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User:MolagBallet/Cut Quest Items

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Item Names[edit]

139139780, 0, 887, 15197016, "This large blossom fell from a skygazer peony."

139139780, 0, 888, 15197063, "This large claw was severed from a freshly killed mudcrab."

139139780, 0, 889, 15197122, "This key is tarnished from its time in the forest."

139139780, 0, 890, 6032306, "A handful of golden particles."

139139780, 0, 891, 15197173, "This illuminated text reveals the sermons of Vivec, Almalexia, and Sotha Sil."

139139780, 0, 892, 15197251, "A slender mushroom with a light green cap."

139139780, 0, 893, 15197294, "This insignia is emblazoned with the symbol of the Tribunal."

139139780, 0, 894, 15197355, "This is a handful of dried scuttle: a delicacy to some, a freakish anatomical abnormality to others."

139139780, 0, 894, 15197355, "This is a handful of dried scuttle: a delicacy to some, a freakish anatomical abnormality to others."

139139780, 0, 896, 15197531, "This report details the status of the Stranded Lurk."

139139780, 0, 897, 15197584, "This is a small effigy of the demigod Almalexia."

139139780, 0, 898, 15197633, "This is a small effigy of the demigod Sotha Sil."

139139780, 0, 899, 15197682, "This is a small effigy of the demigod Vivec."

139139780, 0, 900, 15197727, "A crooked metal key."

139139780, 0, 901, 15197748, "A vial of blessed water. Using it on Raving Ashlanders may bring them out of their reverie."

139139780, 0, 902, 15197840, "This report seems to have sketches of Imperials around the written report."

139139780, 0, 903, 15197915, "This report is written in sharp, angular lettering that appears to be a mocking imitating of Altmer script."

267697733, 0, 5426, 26722432, "Blood of a Clan Member" 5426, 15401799, "This blood comes from the clanspeople at Fharhun Stronghold."

267697733, 0, 5427, 26722455, "Slime Spiller" 5427, 15401945, "This is the helm once worn by the Orcish hero, Oozrul the Headstrong."

267697733, 0, 5428, 10057461, "Letter to Maximinus" 5428, 15402015, "This torn piece of paper seems to be a letter addressed to Maximinus."

267697733, 0, 5406, 6306812, "Scouting Report for General Furila" 5406, 15401090, "A hastily written compilation of notes for General Furila."

267697733, 0, 5407, 26722342, "Shredded Paper" 5407, 15401149, "Unreadable scraps of what might have been a letter or report."

267697733, 0, 5408, 26722342, "Shredded Paper" 5408, 15401149, "Unreadable scraps of what might have been a letter or report."

267697733, 0, 5409, 26722357, "Alchemical Agent" 5409, 15401211, "An alchmical [sic] agent that will ruin the quality of iron that it comes into contact with."

267697733, 0, 5411, 26722374, "Covenant Scouting Report" 5411, 15401298, "This is an incomplete map of the Alessian Catacombs with notations marking enemy locations."

267697733, 0, 5413, 26722399, "Corporal Ahmat's Scouting Report" 5413, 15401390, "This report contains a comphensive map of the Alessian Catacombs with enemy patrol routes clearly marked."

5385, 26722166, "Callaecus Family Crest" 5385, 15400152, "This ornate crest is the ancient symbol of the Callaecus family."

5386, 6388822, "Holy Relics" 139139780, 0, 5386, 15400217, "These relics seem little more than trinkets. Perhaps they have value to those faithful to the Divines."

267697733, 0, 5387, 26722189, "Ballista Plans" (description missing in Update 5 lang: check Update 4)

5388, 26722204, "Note for the Pot" 139139780, 0, 5388, 15400320, "A sealed note from Fenlil to his brother."

5389, 10059679, "Vial of Kwama Spittle" 5389, 15400362, "This is one of the alchemical ingredients needed to make an antidote for Shawaz."

5390, 26722221, "Dried Netch Entrails" 5390, 15400362, "This is one of the alchemical ingredients needed to make an antidote for Shawaz."

