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This article is about the region. For the city, see Wayrest (city).

Wayrest: Region Summary
Province High Rock
Ruler Eadwyre
Capital Wayrest City
Populace Breton
Knightly Order Knights of the Rose
Patron Deity Akatosh
Regional Temple Order of the Hour
Vampire Bloodline Montalion
Distinct Locations 851
Cities, Towns, Villages 304
Homes, Farms, Taverns 280
Temples & Shrines 81
Distinct Dungeons 186
Witch Covens 0
The Crest of Wayrest

The Kingdom of Wayrest is a region in the center of High Rock, named after its capital city, Wayrest. It is bordered by Menevia to the west, the Orsinium Area to the north, the Wrothgarian Mountains to the northeast, Gavaudon to the east, and Mournoth to the south across the mouth of the Bjoulsae River. The Montalion clan is the dominant vampire bloodline in the region, and the regional deity is Akatosh.

Political Views[edit]

Political Factions
(by influence)
Wayrest 80
King Eadwyre
Queen Barenziah
Princess Elysana
Prince Helseth
Princess Morgiah
Lord Castellian
Lord Darkworth
Knights of the Rose
Lord Woodborne
Court of Wayrest
People of Wayrest
Allies None
Enemies None

Service Locations[edit]

Location Name Guild Locations Merchant Locations Temple Locations
Dark Brother-
Fighters Guild Mages Guild Knights of the Rose Thieves Guild Alche-
Armorers Banks Book-
Clothing Stores General Stores Gem Stores Libraries Pawn Shops Weapon Smiths Akatosh * Other
Aldbeth Gen Wea ZZZ
Aldingbridge Moor MG Gen Aka ZZZ
Aldingbrone Gen ZZZ
Aldingcastle Gen ZZZ
Aldinglech Gen Mara
Aldingmarket Field Arm Gen ZZZ
Aldingshire Gen ZZZ
Aldingwych Court Gen Aka ZZZ
Aldlech Gen Wea Dibella
Aldwark TG Gen Aka ZZZ
Aldwych DB FG KR TG Alc Boo Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Arkbrone Heath Gen ZZZ
Arkham Hamlet Gen ZZZ
Arkidge MG TG Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Arkmarket Boo Gen Paw Kynareth
Arkshire DB FG MG Alc Arm Gen Gem Aka ZZZ
Arkwold Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Arkwold Court MG Gen Gem Paw ZZZ
Baelborne Field FG Ban Gen Gem Aka ZZZ
Baelcroft DB Arm Gen Aka ZZZ
Baelhead Court Gen ZZZ
Baelshire Wood Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Baelton DB Gen ZZZ
Blackbeth TG Ban Gen Aka ZZZ
Blackbrone Moor Gen ZZZ
Blackcroft DB MG Ban Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Blackwell TG Gen ZZZ
Broadbeth Gen Stendarr
Broadborne FG MG TG Arm Gen Gem Kynareth
Broadbrugh Heath Arm Gen ZZZ
Broadcester Gen Kynareth
Broaddale Gen ZZZ
Broadhope Gen ZZZ
Broadlech Gen ZZZ
Broadshire Hall Gen ZZZ
Broadville Gen ZZZ
Broadwold MG Boo Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Broadwood Boo Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Burgbeth DB FG MG KR TG Alc Ban Boo Gen Gem Lib Aka ZZZ
Burgcart DB FG MG Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Burgdale Moor Gen Stendarr
Burggate TG Gen ZZZ
Burglech FG TG Gen Mara
