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Online:Morrowind Quest Items

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Main Quests

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-head-Runed Skull.png Archcanon's Signet Archcanon's Office Divine Blessings This large seal bears the mark of the Tribunal and Vivec's personal symbol.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Barilzar's Hirelings Barilzar's Tower Divine Intervention This list includes the names and probably locations of some of Barilzar's hirelings.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Barilzar's Notes Barilzar's Tower Divine Inquiries Almost incomprehensible, these notes on energy transfer may mean something to Barilzar and Vivec, but not to you.
ON-icon-stolen-Waystone.png Blessing Stone Vivec City Divine Conundrum This stone pulses with a spark of Vivec's divine energy.
ON-icon-stolen-Waystone.png Blessing Stone Vivec City Divine Disaster This stone pulses with a spark of Vivec's divine energy.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 02.png Chodala's Writings Ald'ruhn Divine Inquiries The aspirations and ambitions of Chodala of the Ashlanders, including his claim to be the Nerevarine.
ON-icon-quest-Control Rod.png Galom Daeus Control Rod Galom Daeus Divine Intervention This strange device emits a low hum.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png How to Use the Tonal Inverter Barilzar's Tower Divine Intervention An instruction book prepared by Barilzar the mage.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 02.png Incarnate Aduri's Scroll Cavern of the Incarnate Divine Delusions This scroll describes the ascension and fall of Incarnate Aduri, whose love of senseless war proved her undoing as the Nerevarine.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 03.png Incarnate Danaat's Scroll Cavern of the Incarnate Divine Delusions This scroll tells the tale of Incarnate Danaat and teaches that the one who refuses wise counsel can never be the Nerevarine.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Incarnate Ranso's Scroll Cavern of the Incarnate Divine Delusions This scroll tells the tale of Incarnate Ranso and teaches the lesson that power alone doesn't make the Nerevarine.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 01.png Inversion Conduit Galom Daeus Divine Intervention A negatively charged plate to transpose the flow of energy.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Lord Vivec's Questions Andrano Ancestral Tomb Divine Conundrum Lord Vivec's questions for the Andrano ancestor, inscribed on a simple scroll.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 02.png Manual Clockwork Shaft Nchuleft Divine Intervention A complex Dwarven crank for making gears rotate and pistons operate.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Meeting with Chodala West of Ald'ruhn Divine Inquiries This scroll describes a meeting between Chodala and the Red Exiles in which he calls himself the Nerevarine and talks about his upcoming appointment with the Wise Woman.
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Nycotic Ritual Bag Shulk Ore Mine Divine Inquiries This sack of cult ritual components includes a small, ornate rod covered in runes, a Dwemer crystal, and the burnt remains of a ritual scroll.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Pouch of Blessed Grave Dust Cavern of the Incarnate Divine Delusions This worn pouch contains a fine, gray powder that will supposedly call forth the Failed Incarnates.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 05.png Red Exile Instructions Shulk Ore Mine Divine Inquiries Written orders commanding the Red Exiles to go to the deep chambers of the mine and acquire a staff of metal and gears used in the Nycotic cult's rituals.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 03.png Sonance Generator Arkngthunch-Sturdumz Divine Intervention A sound-producing engine of Dwarven design.
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Strange Mirror Archcanon's Office Divine Blessings In the depths of this strange mirror, you see the fleeting image of a large dog before a huge hand blocks your view. Then the silver blackens and you can see nothing else.
ON-icon-quest-Sunna'rah.png Sunna'rah Kaushtarari Divine Intervention Created by Sotha Sil, this staff-like device combines clockwork technology with magicka.
ON-icon-quest-Sunna'rah.png Sunna'rah Clockwork City Vault Divine Restoration Created by Sotha Sil, this staff-like device combines clockwork technology with magicka.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png The Blessings of Vivec Vivec City Divine Blessings This bag seems unusually heavy for its size, but looking inside reveals only darkness.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Third Canton Key Vivec City Divine Disaster This large, plain key opens the door to the portion of the construction site where the third canton is being built.
ON-icon-quest-Tonal Inverter.png Tonal Inverter Barilzar's Tower Divine Intervention This strange, unwieldy device has been cobbled together from various Dwarven components and is supposed to counteract the power of Sunna'rah.

