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Online:Farseer Tirinaat

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Farseer Tirinaat
Home Settlement Iliath Temple
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Kagesh Tribe
Farseer Tirinaat

Farseer Tirinaat is a Dark Elf member of the Kagesh Tribe acting as an emissary to the Tribunal priest found at Iliath Temple.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

From the Wastes[edit]

She will be having a conversation with Ordinator Nethis over the treatment of the injured:

Farseer Tirinaat: "I can help you treat the injured."
Ordinator Nethis: "You'd poison them. Ashlanders are all the same."

Speaking to her with the medicine in toll:

"I'm sorry. I don't believe I know you."
Hedrana Kaliki sent me. I have medicine from the camps outside.

She will ask you to treat the injured soldiers:

"Our wise woman sent you? By Azura! You couldn't have come at a better time. Let me see what you have.
I'll take the herbs to Curate Brethis. As for you, there are many injured soldiers here. Take the draughts and use them on the dying."
What should I do when I run out of draughts?
"Meet me in the main temple complex. it's up the stairs to the southwest. I'll be speaking with Curate Brethis.
Brethis is supposed to be wise, for a houseman. Surely I can get him to see reason, even if this guar-brained Ordinator won't."

Speaking to her after this exchange:

"Many dying soldiers are being tended on the grounds of the temple. Do what you can for them.
Those draughts you recovered are rare and costly things. We traded a guar for each one! I'm sure they'll help."

Speaking with her in the Shrine:

"The injured soldiers started filing in as you worked.
Please tell Brethis of your work, and tell him where you found the draughts."

After the quest:

"I am glad Brethis understands the wise woman's good intentions.
Now if only everyone would see as they do. We've been fighting with the housemen for centuries. I suppose fear is to be expected."


After speaking to Brother Samel, she will ask for your attention:

Farseer Tirinaat: "Please! There's another way!"

She proposed an alternative solution without much bloodshed:

"It doesn't have to end like this. Not with another slaughter. Not with more blood between us."
The Ashkhan's warriors are attacking. How can we stop them?
"They attack because they don't know Hedranna disapproves. I'd hoped to avoid this, but there's no choice.
I would like to give you a ... an artifact. Hedranna gave it to me as a last resort."
What is it?

You can ask about the artifact given to you:

"I don't know. The wise woman spoke into it. When you activate it, her image appears and repeats what she said.
If you use it near Ziddak's Ashlanders, they should let you pass."
Why didn't you use the artifact sooner?/Why didn't you use the device sooner?
"Our Ashkhan acts against the wishes of our wise woman. If his duplicity was known to our people, they'd never trust him again.
It would destroy him."
He betrayed your people. Why do you care?
"He does what he thinks is best for us. It's difficult to explain to outsiders.
The Ashkhan is the father of our tribe. Would you want to learn that your father is a liar? That he puts his desire for revenge above your family's safety?"
It's better to know the truth.
"I admire your strength. If I couldn't trust my father's wisdom. I'd feel lost. Where would I turn for counsel?
I'm sorry. This isn't your concern."
I understand what you mean.
"I'm glad you do. It's not easy for me to explain.
It's a terrible thing to lose faith in those you love."
Where did Hedranna get this device?
"She didn't say. I've seen similar devices in collections of Dwarven relics.
I don't know why the wise woman would have such a thing. The Dwarves were sinful people who wallowed in selfish curiosity."

Speaking to her again after exiting conversation:

"Spare our misguided warriors, if you can. I assure you, if you use the artifact I gave you, they'll stop and leave you in peace.
May the wind be in the eyes of your foes."

She will be outside the mines after you collapsed the tunnel. Before talking to the wise woman at the end of the quest:

"Is it over, then?
And ... the Ashkhan?"

After the quest:

"It's all going wrong. The cycle has begun anew with hate and bloodshed. Curate Brethis wanted peace, but the others ... I had to run.
What happened in the cave? Where is the Ashkhan?"
He attacked, and he wouldn't surrender. I had to kill him.
"He'll be mourned. He was the father of us all ... in spirit, I mean.
I wish he could have let go of his anger. I hated seeing him like that."
Why was he so angry?
"To you, what passes between Ashlanders and House Dunmer is distant news. They oppress us. We retaliate.
For you, it's all rather abstract, but we have to live with it every day."
I don't understand. What are the House Dunmer doing?
"When we go to market, they spit on us and call us heretics. When we pass, they draw their children inside.
If our men are beaten or our women assaulted, the first question the Ordinators ask is, "What did you do to provoke this?""
And the Ashkhan was fed up with that.
"Last year the Ashkhan's daughter was murdered. The attackers were known, but the Ordinators did nothing.
When her brother complained, they slit his throat."