Burgmarket Minster Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Burgwall Moor Gen Dibella
Burgwold Moor Gen Wea Kynareth
Cathbeth Hollow Gen Julianos
Cathbrone Gen ZZZ
Cathbrone Hall Gen Wea Zenithar
Cathhope Gen Mara
Cathlech DB MG TG Gen Paw Arkay
Cathmore Borough Gen ZZZ
Cathpath Gen ZZZ
Cathway Derry DB Alc Ban Gen Aka ZZZ
Cathwold Hamlet MG Gen Gem Paw Mara
Cathworth Gen ZZZ
Charcroft Gen ZZZ
Chardale Gen ZZZ
Charenbury Court Gen Kynareth
Charenidge Gen Aka ZZZ
Charenidge Hollow Gen ZZZ
Charening Hill Alc Gen Paw ZZZ
Charenley Derry TG Boo Gen Aka ZZZ
Charentry Gen Arkay
Charenville End Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Charenwich Boo Clo Gen Paw Wea ZZZ
Charenwold Hill Boo Clo Gen Paw Stendarr
Chargate TG Alc Arm Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Charidge Hall Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Charmont Gen ZZZ
Charmont Wood Gen Arkay
Charwood Garden Gen ZZZ
Charwych Gen ZZZ
Chesterdale Heath Gen ZZZ
Chesterhead Wood Gen Wea ZZZ
Chestermarket Garden Gen ZZZ
Chestertower DB Boo Gen ZZZ
Chestertower Field Gen Wea ZZZ
Chestervale Gen ZZZ
Chesterwall Gen Wea ZZZ
Chesterwall Borough TG Alc Gen Paw Stendarr
Chesterwall Garden DB Gen ZZZ
Chesterwark Court MG Gen Stendarr
Chesterwold Gen ZZZ
Crombeth Gen Wea Arkay
Cromcroft Borough Gen ZZZ
Crommoth Garden FG MG Gen Aka ZZZ
Cromshire Gen ZZZ
Cromway Gen ZZZ
Cromwick Hamlet FG Arm Gen Aka ZZZ
Crossbury Gen ZZZ
Crossdale DB FG MG KR TG Arm Ban Boo Gen Lib Paw Aka ZZZ
Crossdale Moor Gen ZZZ
Crosstale Gen ZZZ
Crossvale Gen ZZZ
Crosswich Gen Wea ZZZ
Deercester Gen ZZZ
Deerdale Gen ZZZ
Deerlech TG Alc Gen Paw Stendarr
Deertown Field Gen ZZZ
Deervale TG Gen ZZZ
Deerwall Gen Stendarr
Eastborne Heath Gen ZZZ
Eastbrone DB FG MG TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Eastgate End Ban Gen Paw ZZZ
Eastidge End Gen ZZZ
Eastshire Gen Dibella
Easttale DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Aka ZZZ
Easttower DB TG Boo Gen Paw ZZZ
Eastvale Gen ZZZ
Eastwark FG MG Alc Arm Ban Gen Lib Aka ZZZ
Eastwold FG MG TG Arm Ban Gen Gem Lib Aka ZZZ
Fontbrone Gen Stendarr
Fontcastle Court Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Fontgate Hollow DB FG TG Gen ZZZ
Fonthope Hall Gen ZZZ
Fontmore Gen ZZZ
Fontshire Gen ZZZ
Fontwell Heath DB FG TG Alc Ban Gen Lib Aka ZZZ
Fontwood Garden Gen Julianos
Gallodale Minster Gen ZZZ
Galloing Garden DB MG Arm Ban Boo Gen Gem Lib Paw Aka ZZZ
Galloing Hamlet DB FG MG TG Ban Gen Paw Kynareth
Gallomont MG Ban Gen Gem Dibella
Gallomont Commons Gen ZZZ
Gallomoth FG Arm Boo Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Gothborne Gen Arkay
Gothcart Hamlet Gen ZZZ
Gothidge Gen ZZZ
Graybrone TG Arm Gen Aka ZZZ
Graybrugh DB MG Gen Gem Dibella
Grayton End Gen Wea Stendarr
Grayville Court DB Alc Boo Gen Aka ZZZ
Graywold TG Alc Ban Gen Lib Paw Aka ZZZ
Grimdale Moor DB MG Gen Aka ZZZ
Grimlech Field Alc Arm Clo Gen Wea ZZZ
Grimleigh Minster MG Gen Paw ZZZ
