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Oblivion talk:Accidents Happen

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What is the reward for doing this quest? — Unsigned comment by Aethal (talkcontribs) on 23 April 2006

I read on another page that the reward for this quest is advancement to Slayer.
Can anyone confirm that? — Unsigned comment by MrL (talkcontribs) on 1 June 2010
Yep, I'm surprised the page doesn't mention it. I'll add it. --SerCenKing Talk 08:13, 1 June 2010 (UTC)

Too Late?[edit]

I didn't enter the house until after 11:30 PM (heh...forgot to check my watch) but the poor bastard was still in his chair. Lucky for me.--OGRastamon 00:18, 20 November 2006 (EST)


can someone please help me?! i need to find the dumb crawlspace but can't!! i'm so mad!! LOL if you can find a picture of it, that would really help — Unsigned comment by (talk)

When you enter Baenlin's house from the basement, you must sneak to the stairway directly across from the basement door and to the right. Head upstairs. At the top of the stairs, make a 180-degree turn to the right and enter that room. On the left wall will be a desk and a sliding door to the crawlspace at the far end of the left wall. --GuildKnight 17:13, 4 March 2007 (EST)

Gromm bug?[edit]

After completing the quest, I did some theivery and returned to Bruma to visit Ongar at Olav's Tap and Tack, only to find Gromm in the Building, attempting to massacre everyone. Fortunately, before he could kill either Ongar or Olaf, they ran outside, which resulted in Gromm getting pummeled by the guards. Anyone know what could cause this. I had already completed the quest and was undetected.

Reply: Actually, he's just meant to be drowning his sorrows, and if you try to tak to him he just cries about Baenlin and the conversation ends. Your situation may be a result of dodgy A.I. It happens.

Reply: I had the exact same thing happen to me too. Gromm came after me and Olav/myself had to fight him. I've also got a really low disposition with most people in Bruma, as if I had been caught or something. It seems to me there is a bug here; not sure of the cause though.

this isn't isolated after the assassination whil escaping gromm caught me obeying my orders i fled into the street and left the villiage as Gromm was attacked by guards. i then fast travelled to skingrad and many other places. approx 57 days later while trekking through the swamps south of leyawiin i was accosted by a nord i attempted to yeild and saw his name... GROMM!!! this super-nord had hunted me through cyrodill even after i believed him overcome by guards. I with reat reverence fled and another 10 days later found his body next to 2 dead guards, Gromm is the embodiment of endurance and determination Gromm I salute you. Lewbot1 17:11, 8 May 2008 (EDT)

Baenlin's House[edit]

Well after the mission for the dark brotherhood, i went back to Bruma and noticed that I can freely take anything from the house, I can even sleep in the bed. If that's the case, is this a safe place to store items as well? 11:33, 28 September 2007 (EDT)DVSDavis

As with almost all houses in the game, most of the containers in the building respawn (specifically 13 of the 20 containers in the house respawn). Even though you can freely take items from the house, you will still lose items if you try to store them there. --NepheleTalk 15:21, 28 September 2007 (EDT)


I found a bug on this page:

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was: (SQL query hidden) from within function "Job::pop". MySQL returned error "1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; Try restarting transaction (". Retrieved from ""

The 01:05, 18 March 2009 Edit[edit]

The 01:05, 18 March 2009 edit was me, so I'm the one to scold if anyone has a problem with it. I thought I was logged in at the time, but clearly, I was mistaken. - Brian Sexton 21:11, 17 March 2009 (EDT)


Should it be noted that the Minotaur head involved in the quest was provided by the taxidermist Melisi Daren from Fighter's Stronghold (as seen in Battlehorn Trophy Hall)? — Unsigned comment by Baiuhnixg (talkcontribs) at 19:43 on 27 March 2009

It seems likely that that's what they intended by that book, but since we can't conclusively prove that that's the case, I would say it should stay off the page, or if you put it on, make it clear that it's probable, but not 100% certain. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 21:18, 2 April 2009 (EDT)


