Lore:Old Nedic

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Old Nedic, or simply Nedic,[1] was a langauge spoken by the Nedes of western Tamriel, such as the Duraki, Keptu, and Perena. It's written usage dates back to the First Era,[1] and even earlier in glyphs and spoken form.[2]

Language Family and Genetic Relationship[edit]

The origin of the Nedes is fiercely debated by scholars. According to some, they came from the northern continent of Atmora,[3] with the Old Atmoran tongue evolving into Proto-Nedic.[4][5][UOL 1] However, findings from some scholars support the theory that the Nedes were native to Tamriel.[6][7]

Upon the Yokudans conquering the Nedic Kingdoms, they adopted many of their cultural elements as their own, including their language, which became absorbed into their tongue, Yoku.[8] What Old Nedic survived outside of Hammerfell eventually came to reside in Cyrodiil,[9] presumably becoming part of Tamrielic.

Known Words[edit]

Fresh green twig or offshoot[1]
Dragon, Tiger, Time (depending on placement and usage)[10]
Lizard lady, though this definition is disputed[11]


  • The Nedes of Cyrodiil spoke a tongue known as Old Cyrodilic,[12]:6 but was not related to Old Nedic, instead being a dialect of Ayleidoon.[13]
  • The Kothringi were a tribe of humans who lived in Black Marsh in early eras, speculated to have been descended from the Nedes.[14] The only known word in their language is "betrux", which means "open",[15] but whether the tongue is related to Old Nedic is unknown.


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.

  1. ^ In the King's Court — Cassolar Draebo