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I'll be using this to jot down the Concise Guide lists I've made, the big ones at least. Feel free to add if you want, but make sure to let me know why in the edit description. I'll see about getting sources on all of these so it can be used for whatever purposes y'all want!
Criteria: No unnamed islands, such as the College of Sapriarchs or Deepscorn Hollow. If ambiguous whether the name applies to the island itself or what is on the island, use best judgment. When multiple names are available, use whatever sounds best. Typically, if there are options other than Isle of... or ... Island, use those. Pyandonea and Aldmeris are continents, so don't add them. Nirn only, but include isles if they're realm-ambiguous.
- Agonio, Thras[1]
- Akos Kasaz, Yokuda[2]
- Allanscrag Mountain, (Formerly) High Rock[3]:145
- All Flags Islet, the Systres[4]
- Amenos, the Systres[5]
- Artaeum, (Formerly) Summerset Isles[6]
- Asil Yelir, Yokuda[2]
- Auridon, Summerset Isles[7]
- Axer Rock, Eltheric Ocean[8]
- Bahia, Yokuda[2]
- Balefire Island, High Rock[4]
- Balfiera, High Rock[9]
- Betony, High Rock[9]
- Blackbone Isle, Sea of Ghosts[10]
- Blackheart Haven, Iliac Bay[11]
- Bleakrock Isle, Sea of Ghosts[4]
- Blighted Isle, High Rock[4]
- Buraniim Isle, Summerset Isles[4]
- Caecilly Island, (Formerly) High Rock[12]
- Calluis Lar, Summerset Isles[13]
- Carnac Island, (Formerly) High Rock[3]:143
- Castle Volkihar, Sea of Ghosts[14]:715
- Cathnoquey, Padomaic Ocean[15]
- Cespar, Abecean Sea[2]
- City Isle, Cyrodiil[16]
- Coral Aerie, Summerset Isles[17]
- Craghold, High Rock[18]
- Cybiades, Hammerfell[9]
- Dourstone Isle, High Rock[4]
- Dragonhold, (Formerly) Elsweyr[19]
- Dranil Kir, Yokuda[2]
- Dreadsail Reef, the Systres[20]
- Driftwood Isle, Solstheim[14]:1062
- Earthen Root Enclave, the Systres[21]
- East-Rock, High Rock[22]
- Elmas Island, Ascadian Isles[23]
- Errinorne Isle, Summerset Isles[4]
- Esroniet, Padomaic Ocean[15]
- Eyevea, Summerset Isles[24]
- Feywatch Isle, the Systres[4]
- Firemoth Island, Inner Sea[4]
- Fisherman’s Island, High Rock[4]
- Fisherman’s Island, Skyrim[14]:923
- Fisherman’s Isle, Valenwood[4]
- Fogbreak Lighthouse Island, the Systres[25]
- Fort Grief Island, Cyrodiil[26]
- Four Quarry Islet, Valenwood[4]
- Frozen Coast, Skyrim[27]
- Galen, High Rock[28]
- Galen, the Systres[5]
- Garlas Malatar, Cyrodiil[29]
- Giant Nirnroot Island, Solstheim[14]:656
- Giant’s Tooth, Sea of Ghosts[30]
- Gnaar Mok, Vvardenfell[31]
- Gorne, Morrowind[32]
- Grayhome, Sea of Ghosts[33]
- Haknir's Shoal, Solstheim[10]
- Harbor Island, the Systres[34]
- Herne, Abecean Sea[2]
- High Isle, the Systres[5]
- Horker Island, Solstheim[10]
- Horseshoe Island, Valenwood[4]
- Icereach, Sea of Ghosts[17]
- Irranhu, Yokuda[2]
- Isle of Basalt, Solstheim[14]:1062
- Isle of Contemplation, Summerset Isles[4]
- Isle of Gold, Skyrim[35]
- Isle of Lusty Bards, Unknown[36]
- Isle of N’Gasta, Abecean Sea[37]
- Isle of Red Mist, Unknown[38]
- Isle of the Daedra, Sheogorad[39]
- Jode's Pocket, Valenwood[40]
- Kanesh, Yokuda[2]
- Kardesh, Yokuda[2]
- Kevalla, Azurian Sea[2]
- Khartag Point, Vvardenfell[41]:104
- Khenarthi’s Roost, Elsweyr[42]
- Klithi, Yokuda[2]
- Kyne’s Aegis, Skyrim[43]
- Lep Seclusa, Hew's Bay[44]
- Mara's Eye, Skyrim[14]:881