5391, 26722242, "Fuzzy Red Moss" 5391, 15400362, "This is one of the alchemical ingredients needed to make an antidote for Shawaz."

5392, 9936154, "Supply Crate" 5392, 15400443, "A crate of weapons and other necessities for fighters in the Arena."

5399, 26722273, "Silver Asp Antidote" 139139780, 0, 5399, 15400818, "This is the antidote that can cure the poison coursing through Shawaz's veins."

5400, 10059849, "Gray Viper Cache" 5400, 15400897, "A small pack of supplies stolen from an Imperial warehouse."

5401, 26722087, "Fossilized Wing Bone" 5401, 15399830, "This is an old bone that was discovered in the Alik'r desert."

5402, 26722293, "The Art of Stitching Flesh" 139139780, 0, 5402, 15400957, "This book gives details on creating zombies and other types of animated flesh from dead bodies."

267697733, 0, 5377, 6305217, "Offer of Amnesty" 5377, 6100265, "Double-click to read."

267697733, 0, 5396, 26722257, "Sack of Clothes" 5396, 15400640, "These discarded bits of cloth are very old."

267697733, 0, 5378, 26722072, "Broken Lockbox" "The lock has been smached [sic] and the box is empty."

139139780, 0, 1928, 15254203, "Sure, this looks innocuous enough. Soon it's going to have giant snakes in it."

139139780, 0, 1929, 15254282, "This charm will protect you from Murk-Watcher's rage. Use it to find him in Dro'dara Plantation."

139139780, 0, 1930, 15254379, "A bag of Garnet Runes"

139139780, 0, 1931, 15254402, "This Dremora's head smells of decay."

NPC Names[edit]

8290981, 0, 5372, 2042721, "Scout"

8290981, 0, 5373, 2101382, "Imperial Sailor"

8290981, 0, 5374, 2101531, "Sosil Moorcroft^M"

8290981, 0, 5375, 2101549, "Ondlares Geth"

8290981, 0, 5376, 2101563, "Copper Hearthhold"

8290981, 0, 5377, 2101581, "Corrie Parent"

8290981, 0, 5378, 2101595, "Scout gro-Ghola"

8290981, 0, 5379, 2101611, "Ashmine Wicksly"

8290981, 0, 5380, 2099616, "Ghashur^M"

8290981, 0, 5381, 2101627, "Meris Wyrel"

8290981, 0, 5382, 2101639, "Dead Peasant"

8290981, 0, 5383, 2101111, "Balcone Julietta"

8290981, 0, 5384, 2101652, "Sergeant gro-Marug"

8290981, 0, 5385, 2072158, "OLD Ironhand Savage"

8290981, 0, 5386, 2079001, "Blacksap Lurcher"

8290981, 0, 5387, 2101671, "Dalag-dar^M"

8290981, 0, 5388, 2101111, "Balcone Julietta"

8290981, 0, 5391, 2101683, "Gravedigger Jacques^M"

8290981, 0, 5392, 1544052, "Apprentice"

8290981, 0, 5393, 2101705, "Raider Knave"

8290981, 0, 5394, 2101718, "Conul Quickdaggers"

8290981, 0, 5395, 2101737, "Freed Soul"

8290981, 0, 5396, 2101748, "Image of Verandis"

8290981, 0, 5397, 2101766, "Imperial Official"

8290981, 0, 5398, 2099427, "An-Zaw"

8290981, 0, 5399, 2069087, "Golleon"

8290981, 0, 5400, 2072326, "Marie Raiment"

8290981, 0, 5401, 2101784, "Elin Velain"

8290981, 0, 5402, 2060806, "Zombie"

8290981, 0, 5403, 2101796, "Lumagne Malarelie^M"

8290981, 0, 5404, 2101816, "Large Explosion FX"

168415844, 0, 782, 17443628, "I was able to get a sack of grain and bring it to Sagert the Elder. He hopes to use it to transform the clan's horses back from their helhest form.\n\nThere's clearly a story about Hotspur and Nathalie, but the wise man isn't talking."