Grimmore TG Boo Gen Paw ZZZ
Grimtale End Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Grimwich Borough Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Grimworth Boo Clo Gen Paw Mara
Holbeth Court Gen ZZZ
Holbrone Gen ZZZ
Holford Gen Wea ZZZ
Holhead Court DB MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Holing Gen ZZZ
Holshire Rock DB MG KR TG Arm Ban Boo Gen Gem Lib Aka ZZZ
Holwick DB FG MG KR TG Arm Ban Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Horbridge Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Horcart Gen ZZZ
Horcester Hill FG TG Gen Paw ZZZ
Hortown Gen Dibella
Horwold Field Gen Mara
Ipscastle Gen Paw Kynareth
Ipsdale DB FG MG Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Ipsgate Gen Aka ZZZ
Ipsmont Heath Gen Wea ZZZ
Ipstale Hill Gen ZZZ
Ipswark Hollow Boo Clo Gen Paw ZZZ
Kirkborne Hall DB TG Gen Paw Aka Dibella
Kirkmarket DB FG MG TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Aka ZZZ
Kirkmarket Minster DB FG Gen Aka ZZZ
Kirktale Minster Gen Arkay
Kirktry Alc Gen Paw ZZZ
Kirkwood Gen Aka ZZZ
Knightsbrugh FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Gen Lib Aka ZZZ
Knightsham Commons Gen ZZZ
Knightsleigh Gen ZZZ
Knightspath Hall Gen Aka ZZZ
Knightstale Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Knightswark Gen ZZZ
Knightsway Field Gen ZZZ
Knightswick Gen ZZZ
Knightswold Gen Wea ZZZ
Lamdale Heath Gen Julianos
Lamford Gen ZZZ
Lammont Hall Gen ZZZ
Lamwark Gen ZZZ
Lamwold DB FG MG KR TG Ban Boo Gen Gem Lib Aka ZZZ
Longbury DB MG Gen Aka ZZZ
Longcastle Borough Alc Arm Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Longgate Alc Gen Gem Paw ZZZ
Longham Garden MG TG Gen Paw ZZZ
Longhope Gen ZZZ
Longhope End DB FG KR TG Ban Boo Gen Lib Paw Aka ZZZ
Longidge Alc Arm Clo Gen Wea ZZZ
Longidge Moor Gen Zenithar
Longing Alc Boo Gen Paw ZZZ
Longley Borough DB FG KR TG Arm Gen Lib Paw Aka ZZZ
Longmarket Gen ZZZ
Longmont Gen ZZZ
Longmore Field Gen ZZZ
Longvale Gen ZZZ
Longway Minster Gen ZZZ
Longwell Gen Stendarr
Longworth Gen ZZZ
Merbrone Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Merhope Hall DB FG MG KR TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Mermoth Gen ZZZ
Mertale Gen ZZZ
Mertale Court Gen ZZZ
Mervale Gen ZZZ
Merwark Hollow FG MG TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Merwood Gen Gem ZZZ
Midcastle Borough Gen ZZZ
Midley Moor Gen ZZZ
Midmarket Gen ZZZ
Midvale Gen ZZZ
Midwall Borough MG Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Midwark Gen ZZZ
Midwich TG Gen ZZZ
Newbeth Gen Wea ZZZ
Newshire Gen ZZZ
Newtown Hollow Arm Ban Clo Gen Wea ZZZ
Newvale FG MG TG Ban Boo Gen Gem Lib Paw Aka ZZZ
Oxbury Rock Arm Ban Clo Gen ZZZ
Oxshire Gen ZZZ
Oxvale Borough DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Aka ZZZ
Oxworth Hill Gen ZZZ
Penbridge FG MG Alc Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Penhead Minster Gen ZZZ
Penhope FG Gen Paw Mara
Penlech Gen ZZZ
Pentale Gen Dibella