- Molmor Islet, the Systres[45]
- Moni, Yokuda[2]
- Nalonga, Yokuda[2]
- Norg-Tzel, Black Marsh[46]
- Pankor, Sea of Pearls[2]
- Peachtree Island, Cyrodiil[47]
- Ravan, Yokuda[2]
- Reavers' Folly, Solstheim[14]:1062
- Riekling Outpost Island, Solstheim[14]:656
- Rockjoint Island, Sea of Ghosts[48]
- Roscrea, Unknown[15]
- Sadrith Mora, Vvardenfell[49]
- Samara, Yokuda[2]
- Sanctus Shrine, Sheogorad[41]:33
- Selvil Island, Inner Sea[50]
- Serpentstone Island, Skyrim[51]
- Sheogorad Island, Inner Sea[52]
- Shipwreck Shoals, the Systres[53]
- Shuran Island, Inner Sea[54]
- Silatar, Summerset Isles[55]
- Siren's Cove, High Rock[56][57]
- Siuol Yelir, Yokuda[2]
- Smuggler's Island, Inner Sea[58]
- Solstheim, Sea of Ghosts[59]
- Spiky Grass Island, Solstheim[14]:1033
- Stirk, Abecean Sea[2]
- Stonefang Isle, Inner Sea[4]
- Stros M’Kai, Abecean Sea[37]
- Summerset, Tamriel[32]
- Sword’s Rest Isle, High Rock[4]
- Tel Aruhn, Vvardenfell[60]
- Tempest Island, Valenwood[4]
- The Chill, Skyrim[14]:799
- Tideholm, Elsweyr[61]
- Treasure Island, Skyrim[14]:968
- Topal Bay Island, Topal Bay[62]
- Topal Island, Topal Bay[61]
- Viper Island, Elsweyr[63]
- Vounoura, Unknown[64]
- Vvardenfell, Tamriel[65]
- Wasten Coridale, Summerset Isles[66]
- West Skerry, Unknown[67]:353
- Whalefall, the Systres[68]
- Y’ffelon, the Systres[5]
- Yath, Yokuda[2]
- Yneslea, Padomaic Ocean[15]
Island Collections[edit]
- Ascadian Isles, Vvardenfell[4]
- Dellese Isles, High Rock[69]
- Eastshore Islets, Summerset Isles[4]
- Frozen Shoals, Solstheim[14]:1034
- Firemoth Islets, Inner Sea[70]
- Glenumbra Banks, High Rock[71]
- Ruby Isles, Cyrodiil[72]
- Shattered Shoals, Elsweyr[4]
- Sheogorad, Morrowind[49]
- Shimmering Isles, Unknown[73]
- Summerset Isles, Tamriel[2]
- Tang Mo, Akavir[74]
- Telvanni Islands, Morrowind[75]
- The Chain, Abecean Sea[2]
- The Spine, Stros M’Kai[37]
- The Stones, (Formerly) High Rock[3]:143
- The Systres, Abecean Sea[2]
- Thras, Sea of Pearls[1]
Cut/Pre-Release Islands & Collections[edit]
- Coral Island, Valenwood[UOL 1]
- Gullsnip Isle, Morrowind[UOL 2]
- Island of Iron Faces, Stros M'Kai[UOL 3]
- Lost Isle, Skyrim[UOL 4]
- Misty Isles of Nodnarbia, Unknown[UOL 3]
- Pilot Islands, High Rock[UOL 5]
- Rictus, Valenwood[UOL 1]
- Sunhold Isle, Summerset Isles[UOL 6]
- The Pearls, Summerset Isles[UOL 6]
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: Other Lands — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Map of West Tamriel
- ^ a b c Battlespire Athenaeum — Ronald Wartow
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Appearance and name in ESO
- ^ a b c d Secrets of Amenos — Miramel Charascel, Chairperson of the Gonfalon Bay Historical and Social Society
- ^ Fragment: On Artaeum — Taurce il-Anselma, 3E 400
- ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: The Summerset Isles: Auridon — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ Events of Castles
- ^ a b c Map of the Iliac Bay
- ^ a b c Appearance and name in Skyrim
- ^ Pledge: Blackheart Haven quest journal entries in ESO
- ^ Tal Marog Ker's Researches — Tal Marog Ker
- ^ The Firsthold Revolt — Maveus Cie
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Prima Official Game Guide — David Hodgson
- ^ a b c d Brief History of the Empire v 3 — Stronach k'Thojj III
