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Oblivion talk:Knights of the White Stallion (quest)

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If all else fails[edit]

I had trouble getting this quest because of the Sanguine mix-up. What i found that worked is,

i first activated this quest using setstage ms92 10 (Don't know if this is neccesary).

I then typed setstage ms92 100 and after clicking the dialogue, you get a shield, a key, and finally the best thing, become Knight of the White Stallion, which was what i was after.

It seemes you can alternativly use setstage ms92 110 so you AND Mazoga are knights, although from what i have read, al that does is give you a roomie at the White Stallion Lodge.


Anyone know how long it takes for the bandits to respawn at Telepe? Also, do both the bandits and marauders respawn at Rockmilk Cave. I'm not sure if it's the same, but is it like in Morrowind where the body needs to disappear before the same thing respawns? If so is there anyway to dispose of the corpses? Phew, lotta questions. --WerdnanoslenTalk 08:58, 13 January 2007 (EST)

I know both that at Rockmilk Cave, both bandits and marauders do respawn. I don't think there's anyway to really dispose of a corpse... you can drag it somewhere else, but there wouldn't be anyway to really vanish it. As for the other questions, I'm not sure about the details of how/when respawning works. Although I'd love to know the answers :) --Nephele 21:34, 13 January 2007 (EST)
Ok, thanks, I'm still new to Oblivion, and I don't know of any way to interact with corpses other than inventory and kicking them =D. --WerdnanoslenTalk 21:49, 13 January 2007 (EST)


Looking in the Aylid Coffer containing the note for this quest belongs to the BlackBowFaction faction, which is marked as Evil. Therefore it shouldent count as theft?

I've decided to move the note here:
Taking the contents of Black Brugo's chest is considered theft for some reason, so taking the 300 Septims and the Note will cause you to rack-up 301 items in the Theft Category. The rest of the chests in this dungeon are safe to clean-out.
At least until someone else has a chance to verify that this occurs. --Nephele 13:14, 3 March 2007 (EST)
I've seen the theft count increase after taking the note & coins (before Brugo appears). Snabbik 13:41, 23 May 2007 (EDT)
It appears that you if pick the lock instead of using Brugo's key, taking the contents doesn't count as theft. I'm playing the PS3's GotY version if that matters -- Ncolbyt83 01:35, 20 March 2010 (UTC)

They respawn after a full week. Also the locked chest respawns with pretty sweet magical gear or a random treasure if you're lucky.

Brugo doesn't care[edit]

For me, it seemed that Brugo didn't care about his loot. The other two (Alonzo and Roxy Aric) both showed up at the encampment as expected, but Brugo never did. Using the console, I was able to find Brugo roughly two thirds of the way between Telepe and Border Watch. When found, he was simply wandering randomly, though as soon as he spotted me, he attacked as expected. I don't know if it makes a difference, but I was outside Telepe at the time I killed Alonzo and Roxy.--Robin Hood 15:00, 7 April 2007 (EDT)

Were you there on the right day of the week? He only goes to Telepe once a week, on Middas. --NepheleTalk 18:03, 7 April 2007 (EDT)
Hadn't picked up on that, so I don't know. Do the other two show up on other days besides Middas? Not a big deal in the end, since I found him relatively close by and happy to be hostile. :) Anyway, thanks for the tip. (I hate these freakin' signatures...I keep forgetting to put them in!) --Robin Hood 00:35, 8 April 2007 (EDT)
I had that happen too, Roxy appeared on schedule, but the two others didn't, so I thought I had to wait a week, and a few days later as I was exploring there was Bruno and the third bandit north of Telepe and south of Border Watch (quite a surprise). Maybe they occasionally get spawned too far north, but they should head to the quest location. Strange. --Natpoor 16:38, 18 August 2007 (EDT)

Well, now, this is interesting...I just re-did this quest with a different character, and in Mazoga's statement, and in the quest log, it clearly states that Black Brugo goes there every night, even though the handwritten note you get later says Middas. I'm playing with the unofficial patch installed, though, so maybe they fixed the problem and made the text match (though I'd be surprised, since the voice-over said every night as well). --Robin Hood 00:44, 23 August 2007 (EDT) (sig added after the fact...stupid sigs!)

