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User talk:Archain

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Hi and welcome to my talk page. If there is anything you would like to ask me, feel free.

Night Mother's Crypt[edit]

I kinda already started it, but if you want to do it feel free to steal my sandbox for it. It is not much, but it is a start I guess. --AKB Talk 17:56, 4 March 2011 (UTC)

Ok, ill remove my name from the task in the list. Oh, and thanks for letting me "steal" your sandbox.--Archain 18:11, 4 March 2011 (UTC)
You added a mention of an Iron Claymore on the items list on the sandbox. Checking both the CS and in-game I couldn't find one. Where did you find it? --AKB Talk 19:33, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
It lies right with the skeleton of the the night mother, it is also a picture of it in here.--Archain 19:42, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
The picture is inaccurate. Someone put it there for decoration I guess as I see absolutely no reference to it in the CS, and I can't find it in-game. There are no loose weapons in the cell at all in fact. --AKB Talk 19:51, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
Are you sure, i can swear that i saw a claymore when i even played myself.--Archain 19:59, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

() I am absolutely positive. However I believe we are going to need a second opinion to solve this. --AKB Talk 20:02, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Just checked it out (both in-game and in-CS) and there's no sword. I uploaded a new version of the picture to fix that little problem. I also uploaded this, in case it's useful. If not, please nominate it for deletion. rpeh •TCE 20:26, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks rpeh, and thanks for the extra picture as well. Not the easiest task for me as I've pretty much never done OPRP work. --AKB Talk 20:37, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
Okay I think it is mostly done now. Though I want a second opinion as this would be the first article I've written (Not without help mind you). All and all though I believe it can safely be moved out of my sandbox. --AKB Talk 21:17, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
I have a savegame for a double-check; provided it is okay that I change a few things in your Sandbox, we should be able to get this page done in no time. --Krusty 21:26, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
I don't mind, as the notice at the top of the page says. Thanks for doing the check by the way. --AKB Talk 21:36, 6 March 2011 (UTC)
All done. While I can't vouch for the random treasure found in the chests, all other facts are now checked in-game. --Krusty 22:05, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

() I'll move it now, I just double checked all of the containers, so I don't think I'm jumping the gun here. --AKB Talk 22:15, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Sign In[edit]

Please remember to sign in when you are making edits, especially to your User Page or Talk Page. I patrolled this edit, which I assume is you, but many times these edits could be reverted if it is unsure whether it is the user editing their own pages while logged out. Thanks! --DKong27 Talk Cont 04:22, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Sorry, i figuerd out that i wasn`t logged in just right after i saved. It won`t happen again.--Archain 17:13, 6 March 2011 (UTC)


I'm sorry if this sounded harsh because it wasn't meant to be. Too often, questions like "Do you think we should have a page on X" means "I think somebody (not me) should make a page on X", and it bugs the hell out of me.

You've shown a willingness to get involved by making good suggestions and editing the task list to make it clear you want to get involved so I don't think the above applies to you.... but every time I see a question like that, the problem springs to mind.

Please keep doing what you're doing, just in a slightly different way. :-) rpeh •TCE 19:07, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Ohh, thats ok, i understand you. Telling things like that just makes me learn, so if i do any mistakes like that i think its good your telling me. --Archain 19:21, 6 March 2011 (UTC)

Userspace Patroller[edit]

Congratulations! Feel free to add the appropriate Userbox to your page. :) --Krusty 23:07, 16 March 2011 (UTC)

UP status[edit]

Hey! I have added headers to this LIST, detailing Userspace Patrollers, simply to keep track of the active/semi-active/in-active UPs, so if you could take a look at the list and make a decision. If you are active, do nothing; if you are semi-active, add that next to your name (example) – or, if you are inactive, please move your name to the appropriate section. Also, remember to update your status if your activity changes along the way. Thanks. Oh, and if you have any questions, please ask them on talk page, not here. --Krusty 13:21, 18 March 2011 (UTC)

Oblivion Question[edit]

Hello Archain,

I took the courage to make an edit here in "User talk" because u said we can ask you if we need something but a friend of mine told me that we shouldt make post about games here because its for business..i dont know what it is but i hope i didnt make a mistake to post here.

Im new in Oblivion ( 2 days ago i start it) and i read everything that has to do with Oblivion so i totaly understand what i gotta do to play a good game and what i gotta do to do efficient leveling and generally speaking i get whats this game is all about.

So from here ill tell you how i was thinking to make all my attributes level 100 and ALSO make my char level 51 and NOT level 30 (soz for my bad english).

{{{ I chose as my class the "Redguard" and chose as Birthsign "The Thief" and as favorite atribute "Luck" (+"Endurance") and so i get extra +15 Luck attribute and i have total 50+15=65 Luck attribute. I was planing to level up efficiently and with each level that my character get i was planing to increase three attributes by +5 and all the others by +1(not Luck attribute). When ill be level 16 i was planing to start increasing my Luck attribute by +1 and some other two attributes by +5. I was thinking to start level up Luck from level 16 because my Luck attribute is already level 65 and i need 35 more levels to make it level 100 and if i start increasing it by +1 for each level that my character get then Luck will be level 100 when my char will be lvl 51. The reason i start to level up Luck attribute from level 16 is because i want to have all attributes level 100 and also i want my player to be level 51. If i want I can have all atributes level 100 and my char be level 30 BUT i dont want my char to be level 30. I want to reach the maximum level of the character which is level 51 (and sometimes level 51-54). }}}

So that was my thoughts and here there is something that is bothering me:S

1)When my character will be level 30 (or 30-35 if i dont get 100% efficient leveling),all my atributes will be level 100 and Luck will be level 79(79-84 depending on my character level) ... when that happen can i level up with only 1 attribute left?What i mean is if i can continue to level up even though only Luck attribute left to make level 100.

2)Lets say that my character is level 29 and on that level i have Personality attribute 98 and NOT 100. When its time for my character to be level 30 then Personality will get +5 or +2 ? What i mean is that even if i deserve to get +5,because i get 10 skill points on some of the three skills of Personality,it will only take the "+2" out of "+5" or it will take "+5" making personality 103?

I made those 2 questions cause i havent play yet and so i dont know:S

Thank you for your time and really sorry for that big post.

P.S I know that i must not make all my major skills level 100 in order to continue leveling and be level 51 and with efficient leveling i can do that and in case i make all major skills level 100 and cant level up i can go jail and do some others things to be able to level up again.Thanman02 07:28, 11 February 2012 (UTC)