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This character only appears during the Jester's Festival event
Location Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls
Race Argonian Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Soars-in-Laughter is an Argonian prankster who can be found next to a cart near the Jester's Festival Tent in Stonefalls. She would like your help getting with pulling some pranks on her friends.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

As you approach her for the first time, you may hear Soars-in-Laughter call out to you:

"Hey! Hey you! Interested in some real Jester's Festival fun?"

Talk to Soars-in-Laughter to see what she wants with you:

First time doing Quest:
Subsequent times doing Quest:
"Now you look like someone who knows what the Jester Festival is really about. I can spot a true prankster just by the way they walk. And you, my friend, I saw coming from very far away!
What do you say? Are you up for a little mischief?"
"Ah, my partner in hilarity! Back for more pranks?
I have a great one for you today. A big laugh!"
What kind of mischief?
"Pranks, of course! There's no better way to celebrate than playing harmless japes on others. I consider myself a master, but there is only one of me, and there are many people in need of a laugh.
I think you have what it takes. Interested?"
Sure, I'll help you do some pranks.

Once you agree, you can ask her about the prank she wants you to pull for the day.

Glitter Prank:
Slime Prank:
Stink Prank:
"Klumbert is so very easy to prank. He can never resist a new book. The possibility that he hasn't read something will torture him if he tries to ignore it.
I bet he's never read a book with a plot twist like this one!"
So, what's the prank?
"In the kit, you'll find a book I fashioned to have a … surprise inside the front cover. My friend Klumbert is a scholar, and he can never resist cracking opening a new tome! And when he does, poof! A face full of glitter!"
Where can I find Klumbert?
"He's usually at his stall in Skywatch. Wait for a moment when he turns to hail customers.
You can probably sneak up and place the trick book on his table when he's distracted. It'll be great, I promise you! He's going to look like a torchbug!"
I'll get the kit and find Klumbert.
What's the prank, and who is the target?
"The target is my good friend, Lejikeh. She also happens to be a carpenter with a little workbench that she's always huddled under. Set up the prank kit over her awning and the second she gets under it, blech! Slime catastrophe!"
Where can I find Lejikeh?
"She's got a kiosk in Dhalmora that she uses to sell her wares. You shouldn't have any trouble finding her.
She'll look so funny covered in slime. It'll take forever to get out of her hair! You're in for a treat! Go on, get the kit and get going!"
I'll get the kit and find Lejikeh.
Who's the target?
"Skurnd is a talented dancer with a great sense of humor. I rigged my most recent contraption to release a potent stink when activated. While Skurnd is dancing, find his seat and place the prank kit under it!
It will smell awful. I hope someone faints!"
Where is Skurnd?
"Skurnd loves the bard in Mistral. He's almost always dancing for the crowd, tiring himself out, and then sitting down for a swig of mead before getting up again.
You shouldn't have any trouble placing the kit under his seat while he's dancing. Easy!"
I'll get the kit and find Skurnd.

You can then pick up your prank kit and head off to commit said prank. After you have done the prank, you can return to Soars-in-Laughter and tell her how it went.

"You have a satisfied air about you. The aura of a successful prankster!
Tell me everything."
Glitter Prank:
Slime Prank:
Stink Prank:
Let's just say … Klumbert has a new shine about him.
"Perfect! Glad I picked the right person for the job! I would have liked to see the look on his face for myself, but I was busy replacing someone's bath soap with kwama lard.
I trust Klumbert took it well?"
He did, he seemed in good spirits.
I think Lejikeh will need a good bath after that.
"Oh, I should think so. I'm so glad you pulled it off. She's always pranking me, and is [sic] incredibly hard to get back at her. I knew I picked the right person for the job.
How did she react?"
She laughed about it.
It was a success. Skurnd definitely got some sideways looks.
"I knew I picked the right person for the job.
I'm glad to see you survived the smell. How did Skurnd take it? He must have been embarrassed. But knowing him, I'm sure he took it in good spirits."
He seemed to have a good sense of humor about it.
"Excellent. Another successful prank. The Jester's Festival would be nothing without this kind of fun, I thank you for joining.
I'll put together another prank kit for you tonight. Come back tomorrow, and I'll set you up with another!"

After you have completed the quest for the day, you can talk to her while she explains her methodology for pranking and reminisces about her favorites pranks.

"Snake? No … frog! Sorry. I was just coming up with another prank idea. The perfect prank should be disruptive and shocking, but not terrifying, or damaging. Even better if it's tailored to the person.
It's a delicate balance, you know."
"Now, what to do for next time? How about replacing someone's paint bucket with milk? The city's cats would rush over to lick the side of a house!
Hmm, maybe too expensive. And we wouldn't want the cats to get splinters."
"I'm glad to have a prankster partner. You understand me, and the Jester's Festival, in a way most don't.
I'll have to think about what fun to set up for tomorrow. Hmm, maybe something with scrib jellies?"
Do you have a favorite prank of all time?
"Once, I fashioned a thin, nearly invisible film made from dried cow spit and chitin.
I put the film over my friend's privy late at night, knowing that first thing in the morning, he would need to … relieve himself."
Very clever.
"It gets better. Or worse, depending on your perspective. Unknown to either of us, my friend's wife had eaten some bad fruit at a gathering earlier that evening.
Unfortunately for her, she had to urgently use the privy in the middle of the night."
That is unfortunate.
"Indeed. It went exactly how you imagine it. There was much screaming, cursing, and an extensive cleaning that night. Much, much later, we had a good laugh.
When the prank pranks the prankster, that's when you know it's special."
That makes sense.

If you finished the objective but haven't turned in the quest, Your response is different:

I enjoyed myself.



  • When doing the quest a second time, Soars-in-Laughter does not say quest stage-specific dialogue but instead one of the three post-quest greeting lines.