- ^ Oblivion Game Data
- ^ a b Urgarlag Chief-bane's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Jokes — Butha Sunhous
- ^ Nahfahlaar's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
- ^ Dreadsail Reef's loading screen in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Lost Depths Preview—Earthen Root Enclave
- ^ East-Rock Landing appearance and name in ESO
- ^ Yellow Book of 3E 426
- ^ By Order of Guildmaster Vanus Galerion
- ^ Fogbreak Lighthouse door text in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Kurdan gro-Dragol's dialogue in Oblivion
- ^ Magreta's dialogue in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ Loremaster's Archive - The Druid Circles of Galen — Laurel of the Stonelore
- ^ ESO Update 21 patch notes
- ^ Note from the Temple of Kynareth
- ^ Raesa Pullia's dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ a b Father Of The Niben — Florin Jaliil
- ^ Gwendis' dialogue in ESO
- ^ Visitor's Guide to High Isle — Dame Emisse Fairwind
- ^ Jorunn the Skald-King
- ^ Sheogorath's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Map of Stros M'Kai
- ^ The Saga of Captain Wereshark Vol. 2
- ^ The Morrowind Prophecies, pg. 29
- ^ Shipwrecked Sailors quest journal entries in ESO
- ^ a b The Morrowind Prophecies — Peter Olafson
- ^ Khenarthi's Roost loading screen in ESO
- ^ Reinforcement for Kyne's Aegis quest journal entries in ESO
- ^ Fallen Banners Preview—Lep Seclusa
- ^ Belaigh and the Molmor — Sirino Hentor, Elder Historian
- ^ Dialogue with Concordia Mercius in ESO
- ^ AI Package name in Oblivion
- ^ Cell name in Skyrim
- ^ a b Generic dialogue regarding specific place in Morrowind
- ^ Black Snails Shipping Notice
- ^ Galmar Stone-Fist's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ Generic dialogue from savants regarding Sheogorad in Morrowind
- ^ Shipwreck Shoals loading screen in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Uvoo Llaren's dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ Silatar loading screen in ESO
- ^ Jewelry Crafting Survey: Rivenspire
- ^ Siren's Cove appearance and name in ESO
- ^ Smuggler's Island — Quarde Anarion
- ^ Gjalund Salt-Sage's dialogue Skyrim: Dragonborn
- ^ Sonummu Zabamat's dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ a b Pirates of Topal Bay — Tarnian Lovidicus, Chief Councilor
- ^ Default name of Grand Topal Hideaway in ESO
- ^ Cast Adrift journal entries in ESO
- ^ Fire and Darkness — Ynir Gorming
- ^ Neloth's dialogue in Skyrim: Dragonborn
- ^ Wasten Coraldale loading screen in ESO: Summerset
- ^ The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Game Guide — Peter Olafson
- ^ Lendanor's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: High Rock — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ Firemoth Island loading screen in ESO: Morrowind
- ^ Beware the Glenumbra Banks — Garric the Pilot
- ^ Chancellor Abnur Tharn Answers Your Questions 2 — Chancellor Abnur Tharn
- ^ Wines of the Systres — Melynie Agnan
- ^ Mysterious Akavir
- ^ The Forgotten Hero introduction cinematic in Legends
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ a b Cut Map of Rictus
- ^ ESO Cut Content - The Gates of Nychthemeral
- ^ a b ESO Unused Strings
- ^ Skyrim Development Map
- ^ ESO Cut Content - Rivenspire
- ^ a b ESO Cut Content - Summerset