Side Quests

Item Location(s) Quest Description
ON-icon-head-Arrow Skull.png Ancient Arrow Veloth Ancestral Tomb Ancestral Adversity An ancient arrow, still straight and exquisite in its detail.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Ancient House Genealogies Library of Andule The Lost Library Five genealogies recovered from the Library of Andule.
ON-icon-food-Psijic Ambrosia.png Anticat Tea Suran Nothing to Sneeze At An herbal mixture, guaranteed to give relief to those suffering from cat allergies.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 02.png Ascendant Champion Orders Ascendant Order Hideout Ascending Doubt Hastily written orders from the Ascendant Champion telling her lackeys to bring the medallions to Sareloth Grotto.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Ascendant Order Note Ascending Doubt A note from a member of the Ascendant Order to another.
ON-icon-quest-Flower 01.png Ashen Fern Around Arenim Manor Ancestral Ties A rare fern native to the coasts of Vvardenfell. Rumor has it that Ahemmusa Ashlanders use this plant to mask their scent while hunting.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Blank Parchment Sheet Seyda Neen Guard House Breaking Through the Fog A blank sheet of special parchment taken from the supply in the governor's private quarters.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Blood-Soaked Letter Khartag Point A Smuggler's Last Stand A letter sent to Mabkir from his lover back home, now stained crimson.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Broken Bottle South of Tel Mora Reclaiming Vos This broken bottle was surrounded by a noxious fluid and other alchemical reagents. Menwendel may have tried to use it as a weapon.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 04.png Broken Dwemer Control Rod Nchuleftingth The Heart's Desire This once powerful Dwemer control device appears broken beyond repair.
ON-icon-misc-Glowing Gem.png Bthark Prism Nchuleftingth The Heart's Desire This faceted crystal buzzes and flashes insistently. The pattern seems far from random.
ON-icon-weapon-Staff-Morag Tong.png Calderas, Spear of House Hleran Hleran Ancestral Tomb Ancestral Ties A brittle relic that bears the scars of many battles. Too ancient to use, but filled with symbolic power.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Captain's Note Firemoth Island (docks) Breaking Through the Fog A note from the slaver captain to his crew that accuses Governor Omellian of being in league with them while also betraying them.
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Cell Key Inside Hlormaren Stronghold Family Reunion This key opens the cells in the Hlormaren stronghold.
ON-icon-book-Generic 211.png Devotee Journal Northeast of Molag Mar An Armiger's Duty A pilgrim's journal, detailing a religious pilgrimage that started in Molag Mar.
ON-icon-quest-Knock Out Powder.png Dispelling Powder East of Vivec City A King's Retreat A fine powder made by Valessea in order to negate the deadly spell placed on the medallions by the Ascendant Order and return them to their original state.
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png Dres Genealogy Library of Andule The Lost Library A tome detailing the earliest genealogy of the families that make up House Dres.
ON-icon-misc-Spoon.png Dwarven Crank Mzanchend The Magister Makes a Move This crank shows signs of corrosion, but it looks like a perfect fit for Otheri's machine.
ON-icon-quest-Rod.png Dwarven Piston Mzanchend The Magister Makes a Move Someone lubricated this piston recently. It almost certainly fits in Magister Otheri's machine.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 04.png Dwarven Release Switch Mzanchend The Magister Makes a Move This elegant Dwarven lever feels well-oiled and lovingly polished. This must be Magister Otheri's favorite component.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Cogs.png Dwarven Spur Gear Mzanchend The Magister Makes a Move This well-oiled gear looks like it was used recently. It probably fits into Otheri's machine.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Dwarven Tonal Prism Gnisis Egg Mine A Melodic Mistake This heavy, faceted stone emits a faint hum. It is clearly flush with power.
ON-icon-misc-Gem Cluster.png Dwarven Tonal Prism Mzanchend The Magister Makes a Move This massive Dwarven prism emits a low hum when handled.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Evidence of Collusion Mistress Dren's Residence, later in Inanius Egg Mine The Scarlet Judge A note from Mistress Dren to Marshal Hlaren, requesting she send him more prisoners to work his plantation.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Evidence of False Arrest Master Kharekh's Residence, later in Inanius Egg Mine The Scarlet Judge A note from someone named "H" to Kharekh gra-Bagrat, promising they will falsely arrest more travelers passing through Suran.
