Did you get Dame Madach back safely?
"I did. The Order of the Albatross welcomed her home. She's been interred in a crypt reserved for knights that died on errantry.
I've visited her a few times. She … she has a nice spot."
And you're officially a knight, now?
"I am. Sir Le Fleury was very impressed with my tale. As he put it, who am I to stand in the way of the unstoppable Dame Madach?
I'm still not used to the title, but I'll get there."
Do you have any plans for the future?
"I think I'll spend some time working with the knights at Castle Navire. Get my sea legs under me, so to speak. The knight commander is already muttering about having me take on a squire.
So, I expect it'll be back into the breach soon enough!"
See you, Sir Rayan.

Speaking with him after the quest is completed:

"I might slip out the back now that the talking is done. Even as a squire I wasn't much for glad-handing."
