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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Iron

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Iron weapons and heavy armor are commonplace, low-quality items. Like their Skyrim counterparts, they are crafted out of iron ingots, but differ in appearance and in some cases in stats.

Iron Armor[edit]

A female Breton wearing Iron Armor
A male Redguard wearing Iron Armor

Iron Armor is the lowest-quality heavy armor in the mod, and appears in leveled lists from the start of the game. All items can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips
BS5C-icon-armor-IronArmor(m).pngBS5C-icon-armor-IronArmor(f).png Iron Armor
30 125 25 5 3
BS5C-icon-armor-IronBoots.png Iron Boots
6 25 10 3 2
BS5C-icon-armor-IronGauntlets.png Iron Gauntlets
5 25 10 2 2
BS5C-icon-armor-IronHelmet.png Iron Helmet
5 60 15 3 2
BS5C-icon-armor-IronShield.png Iron Shield
12 60 20 3 3
Totals (with shield): 58 295 80 16 12
Totals (without shield): 46 235 60 13 9

Heavy Iron Armor[edit]

Heavy Iron Armor is marginally better quality than standard Iron Armor, and appears in leveled lists from level 5. Only a cuirass can be forged, and it cannot be tempered.

Name (ID) Weight Value Armor Rating Raw Materials
SR-icon-ingot-Corundum Ingot.png Corundum SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips
BS5C-icon-armor-HeavyIronArmor(m).pngBS5C-icon-armor-HeavyIronArmor(f).png Heavy Iron Armor
35 200 28 1 5 3

Iron Weapons[edit]

Iron weapons are the lowest-quality weapons in the mod, and appear in leveled lists from the start of the game. All items except ammunition can be tempered using 1 Iron Ingot.

Name (ID) Weight Value Damage Speed Reach Raw Materials
SR-icon-ingot-Iron Ingot.png Iron SR-icon-misc-LeatherStrips.png Strips
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronDagger.png Iron Dagger
2 10 4 1.3 0.7 1 1
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronSword.png Iron Sword
9 25 6 1 1 2 1
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronWarAxe.png Iron War Axe
11 30 8 0.9 1 2 2
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronSword.png Iron Mace
13 35 8 0.8 1 3 2
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronClub.png Iron Club
13 35 9 0.8 1 3 2
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronGreatsword.png Iron Greatsword
16 50 15 0.7 1.3 4 2
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronBattleaxe.png Iron Battleaxe
20 55 16 0.7 1.3 4 2
BS5C-icon-weapon-IronWarhammer.png Iron Warhammer
24 60 18 0.6 1.3 4 3