In the screenshot of Beanlin sitting in his chair, what's that book on the table beside him? It looks like the dragon elblem that appears on gold.. Legoless 18:03, 21 June 2009 (EDT)

That's a really good question! In the regular game, it's simply a copy of "On Morrowind", which has a plain orange cover, not a special design. I'm not sure what we're looking at in this one. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 13:34, 22 June 2009 (EDT)
I think whoever took it might have had a mod installed that changed the cover of the book. Lucky the Cat Guy. 21:26, 1 July 2009 (UTC)

Loosen / Remove Fastenings[edit]

(moved from UESPWiki:Reference Desk)

on the above quest i have done everything asked but there is no option to "loosen" the fastenings only remove them. doing so always results in a forfeit is there another way around? thanks Matt S

You don't get a forfeit for removing the fastenings. The forfeit is probably for doing it either at the wrong time or for being detected. –rpehTCE 10:18, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

no change[edit]

i go in at exactly 8pm in stealth mode an yet still gives me a forfeit? maybe a glitch? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 17 July 2009

What do you mean with "forfeit"? What exactly happens when you enter at that time? --Timenn-<talk> 11:30, 17 July 2009 (UTC)

Killed beanlin before the quest >.<[edit]

Is there any way to revive him to do the quest? (and so kill him again xD ) --Loornlee 04:06, 28 December 2009 (UTC)

You can try to revive him using the Staff of Worms, which you acquire after you complete the Mages Guild questline or, if you have the Shivering Isles installed, you can also attain the Risen Flesh greater power when you complete the Ghosts of the Hill of Suicides quest. If you play on the PC you can also type player.addspell 0008E93F in the console to add the Risen Flesh spell to your inventory or player.additem 0004A24E to add the Staff to your inventory, or simply select him and type resurrect--MC S'drassa T2M 04:35, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
I doubt that would work; the staff or power won't revive him per se. It basically makes the corpse fight for you, not permanently revive someone. It's a good question; what would happen if you killed him before the quest? I would think it would work where you would have to forfeit the bonus for the quest. The revive command should work though. -- Jplatinum16 04:45, 28 December 2009 (UTC)
I was looking for the console commands, those the resurrect command will do the trick? the funny part is that actually i didnt kill him (at last no on purpose =P ) he stuck whit me and somehow fell from the 2nd floor hahaha.
ill try and lets see what happens in each case ^^ ty! --Loornlee 04:50, 28 December 2009 (UTC)

() Ok i was testing whit the spell and the staff, but he revives to fight an for a short time, the resurrect command respawns him whit his usual routines and stuff, and yep tested, i can do the quest whit the resurrect command, in the other hand if i dont resurrect him, the quest is completed instantly just whit out the bonus.

thx for your help =D --Loornlee 08:19, 28 December 2009 (UTC)

you could also try
(player.placeatme "baenlin's refID" 1) without quotations
i tried it cuz i needed edgar but he wasnt there so i went to his store typed the console command and it worked. :D — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:43 on 2 October 2010

baenlin glitch?[edit]

I'm having a problem where baenlin doesn't sit in his chair at all. In fact, it seems he just stays near his bed, continuously getting in and out of bed. I waited in crawlspace until hours between 8 and 11 and released ties at around 930pm, but he wasnt in chair. This keeps reoccurring even after few reloads (360). I never had these troubles before in previous playthroughs and im wondering if this is a bug that has went by unnoticed with some players. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:57 on 10 January 2010

I had this same problem, what I did to fix it is I talk to baenlin, chose the 'say nothing' option, he then goes into attack mode but if you have a chameleon suit[1] he will not attack you and instead he will go sit down. If you don't have a sufficient level this stone will give you the ability to use the chameleon spell [2], but you first must have access to the arcane university to create your own spells. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:05 on 12 January 2010

Quickly escapes?![edit]

He's sat in his chair. I sneak into the crawl space at 9:00 to be sure. I loosen the the head and it falls, but when I sneakily check he's dead, he's stood up right next to the chair. >.< any ideas? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 30 May 2010

