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User talk:Krusty/Sandbox2

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I was thinking: how about including a note of the 'Deep Ones'? Since this is the chapel where they are worshipped it would make sense to have a little text with a few conjectures about them. --SerCenKing Talk 09:01, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

I think some kind of note would be appropriate - I'll try to consult all my notes once again, but the main problem is - it is never really explained exactly "who" or "what" the Deep Ones were. But I'll try to cook something up. Thanks for tweaking - and for the image! --Krusty 11:55, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
No worries, Etira's preaching one is up too :) In any case the Bible itself states that the Chief of 'Deep Ones' "taught me his language and his runes." Since the runes are Daedric, it would be logical for the Deep Ones to be Daedra or Dremora. Given that they have a chief I'd say it's probably a group of Xivilai with perhaps a Dremora as boss... But of course, that's just speculation :P --SerCenKing Talk 18:38, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Haha, yeah - very little is known about them, but if you can back up any of the theories, then feel free to add it. There is nothing wrong with speculation as long as the word "suggests" appear somewhere in the sentence. Anyhow, I added some more stuff and some links. What do you think? --Krusty 18:49, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Ok, I've added a bit referring to the quote, nothing too unbalanced I hope. In any case I think it's good to go - a great example of what we can produce when we're up to no good XD --SerCenKing Talk 19:00, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Oh yes! Page looks good and is actually the final word on that whole Hackdirt phenomenon. And you are right - we should be "up to no good" some more! Thanks a lot! --Krusty 19:17, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

(outdent) How about the Black Horse Courier's HQ? I've got images already and can CS check anything you write. --SerCenKing Talk 19:29, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

I actually agreed with GK that the BHC office is much easier to write from the CS - because of the numerous newspaper clips, handbills and the stuff that "pops up" as you complete quests - that's why I never touched it during my Market District overhaul. She plans on doing it somewhere along the line, and I think that is for the best. But it was a good idea nevertheless. :) --Krusty 19:47, 1 March 2010 (UTC)
Ok, good to know. I'll have her know I've got some pics ready for her :) --SerCenKing Talk 19:53, 1 March 2010 (UTC)

Bugs on the Ice[edit]

So I just stumbled upon this, and I really like the detail you've put into it. I noticed one thing, though, and I'm not sure if it's right or not, so I'll propose it here. Under the information about Calixto you recommend to sell the amulet due to a bug, but I was under the impression that the bug was when you do sell the amulet at that point. I corrected the line to say "not recommended" but if I am wrong, please correct it back and let me know. Not trying to step on toes, just wasn't certain. Voraxith 05:25, 6 December 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the input; oddly, I was sure it was the other way 'round, meaning if you didn't sell it to Calixto, the amulet would stay "strange" and undroppable as a quest item. However, I'll have to check both possible quest endings to make sure, so it is noted. Also, if you follow my (slow) progress, feel more than free to add any knowledge on this talk, as this quest starts to make my head hurt. --Krusty 07:03, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
I'm about to finish the quest myself. I just saved my game standing in between Calixto (with his knife drawn) and Nilsine Shatter-Shield in the Stone Quarter. I still have the amulet, and I'm about to find out for sure if this is where the bug with it is. Hopefully I can prevent the murder, eh? Voraxith 11:20, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
From my two playthroughs of this quest, my first, i kept the amulet and it got bugged into my inventory for all eternity, my second, i sold the amulet to calixto before going to wuuthurd (i never put him in jail), and found the necromancers amulet on his corpse when i killed him, so i think the bug is with not selling the amulet. (Eddie The Head 11:24, 7 December 2011 (UTC))
So I just went through this about two dozen times (and no, I am not exaggerating) and there was absolutely no way of saving Nilsine without getting a 1000 gold bounty on myself and all the guards attacking me. As for the amulet bug, it was right to begin with. You cannot remove the amulet from your inventory after this point, and no merchant will buy it from you. So sell it to Calixto when he offers to purchase it, or else you'll be stuck with it (short of console codes). As an interesting aside, I had also purchased Hjerim during this quest, but waited till after Calixto was dead to decorate. I noticed two things: first, if you decide to pay the 500 septims to clean up the murderer's mess, the bloody chest in the left of the main room is removed, and nothing else in the house replaces it; second, you cannot put Wuuthrad on any of the weapon displays or racks. Not sure if that's just this house, or particular to the weapon as I've never tried to display it anywhere else -- I might try Breezehome later. Anyway, I stand corrected on the amulet and I apologize for mucking up your work here. Voraxith 12:03, 7 December 2011 (UTC)
No problem. I tested the exact same thing this morning, and the amulet is bugged regardless of how you solve the case – you need to sell it to Calixto before talking to eith Wuufrath or Jorleif. There are two conclusions to the quest, and everything is possible – it’s all about testing at this point. I find it intriguing that you had Nilsine as second victim. When I played this morning, the victim was Luaffyn. Also, I have never received a bounty for saving the victim. Anyway, the list of bugs is long and hard to test so let me know if you’re interesting in helping out. I for one can’t buy the house right now, so you’d be of great help. --Krusty 16:59, 7 December 2011 (UTC)