ON-icon-quest-Exile's Weapon.png Exile's Weapon East of Andasreth Ancestral Ties The broken weapon of an exiled Ashlander. Members of the Erabenimsun tribe slaughter banished Dark Elves on sight. This weapon is a fitting trophy.
ON-icon-quest-Invitation Medallion.png Fighters Guild Invitation Medallion East of Vivec City A King's Retreat This ornate medallion bears the mark of the Society of the Steadfast and the Fighters Guild.
ON-icon-misc-Water Bucket.png Findun's Special Blend Seyda Neen Breaking Through the Fog Water collected from a place where sea water and swamp water meet in perfect harmony.
ON-icon-weapon-Ebony Sword-Dark Elf.png Fine Elven Sword East of Pulk If the Spell Fits A well-made sword that matches the description of the weapon that was stolen from Nerise Venim.
ON-icon-stolen-Toothpick.png Finger Bone of Saint Felms Zaintiraris A Hireling of House Telvanni This gnarled finger bone allegedly belonged to Saint Felms.
ON-icon-misc-Potion.png Fire Bomb Firemoth Island (docks) Broken Bonds Combining fire salts and kindlepitch, I created a fire bomb.
ON-icon-misc-Fire Salts.png Fire Salts Firemoth Island (docks) Broken Bonds This combustible ingredient can be combined with kindlepitch to start a fire.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Firuth's Writ of Endorsement Near Hanud Tower Rising to Retainer A tightly-wound scroll containing Firuth's endorsement of Sun-in-Shadow.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Freshly-Penned Note Vos Reclaiming Vos The ink on this note is not yet dry. It was clearly written recently.
ON-icon-food-Brown Bottle.png Fungal Toxin Pinsun Reclaiming Vos This chestnut flask is filled to the brim with a thick, black liquid.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Gate Key Firemoth Island Broken Bonds This key opens the gate to the docks on Firemoth Island.
ON-icon-misc-Ruby.png Gilan's Memory Stone Balmora The Memory Stone A magic gem that can record and project memories. It has been attuned to Gilan Lerano's soul.
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Gold for the Khartog Mercenaries Sadrith Mora The Heart of a Telvanni A small but weighty sack of gold coins.
ON-icon-stolen-Toothpick.png Guar Bones North of Mallapi Cave Ancestral Ties The bones of a wild guar. The Urshilaku Ashlanders believe the soul of the guar lingers with the remains and can guide them even in death.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Halinjirr's Notes Zainsipilu A Hidden Harvest A leather-bound journal filled with agricultural notes and diagrams.
ON-icon-food-Wine.png Halinjirr's Sugar Toxin Zainsipilu A Hidden Harvest This crude glass decanter is filled with a noxious yellow liquid.
ON-icon-stolen-Mirror.png Hand Mirror Veloth Ancestral Tomb Ancestral Adversity This mirror reflects the beauty of all who gaze into it.
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png Hlaalu Genealogy Library of Andule The Lost Library A tome detailing the earliest genealogy of the families that make up House Hlaalu.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Hlormaren Stronghold Key Outside Hlormaren Stronghold Family Reunion This key unlocks the doors into the ancient Dark Elf fortress.
ON-icon-book-Generic 124.png House Redoran Registry Lord Drono's Townhouse Of Faith and Family Official record of notable House Redoran events.
ON-icon-armor-Helm-Glass.png Ichor Covered Helmet Northeast of Molag Mar An Armiger's Duty Defensive wounds suggest the owner of this helmet was desperate to fend off what attacked them. A vile briny sludge clings to it.
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png Indoril Genealogy Library of Andule The Lost Library A tome detailing the earliest genealogy of the families that make up House Indoril.
ON-icon-book-Generic 111.png Investigator Vale and the Temple of Stendarr Bal Fell exterior A Web of Troubles The frayed cover and bent pages of this popular mystery novel appear to have seen a lot of use.