What time did you loosen the head? Because he heads for bed at midnight. Alternatively, he may have detected you, even for a split second, which may have caused him to get up to find you. --SerCenKing Talk 21:05, 30 May 2010 (UTC)

Sanctuary door bug?[edit]

After completing this quest, I cannot seem to open the sanctuary door? It has the door cursor but it doesn't let me enter, it doesn't speak either. I had to use the console to get the well key but it feels like cheating to me. Is there any way to fix the door? 11:02, 7 December 2010 (UTC) monn

No way to activate[edit]

I enter the house, sneak upstairs, and go to the door, but I can't activate it. I even type in an ol' tcl in the console, go through, but I don't have the option to remove fastenings. Does anyone know the script, so I can activate it? My guess is that a MOD I installed messed with the activators. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 3 March 2011

Are you sure you're on this quest? The crawlspace can't be activated until you are. rpeh •TCE 06:32, 3 March 2011 (UTC)


I got into the crawlspace, but right when I was in there, I couldent wait. It says, "You cannot wait when enenies are nearby," What does this mean? Should I drop the head or not? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 15 March 2011

That might mean you've been detected. Try waiting normally (ie, without using the wait function) until the right time. rpeh •TCE 17:57, 15 March 2011 (UTC)

the head[edit]

is there anyway to get the head to remount? for some reason it missed him. i thought i was scott free out the door and then they told me at the sanctuary that it didnt go down — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 1 October 2011

Nope. If it didn't work the first time, you've failed the quest. rpeh •TCE 10:16, 1 October 2011 (UTC)


I get into the house, completely undetected via the basement. I get up into the crawlspace and proceed to remove the ties. As soon as I walk/sneak away, let alone try to leave the crawlspace, Gromm runs up the stairs and waits outside the door for me to emerge so he can kill me. Any Thoughts?? — Unsigned comment by Ferb (talkcontribs) at 06:52 on 5 December 2011 (UTC)

i think the only way to get out of it is to load. there isn't a way to get out without him noticing you unless you forfeit the bonus DragonWolf 03:37, 15 January 2012 (UTC)

No bonus for me[edit]

i've tried redoing the accidents happen quest a lot of times, looked for walkthroughs, tried watching youtube videos, but every time i let the minotaur head kill baenlin, it says that i completed the quest but not in the manner specified. i'm sure i wasn't detected, i didn't killed his servant and killed him with the minotaur head. does someone have any ideas what i could be doing wrong? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 17:24 on 23 December 2011

you might of done it at the wrong time or it could be a bug. DragonWolf 03:39, 15 January 2012 (UTC)
The most common causes are that you did it at the wrong time or you killed Gromm as well as Baenlin. If you get the message that you've done it wrong, check both. If Gromm is the problem, use Detect Life and wait for him to wander further away. Robin Hoodtalk 05:57, 19 January 2012 (UTC)


In regards to the friendly edit war we're having :), I tried waiting in the crawlspace and wasn't allowed to, but it's possible that it's time-based, or that the UOP has fixed the issue (though I saw no reference to this), or even that manually triggering the quest causes something to be skipped. I've also looking in the CS, and I don't see anything there that would override waiting restrictions when trespassing, but honestly, I'm not even sure how you'd do that. I looked for what I thought might be an approach, and saw nothing like that, but there could well be other possibilities.

Skooma (or anyone else who's waited successfully): First, can you duplicate this feat? Second, what time was it, where exactly were you standing within the crawl space? Were you actually standing or were you sneaking? Any other information you can think of that might be relevant? Robin Hoodtalk 05:28, 2 April 2012 (UTC)