() I managed to bug my quest in an entirely different way. After the initial talking to the witnesses and guards I went exploring instead of straight to the steward. I ended up happening across Hjerim and got the update for Gain Access to Hjerim. From that point on I could backtrack through some of the parts before it, but couldn't get them to complete. The part where you would investigate the scene was entirely bugged and just a blank arrow pointing to nothing that could be done. Calixto also seemingly didn't exist in my game until the point where I had to patrol the grounds at nights. After a day or two of waiting for his store to open or for him to appear in his house or elsewhere he finally showed up to murder some poor girl. I also never really had to talk to the steward at all. Just about any guard gives you the information you need about things like "What's up with this weird amulet?" "How can I get into Hjerim".--Bwross 18:10, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the input. Any chance you can retrace your steps and write a bug description? --Krusty 20:07, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

Butcher Journal #x[edit]

This links are a problem, the "#" character can't be part of an article name. So we need to name those books something else. "Butcher Journal ♯1", "Butcher Journal 1" or something like this. --Alfwyn 00:10, 8 December 2011 (UTC)

I just wanted to add to this. Having completed the imperial victory, I decided to do this quest, and actually finished it. I had to break into the Hjerim house to start the quest, since the murder scene witnesses weren't responsive. However that waitresses body was lying close by and im guessing the murder scene had triggered before I did the windhelm battle, and the body probably just got thrown during battle or something. Other then the break-in, the quest ran normally: house->viola->calixto->wuunfert->killing calixto. I'm running patch 1.3. Not sure if that's important. 03:20, 10 December 2011 (UTC)


It's not just high leveled Dragur in the second chamber, my first chamber had 2 Dragur Deathlords, the second had 1. The room with several in had Dragur Scurge. The final room with the big table was an insane fight. 2 Dragur Deathlords and a Dragur Overlord, took me a few goes to do it and even them my follower (not Nola) kept dying. Eventually i did drop it back a difficulty level just because i've had this follower for sometime and have grown attached. Not a fight to go into unprepared though. For clarification i'm level 46, so pretty high. (Killerchronic 18:35, 14 December 2011 (UTC))

At level 17, my first chamber has one Draugr Wight and one Restless, second chamber had the same, so - the entire thing is leveled. I think I'll just skip the sentence all together. Thanks for spotting that. :) --Krusty 18:55, 14 December 2011 (UTC)

The Jagged Crown[edit]

It's in Korvanjund, as you correctly state later, not Ansilvund. I don't know if I'm allowed to edit this so I'm just noting it here! GrogGrogGrog 16:33, 23 March 2012 (UTC)

Cicero kill move[edit]

I uploaded a new screenshot of Cicero performing a kill move at "File:SR-npc-Cicero_Killshot.jpg" if you want to use it. --Xyzzy 03:51, 26 May 2012 (UTC)

Ah thanks! I'm only allowed to use 4:3 images (with the exception of the 'normal' square image, but maybe I can crop it. In any case, thanks again. I can use all the images I can get! --Krusty 10:55, 26 May 2012 (UTC)

Number of orbs in Yngol Barrow[edit]

Hi Krusty, as you can see here, I had ten orbs following me at the puzzle door. I can't verify with my save right now, just want to let you know that there might be a random component to the number of orbs. --Holomay 09:13, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