ON-icon-quest-Invitation Medallion.png Invitation Medallion Sareloth Grotto Ascending Doubt A heavy medallion covered in runes and hanging on a golden chain.
ON-icon-stolen-Amber.png Jeweled Cuttle In Ashimanu Cave Ancestral Ties The royal wax excreted by a kwama queen sometimes hardens into a jewel-like pit. The Zainab Ashlanders use it in a variety of crafts and religious ceremonies.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Key to Mzanchend Zalkin-Sul Egg Mine The Magister Makes a Move Copy of a Dwemer Key
ON-icon-food-Molasses.png Kindlepitch Firemoth Island (docks) Broken Bonds This combustible ingredient can be combined with fire salts to start a conflagration.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Kudanat Mine Key The camp outside Kudanat Mine Of Faith and Family This key opens the locked door that leads to Kudanat Mine.
ON-icon-quest-Key 03.png Laboratory Key Yasammidan ruins south of Gnisis Between a Rock and a Whetstone A key to the laboratory of the Reformer in the ruins of Yasammiden.
ON-icon-misc-Wand1.png Lady Laurent's Signal Wand North of Bal Fell A Web of Troubles Lady Laurent provided this wand so you could signal and get her attention.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter from Julles Laurdon The Saucy Nix The Lost Symbol A letter left at the inn for Kiv Lindres. A faint aroma of leather and lavender perfume lingers upon it.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Letter to Eraven Sadrith Mora A Hireling of House Telvanni A letter to Eraven Onthim from his master, Magister Therana.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Letter to Savarak Vos Reclaiming Vos A crisply folded letter addressed to Savarak.
ON-icon-stolen-Forgemasters Medallion.png Mages Guild Invitation Medallion East of Vivec City A King's Retreat This ornate medallion bears the mark of the Society of the Steadfast and the Mages Guild.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Magister Otheri's Research Journal Tel Naga The Magister Makes a Move Magister Otheri's journal detailing a complex experiment.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Magister's Writ Tel Branora A Hireling of House Telvanni A writ demanding Sun-in-Shadow's freedom. It bears the seal of Magister Therana.
ON-icon-misc-Moss.png Malignant Growth Tel Mora exterior Reclaiming Vos This darkened mass of fungus writhes in your grasp—clearly the result of alchemical tampering.
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Map Veloth Ancestral Tomb Ancestral Adversity This sketch provides information useful for solving the floor puzzle in the Veloth Ancestral Tomb.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Menwendel's Notes North of Pinsun Reclaiming Vos A page torn from the journal of Menwendel, Mistress Dratha's herbalist. It looks like it may have fallen during a struggle.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Mertis's Instructions Just outside Vos Rising to Retainer This crisply folded letter contains secret correspondence between Mertis Othren and Wizard Jinrisa.
ON-icon-misc-Spider 02.png Mind Spider Bal Fell exterior A Web of Troubles A tiny spider, small enough to fit in a backpack and perfect for testing the effectiveness of Lady Laurent's potent tea.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Morag Tong Key Balmora Of Faith and Family A key hidden by the Morag Tong, it opens the way to their secret safehouse.
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png Morag Tong Map Balmora Of Faith and Family This map contains a code that shows the location of the Morag Tong safehouse.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png My Golden Child Seyda Neen Breaking Through the Fog A mysterious note suggesting that the Tribunal paid someone to sabotage the lighthouse in Seyda Neen.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 03.png Mysterious Formula Vassir-Didanat Mine Like Blood from a Stone The scroll bears a complex series of characters in a language you cannot decipher.
ON-icon-store-Bundle.png Nerise's Pack East of Pulk If the Spell Fits This pack contains Nerise Venim's valuable potions and unguents.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Nevena's Diary Forgotten Wastes Echoes of a Fallen House This discarded journal is partially burned, as if someone wanted its contents erased forever.
ON-icon-armor-Full-Leather Helmet-Dark Elf.png Nivel Omellian's Ordinator Helm Seyda Neen Guard House Breaking Through the Fog An Ordinator helm engraved with the name Nivel Omellian.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Ode to Ethrandora Sadrith Mora A Hireling of House Telvanni A questionable love poem written by Brelan Neloren.