116521668, 0, 1687, 14042220, "We weren't doing anything suspicious. It's not like we snuck out in the middle of the night. Bah!\n\n<<1>> sent us here. He heard rumor that some of our kind were trafficking in necromancy. If so, we're to end it."

116521668, 0, 1688, 14042432, "The ogres would have turned poor <<1>> into steaks and stew. Thank you, <<2>>! \n\nThey didn't hurt you, did they, <<1>>? Your fur is so matted! So many bloodstains! Poor baby. We'll have to give you a good brushing."

116521668, 0, 1689, 14042647, "Excellent work, soldier! Now we can hunt down the remaining ogres. They won't be getting any more reinforcements."


200879108, 0, 4463, 18866894, "Aye, and so we'll begin. It's time we recover the Balac.\n\nThanks to you, we know where the Balac was last kept. But we needed a fast, safe way into the Canulus Refuge. The old man here has solved that problem for us, thanks to his portal stone."

200879108, 0, 4464, 18867139, "The old man's portal stone should take you close enough to the monastery to find a way inside.\n\nUsing this ring will get you back, but finding <<1>> is up to you."

200879108, 0, 4465, 18867302, "Yes, this can only be the staff of legend. And yet... something is amiss."

Other quests

165399380, 0, 5378, 16453611, "One of our scouts was eaten by a bear. This gave me an idea..."

165399380, 0, 5379, 16453674, "You can't make me go back down there. At least here I can see them coming!"

165399380, 0, 5381, 16453749, "I fear for my wife... I have not seen her in days."

165399380, 0, 5382, 16453800, "I've been discarded here, to die."

165399380, 0, 5384, 16453834, "The ogres stole my <<1>> and went up those stairs! I sent several conscripts to save her. Now they're trapped up there, too. I'm starting to run low on soldiers.\n \nI can't go into battle without her! Will you help rescue my <<1>>?"

165399380, 0, 5391, 16454257, "Always digging. It seems like there are always so many dead people. \n\nCouldn't someone at the mage's guild create some kind of magic shovel? I've seen magic brooms."

165399380, 0, 5392, 16454422, "Too many deaths of late. I cannot dig enough graves for them. The stone mason takes too long to make markers.\n\nWhat can I do? Even my apprentice is slow. Everyone is slow; only death is swift."

165399380, 0, 5393, 16307892, "Something must be done about Godrun, and soon."

165399380, 0, 5394, 16454615, "Whatever dark purpose the Infernal Device was designed to serve, I only hope it can be halted."

165399380, 0, 5396, 16454710, "I've come to warn you, <<1>>.\n\nI believe they know we're here. My hope is that they'll underestimate us and act recklessly in this fight. \n\nl'll aid you, nonetheless."

165399380, 0, 5399, 16454877, "I'm not supposed to deal with Daedric priests.\n\nI'm not trained to handle the walking dead and crocodile-faced monsters! \n\nI'm just a simple, boring Bosmer. I can't believe they put me on guard duty!"

165399380, 0, 5400, 16455077, "My daughter and I thank you for saving Gavaudon. We can never repay you."

165399380, 0, 5401, 16455150, "We will never forget what you've done for us, <<1>>. Indeed, all of Gavaudon is in your debt."

165399380, 0, 5411, 16455244, "We must purge the foreigners! The impure will not interfere with the Covenant.\n\nAll of them are spies. All of them must die.\n\nWe must purify the Daggerfall Covenant, no matter what the cost."

165399380, 0, 5416, 16455435, "Noticing a stone beneath a carpet of leaves. Taunting Foosh's curiosity.\n\nThe snarling and roaring of predators!\n\nHumbling Foosh, who is lacking bravery."

165399380, 0, 5417, 16455589, "We must purify the Daggerfall Covenant, no matter what the cost … even if that means hiring mercenaries to do the work."

3952276, 0, 1375, 250672, "The guardian will only be summoned by offering him something he wants - heads. Heads of these Imperials desecrating our barrow.\n\nI've never killed anyone... could you do it? Take their heads and bring them back to his grave. That should wake him up!"

