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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Mirich Ran

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Mirich Ran
(RefID: xx0C9B3E)
Location The Pale Pass
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC×4 (range=0-25) Class Assassin
RefID xx0C9B3E BaseID xx0C9B3D
Gold 750 (+500 Investor; +1000 Master Trader)
Sells See Standard Merchandise
Buys All (except food and books)
Other Information
Health 50+(PC)×? Magicka 50
Stamina 50+(PC)×?
Class Details CombatAssassin
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRSkyrimBorderGateMirichRanMerchantFaction
Mirich Ran

Mirich Ran is an Imperial assassin. He buys and sells contraband, and smuggles goods - including people - between Skyrim and Cyrodiil. During the related quest, Mirich will show you an alternative route to enter Cyrodiil, should you fail to convince Legate Centos Durius to let you through the main gate.

Mirich can be found at his campsite just northeast of the Pale Pass, and spends all his waking hours loitering, at times eating or using the nearby tanning rack.

Mirich wears Colovian fur clothes with a pair of fine boots and is armed with an iron sword and dagger. He also carries a Potion of Minor Stamina, a Weak Poison and 56 gold coins.

Related Quests[edit]


Mirich can be found at his campsite just northeast of the Pale Pass, and spends all his waking hours loitering, at times eating or using the nearby tanning rack. He will greet you by unashamedly setting out his stand:

"Ah, a traveler, a traveler! Delightful, delightful! Ran's the name, rare and valuable goods and services is my game! Might I interest you in some of my marvelous goods? Or perhaps you're here for my... special services?"

If you enquire about his 'special services' and reassure him you are not in the Legion, he will charge you 200 gold and mark the Serpent's Trail on your map.

If you're interested in his wares, he'll brag:

"Fine hides, hunting supplies, and... special merchandise."

Mirich has 750 gold and will buy all goods bar food and books. He sells an assortment of leveled weapons (including arrows), ingots, ores, gems, jewelry (including enchanted), potions (including a guaranteed Potion of Cure Disease), poisons, soul gems, spell tomes and lockpicks.

Standard Merchandise[edit]

This is the merchandise found in Mirich's merchant chest. These items are only available if purchased from the merchant; they cannot be pickpocketed or stolen. They are restocked every two days.

Count Item Details
~1 Leveled Gems Max 2 (2@25%)
~1 Leveled Jewelry (unenchanted) or Amulet of the Divines Max 2 (2@25%)
~4 Leveled Animal Parts Max 5 (5@75%)
~1 Leveled Ingots Best-quality; Max 5 (5@25%)
~3 Leveled Ores/Charcoal Max 5 (5@50%)
~4 Leveled Soul Gems (empty and full) Max 5 (5@75%)
~3 Random Novice Spell Tomes Max 5 (5@50%)
5 Leveled One-handed Weapons (unenchanted)
1 Potion of Cure Disease
1 Leveled Poison
1 Leveled Iron or Steel Mace or Sword
~8 Leveled Potions Max 15 (15@50%)
~15 Leveled Arrows (batches of 10) Max 20 (20@75%)
~5 Lockpicks Max 8 (1@75% and 7@56.25%)
~5 Torches Best-quality; Max 10 (10@50%)
~7 Firewood Max 12 (2 plus 10@50%)