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User:IceFireWarden/Origins of the Shen'shiyami

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Origins of the Shen'shiyami
by Anonymous
A historical account revolving around the creation of Yneslea's law enforcement agency

The Shen'shiyami, more commonly known as the Sentry Corps, are an armed force of highly trained warriors who serve as Yneslea's 'civilian militia' and are charged with upholding and enforcing the law throughout the entire archipelago; when translated from High Ek'hi, shen'shiyami means "errant fists of justice" or "the Law's Hands". Despite their reasonably noble purpose, many foreigners have commented on their official uniforms being 'thuggish' in appearance; aside from their ancestral emblem and some representation of the standard rusted red/beige color scheme, the Shen'shiyami are openly encouraged to modify and customize their uniforms as much as they please in contrast to traditional guardsmen in the West.

This odd custom originates from the founding of the Shen'shiyami a little more than a thousand years ago. Back during the days of the Unification War, when the Echmer fought amongst themselves to decide on who should be their first monarch, the Shen'shiyami arose as a notorious collective of thugs who would ambush soldiers on patrol, sneak into various war camps, and sabotage communications solely for the sake of prolonging the War. From their perspective, the Unification War needed to continue because it kept the violence away from the peaceful and normally safe villages across Yneslea.

Unfortunately for them (but fortunate for the rest of Yneslean history), Anhano Raelei returned to the Dweech to end the Unification War. He became the first Gerent in history, founded the Raelei Dynasty, and refined the Gerentate monarchy-system that lasted for centuries. As he reformed the various armies and soldiers into a proper, prosperous society, one of the first things he did was to target the rowdy but well-meaning criminals known as the Shen'shiyami.

At that time the Shen'shiyami was led by Hamaya, a smart-mouthed but intelligent woman who served as a rock-scout (Nemer slaves whose purpose was to traverse new tunnels and caverns prior to Noraken excavation projects); with her extensive knowledge of the underground passageways paired with her diplomatic and cunning nature, she was able to keep the Shen'shiyami out of the grasp of the fledgling monarchy. Her ingenuity and leadership became so legendary that her name attained immortality in the Echmeri language of Ek'hi, with hama meaning "gang" or "organized group", and hama'ya meaning "commander" or "older sibling".

Perhaps it was luck and the will of the gods that Hamaya's positive traits became more legendary than her negative ones, for when Raelei's soldiers came for her, it was not to kill her―it was to make a deal. Under the terms of the deal Hamaya and her growing family of criminal misfits would continue to protect those that were unable to protect themselves, but they could only do so as an official part of the Gerentate going forward. In exchange for keeping order within the monarchy they would have access to all of the equipment and training they needed, their own permanent lodging, and consistent salaries.

Although it is believed that she treated the Gerent to several sarcastic rejections after he proposed his idea, the official history states that after several hours of consideration Hamaya finally agreed to Anhano's offer. With the shaking of hands and the downing of a few alcoholic beverages the Shen'shiyami were born anew with renewed purpose. Under the guidance of Hamaya, who was first to receive the newly created title of Cardinal Fist of Defense, this organization of puckish rogues would go on to defend the citizens of the Directorate from brigands, pirates, and other criminal scum all the way into the modern day.

So, while they may be peculiar in comparison to Western guardsmen due to their dress, bluntness, and general rowdiness, the Shen'shiyami of Yneslea are perhaps one of the most outstanding and genuinely dedicated groups to ever exist on Nirn.