The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Inspired by the Adopt-a-typo project on Wikipedia, this keeps track of recurring typos in the wiki as well as persistent but easily-searchable grammatical errors. Corrections for these mistakes are usually tagged as minor edits.
Adopt-a-typo (TES3)[edit]
From | To | Status | Notes | ||
MW | TR | BM | |||
Ald-ruhn | Ald'ruhn | See UESPWiki:Spelling. | |||
brandish(es) / wield(s) | has / hold(s) / use(s) | Not a typo but the wrong verbs for most NPC pages | |||
Cyrodiilic / Cyrodilic / Cyrodillic Brandy |
Cyrodiilic / Cyrodilic Brandy |
Use Cyrodiilic Brandy when referring to the potion item (eg. Wares section of NPCs). The only exceptions are dialogs, journal entries and topics that use Cyrodilic Brandy [sic]. |
Falvilo's Endeavor | Falvillo's Endeavor | Use Falvillo's Endeavor when referring to the ship. The only exceptions are console codes and dialogs that use Falvilo's [sic] Endeavor. |
Grief | Greef | ||||
locked and trapped | locked (10) and trapped | For now, just removing the hovertext (not mobile-friendly) Later, I'll change them to read more organically (eg. 10pt locked chest, a door with a trap and a 10pt lock, etc.) |
locked chest | locked (10) chest | ||||
locked door | locked (10) door | ||||
He trains ..., ..., and Axe. | He trains ..., ..., and Axe. | Same as above; hovertext (ie. <span>) doesn't show up anyway, being overridden by <a> tooltip | |||
...calmed or snuck up on... | Currently working on a template for normal and hostile trainers alike. |
Quick Links: Common spelling issues[edit]
From | To |
amongst | among |
armour | armor |
betwixt | between |
centre | center |
colour | color |
councillor | councilor |
jewellery | jewelry |
levelled | leveled |
levelling | leveling |
programme | program |
saviour | savior |
travelled | traveled |
traveller | traveler |
travelling | traveling |
whilst | while |
From | To |
analyse | analyze |
minimise | minimize |
minimised | minimized |
minimisation | minimization |
paralyse | paralyze |
realise | realize |
realised | realized |
realisation | realization |
recognise | recognize |
recognised | recognized |
From | To |
north-east | northeast |
north-eastern | northeastern |
north-west | northwest |
north-western | northwestern |
south-east | southeast |
south-eastern | southeastern |
south-west | southwest |
south-western | southwestern |
From | To |
Tree-Minder Xohaneel | Treeminder Xohaneel |
Tzinghalis' Tower | Tzinghalis's Tower |
Chilldrender | Chillrender |
Vlastrus | Vlastarus |
Wake Walker's | Wake Walkers' |
Windhelm Reveller | Windhelm Reveler |
Quick Links: Grammatical errors[edit]
From | To |
a Aedra | an Aedra |
a Aedric | an Aedric |
a Akaviri | an Akaviri |
a Aldmer | an Aldmer |
a Aldmeri | an Aldmeri |
a Altmer | an Altmer |
a Altmeri | an Altmeri |
a amulet | an amulet |
a Argonian | an Argonian |
a Atmoran | an Atmoran |
a Ayleid | an Ayleid |
a heir | an heir |
a herb | an herb |
a homage | an homage |
a honest | an honest |
a honor | an honor |
a hour | an hour |
a Imperial | an Imperial |
a NPC | an NPC |
a Orc | an Orc |
a Orcish | an Orcish |
a Orsimer | an Orsimer |
From | To |
an Bosmer | a Bosmer |
an Bosmeri | a Bosmeri |
an Breton | a Breton |
an Chimer | a Chimer |
an Cyrodiil | a Cyrodiil |
an Daedra | a Daedra |
an Daedric | a Daedric |
an Dark Elf | a Dark Elf |
an Dunmer | a Dunmer |
an Dunmeri | a Dunmeri |
an Dwarven | a Dwarven |
an Dwemer | a Dwemer |
an Falmer | a Falmer |
an High Elf | a High Elf |
an Khajiit | a Khajiit |
an Khajiiti | a Khajiiti |
an Kothringi | a Kothringi |
an Maormer | a Maormer |
an Nede | a Nede |
an Nedic | a Nedic |
an Nord | a Nord |
an Nordic | a Nordic |
an Reachman | a Reachman |
an Redguard | a Redguard |
an ring | a ring |
an Snow Elf | a Snow Elf |
an Wood Elf | a Wood Elf |