Penton DB Arm Gen Paw ZZZ
Pentower Moor DB Gen Paw ZZZ
Penville Moor Gen ZZZ
Penwall Derry DB FG MG Arm Ban Gen Gem Lib Aka ZZZ
Penwood DB KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Reybrugh Minster DB Boo Gen Aka ZZZ
Reydale Arm Gen Paw ZZZ
Reyford Moor DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Reymont Gen ZZZ
Reyshire DB FG Gen Dibella
Ripcart Moor Gen ZZZ
Ripford DB FG MG KR TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Riphope Gen ZZZ
Ripley TG Arm Gen Aka ZZZ
Ripwick Garden Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Singdale DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Lib Wea Aka ZZZ
Singhead Minster Gen Kynareth
Singtower Commons MG Gen Julianos
Stokmarket DB MG Gen Kynareth
Stokmore FG Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Stokshire TG Alc Boo Gen Gem ZZZ
Stokworth Minster MG TG Alc Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Stokwych Gen ZZZ
Tamgate DB FG MG KR TG Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Taming Gen Julianos
Tamtale Moor DB FG Gen Paw ZZZ
Tamton Gen Dibella
Tamvale Rock Gen ZZZ
Tamwall Wood Gen ZZZ
Tamway Field FG Arm Gen Aka ZZZ
Tamwell TG Arm Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
The Hold of Wickham Alc ZZZ
The Tower of Woodsmith Alc ZZZ
Tunbrugh Gen ZZZ
Tunbury MG Gen Aka ZZZ
Tuncart Gen Aka ZZZ
Tunley Heath Gen ZZZ
Tunmarket MG Boo Gen Gem Paw ZZZ
Tunmont DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Tunwall Borough TG Gen Paw Arkay
Tunwell Hollow Gen ZZZ
Upbeth Rock Gen ZZZ
Upcester Gen ZZZ
Upfort Gen Kynareth
Uphead Hill FG TG Gen Dibella
Upton Gen Dibella
Upwell Gen Paw ZZZ
Upwych FG Alc Gen Gem Paw ZZZ
Vancastle Gen ZZZ
Vangate Gen ZZZ
Vanhope Hall Arm Gen Gem Stendarr
Vanlech Court DB MG KR TG Arm Ban Clo Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Vantale Gen Mara
Vantown DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Paw Wea Aka ZZZ
Vanway Gen ZZZ
Wardale Wood Gen ZZZ
Warhead Borough Gen ZZZ
Warlech Minster Gen ZZZ
Warmore DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Boo Clo Gen Gem Lib Wea Aka ZZZ
Wartry Moor TG Gen Julianos
Warville Hall Gen ZZZ
Warwall Gen ZZZ
Warway Gen Stendarr
Warwood Moor Gen ZZZ
Wayrest DB FG MG KR TG Alc Arm Ban Gen Gem Paw Aka ZZZ
Westton Gen ZZZ
Westville Gen ZZZ
Westwall Heath DB FG MG KR TG Arm Ban Gen Lib Aka ZZZ
Westwark Field Gen ZZZ
Whitebridge Gen ZZZ
Whitecroft Hall DB Gen Gem Julianos
Whitedale Gen ZZZ
Whiteley Alc Arm Clo Gen ZZZ
Whitepath DB Gen Paw Aka ZZZ
Whitepath Garden Gen Julianos
Whitetale Minster Gen Mara
Whiteway Gen ZZZ
Whitewich Heath DB MG Boo Gen Paw Kynareth
Wildercester Field Gen ZZZ
Wilderhope Gen Mara
Wilderidge Gen ZZZ
Wilderwall Hill Gen ZZZ

* Regional Temples are not listed


Note that Castle Wayrest, although constructed as a dungeon of the "Human Stronghold" type, is not included in the below table, as it is within the city of Wayrest and does not have a distinct map marker.