Okay, just to add to the confusion that is Brugo, I just showed up on Thordas (or whatever the perversion of Thursday is), and Black Brugo was outside, around 11:30 pm, and all his cronies were inside already. I think, at this point, we can officially declare Brugo & his henchmen's schedule to be FUBAR. --Robin Hood 00:44, 23 August 2007 (EDT)
And if that wasn't enough, I just did the quest again on Fredas and Brugo was outside along with all his cronies as early as 10:30 pm. --Robin Hood 14:53, 28 October 2007 (EDT)
At long last, more than two years after the initial set of problems, I think I've finally got the whole thing figured out. Very buggy! --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 04:45, 11 May 2009 (EDT)

Black Brugo went to Telepe everyday for me.... Is that not normal? It didn't have to be Middas for me to find him there. --Obliviongamer 13:36, 8 July 2011 (UTC)

Brugo never appears.[edit]

Its very strange but he never appears on Tidus (9pm) through Middas (midnight-6am) I've made him spawn once, but I chickened out and was never able to kill him.

Afterwards I returned, stole the 300 gold and note, and now he never comes around. I don't know what else to do, I think I've waited for over a month and no appearance. I think its a glitch? The quest is active and the green arrow is showing right outside of Telep. — Unsigned comment by Dannygroov (talkcontribs)

Out of curiosity, both with this question and RobinHood70's: did you have Mazoga following you when you went to Telepe? And was Mazoga still alive? Looking through the quests for this script, the script that makes Black Brugo appear has a note "player has Mazoga companion", suggesting that perhaps that script is only activated if Mazoga is following you when you go to Telepe. (I can't check the full details of the script conditions right now to be sure, though). On the other hand, if Mazoga dies you're definitely out of luck: Mazoga's death makes Black Brugo and his two companions permanently disappear. --NepheleTalk 11:18, 17 April 2007 (EDT)
I can no longer remember whether I had her the other times or not. This time around, she was alive, but I left her back at the castle and did the quest alone. I know I've brought her along other times, but I can't say which ones. --Robin Hood 14:56, 28 October 2007 (EDT)

He showed up for me on Middas evening around 11pm with the two companions. I had left Mazoga back in the castle during the day on Middas, went in and cleaned out the bandits inside, then waited outside on the hill for Brugo to appear. Snabbik 13:53, 23 May 2007 (EDT)

I just took Mazoga on the greyland quest then walked 2 telepe and burgo isnt ther, i went inside and killed every1 and he wasnt ther either, when i came outside roxy aric was ther but no1 else now im stook. it just shows a green arrow pointing 2 outside the ruins and dunt trigger another jurnal entry. iv waited for about a week looking from 12-6 and nothing. — Unsigned comment by GazzaMatrix (talkcontribs) at 15:14 on 19 July 2008
I had the same issue. I went without Mazorga, and on Fredas, just after midnight, North of Telepe, and east of the White Stallion Lodge, he finally appeared. He is an Orc wearing Daedric armor and wields an Ebony Longsword.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:05 on 15 March 2009
Like the post above states, you need to search for him north of telep and east of the stallion lodge. I believe he ran and is at the edge of the map. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:44 on 30 July 2009

But i killed his two companions but then i guess mazoga died after that and black brugo never showed up when i was killin his companions. what should i do? --Dutty Yute x 20:25, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

As it says in the Bugs section, look for him a bit north of Telepe. If you can't find him, just wait at Telepe - he should still show up on Middas, but only on Middas, rather than every night, as he normally does. —Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 21:26, 29 August 2009 (UTC)

If all else fails and you have tried everything. Just open up command prompt by pressing "~" key and type in player.placeatme 0008595A. This is the code for Black Brugo - Only For PC versions --DarethBrude101 — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 07:52 on 3 August 2012