ON-icon-stolen-Chalice.png Ornate Goblet Veloth Ancestral Tomb Ancestral Adversity A faint scent of almonds still lingers within this elegant drinking vessel.
ON-icon-quest-Plant 01.png Parasol Lichen Northwest of Suran Nothing to Sneeze At This colorful lichen smells faintly of evergreen and lemon-peel.
ON-icon-food-Yellow Cookie.png Pearl-dusted Marshmerrow Cakes Sadrith Mora Objections and Obstacles Delicately Pretty Marshmerrow Cakes, with a dusting of powdered pearl and sugar
ON-icon-quest-Key 02.png Peculiar Key Zaintiraris A Hireling of House Telvanni This key features two different blades of vastly divergent design. It likely opens the door to the Zaintiraris central chamber.
ON-icon-misc-Glow Dust.png Potent Spirit Essence Valenvaryon Haunted Grounds This ectoplasm still writhes with an unnatural life.
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png Prisoner's Testimony Southwest of Suran, later in Inanius Egg Mine The Scarlet Judge An archive of sworn testimony from prisoners sold into slavery on Arano plantation.
ON-icon-reagent-Blue Entoloma.png Rare Mushrooms Vivec City A Late Delivery These mushrooms smell terrible.
ON-icon-misc-Shell.png Red Star Shell South of Sadrith Mora Bound by Love These star shells are valuable to at least one Telvanni mage.
ON-icon-book-Generic 113.png Redoran Genealogy Library of Andule The Lost Library A tome detailing the earliest genealogy of the families that make up House Redoran.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Rendo Property Deed Sadrith Mora Rising to Retainer This yellowed legal document bears the Tribunal seal. It is clearly authentic.
ON-icon-misc-Crystal Ball.png Revus's Divining Stone Northwest of Gnisis Hatching a Plan This polished stone is covered in complex etchings and seems to buzz in your grasp.
ON-icon-misc-Blue Dust.png Rihnissi's Knockout Powder Vassamsi Mine The Heart of a Telvanni A small packet of finely ground powder that explodes on impact.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Ritual of Appeasement Almurbalarammi An Armiger's Duty A detailed description of an Ashlander ceremony to appease the Daedric Lords through ritual sacrifice.
ON-icon-quest-Gemstone Tear Red.png Ruby Seyda Neen Breaking Through the Fog A ruby left with a mysterious note as payment for sabotaging the lighthouse in Seyda Neen.
ON-icon-misc-Sack.png Sack of Grain Veloth Ancestral Tomb Ancestral Adversity A sack full of the highest quality grain.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Servitude Obligation Givyn Tower Bound by Love The contract designates Tirwin as a slave owned by Faras Givyn. If signed over, it can be used to free her.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Shipping Notice Vos Reclaiming Vos A weathered bill that bears the mark of the Black Snail mercenary company.
ON-icon-book-Generic 123.png Sondivel's Journal Yasammidan ruins south of Gnisis Between a Rock and a Whetstone Musings by the mage Sondivel concerning experiments and Sharp.
ON-icon-stolen-Bowl.png Stibbons's Serving Bowl Bal Fell exterior A Web of Troubles Stibbons's initials are etched into this humble bowl.
ON-icon-misc-Coin Bag.png Stibbons's Spice Pouch Bal Fell exterior A Web of Troubles This bag smells strongly of garlic and other spices.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Ashalmawia Ashalmawia At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Bal Ur Bal Ur At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Esutanamus Esutanamus At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Kushtashpi Kushtashpi At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Ramimilk Ramimilk At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Tusenend Tusenend At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-misc-Sapphire.png Stone of Yansirramus Yansirramus At Any Cost Blue flames swirl within this polished black stone, but it remains cold to the touch. The right person might show great interest in this.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Suran Prison Key Suran The Scarlet Judge A key to the private prison beneath Suran.
ON-icon-quest-Book 02.png Teas & Tisanes for Aches and Pains Suran Nothing to Sneeze At A leather-bound guide to herbal remedies.
