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Oblivion talk:Yinz'r

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Yinz'r is probably a reference to the term "Yinzer," which is someone who speaks with Pittsburgh's regional dialect. Perhaps one of the Bethesda team is from there? 22:27, 5 May 2009 (EDT)

Stab without Penalty?[edit]

Hello, I just read the about Melisande and It said you stab Yinz'r...without penalty? I'm totally confused. Oh, and how you can stab him for the Blood of an Argonian. Shianni 17:09, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

Without penalty is probably because there are no guards there anywhere, and the rest of the NPC's don't care either. To get the blood of the argonian use the special dagger Melisande gave you, just stab him once and it will do. Razor 17:17, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

I know, but he'll get mad, even though he's essential. Shianni 17:18, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

Everyone gets mad when you stab them with a dagger, can you yield to him perhaps? As only one stab is enough that will do. Also, if that doesn't work, or isn't your style, consider visiting Veyond Cave filled with some argonian tribesman who are hostile anyway....:D. Hope that helps. Razor 17:24, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

I know Veyond is a possibility, I'm just making sure if Yinz'r is a valid choice. And I'm not a vampire. Lol. I don't need to jab or stab him. :P Shianni 17:26, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

That would depend on his dispotism towards you (or was it disposition??), as in if you can yield to him or not. But then again you could do that with every argonian who likes you alot, so then Yinz'r in particular wouldn't be worth adding. Razor 17:29, 12 February 2011 (UTC)

Moved Etymology[edit]

Yinz'r could be a reference to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania's unique dialect of spoken english. This coincides with Pittsburgh's major league baseball team, the 'Pirates.' People who speak Pittsburghese are known as Yinzers.

I don't see this being true, and there really is no proof behind this besides the similar name. Even if this was the intended meaning of his name, I can think of no way to confirm this. Also, since the normal course of action for etymologies is to move them to the talk page there is no reason to re-add this. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 05:30, 3 May 2011 (UTC)

If anything about this correlation is true, it should be proposed in Easter Eggs, not on the NPC page, because it has no immediate in-game relevance or even support via citations. The NPC page is specifically designed to provide players with knowledge to help them in-game. Talking about "Pittsburghese" or sports teams really just detracts from the article. - Neural Tempest 05:43, 3 May 2011 (UTC)
It will likely get shot down there as well. Yinz'r is virtually an irrelevant NPC, there is no more basis for this than this shaky reasoning. This makes roughly as much sense as saying "Oh look a rock! Why that rock looks just like this rock, therefore this rock is referring to the other rock!". My point is that this is much more likely to be a coincidence. For example, on this talk page if you scroll to the deleted notes you will see two similar references, one pointing out that Skjorta shares a name with the Norwegian word for shirt and the other pointing out she also shares her name with a mountain. It is pointless looking into every single detail in this game and expecting it to be a reference, and unless more proof is offered to support this I will continue to say Nay. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 06:03, 3 May 2011 (UTC)
Probably, but the burden of proof would fall to whoever proposes it, and hopefully, they would have the references to back up their arguement. Llama345 can go ahead and try, it would at least resolve any issues they had. I wouldn't fight for it, but a proposal in Easter Eggs is more appropriate than adding insubstantial tips and notes to this obscure page. We can leave it for Llama345 to decide. Frankly, I don't care either way, I'm just giving Llama an option. I would have reverted the notes myself, but AKB beat me to the punch - Neural Tempest 06:35, 3 May 2011 (UTC)
I agree that in this case, the reasoning is too tentative for it to be mentioned, but in regards to Yinz'r being an "irrelevant NPC," that actually makes the possibility of an easter egg more likely in my opinion. If any given NPC has no other discernible purpose, it seems more probable to me that he/she was put in place for an obscure reference or joke. And "relevant" NPCs are, by definition, usually too important for developers to goof around with. Minor Edits 06:54, 3 May 2011 (UTC)