Taking Mazoga's shield postmortem is a theft[edit]

I have not tried to duplicate this, but after Mazoga died outside of Telepe, I scavenged her armor. I also scavenged all the dead bandits' loot. Brugo was not there, and I never entered the ruin. I then returned to Leyawiin to cash in the goods. I returned to Telepe and realized that I had forgotten to pick up Mazoga's shield, but to my surprise, the red hand of theft appeared over the item. Um, she's dead--why would this be theft? Additionally, I could use some help deciding if this should be on this discussion page or if it should be on the bugs page. --Big oaf 10:10, 18 May 2007 (EDT)

Taking Mazoga's shield WITHOUT it considered being a theft[edit]

I'm not sure of the exact steps needed to do this, but this is the way it happened for me... After Finding and killing Brugo (between Telepe and Border Watch), I fast traveled back to see the count and get my rewards. I was still wearing the Gray Cowl I was using to detect Brugo's life essence, and got approached by a guard wanting to kill me. Mazoga started attacking the guard and I removed the Gray Cowl, and yielded to the guard (they ALWAYS accept if you are not wanted for anything else). The guard still wasn't happy with Mazoga and they still battled. I used Greater Convalescence on Mazoga to ensure she won to keep her alive. Anyway, found the Count at the pub (Can't remember which one), who knighted me and gave me a pretty penny for my Black Bow's. Went back to the Castle to tell Mazoga the good news... DEAD. But I got her shield without the Red Hand of Stealy Stealy, coming up. Quality! Obviously the idea would be to get the Guard to attack you without permanently making you WANTED, hence the Gray Cowl's removal and the yeilding. Mazoga MUST attack a guard and get a wanted level or just get killed by that guard. I guess it's like when you loot from people the guard have killed, you're always allowed to in every case I've come across.

Anyway Hope that's been useful.

Middas, Shmiddas[edit]

I just re-did this quest with my new character. I recall the Middas part from the first time I did this quest with my first character -- at least I'm pretty sure. Today, I just did it and Mazoga informed me that Brugo is there every night between midnight and 6AM. It was also Turdas. Sure enough, he was there, but oddly enough he was not behind the switch-activated door like last time. Anyone else encounter this? --CharmSpell 19:47, 9 July 2007 (EDT)

I got it - as soon as I and Mazoga walked through the door into the ruin, there was Black Bruno. Couple of arrows to the head later, and we were on our way, without killing the other BBB's further in the ruin. Really quite convenient. --Jonald

To follow this up, I recently did this quest, and I can confirm that Mazoga tells you he is there every day. This may be something that the UOP has fixed, but it doesn't appear to be listed on the fix list. --Gaebrial 06:04, 24 April 2008 (EDT)
I am playing the original PS3 version currently. At first Mazoga tells you that you an meet him there from Midnight to 6am. Afterward if you speak with her again and tell her you aren't ready, then question about Black Brugo, she says, "Expect Brugo and his boys in Tlelpe, Middas, after midnight." Sure enough I go there on Turdas and Black Brugo shows up. However the handwritten note in the Ayleid Coffer reads, "Brugo's take - 100 ducks. Ready for Middas pickup, after midnight." Of course no gold. Rednikon 12:59, 26 April 2008 (EDT)
I did this quest and brugo is not there. I killed his bodyguards and i checked the ruins and he has not shown up... wat the flip? Is it a glitch or something? --Kel Theed


When I first started this quest, with one of my other characters. This was the easiest quests I had to do. Wasn't till I started my Crusader, when this quest became such a task. So I read this page, and thought I messed up the quest some how. After starting the final phase of this quest, I ventured to telepe, and killed everyone, even had Mazoga with me. I soon got tired of it, and not finding Brugo any where. I figured on taking up another quest.

