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High Isle

Online:Dame Madach

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Dame Madach
Location Spire of the Crimson Coin
Race Breton Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Order of the Albatross
Dame Madach

Dame Madach is a Breton noble of the Order of the Albatross who can be found at the Spire of the Crimson Coin. Squire Rayan is her squire.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After agreeing to help Squire Rayan, you will sail across from High Isle to the Spire. Outside the main entrance to the spire you will witness Dame Madach and Bloodmage Cassel facing off:

Squire Rayan: "Dame Madach!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "There's no profit in this. Away with you!"
<Bloodmage Cassel teleports away.>
Dame Madach: "Blast! This isn't over!"
<She notices you and Rayan.>
Dame Madach: "Ah, Rayan! And you've brought help. Thank Stendarr."

You can then speak with Dame Madach to see how you can help:

"Many greetings, traveler. Truth be told, I'm glad Rayan didn't listen to me.
Shows he's coming out of his shell. I just know beneath his mousey visage beats the heart of a poet! Plus, we could use your help against that damned bloodmage."
Was that the bloodmage you were fighting?
"Just so! That scoundrel is an ancient spellcaster, a cruel bastard that's clung to life in this old tower for centuries.
That reign of terror will end today, if I have anything to say about it."
If he's that old, why assault the tower now?
"Bloodmage Cassel has been a scourge across the isles, and of late his raids have become too much to bear. His minions have collected piles of booty for his dark vault.
The head of my order himself charged us with ending this fiend's life."
How can we help?
"The bastard is more dangerous than I expected. I'll keep him busy while you two even our odds.
Rayan holds the key, he was the one that came up with the plan for our assault. He'll be a tremendous knight one day! Stendarr guide your arm!"
Good luck.

Before you follow Squire Rayan, you can ask Dame Madach some questions:

"The bloodmage will have his reckoning. By my sword, I will see his end!"
Why were you and Rayan picked for this quest?
"I actually requested the honor. Rayan and I belong to the Order of the Albatross. Every knight bearing our crest has a song in their heart and a story on their lips.
But a true knight is not content to retell the tales of others."
So you're in it for the glory?
"You misunderstand me. This quest is not about glory but about… a lasting legacy. For myself, another tale in a long and storied career.
And for Rayan, his first chapter as a knight."
Thank you, Dame Madach.

Dame Madach will have you assist Squire Rayan with his plan. You will need to create a weapon from items found in the Spire to destroy Bloodmage Cassel's phylactry so he can be killed for good. As you explore the Spire, you will occasionally see Dame Madach and Bloodmage Cassel fighting on the walkways above.

While on your way to the Prison Warrens:

Dame Madach: "Hah! Rayan! The battle goes well!"
Dame Madach: "Keep going, I've got this fiend right where I want him! Ha ha!"

While heading to the Blacksmith Shop, you will witness another clash, where Bloodmage Cassel is hit:

Bloodmage Cassel: "Agh!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "Your pitiful attempt here will see no return. Begone!"
<Bloodmage Cassel flees.>
Dame Madach: "Ha ha! Have at thee!"
Dame Madach: "We've got him on the run, Rayan! Keep going!"
<Dame Madach chases after Cassel.>

After you have created the Imbued Bone Hammer to destroy the phylactery, you can enter the Heart of the Spire to find Dame Madach and Bloodmage Cassel. In the Spire Lower Sanctum, you will find Dame Madach confronting Bloodmage Cassel:

Bloodmage Cassel: "Enough! You will not undo my work here. Die!"
<He hits Dame Madach directly with red magic and she falls to the soot-covered floor.>
Dame Madach: "Argh!"
Squire Rayan: "No!"
Bloodmage Cassel: "Coinless mongrels. Come find me at the spire's pinnacle, if you dare!"
<Bloodmage Cassel teleports away.>

Squire Rayan will run up and kneel next to her, at this point you can speak with the gravely injured Dame Madach:

"Damn it all. I almost had … I almost had him."
Those wounds don't look good.
"Haha. They … ugh … They don't feel good either. I'm afraid this is as far as I go.
You and Sir Rayan will need to finish our quest. Dash it all."
Sir Rayan?
"You're so close to victory. And … heh … there will be a spot in the Order when I'm gone.
He becomes a full-fledged knight today. I'm glad I could play a part."
You knew this would happen.
"Aye, I took on this quest knowing it would be my end. I have … only a few months to live.
A wasting disease. So terribly cliche. I couldn't stomach the thought of my last tale ending in a sickbed somewhere."
Your story will live on.
"Hah, I should bloody well hope so. After all this.
Thank you, adventurer. Now … let me talk to my squire one last time."
Of course.

She will then speak to Rayan:

Dame Madach: "Ugh … All things considered, that could have gone better."
Squire Rayan: "Please, let me help!"
Dame Madach: "No. No, my dear friend. You need to finish what I could not."
Squire Rayan: "I have so much left to learn! I'm not ready!"
Dame Madach: "You have been ready for a long time … take my hat, Sir Rayan. And stand as a knight of our order. Goodbye, my friend."
<Dame Madach dies and Rayan takes her hat and places it on his head.>
Squire Rayan: "Thank you, Madach. I won't … I won't let you down."