Haha, I actually just counted them from your image and decided to change the amount with the next edit. Problem is, cslist lists a total of eleven, so that might be the correct amount. Oh, by the way, can you snap a quick image of Birna and the drunken brother arguing in the streets - or do I have to use the regular channel? :) --Krusty 09:16, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Sure, but it will take a few hours. I'll also try to find the missing orb then. :-) Holomay 09:38, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Brilliant. I can't count them in-game (they're bouncing!), but it's probably not overly important to include all eleven in an image. I'm still struggling with the fact that it turned out to be a non-journal quest (no objectives), so I have a few facts to squeeze out of the CK-people before I launch. Oh, and thanks for all the brilliant images!!! --Krusty 09:47, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
There should be 12 total, 11 that are added by entering triggers and one that is forced by the quest. The script may explain numbers and you may not always end up with all 12 in the end, but I can't read it. Additionally, there are supposed to be two of the same motes by the large dead mudcrab, but they are unrelated. Vely►t►e 16:32, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Birna and Ranmir arguing in the streets of Winterhold: File:SR-quest-Yngol's Barrow.jpg --Holomay 19:53, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
Thank you very much, mr. Holomay! Excellent as always! --Krusty 19:56, 30 July 2012 (UTC)
I've been waltzing through the place for a dozen times and I never ended up with more than 11 orbs (updated screenshot: File:SR-interior-Yngol Barrow 02.jpg). I don't know how to trigger No. 12... Now I feel like a flea circus director and need to take a break from Yngol Barrow! :-) Oh, and I don't think the orbs produce a "beeping sound" - if that were the case, I'd probably be insane by now. What about "buzzing", "whirring" or "cricket-like"? And BTW, the sound has three different pitches: D, F and Bb, forming a Bb major chord in first inversion. Maybe a musical reference, one more mystery of this strange dungeon? I really need to get out of there now... --Holomay 22:51, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

() The CK calls it a "bounce" with the sound file.

I can check with the CK to see where all the triggers are and make sure you passed them all, and perhaps where the quest-forced orb pops up. Vely►t►e 23:07, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

The final trigger is just past the puzzle door. Whether the trigger spawns one or gets rid of the rest, I'm not certain. Vely►t►e 23:29, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

Right, shouldn't have looked at triggers but motes. This time I've really got it: There's one in a small pocket behind a wall of ice that you should never be able to reach. Vely►t►e 00:17, 31 July 2012 (UTC)

Yngol's Shade's Shout[edit]

"He will use a variety of spells and shouts, starting with a Unrelenting Force shout to disarm you". Surely, this must be the Disarm shout, although that does not work if you're over level 30 (I think), so maybe the shade uses Unrelenting Force in that case. Peterguard 16:57, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

Yngol's Shade uses a leveled list. At all levels the Shade has Unrelenting Force. Starting at level 21 he has the Disarm shout. Disarm does work if you're level 30 or higher. At level 30 he gets the Frost Breath shout. At level 40 he gets LSpellDraugr05, which gives him "Frost Cloak". At level 50 he has an ebony weapon (all other levels get random leveled weapons) and the LSpellDraugr05 turns into LSpellDraugr05Ebony, which appears to be exactly the same thing but perhaps stronger. At level 60 he turns into a Dragon Priest; what type of Dragon Priest he is is randomly determined, whether he's fire, frost, shock, normal, or 1H/2H ebony-weapon. Whatever level he is at, he should attempt to use all of those at certain points depending on how Skyrim's AI system works. Vely►t►e 17:39, 30 July 2012 (UTC)

Diplomatic Immunity[edit]

In regards your query for a stealthy approach to the quest, here is my usual method for the quest.

Starting after Malborn closes the door, first enter sneak mode, then equip a detect life spell, and your chosen weapon. My method usually means using a dagger and the detect life spell to help time my movements. Of course invisibilty means that you do not have to kill anyone outside the Solar, but my walkthrough does not include that possibility.

Approach the door on your left until you can hear two Thalmor having a discussion, wait until they finish, then approach the Thalmor walking directly away from the door, when he reaches the far wall (by this time the other guard will be upstairs), kill him, then move into the parlour to the left. When the second guard returns, wait until he investigates the dead body, kill him. It is possible to just follow the second guard and kill him on the stairs, leaving the first one alive.

The wizard walks between the top of the stairs and the left-hand corridor, just time it so you approach when his back is turned. You cannot avoid him.

Outside, wait until the first archer leans up against the wall in front of you, then approach and kill him. Sneak around the back of the Solar, wait before the bend until the second archer starts walking away, then quickly approach and kill him. The wizard outside the Solar will detect you if you try to get near, it is hard, but not impossible to get a stealthy shot with an arrow on him, but he is very hard to kill, and impossible to avoid, hence the archers being dealt with first.