Anyhow, a few days later, on my way down to leyawiin. I decided to fill out the west side of the lower nibean, running down close to the boundry, when just out side of boarder watch, there was Black Brugo, refreshing him self in the wilderness. about 150 to 300 feet north of telepe. In broad daylight. — Unsigned comment by Orion2005 (talkcontribs) on 10 August 2008

Yes, that's where he spends his time - wandering around roughly halfway between the Shezarr stone and Water's Edge. –RpehTCE 06:15, 10 August 2008 (EDT)

Using Mazoga in Defense of Bruma?[edit]

Yeah I came up with this thought that could I use Mazoga as follower to aid me in this Bruma battle? If she dies, does it interrupt the quest anyways or can I finish it afterwards (Im at part where she is waiting in castle and is ready to go)? Boxhead 21:17, 22 May 2010 (UTC)

If she dies you cannot do the quest. Look on the quest page's Journal entries --Arny 21:24, 22 May 2010 (UTC)
She didnt even enter the battlefield after all, but she appeared inside Great Gate. She died in there and after gate got sealed her corpse just appeared outside. I anyways already found out from hear that Telepe is where Black Brugo is hiding. Quest journal didnt change at all after she died. Interesting to see how the quest will end up. --Boxhead 13:45, 23 May 2010 (UTC)

How to open the door?[edit]

I have done this twice now, I kill Brugo and his gang, get his key etc. I can't open the door in the hall though. I push the button, go round, it says 'activate iron gate' but nothing happens... Can't find any info on this, starting to feel like a muppet. Any help greatly appreciated... Keefyd 23:01, 6 November 2010 (UTC)

See the page on Telepe. There's a button to push. rpeh •TCE 10:34, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

Yup, as I said, pushed the button, no effect.. I'm stumped. Thanks for the answer though. Keefyd 12:07, 7 November 2010 (UTC)

The same thing happened to me. If you're using to Xbox version, restarting the system should fix it. 22:52, 18 December 2010 (UTC)

Early Finish?[edit]

Is it possible to kill Black Brugo before you get the quest? If so, can you just immediately turn it in or what? --DKong27 Talk Cont 19:29, 25 November 2010 (UTC)

I think he is disabled before the beginning of the quest. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 20:53, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
Any confirmation here? Not noted on his page. --DKong27 Talk Cont 21:13, 25 November 2010 (UTC)
He (plus Roxy Aric and Alonzo) are disabled until stage 30 of the quest. Their pages haven't been re-written yet, and that will be mentioned when they get done - or you can add it now if you like. rpeh •TCE 12:35, 26 November 2010 (UTC)

Moved notes[edit]

  • You can enter Telepe during hours which Brugo is not there to thin the herd and make it easier. This may be required for Mazoga to survive, depending on your character's level.
  • Provided all three bandits are alive, they will show up at Telepe every night some time after 8:00 pm. If the player is in the dungeon at midnight on Middas, Brugo will open the gate and then retrieve his gold around 2:00 am.
  • You can take advantage of the AI in order to cheat a little. Clear out the cave before Black Brugo arrives and then hide in the hallway behind the door, with the door left open. When Black Brugo and his gang arrive they will go into the north room and push the button, but instead of opening the door, it will close. You can then use your arrows or spells to lay waste to the Black Brugo gang, as none of them are smart enough to pull out their bows and they cannot figure out how to get through the door.
  • Another trick is to wait outside the doors of the ruin until 6:00 am then Black Brugo will come out with his two bodyguards, you can take them easily because they will come out one at a time.
  • Black Bow Bandits keep respawning. So you can revisit Telepe if you would like to collect more Black Bows to cash in with Count Marius Caro. The main Black Bow Bandit base is Rockmilk Cave, where you can typically find 17 Black Bows (many of whom will be conveniently killed for you by the Marauders who are also present).
  • After completing this quest, the White Stallion Lodge is a safe and free house. The chests do not respawn and your friendly Orc roommate, if she survived, only eats the food.
  • As you have to visit Telepe at night you can obtain the Shield of Shezarr Greater Power from the Shezarr Heaven Stone, which is just north of Telepe.

I've been pruning the notes, feel free to re-add these if you believe any are notable. --AKB Talk 06:31, 21 February 2011 (UTC)