200879108, 0, 7863, 19412341, "Cargo warehouses along the pier are big gathering places for the cultists, Dar'Thid sees. Dar'Thid thinks that is where they gather to worship and bring new thralls."

200879108, 0, 7864, 19412507, "Mannimarco's Worm Cult. You haven't seen them yet? Well. You will.\n\nThe cultists have allied themselves with the city-Saxhleel, the Archeins. They want something we have here in Hissmir. Not that anyone here is paying attention."

200879108, 0, 7866, 19412736, "A skull. Many years ago, one of our scouts recovered the golden skull of the giant Yotunmir. It's been here since.\n\nI don't know what they want it for, but when a necromancer wants someone's skull, it's probably not to give people pastry and kittens."

200879108, 0, 7867, 19412987, "Hissmir looks inward. We don't need much from the outside world. We make everything we need to live.\n\nLately the Archeins have offered us riches if we give them what the Worm Cult desires. But what use have we for the shiny metals of outsiders?"

3952276, 0, 1378, 251139, "We must escape. <<1>> and <<2>> will not leave unless something is done. The best way to do so is if they are distracted by a greater threat. You."

3952276, 0, 1379, 251286, "I may be trapped, but you are free. Go to Daggerfall and find Seagrave Titanborn. He can tell you more. Time is fleeting. Go!"

Mathias and Marie Raiment[edit]

Changes made to Wind Keep storyline? Mathias Raiment exists, but he's no constable on Live.

Quest name

52420949, 0, 1377, 6335279, "zzMathias Raiment's Murder" 52420949, 0, 1381, 6335364, "zzMurder in Wind Keep"


8290981, 0, 5988, 2051093, "Assassin" 8290981, 0, 5424, 2101941, "Mathias Raiment^M" 8290981, 0, 12089, 2101941, "Mathias Raiment^M" 8290981, 0, 5389, 2100537, "Mathias Raiment's Corpse"

8290981, 0, 5390, 2072326, "Marie Raiment" 8290981, 0, 5282, 2100562, "Marie Raiment^F"


200879108, 0, 4466, 18867376, "When the slavers first stormed the lighthouse, I swam over to the beach and ran into the woods. \n\nLater, I saw the signal fire was out so I snuck back. I've been hiding here ever since."

200879108, 0, 4467, 18867562, "I know you! You returned the Dream Shard and defeated the Omen of Time's Passage.\n\nI'm honored to meet you! I wish I had better news.\n\nDurak's suspicions are true. Gavaudon's people are being influenced through their dreams."

200879108, 0, 4468, 18867787, "Gavaudon's Chief Constable, Mathias Raiment, was investigating a series of murders that might be connected to the obsession here. \n\nNow he's been murdered as well.\n\nMathias' daughter, Elin, may know more. Look for her in Wind Keep's main square."

200879108, 0, 4469, 18868033, "Those brutes stole the lenses that reflect light from the bonfire to the main crystal. Without them, the lighthouse doesn't give off enough light to warn incoming ships.\n\nAll the ships that pass near us are at the mercy of the rocks!"

116521668, 0, 1691, 14042761, "Mathias Raiment was a good man. My sister and niece are likely grieving over his death.\n\nI wish I could help, but I cannot leave my mirror. My mirror is the most important thing in Wind Keep.\n\nMy mirror is not working."

116521668, 0, 1692, 14042980, "Glad you won't be needing my services, <<1>>. \n\nI should be able to bury Raiment now. I don't think the Blackmaul will be in a hurry to come back.\n\nBefore we bury Raiment, though, we're going to need a headstone."

200879108, 0, 7883, 19415169, "Aw, poor child. Her father's dead, and the whole town has gone mad around her.\n\nI want to help, but how can I bury him with these Blackmauls holding a blade to my throat? Of course, you don't believe me …."

200879108, 0, 7884, 19415377, "Looks like you'll get your chance. They don't seem to like the fact that you're here!\n\nI've only got a shovel, but I've sent many to their graves with it!"