an Yokudan | a Yokudan |
From | To |
there are one | there is one |
there is a few | there are a few |
there is few | there are few |
there is many | there are many |
there is several | there are several |
there is three | there are three |
there is two | there are two |
there was a few | there are a few |
there was few | there are few |
there was many | there are many |
there was several | there are several |
there was three | there are three |
there was two | there are two |
there were one | there was one |
Quick Links: Typographical errors[edit]
From | To |
Anararen | Anarenen |
Anareren | |
and and | and |
availible | available |
avalable | |
avalible | |
avaliable | |
Ayreen | Ayrenn |
cork bulb | corkbulb |
cormberry | comberry |
cornberry [1] | |
definately | definitely |
Domninion | Dominion |
Ekash's Locksplitter | Ekash's Lock Splitter |
Erabenimsum | Erabenimsun |
firts | first |
followings | following |
Heartfire | Hearthfire |
Karrold | Karrod |
Kwaama | Kwama |
Kwana | |
Kwarma | |
legionaire | legionnaire |
lock pick | lockpick |
Lorhkhan | Lorkhan |
Manimarco | Mannimarco |
Matze [2] | Mazte |
Neravar | Nerevar |
Neravarine | Nerevarine |
questgiver | quest giver |
quest line | questline |
Sarethy | Sarethi |
seperate | separate |
seperated | separated |
seperately | separately |
Shimerene [3] | Shimmerene |
Shimmerine | Shimmerene |
siltstrider | silt strider |
skillbook | skill book |
soulgem [4] | soul gem |
Stendar | Stendarr |
Staff of Magus | Staff of Magnus |
stilt strider | silt strider |
the the | the |
Vardenfell | Vvardenfell |
Vvardenfel |
From | To |
Almalexias | Almalexia's |
arent | aren't |
cant | can't |
childs | child's |
couldnt | couldn't |
couldve | could've |
Dagoth Urs | Dagoth Ur's |
didnt | didn't |
dont | don't |
Elsweyrs | Elsweyr's |
Hammerfells | Hammerfell's |
hadnt | hadn't |
havent | haven't |
High Rocks | High Rock's |
isnt | isn't |
its a | it's a |
its an | it's an |
its been | it's been |
its not | it's not |
its one | it's one |
its said | it's said |
its so | it's so |
its the | it's the |
Ive | I've |
lets be | let's be |
lets do | let's do |
lets go | let's go |
lets have | let's have |
lets not | let's not |
Morrowinds | Morrowind's |
Nerevars | Nerevar's |
nwah | n'wah |
shouldnt | shouldn't |
shouldve | should've |
Skyrims | Skyrim's |
Sotha Sils | Sotha Sil's |
swit | s'wit |
thats | that's |
theyll | they'll |
theyre | they're |
theyve | they've |
Valenwoods | Valenwood's |
Vivecs | Vivec's |
wasnt | wasn't |
werent | weren't |
weve | we've |
wont | won't |
wouldnt | wouldn't |
wouldve | would've |
youll | you'll |
youre | you're |
youve | you've |
From | To |
1x | 1× |
2x | 2× |
3x | 3× |
4x | 4× |
5x | 5× |
6x | 6× |
7x | 7× |
8x | 8× |
9x | 9× |
10x | 10× |
aka. | a.k.a. |
eg. | e.g. |
get's | gets |
ie. | i.e. |
in game | in-game |
it's own | its own |
let's her | lets her |
let's him | lets him |
let's it | lets it |
let's me | lets me |
let's them | lets them |
let's us | lets us |
let's you | lets you |
pre-defined | predefined |
^Morrowind has one misspelled leveled list.
^With the exception of Aicantar of Shimerene, whose work Before the Ages of Man is heavily-referenced in lorespace.
^Morrowind uses soulgem in item IDs; Redguard has soulgem in conversation topics; soulgem is also used in books.
To Do[edit]
- Consider examples in description of {{Sic}}.
- Consider other documented typos in Category:Redirects from Misspellings.
Quick Links: Words used incorrectly[edit]
From | To |
based off (of) | based on |
could of | could have |
free reign | free rein free reign [sic] |
must of | must have |
should of | should have |
thankfully [1] | fortunately luckily |
would of | would have |
^This word is often misused to convey favorable or fortuitous conditions as opposed to an abundance of gratitude.