Name Type Dungeon Modules
The Moorham Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Copperfield Vaults Cemetery 5
Ruins of Kinghart Manor Mine 11
Woodwing's Hold Ruined Castle 14
The Prison of Dunistyr Prison 13
The Roost of Skulrathrac Harpy Nest 10
The Elyrrya Coven Coven 8
The Fortress of Wickford Natural Cave 10
The Yeomton Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Gaersmith Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Hearthsmith's Hold Prison 13
Tricerbith Orc Stronghold 14
Gaerwing's Guard Ruined Castle 11
The Dunore Excavation Mine 10
The Lysausa Coven Coven 10
Masterwing Tower Volcanic Caves 11
The Buckingcroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Necromeham Vampire Haunt 13
Woodborne Hall Human Stronghold 11
The Wickhart Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Ashsly Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Hold of Woodford Orc Stronghold 12
Dunyval's Guard Human Stronghold 12
The Gaerfield Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Old Evelona's Place Crypt 10
Ruins of Hawksmith Orchard Coven 11
The Stronghold of Kinging Vampire Haunt 12
The Copperston Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tower of Greenton Orc Stronghold 11
The Tower of Uthyrick Human Stronghold 12
The Coven of Elyrrya Coven 12
The Tomb of Darkulyth Crypt 13
The Haunt of Morobezzar Vampire Haunt 10
Ruins of The Old Wicking Hovel Laboratory 11
The Tombs of Masterhart Cemetery 5
THe Crypts of Moorton Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Stronghold of Buckington Desecrated Temple 12
Masterham's Guard Ruined Castle 14
The Cabal of Evelyna Coven 13
Ruins of The Old Kingford Hovel Coven 13
The Pit of Asmerah Natural Cave 8
The Masterton Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Gaering Cemetery Cemetery 5
Yeihoth Giant Stronghold 8
Bedastyr's Gaol Prison 10
The Fortress of Hearthsmith Vampire Haunt 12
The Fortress of Hearthcroft Vampire Haunt 10
Trogker Orc Stronghold 10
The Nest of Dagubith Harpy Nest 12
The Dunard Excavation Mine 12
Ruins of The Old Hawkford Hovel Desecrated Temple 14
The Cathedral of Gerulasulla Desecrated Temple 13
The Stronghold of Greencroft Vampire Haunt 8
Tricerrath Orc Stronghold 13
The Fortress of Woodsley Laboratory 13
The Greenham Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Moorston Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Citadel of Hearthhart Crypt 14
The Tombs of Hearthing Cemetery 5
The Hold of Ashford Giant Stronghold 8
Ruins of Moorton Manor Natural Cave 8
The Hold of Hawkhouse Mine 8
Castle Lithovion Vampire Haunt 8
The Lysabyth Tradition Coven 10
Anivor Orc Stronghold 10
The Wicksly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tombs of Yeomton Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Tower Hawkston Mine 8
The Haunt of Darkovus Vampire Haunt 12
The Hold of Wickham Human Stronghold 11
The Roost of Grumerus Harpy Nest 8
Vermdred Giant Stronghold 10
The Cabal of Chrystara Coven 12
The Cabal of Morgyn Coven 12
The Baaliblanxiah Manse Desecrated Temple 11
Ashing's Hold Ruined Castle 8
The Mines of Mordard Mine 12
The Mordynak Tunnel Mine 13
The Citadel of Kingston Laboratory 10
The Haunt of Nebuchivor Vampire Haunt 8
The Moorsmith Tombs Cemetery 5
The Cult of Lysyn Coven 11
Tower Copperwing Crypt 11
The Greenfield Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ruins of Gaerston Hall Ruined Castle 12
The Dunastyr Mines Mine 13
The Graves of Yeomsley Cemetery 5
Magnovaus Hall Vampire Haunt 10
Castle Bedane Human Stronghold 12
Castle Yeomsly Crypt 13
The Mastering Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Tower of Woodsmith Barbarian Stronghold 12
Morirugoth Orc Stronghold 10