200879108, 0, 7885, 19415532, "Something about him having Altmer blood. He looks like a Breton to me!\n\nFunny thing to care about, not burying those who aren't in the Covenant. Since they got here, they've been watching me li-\n\nWait. You believe me?"

200879108, 0, 7862, 19412173, "The charm is an ancient Altmer talisman. How ironic that Mathias Raiment is the one who gave it to me. Sadly, I don't know anything of how it works, only that it does."

3952276, 0, 1377, 250922, "Mathias Raiment's death is connected with the truths shown in my mirror. Someone within the Blackmaul must be among us. Now, it's just a matter of uncovering who it is.
I'd like you to help me with the questioning."

3952276, 0, 584, 115539, "I believe Gavaudon is also afflicted by an Omen. Its people have grown obsessed.
A week ago I asked Lord Mathias Raiment of Wayrest, a former Spirit Warden, to investigate Wind Keep. I have heard nothing since.
Please, go there and speak with him."

165399380, 0, 5390, 16454065, "Look at this waterfall! I wish Mathias were here. He always let me stop to admire waterfalls.
It's a beautiful waterfall, isn't it? I love waterfalls. Even Mathias would have liked this one."

200879108, 0, 7874, 19413818, "Mathias' badge? This is proof enough for me. Now to punish the Blackmaul. I may need to write Wayrest for assistance.\n\nMeanwhile, I've been surveying the dead - a grisly job, but the task resulted in some interesting revelations."

200879108, 0, 7876, 19414048, "Take the Apprentice Sword scroll out of your backpack and read it.\n\nIf you lost the scroll I am sure Gard, my apprentice, has one for sale."

200879108, 0, 7877, 19414188, "Perhaps. It's not a pleasant conclusion. \n\nBut meanwhile, the Blackmaul are only mercenaries. Someone must be paying them, and someone must be pulling their strings.\n\nIt could be that Mathias found out who it was, and that's why they murdered him."

200879108, 0, 7878, 19414436, "Well, <<1>> was half Altmer, <<2>>'s wife was Bosmer, and then there is also a Nord merchant…. All non-Covenant."

200879108, 0, 3650, 18734631, "Mathias Raiment was Chief Constable for all Gavaudon. I'm sure he's made many enemies over the years."

200879108, 0, 3651, 18734733, "I don't know who murdered him. I don't know who murdered anyone!\n\nHe came to Wind Keep to investigate the other murders. Maybe he frightened the real murderer.\n\nOr maybe, he was murdered for a different reason entirely."

200879108, 0, 3652, 18734953, "Wind Keep's recent murders are connected somehow. Either we are not praying to the right deity, or have forgotten an important ritual, so they are punishing us.\n\nI am doing all I can to prevent another murder."

200879108, 0, 3653, 18735163, "Yes, there must be a connection. They started suddenly, and have continued despite all of our efforts."

200879108, 0, 3654, 18735266, "I do not know what the connection could be, other than those slain were not originally from Wind Keep."

200879108, 0, 3655, 18735369, "His body was found this morning at first light. I was at home, washing my hands.\n\nEvery day before I leave the house, I must wash my hands ten times."

200879108, 0, 3656, 18735519, "I don't know when the body was found, exactly, but I did hear screaming as I was counting the plates in my cupboard.\n\nI have four plates. One of them is chipped. I had five plates, but one broke. I should go home and count them again."

200879108, 0, 3657, 18735754, "I don't remember where I was. Sometimes, I don't remember things.\n\nIs it important? Should I try to remember more? I can't always remember things, you know."

Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?
"The murderer must not be from Wind Keep. We're a small town, so everyone gets along with everyone else.
If folks can't get along, they move away!"

200879108, 0, 3581, 18726024, "I think there's more than one murderer. After all, we've had more than one murder.\n\nIt's strange, though, that none of the Breton or Redguard families in Wind Keep are being affected by this."

200879108, 0, 3582, 18726216, "I didn't hear anything the night the murders took place.\n\nMathias Raiment came from Wayrest with his family, but all the others lived in Wind Keep."