ON-icon-quest-Book 03.png Technical Logbook Mzanchend The Magister Makes a Move A loosely bound bundle of incomprehensible notes and schematics. This should satisfy Lothnarth's buyer.
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png Telvanni Genealogy Library of Andule The Lost Library A tome detailing the earliest genealogy of the families that make up House Telvanni.
ON-icon-stolen-Potion.png Tilenra's Potion Suran Nothing to Sneeze At A thick, cloying odor surrounds this potion. Apparently cats love it.
ON-icon-stolen-Bloody Rag.png Torn Cloth South of Tel Mora Reclaiming Vos A torn and tattered piece of clothing stained with grass, mud and blood. It smells faintly of berries.
ON-icon-stolen-Waystone.png Ulran's Speaking Stone Kudanat Mine Of Faith and Family A stone that contains select remembrances of its owner.
ON-icon-quest-Valessea's Shell.png Valessea's Shell Ascendant Order Hideout Ascending Doubt The magically enchanted shell given to you by Valessea that will allow you to track down the stolen medallions.
ON-icon-minor adornment-Ring.png Varvisi's Bracelet (?) Cold Trail A bangle bracelet designed by Varvisi Uleni.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Vassir-Didnat Mine Key Balmora or Rethan Manor Like Blood from a Stone This heavy iron key bears the seal of House Hlaalu.
ON-icon-stolen-Key.png Warden Libo's Chest Key Bal Ur, exterior The Scarlet Judge A key to Warden Libo's trophy chest.
ON-icon-stolen-Big Key.png Weathered Mine Key Suran The Scarlet Judge A key to the back entrance of the Inanius Egg Mine.
ON-icon-book-Scroll 01.png Wise-woman's Journal Page Almurbalarammi An Armiger's Duty This page appears to have been haphazardly torn from a larger volume. It's still legible.
ON-icon-stolen-Poison.png Wise Womens' Potion Dreudurai Glass Mine An Armiger's Duty A muddy mixture used by the Ashlanders to drive dreugh from the their nests.
ON-icon-stolen-Toothpick.png Worried Bones Northeast of Molag Mar An Armiger's Duty Disfigured bones from the corpse of a recently slain pilgrim. Little flesh still clings to them and their surface bears countless gouges.

Repeatable Quests

Item Location(s) Quest Quest Giver Description
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Ale Shipment Shipwreck Cove Siren's Song Beleru Omoril Gold Coast Trading Company cargo recovered in Shipwreck Cove.
ON-icon-head-Kwama.png Ash-Eater Trophy West of Erabenimsun Camp Ash-Eater Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A trophy collected from the dire ash beetle known as Ash-Eater.
ON-icon-quest-Mushroom 01.png Caldera Mushroom Nilthog's Hollow Oxen Free Beleru Omoril What kind of mysterious properties could this mushroom contain?
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png Dubdil Alar's Research Notes Dubdil Alar Tower The Anxious Apprentice Beleru Omoril Near unintelligible writing covers these pages.
ON-icon-misc-Dwemer Cogs.png Dwarven Cog Nchuleft Tribal Troubles Traylan Omoril The cog's brass is engraved with strange runes.
ON-icon-style material-Dwemer Scrap.png Dwarven Core Nchuleft Tribal Troubles Traylan Omoril The core remains warm to the touch.
ON-icon-misc-Shiny Dwemer Gear.png Dwarven Gear Nchuleft Tribal Troubles Traylan Omoril A gear the size of a wagon's wheel.
ON-icon-quest-Dwarven Part 04.png Dwarven Rod Nchuleft Tribal Troubles Traylan Omoril The gem atop this rod appears to still gently glow.
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Grain Shipment Shipwreck Cove Siren's Song Beleru Omoril Gold Coast Trading Company cargo recovered in Shipwreck Cove.
ON-icon-misc-Stinger.png Great Zexxin Trophy West of Mzanchend Great Zexxin Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A piece of the powerful nix-ox, Great Zexxin.
ON-icon-book-Note 04.png Incoherent Notes Zainsipilu Planting Misinformation Traylan Omoril Research notes titled "Recommended Methods of Moon-Sugar Cultivation."