Oh, point of clarification: are we talking about waiting as in sitting there twiddling your thumbs (in which case, I have no doubt you can do so), or are we talking about hitting the key/button/whatever to wait for X hours? Robin Hoodtalk 05:34, 2 April 2012 (UTC)
It has been a while since I played Oblivion, but I remember pretty clearly being able to wait in the crawlspace. Not only that, but I also seem to remember that nothing in the house being marked as owned by Baenlin or anyone for that matter. By that I mean, it wasn't stealing for me to take any of the stuff from the house. I played Oblivion on the Xbox, vanilla and Official DLC, so I know it wasn't a mod that changed the circumstances. And I meant waiting as in pressing the back button and waiting for however long I needed to. --Darkle ~ Talk 19:16, 2 April 2012 (UTC)
You're right. I just stripped off all mods and everything, and I was able to wait. I'm guessing it's an undocumented fix in the UOP. Robin Hoodtalk 04:22, 3 April 2012 (UTC)

WTF Bugs[edit]

So, I've done this quest before, and had it turn out entirely normally. But on my most recent playthrough, I encountered a number of really, really weird bugs.

-I went inside in the early morning to find Gromm and Baenlin both sleeping naked. That's not normal.

-After I entered the secret passage, I closed the door behind me. However, it would only close halfway, and made such a racket of thumping noises that I was almost afraid Gromm would awaken.

-I waited for the 15 hours I'd need to get into the right timeframe; but four hours later I was snapped out of it by the "You cannot wait while enemies are nearby" script. I went in and out of sneak mode and was able to wait for the remainder without any hiccups. -When, at about 9:00, I undid the fastenings, two bugs occurred. First off, when the bust fell, I was somehow squeezed through that tiny little hole the ropes run through, and fell atop the bust. -When the bust fell, despite the fact that Baenlin was in his chair, he was NOT killed- at least not immediately. He created a blood splatter, went through the standing-up animation, and then fell down dead. I got the bonus quest reward, too. -Gromm seemed to know I'd done something wrong but he didn't witness the crime. He immediately attacked me. I ran outside, and Gromm was killed by the guards. I know for a fact that he did indeed die, because not only did he kill Skjorta (who came to my aid before the guards got there), I looted his and Skjorta's corpses. I assumed that was the end of it, and proceeded down the DB questline. -About two (maybe three) in-game weeks later, I was doing the Thieves' Guild questline, and I came to Bruma looking for Ongar the World-Weary. He wasn't at home so I went to Olav's, his usual hangout. When I arrived, however, everyone began regarding me suspiciously and responding angrily in conversation. At first I thought it was because I was wearing a Necromancer's Robe, which has that sort of effect on Mages Guild people. But then the battle music started up. I looked around the whole place, and no one was attacking anyone else. Then, five or six guards rushed in, one after the other, and ran straight to Raynil Dralas' room. I hadn't done his quest yet on that file, so I assumed that they were after him due to some bug or other. The thing was, none of them could open the door. They all gathered by the door and glitched out in some bizarre mockery of a mosh pit. And as if that wasn't enough, the other patrons all moshed around Olav, over by some barrels. I managed to pickpocket the key from him; somehow I didn't get a bounty, even though there were at least four responsible witnesses other than the spastic guards. I then unlocked the door to the room; and who should be inside, trapped halfway in the wall? Sure enough, it was Gromm. The guards killed him in short order, and he left numerous blood splatters on the wall; but as soon as he was defeated, he vanished. There was no trace of a corpse.

Pretty fucking weird. I was playing the PS3 version, by the way, without any plugins. Long story. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:44 on June 7, 2012

Your title says it all, really. There's nothing normal about this bug, and it's almost certain nobody's had it before. It sounds to me like the game data became somewhat corrupted, which is entirely unpredictable and unreproducible by anybody else. If it's the DVD, it may affect all your games from now on, but chances are, it's just random game file corruption for the one game. Robin Hoodtalk 01:37, 8 June 2012 (UTC)

Baenlin is not dead[edit]

So I did the dark brotherhood quest and all went well no glitches or anything. Couple days later I go back for the thieves guild quest and decide to go to good ole Baenlin's house to steal stuff to fence. Lo and behold Baenlin is alive and well. He is sleeping in his bed like he was not just murdered a couple days ago. Gromm approaches me and says I have 20 seconds to leave so I do. I have no idea how he is still alive, Baenlin of course. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:27 on 10 July 2018