200879108, 0, 3583, 18726364, "Mathias Raiment arrived in Wind Keep the day before his murder. His daughter's getting married soon. Well, she was, anyway, until he up and died.\n\nNo wedding now, I expect. Bad luck to mix weddings and funerals."

200879108, 0, 3584, 18726576, "The murder happened in the middle of the night, when most decent folk are sleeping."

200879108, 0, 3585, 18726660, "Raiment's mother was Altmer, I hear. Why his father didn't marry a decent Breton woman, I'll never understand."

200879108, 0, 3586, 18726771, "The murderer had to be from Wind Keep. No one else would hate an outsider from Wayrest like these small town folks."

200879108, 0, 3587, 18726887, "Looks like you'll get your chance. Stick close to me. I may only have a shovel, but I've sent many to their grave with it."

200879108, 0, 3588, 18727010, "Another murder? We've had so many of them lately.\n\nI don't know about this one in particular, but I liked the Bosmer that was killed. \n\nShe helped me when I hurt my leg."

Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?
"I lived in Wayrest years ago, when Mathias Raiment was a constable there. Never felt safer, to be honest.\n\nWhen I heard he was coming to Wind Keep, it made me glad; he was a good man.
I don't know who would want to kill him."

Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment? 3659
You are lying. I accuse you of the murder! 3659
"Mathias Raiment was a heavy drinker. He spent most of his days in the tavern.
I'm sure it was a random brawl that got out of hand."

200879108, 0, 3660, 18736269, "Of course there's no connection between these murders!\n\nTimes are dangerous. Murder happens. We should bury the dead and move on with our lives."

200879108, 0, 3661, 18736414, "You will regret making such an accusation.\n\nWe Blackmaul are allied with powers much stronger than you!"

200879108, 0, 3662, 18736518, "We need to free the sick captives. If you've heard any rumors about missing people or kidnappings, I've learned they are all true. They have several up there. Free them and then return to me."

200879108, 0, 3663, 18736710, "My wife? Keep your voice down, friend.\n\nI can't believe my dear Ranae would consider violence against someone. \n\nAre you sure you didn't misinterpret her intentions?"

200879108, 0, 3592, 18727864, "All the townsfolk were accounted during the late watch. The murder must have happened between then and the first watch this morning."

200879108, 0, 3593, 18727997, "Mathias Raiment was the chief constable for all of Gavaudon.\n\nHe had many enemies, but most folks thought he was fair-handed in his work."

Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment? 3594

200879108, 0, 3594, 18728135, "A few years back, Mathias Raiment found out that someone within the King's household was stealing from the treasury.
He put a quick stop to that business. He'll be sorely missed."

The third number in each string is integral to identifying what the dialogue is responding to: please don't cull the dupes.

204987124, 0, 3581, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?"

204987124, 0, 3582, 23848275, "Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?"

204987124, 0, 3583, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?"

204987124, 0, 3584, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?"

204987124, 0, 3585, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?"

204987124, 0, 3586, 23848275, "Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?"

204987124, 0, 3588, 23848275, "Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?"

204987124, 0, 3589, 2653662, "Why are you here?"

204987124, 0, 3590, 2653662, "Why are you here?"

204987124, 0, 3592, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?"

204987124, 0, 3593, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?"

204987124, 0, 3596, 23848464, "How can I break the spell?"

204987124, 0, 3602, 23848491, "This \"trinket\" may implicate the Blackmauls. Aren't you concerned about the men who murdered her?"

204987124, 0, 3660, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?"

204987124, 1, 3660, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?"

228103012, 0, 3580, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3581, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3582, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3583, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3584, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3585, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3586, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3588, 23849310, "Do you know anything about Mathias Raiment's murder?"

228103012, 0, 3592, 25051253, "What do you know about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3593, 25051253, "What do you know about Mathias Raiment's murder?" 228103012, 0, 3594, 25051253, "What do you know about Mathias Raiment's murder?"

228103012, 0, 3650, 23848275, "Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?" 228103012, 0, 3651, 23848275, "Who would want to murder Mathias Raiment?"