ON-icon-quest-Monster Teeth.png King Razor-Tusk Trophy West of Falensarano Ruins King Razor-Tusk Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A trophy collected for the kagouti pack leader known as King Razor-Tusk.
ON-icon-quest-Egg 03.png Kwama Egg Matus-Akin Egg Mine Kwama Conundrum Traylan Omoril A kwama egg from the Matus-Akin Egg Mine.
ON-icon-quest-Scroll 01.png Letter Home Khartag Point Unsettled Syndicate Traylan Omoril A heartfelt letter written by a runaway slave to her love.
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Molag Mar Tax Records Pulk Tax Deduction Traylan Omoril Tax assessment records for the residents of Molag Mar.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 02.png Mother Jagged-Claw Trophy Southwest of the Shrine of Azura Mother Jagged-Claw Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A trophy collected from the giant mudcrab matriarch known as Mother Jagged-Claw.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Claw 01.png Old Stomper Trophy Northeast of Suran Old Stomper Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A trophy collected from the ancient cliff strider known as Old Stomper.
ON-icon-quest-Book 01.png Kwama Breeding Research Notes (Flora) Matus-Akin Egg Mine Kwama Conundrum Traylan Omoril A list of various plants and their effects on the kwama of Matus-Akin Egg Mine.
ON-icon-misc-Small Chest.png Poisoned Kwama Feed Matus-Akin Egg Mine Kwama Conundrum Traylan Omoril Kwama feed which has been covered in poison. Handle with caution.
ON-icon-misc-Bones 02.png Relic Bones Sulipund Grange A Creeping Hunger Beleru Omoril Mysterious bones from a creature long since departed.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Ashalmawia Ashalmawia Relics of Ashalmawia Numani-Rasi A relic recovered from the shrine of Ashalmawia.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Ashurnabitashpi Ashurnabitashpi Relics of Ashurnabitashpi Numani-Rasi A relic recovered from the Ashurnabitashpi shrine.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Assarnatamat Assarnatamat Relics of Assarnatamat Numani-Rasi A relic from the Daedric shrine.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Dushariran Dushariran Relics of Dushariran Numani-Rasi A relic recovered from the shrine of Dushariran.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Ebernanit Ebernanit Relics of Ebernanit Numani-Rasi A relic recovered from the shrine of Ebernanit.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Maelkashishi Maelkashishi Relics of Maelkashishi Numani-Rasi A relic recovered from the ruins of the Maelkashishi shrine.
ON-icon-quest-Daedric Rune Key.png Relic of Yasammidan Yasammidan Relics of Yasammidan Numani-Rasi A relic from the Daedric shrine.
ON-icon-head-Bear Skull.png Relic Skull Sulipund Grange A Creeping Hunger Beleru Omoril The skull of a fearsome beast of unknown origins.
ON-icon-misc-Stone Tablet 02.png Relic Tablet Sulipund Grange A Creeping Hunger Beleru Omoril Mysterious writing covers this tablet. What could it say?
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Sadrith Mora Tax Records Pulk Tax Deduction Traylan Omoril Tax assessment records for the residents of Sadrith Mora.
ON-icon-stolen-Sack.png Spice Shipment Shipwreck Cove Siren's Song Beleru Omoril Gold Coast Trading Company cargo recovered in Shipwreck Cove.
ON-icon-misc-Coin Bag.png Stolen Taxes Pulk Tax Deduction Traylan Omoril These bags of gold are the rightful property of Vvardenfell's ruling body.
ON-icon-head-Wasp.png Tarra-Suj Trophy Northwest of Erabenimsun Camp Tarra-Suj Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A trophy collected from the mighty nix-hound known as Tarra-Suj.
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png Unintelligible Instructions Zainsipilu Planting Misinformation Traylan Omoril Research notes titled "Proven Moon-Sugar Fertilization Techniques."
ON-icon-book-Note 02.png Vos Tax Records Pulk Tax Deduction Traylan Omoril Tax assessment records for the residents of Vos.
ON-icon-misc-Monster Arm 01.png Writhing Sveeth Trophy Near Galom Daeus Writhing Sveeth Hunt Huntmaster Sorim-Nakar A trophy taken from the greater hive golem, Writhing Sveeth.