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On this page, I'm going to attempt to find every character that has lived longer than one hundred years. Ooh boy.
Why? I don't really know. Adding, adjusting, or otherwise contributing is encouraged! Significant outliers are noted via their name or method of life-extension on Lore:Lifespan.
Rules: If a character dies, i.e. their mortal form is destroyed, their lifespan ends and is restarted (not resumed) if they are resurrected. Being 'sealed away' in a tomb is not assumed dead unless it is said they were killed, while emerging from a sarcophagus deems the emergent as having died until stated otherwise. Use multiples of five in years unless an exact age is known. An eon is considered at least 150 years. 'Ancient' things are at least 300 years old, other than colloquial usages for elderly men and beasts. Don't include people whose races are naturally immortal (Tsaesci excluded as there is conflicting information). No UOL sources.
- Orgnum: +5,330 years
- Vykosa: +4,705 years
- Ahzidal: +4,610 years
- Impresario: +4,500 years
- Miraak, Morokei, Nahkriin, Zahkriisos: +4,450 years
- Ulfgar the Unending (Conflicted): +4,400 years
- Broken Statue: +4,355 years
- Cenedelin: +4,230
- Celemaril Light-Bringer, Lanessa, Nuralanya, King of Darkness, Nameless One: +4,190 years
- Morimath: +4,010 years
- Divayth Fyr: +4,000 years
- Gelebor, Vyrthur, Almalexia, Vivec, Sotha Sil: +3,750 years
- Xulneihavu Shuxaltsei: +3,605 years
- Yagrum Bagarn: +3,550 years
- Iachesis, Lamae Bal, Lladi Telvanni, Rectavius, Korthor, Tulnir: +3,505 years
- Willy the Bitten, Dead Wolf-Deer: +3,415 years
- Lady Belain, Lord Idrisin, Lady Rhainne: +3,280 years
- Laloriaran Dynar, Narilmor, Myndhal: +3,300 years
- Veloth: +3,200 years
- Zelvraak: +3,170 years
- Thorvar Voljar, Idria, Hayya, Afareen: +3,020 years
- Falgravn: +2,970 years
- Urenenya, Marwig Yeomcroft (Dubious): +2,800 years
- Gurlak: +2,750 years
- Bahraha, Rada al-Saran, Virmaril, Satagna, Nhalan, Armok, Garalan, Shavmar: +2,700 years
- Zurin Arctus: +2,625 years
- Dutheil: +2,510 years
- Verandis Ravenwatch, Ingerien Direnni, Essenia: +2,470 years
- Syrabane: +2,415 years
- Ondagore: +2,410 years
- Mannimarco: +2,310 years
- Shalidor +2,090 years
- Orvas, Baladas Demnevanni: +2,000 years
- Caynar +1,350 years
- Nemfarion, Rultarion, Taanwae, Murderil: +1,300 years
- Valerica, Harkon, Serana: +1,250 years
- Tsona-Ei, Admiral of the Lost Fleet: +1,240 years
- Neloth +1,205
- Ulliceta gra-Kogg: +1,100 years
- Ulfsild: +1,080 years
- Azra Nightwielder: +1,060 years
- Fervidius Tharn: +1,010 years (Conflicted)
- Jacquard Cassel, Dratha, Gothren, Therana, Aryon: +1,000 years
- Faolan: +950 years
- Renald: +860 years
- Luciana Pullo: +800 years
- Volrina Quarra: +790 years
- Dhaunayne Aundae, Greywyn Blenwyth: +750 years
- Barilzar, Gulmon Droth, Raxle Berne: +740 years
- Celarus: +715 years
- Sai: +690 years
- Movarth Piquine, Urag gro-Shub: +635 years
- Vorian Direnni: +610 years
- Grundwulf, Faven Indoril: +600 years
- Lilatha, Ostion, Sumiril, Selveni Andalor, Egenthor, Caluurion, Arum-Khal, Nairume, Arnure, Anirwen, Earil: +580 years
- Vanus Galerion, Vastarie: +550 years
- Rites Matron, Lamenter of the Slain, Binder in the Dark : +500 years
- Dagoth Ur, Dagoth Araynys, Dagoth Endus, Dagoth Gilvoth, Dagoth Odros, Dagoth Tureynul, Dagoth Uthol, Dagoth Vemyn: 442 years
- Barenziah, Savirien-Chorak: +430 years
- Symmachus: 422 years
- Garan Marethi, Baynham, Kastav, Alain, Valdemar, Rielus, Casnar, Mankar Camoran (Conflicted): +400 years
- Rilis XII: +370 years
- Tjurhane Fyrre: 357 years
- Lava Queen: +350 years
- Indoril Nerevar, Dumac: +330 years
- Versidue-Shaie, Dinieras-Ves, Gyron Vardengroet: +320 years
- Meln the Mouthless: 314 years
- Valsirenn, Sigillah Parate, Pieron Desant, Babette, Vicente Valtieri, Jakben, Andor Indoril, Nelqueriel: +300 years
- Ettiene, Fallaise, Isobel: +290 years
- Rangidil Ketil: 288 years
- Rythe Verano: +260 years
- Tarnamir: +250 years
- Sirollus Saccus, Marukh: +230 years
- Chimere Graegyn: +225 years
- Alfe Fyr, Mecinar: +205 years
- Dervenin, Aesliip, Lovidicus, Teris Saryon, Sanarel, Camilonwe, Phynaster, Teldryn Sero, Vighar, Mastrius, Galereth, Laniriel, Erunor, Haras, Camilonwe, Styriche, Nathain Galien, Anirwen, Esulo, Senise Thindo, Nelqueriel, Nataly Dravarol, Huzmargo, Elynea Mothren: +200 years
- Ambarys Rendar, Aranea Ienith, Garyn Ienth, Milore Ienth, Ravyn Imyan, Dravynea, Brand-Shei, Avrusa Sarethi, Aduri Sarethi: +195 years
- Abnur Tharn: +165 years
- Fasendil: +160 years
- Adril Arano, Cindiri Arano, Lleril Morvayn, Morian Zenas, Seif-ij Hidja, Z'Baza: +150 years
- Carecalmo: +140 years
- Randic Torn: +120 years
- Sinderion: +115 years
- Destri Melarg: 113 years
- Harald, Tiber Septim: 108 years
- Sord Pot-Helm: 103 years
- Savos Aren, Llirala Veloth, Rolancano, Erriisse, Varuni Arvel, Lorgren Benirus, Vingalmo, Hidellith, Vhysradue, Henodras, Lienenarth, Nedaegaer, Leramil, Sondas Drenim, Faniriel, Pandermalion, Rulotar: +100 years
By Race[edit]
- Altmer: Iachesis, +3,500
- Argonian: Xulneihavu Shuxaltsei, +3,605
- Atmoran / Nord: Ahzidal, +4,610
- Ayleid: Cenedelin, +4,230
- Bosmer: Willy the Bitten: +3,450 years
- Breton: Lady Belain, +3,280
- Dunmer: Divayth Fyr, +4,000
- Dwemer: Yagrum Bagarn, +3,550
- Imga: Marukh, +230
- Imperial: Fervidius Tharn, +1,010 (Conflicted) / Luciana Pullo, +800
- Khajiit: Vykosa, +4,705
- Orsimer: Gurlak, +2,750
- Reachfolk: Ulfsild, +1,080
- Yokudan / Redguard: Afareen, +3,020
Other Awards[edit]
- Oldest Character Met In-Game: Vykosa
- Earliest Born Character Met In-Game: Vykosa
- Most Frequent Race on List: Dunmer