228103012, 0, 3652, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?" 228103012, 0, 3653, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?" 228103012, 0, 3654, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?"

228103012, 0, 3655, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?" 228103012, 0, 3656, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?" 228103012, 0, 3657, 23848317, "Where were you when Mathias Raiment's body was found?"

228103012, 0, 3660, 23848371, "Do you think there's a connection between the recent murders?"

228103012, 0, 3661, 25052160, "You've lied to me. I accuse you of the murder!"

265851556, 0, 1368, 26233087, "Elin Raiment's father, Mathias Raiment, was brutally murdered. According to Elin, neither the constable nor the Countess of Wind Keep are doing their jobs."

103224356, 0, 4608, 10514268, "I've revealed Mathias Raiment's murderer, and was attacked. I should defend myself."

103224356, 0, 8432, 10913421, "The charm indentified Mathias Raiment's killer. Once he was exposed, I had no choice but to kill him. I should return to <<1>> in her home and let her know."

168415844, 0, 1705, 17522717, "The charm identified Mathias Raiment's killer, a Blackmaul assassin. \n\nI told Countess Ilise Manteau how I dealt with the murderer."

168415844, 0, 1709, 17522849, "I found Elin Raiment at the center of Wind Keep. She was standing over the corpse of her slain father. She couldn't understand why the crime occurred."

103224356, 0, 4460, 10497328, "Elin Raiment's footman is obsessed. He asked me to speak with Elin at the center of Wind Keep."

168415844, 0, 781, 17443423, "When I reached Wind Keep, I found the young daughter of Lord Mathias Raiment - Elin. She informed me her father and mother recently died. She is staying with her aunt, Countess Ilise Mantaeu of Wind Keep."

103224356, 0, 4452, 10496352, "<<1>> asked me to question the newcomers about Mathias Raiment's murder. She's given me a charm to discern the truth. Those who are honest will display a golden aura, while the liar's red aura will reveal falsehood." 103224356, 0, 4453, 10496568, "<<1>> has asked me to deliver the news of Mathias Raiment's murderer to her niece, <<2>>. I can find her just outside of the countess' home."

103224356, 0, 2290, 10296003, "Durak asked me to journey to Wind Keep in Gavaudon and speak with Lord Mathias Raiment, a former Spirit Warden. Lord Raiment may know more about the situation in Gavaudon, and the affliction caused by its Omen."

103224356, 0, 2291, 10296214, "When I entered Wind Keep, I came across a young girl of obvious nobility. Perhaps she knows where I can find Lord Mathias Raiment."

168415844, 0, 700, 17434886, "I relayed Jacques' request for a special grave marker for Mathias Raiment. I delivered it to Noleon Velain, Gavaudon's Master Mason."

7949764, 0, 2410, 1584185, "Talk to Lord Mathias Raiment"

256430276, 0, 8543, 26034743, "Find Mathias Raiment's Badge" 7949764, 0, 4612, 1619654, "Kill Mathias Raiment's Murderer"

139139780, 0, 1927, 15254155, "A commission for the burial of Mathias Raiment."

139139780, 0, 895, 15197456, "This document and pouch of coins authorizes the burial of Mathias Raiment."

51188213, 0, 1248, 6276404, "Mathias Raiment's Journal" 87370069, 0, 11233, 6276404, "Mathias Raiment's Journal"

Quest Stages[edit]

168415844, 0, 777, 17442914, "I've spoken to Leah. I've found out she's obsessed with vampires, and I've told Tristan. Now he's pondering if he can use this to his advantage somehow."

168415844, 0, 778, 17443067, "I delivered the covenant to Normar, who signed it as he was asked. He pledged to send for the peasant and her family as soon as possible."

168415844, 0, 780, 17443205, "I've collected all the ingredients and returned to Tristan. He's made his vampire potion. It did nothing except taste horrible. It doesn't seem to have affected his quest for Leah's heart in any way. So much for that."

103224356, 0, 4454, 10496709, "I should throw the <<1>> at the Blackmaul. This will create an explosion that should summon crocodiles to attack.\n\nThe lure only works near natural riverbanks, like near the corn field. I should not use it except on Blackmaul in that area."