Inside, (memory fail) um, wait until they enter the room on the left and the guard goes up the stairs, then move either to the far left side, where the arrow points, or if brave enough, to the left of the door, and wait for the discussion to end. When Gissur exits the room, the guard may have returned downstairs. Close the door and manouvre until behind Gissur, when the guard turns around you may kill Gissur. The guard may be left alone, or you can follow him from here and kill him.

Rulandil will have gone down to the prisons, ransack his office, then follow him down. When you enter, a guard will be interrogating the prisoner and Rulandil will be at a desk. From this entrance you can jump over the railing and kill him. Sneak around and into the cell, then kill the guard. If you try to sneak to finsih the quest, Malborn will likely die, but if you wish to, then after killing the guard in the cell, move under the stairs and wait for them to appear. Their behaviour is unpredictable, though one usually comes downstairs and the other fights Malborn. Deal with them as you wish.

Phew, enjoy reading :p The Silencer speaksTalk 19:48, 18 August 2012 (UTC)

Distraction for Idgrod Ravencrone[edit]

For memory, I know that when I became Jarl of Morthal, she appeared at the party and was willing to create a distraction in order for me to get away with Malborn. I'm not sure on the specifics on the dialogue, but she created a distraction by 'pretending' that she could see snakes coming from another member's eyes at the party and for them to get away from her? I can always double check when I get the time later. Also doesn't Erikur create some form of distraction by hitting on Brelas? Just trying to help :) - Helenaannevalentine<sup (talk) 20:20, 17 September 2012 (GMT)

Hey Helena! Thanks for the tip - we've tried to get the distractions 'in place' for a long time now, but, due to the random nature of the guest list, I decided to create a bunch of huh-tags for now - just to see if anybody could remember something. Thanks again - I'll try and locate the dialogue and add it to the table. And yes, Brelas and Erikur can do it every time as well, so that needs to be added sooner or later. --Krusty (talk) 20:35, 17 September 2012 (GMT)
One more question, did you mean Jarl of Morthal - or Thane of Morthal? Sounds odd if she wanted to do you a favor after sending her into exile... --Krusty (talk) 20:55, 17 September 2012 (GMT)
My bad! I meant Thane of Morthal! Being awake for most of the morning tends to make me do little mistakes like that :P -Helenaannevalentine(talk) 23:13, 17 September 2012 (GMT)

Eorlund Dialogue Itacilizing and Quotation Marks Needed[edit]

Just helping by giving advice, that's all. Guard of DragonsSpeak To Me 17:35, 16 September 2013 (GMT)

Haha, thanks. I'm aware of that. ;) --Krusty (talk) 18:15, 16 September 2013 (GMT)
Can I help itacilize and quote mark the dialogue, or have you got it under control now? Guard of DragonsSpeak To Me 18:18, 16 September 2013 (GMT)
Krusty's been writing articles for years, and I'm sure he's got it covered. Just because he hasn't done it yet, doesn't mean he won't. Why not find your own project? It seems, IMO that it would be a little bit of a pain to have people poking into someone else's space for such small edits like that. -snowmane  xoxo 18:32, 16 September 2013 (GMT)
It isn't a pain. I am just trying to help Krusty with the dialogue. That's all. Guard of DragonsSpeak To Me 18:35, 16 September 2013 (GMT)
It is somewhat ironic that you feel the need to "help" our most prolific full page editor when you struggle to follow the same guidelines you espouse. There was no need to make an edit giving advice on one guideline, especially when you failed to proofread your title. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 18:41, 16 September 2013 (GMT)
There is nothing wrong with me giving advice to others. Guard of DragonsSpeak To Me 18:47, 16 September 2013 (GMT)

() Technically not, but it's still rather insulting to imply to an administrator that he's not getting his work done right. Just drop it and find something else to do. -snowmane  xoxo 18:54, 16 September 2013 (GMT)

(edit conflict) Sandboxes contain work in progress, so it's usually full of things still under construction and unfinished. There's no need to tell someone what's left to be done, as they are usually aware of that (it may even come over negatively because of that). Your willingness to help is appreciated, but there is no need to remind people what has to be done when they're working on things, there's no need to worry ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 18:57, 16 September 2013 (GMT)
I guess you guys are right… after all. Guard of DragonsSpeak To Me 19:45, 16 September 2013 (GMT)