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Oblivion talk:Ra'qanar

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Not the only one[edit]

Isn't Ganredhel of Cheydinhal also a Thieves guild member? It is listed that Ra'qanar is the only one. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:37 on 27 April 2008‎

The answer is on Ganredhel's page.--Puddle 22:44, 26 April 2008 (EDT)
Oh sorry. thanks — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:10 on 28 April 2008‎

Recent Note Removal[edit]

  • Because he steals from the guard barracks he is likely to be killed.

This note was removed because they were unsure of its relevance, now it is relevant if its true. Anybody else had this experience? Is it possible? And what else, if anything, does it affect? I don't think it should be added back until it is verified personally, although we could add it and just add a Verification Needed tag?--Kiz ·•· Talk ·•· Contribs ·•· Mail ·•· 20:40, 11 October 2011 (UTC)

I have personally seen this with City-Swimmer and Ra'qanar has low enough responsibility for him to do it. However, there has to be a reason for him to steal, for example C-S steals food because one of her AI packages tells her to. what would Ra'qanar steal and why?I would suggest checking his schedule and AI packages in the construction set. I personally have never seen this by the way.RIM 20:44, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
A CS Checker will appear eventually, and will (by the looks of it) say coincidence. Although it could be an AI package telling him to do it, although why no one has had him killed before is certainly strange --Kiz ·•· Talk ·•· Contribs ·•· Mail ·•· 20:46, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
It may have been a one off with me and the guards ignored it, but when I was in the Cheydinhal area questing, I happened to be in the barracks when he took food and the nearby guards paid no mind to him. I removed the note because, taking this experience into account, I was uncertain if it was true. I will proceed at once to test this a couple times and come back with a solid answer. E. Snowmane 20:49, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
It's already mentioned in the schedule that he steals food. --Legoless 20:58, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
Judging by his responsibility, I believe he'll steal to complete tasks, like City-Swimmer (Who also is well known for being killed for stealing food). His AI sends him to the Guard Quarters to eat, as he doesn't own food there and he has low responsibility, he steals the food to get some to complete that part of his schedule. Actually, I might be wrong about that, it could be because he's pickpocketing the guards to take their food. I'm not entirely sure if he's allowed to take the food in that cell, but pickpocketing is always illegal (Isn't it?). --AKB Talk Cont Mail 21:03, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
I checked over the course of several days and while I cant do a CS check or anything, I don't think he is ever reported dead because he appears to time the theft for right after the guard changes and leaves the room so no one is there to report it. Eric Snowmane 21:13, 11 October 2011 (UTC)
This is something that happens with certain NPCs and while it’s not really note-worthy, it would be interesting to figure out why. Big Head and Ongar comes to mind as well, but nothing ever happens when they steal food. Guards and citizens will shout for a second, then relax and ignore it. --Krusty 21:19, 11 October 2011 (UTC)

() Now that you mention Ongar, in my game he practically always gets caught, but he doesn't always get away with it (note that I do use mods, not sure if they intervene). There are times a guard comes rushing in and attacks him. Fortunately he's essential, so they just knock him out and leave. I've seen Alval Uvani stealing food in the Tap and Tack as well, but he NEVER gets caught, quite odd. I believe he has a very high sneak skill though, he always detects me when I'm sneaking anywhere in the Tap and Tack. ~ Dwarfmp 02:01, 12 October 2011 (UTC)

I've just had him steal something from a guard in the barracks, get caught and then killed. I had cleared all the food and drink from the area and reverse-pickpocketed some Poisoned Apples onto some guards. I had left the game running on my 360 while I did stuff on my pc when I noticed someone being attacked. It was Ra'qanar and when I checked his body he had a stolen Poisoned Apple on him. So it can certainly happen but in my case only under specific circumstances.--Valadez 21:34, 3 May 2012 (UTC)