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Sorian (sorian)
Location Solstheim, Gandrung Caverns
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 35 Class Battlemage
Other Information
Health 201 Magicka 200
Alarm 0 Fight 100

Sorian is a Redguard battlemage located inside the Gandrung Caverns.

He wears a Nordic Trollbone Helm, steel cuirass, Steel Left Pauldron, Steel Right Pauldron, Steel Greaves, Steel Boots, Steel Left Gauntlet, Steel Right Gauntlet. He carries a random health potion. He wields a Silver Axe of Paralysis and a Steel Tower Shield.

Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility, and endurance for a short period of time. Aside from that, he knows the following spells: Absorb Agility (Ranged), Absorb Endurance (Ranged), Absorb Luck (Ranged), Absorb Strength (Ranged), Absorb Willpower (Ranged), Blood Despair, Dire Weary, Drain Alchemy, Drain Alteration, Drain Blood, Drain Conjuration, Drain Destruction, Drain Enchant, Drain Mysticism, Enervate, Enervating Touch, Ghost Curse, Poison, Resist Common Disease, Resist Poison, Second Barrier, Strong Reflect, Strong Shock Shield, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Vivec's Wrath, Weakness to Corprus Disease, Wild Clumsiness, Wild Distraction, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

If you attempt to speak to him if you spare Gualtierus Spurius:

"I've nothing to say to you." Goodbye