103224356, 0, 4455, 10496949, "Fighting alongside <<1>>, I killed the leader of the Blackmauls and many of his mercenaries. After the last mercenary fell, <<1>> fled. He's fully a crocodile now. Dro'dara will want to know his friend's fate. He's at the ransacked house."

103224356, 0, 4459, 10497188, "I must go to Daggerfall and find the hero Seagrave Titanborn. He's in hiding at an old manor near the docks. He'll tell me what to do next."


52420949, 0, 1344, 6334682, "Proof of Collaboration" 52420949, 0, 1345, 6313189, "DEPRECATE" 52420949, 0, 1346, 6334705, "Ending the Ogre Threat" 52420949, 0, 1347, 6334728, "I, Crocodile" 52420949, 0, 1348, 6334741, "The Widow on the Hill" 52420949, 0, 1349, 6334763, "What the Blacksap Conceal" 52420949, 0, 1350, 6334789, "Devouring Thirst" 52420949, 0, 1351, 6334806, "Lost Souls" 52420949, 0, 1352, 6334817, "Fallen on a Far Shore" 52420949, 0, 1353, 6334839, "Into Night" 52420949, 0, 1354, 6334850, "What the Sea Brings" 52420949, 0, 1355, 6334870, "Missing Pages" 52420949, 0, 1356, 6334884, "Exploit Off Balance Practice" 52420949, 0, 1357, 6334913, "Exploit Quest" 52420949, 0, 1358, 6334927, "Active Defense Practice" 52420949, 0, 1359, 6334951, "Active Defense Quest" 52420949, 0, 1360, 6334972, "Investigation of the Ephemeral" 52420949, 0, 1361, 6335003, "The Most Precious Thing" 52420949, 0, 1362, 6335027, "To the Thalmor" 52420949, 0, 1363, 6335042, "The Welkynd Stone" 52420949, 0, 1364, 6335060, "zAid the Ailing Orc" 52420949, 0, 1365, 2516051, "The Ruined Steppe" 52420949, 0, 1366, 6335080, "Getting Glasha Back" 52420949, 0, 1367, 6335100, "zCreating an Impasse" 52420949, 0, 1368, 6335121, "zzThe Countess of Wind Keep" 52420949, 0, 1369, 6335149, "Bear Baiting" 52420949, 0, 1370, 6335162, "The Gravedigger" 52420949, 0, 1371, 6335178, "The Guardian's Grave" 52420949, 0, 1372, 6335199, "To Haventown" 52420949, 0, 1373, 6335212, "To Southpoint"

52420949, 0, 1374, 6335226, "ZZZZDeprecatedTo Haven"

52420949, 0, 1375, 6335249, "Bone Snatchers"

52420949, 0, 1376, 6335264, "Weapons of War"

52420949, 0, 1378, 6335306, "The River's Revenge"

52420949, 0, 1379, 6335326, "The Call to Action"

52420949, 0, 1380, 6335345, "Divide and Conquer"

52420949, 0, 1382, 6335386, "The Canulus Refuge"

52420949, 0, 1383, 6335405, "The Perfect Burial"

52420949, 0, 1384, 6335424, "Old Adventurers"

52420949, 0, 1385, 6335440, "A Last Request"


51188213, 0, 1242, 6276260, "For the Drinking Contest" 51188213, 0, 1243, 6276285, "For the Preliminary Duels" 51188213, 0, 1244, 6276311, "Letter from Duke Nathaniel" 51188213, 0, 1245, 6276338, "Old Handbill" 51188213, 0, 1246, 6276351, "Overdreamer Chartrand's Orders" 51188213, 0, 1247, 6276382, "Telvanni Requirements" 51188213, 0, 1249, 6276430, "The Three's Petition to the King" 87370069, 0, 11234, 6276430, "The Three's Petition to the King" 51188213, 0, 1250, 6276463, "Wait Till Next Time" 51188213, 0, 1251, 6276483, "To Clarice — Be My Darling!"