The Mooring Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Moorhouse Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The House of Copperhart Ruined Castle 14
The Mastersmith Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The House of Correhius Vampire Haunt 12
The Woodhart Vaults Forgotten Cemetery 5
Hezirker Orc Stronghold 14
The Tower of Mastering Laboratory 8
Ruins of Hearthhouse Manor Prison 8
The Stronghold of Woodfield Coven 8
The Cabal of Elabyth Coven 13
Ruins of Wickford Court Spider Nest 10
Ruins of Greensly Tower Ruined Castle 12
The Hearthham Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Masterford Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Uthyctor Pit Mine 8
Ruins of The Ashsly Farmstead Desecrated Temple 8
The Citadel of Masterford Ruined Castle 10
The Balith Cloister Desecrated Temple 8
The Stronghold of Greenton Prison 12
Castle Ashham Orc Stronghold 12
Perastyr Laboratory Laboratory 10
The Yeomsmith Tombs Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Elyrrya Tradition Coven 8
The Moorston Burial Ground Forgotten Cemetery 5
Tower Woodcroft Ruined Castle 12
The Copperford Graveyard Cemetery 5
The Temple of Maelon Desecrated Temple 10
Trististair Laboratory Laboratory 8
The Hold of Mastercroft Desecrated Temple 10
Bedyrick Laboratory Laboratory 13
Perywyr Laboratory Laboratory 13
The Yagrator Aviary Harpy Nest 8
Sashnorog Orc Stronghold 12
The Fortress of Uthard Human Stronghold 12
Castle Coppersley Orc Stronghold 10
The Mastersly Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Morgona Cabal Coven 10
Yeoming Tower Coven 12
Ruins of Woodhouse Manor Mine 13
The Kinghouse Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
Castle Hearthton Prison 8
The Temple of Dispebeus Desecrated Temple 10
The Penitentiary of Alabywyr Prison 13
Ruins of Old Barbyna's Shack Harpy Nest 13
The Kinging Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Baalebrululla Shrine Desecrated Temple 8
The Haunt of Magnuloth Vampire Haunt 12
The Penitentiary of Theodyval Prison 8
The Coven of Ysara Coven 8
Ruins of Coppersley Manor Barbarian Stronghold 8
Azirthrac's Nest Spider Nest 11
The Gaersly Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Fortress of Masterston Ruined Castle 12
The Moorcroft Cemetery Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Shrine of Marebranxa Desecrated Temple 12
The Fortress of Greenhouse Ruined Castle 13
The Tower of Moorton Mine 8
The Gaering Tombs Cemetery 5
The Agryrick Reformatory Prison 13
Tower Uthistyr Human Stronghold 12
Sekotrugoth Orc Stronghold 8
Castle Copperston Crypt 14
Tricerrock's Web Spider Nest 13
The Hold of Hearthhouse Coven 10
The Coven of Belladyn Coven 10
The House of Moorwing Ruined Castle 8
Tower Hawkham Giant Stronghold 13
The Hold of Wickfield Ruined Castle 13
The Dunyctor Excavation Mine 13
Ruins of The Woodham Cabin Desecrated Temple 13
Ruins of Hearthfield Orchard Desecrated Temple 8
The Quarry of Mordynak Mine 14
The Gaercroft Graveyard Forgotten Cemetery 5
The Maelither Hermitage Desecrated Temple 13
The Agryctor Asylum Prison 10
The Circle of Evelolda Barbarian Stronghold 11
The Citadel of Woodham Ruined Castle 8
The Edworyan Pit Mine 8
The Hold of Hawkford Ruined Castle 13
The Tower of Buckington Ruined Castle 14
The Abbey of Demanxessa Desecrated Temple 11
Tristyrick Laboratory Laboratory 12
The Gaersly Crypts Forgotten Cemetery 5
Ashhouse Tower Harpy Nest 8
The Tower of Moorhouse Vampire Haunt 12
Ruins of The Wickwing Farmstead Vampire Haunt 13
The Stronghold of Gaercroft Giant Stronghold 10
Castle Moorham Coven 13
Hawksley's Hold Natural Cave 13
The Buckingham Cemetery Cemetery 5
The Roost of Skulthoth Harpy Nest 12
The Stronghold of Kinghouse Desecrated Temple 14
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