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User:Arch-Mage Matt/S'arad'sRevenge

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I would like to include your character's in this story. Just give a description of the person you want in my story on my talk page. I'm starting this story soon, so if you want your character to be in this story do it soon. Your Character would be,

Here's who your characters could be- If it is an ally they most likely will survive if it is an enemy they most likely to die.

  • There is an elite crime syndicate spread throughout Tamriel, and the leader is a feared dunmer called Eitom. Your charecter could be Eitom's second, or a thug in the crime syndicate. (enemy, might survive)
  • I want Eitom to be a dunmer, but if your charecter is good enough they could become Eitom. (enemy)
  • A new bounty hunter that joins the team (ally)
  • Possibly some thugs working directly for S'arad, or S'arad's friends. (enemy)
  • Someone who once knew S'arad and can give information about him (ally)
  • Mage's guild members (allies)
  • Anyone else, say if you want them to be an enemy or an ally. You may see it worthless to be an enemy but they will get more attention than the allies and if I really like them I just won't have the heart to kill them off (Like S'arad)

Leave me a message on my talk page. --Arch-Mage Matt

You can still submit characters to me, but I'm starting the story.

This is the sequal to both The Hunt For Neratstarel part one and two. Do not read this fanfic if you havn't read the previous two![edit]


It has been a month (in their world) since the team's encounter with Nerasteral. To recap,

  • Dha'rasha was really Tsradjhi.
  • She and S'arad were realy working for Nerastarel.
  • They fought the team and were beaten.
  • Tsradjhi was killed, but S'arad was just knocked unconscious.
  • S'arad is now on the loose and the team thinks he will try to get revenge.
  • The team found Nerastarel.
  • Nerasteral killed K'haz, the Kajiit thief bounty hunter.
  • Raylin killed Nerasteral in a one-on-one duel.


Grolug gro-Bulmeg was lazing around in the team base. He observed as Raylin moved room to room, cleaning up the place. Drevesi was in the practice room casting a frost spell at a metal board. Zane was in his room, reading his favorite story, The Infernal City. Then he heard K'haz shuffling around the back exit. Wait K'haz? he still can't wrap his head around K'haz's death. But, then who was outside the backdoor? Grolug picked up his silver battle-axe. He went up to the back door. The door slowly opened, and a male Dark Elf, a male Argonian, and a female nord crept in. "Looking for something, fellows?" Grolug asked. The male dunmer looked suprised. "Attack!" he shouted. They were no match for the gruff orc, however, and were all quickly killed. "Hey guys, you should come see this. It's important."

Half an hour later, the four teammates huddled around the dead invaders. Drevesi spoke up. "Okay, I searched the bodies, and the most interesting thing was this note, on the nord girl's corpse. I'll read it.


Your mission is to go with Feris and Rejak to Zane's team base and proceed to kill everyone inside. No witnesses can be left alive. Remember, the bloke who hired us for this job is paying big bucks, so do this carefully. Listen Edna, I know you're not the smartest woman in the Draccons, but you need to remember to destroy this note once you have memorized it.

May the Draccons live forever,

Yusaris, Lieutenant in the Draccon crime syndicate.

"What the heck is the Draccon crime syndicate?" Grolug asked. "I don't know... but whoever hired a crime syndicate to kill us has a real grudge against us. We better research this. What's the best library in the Imperial City?" Drevesi smiled. "The Mystic Archives."

The team went in the main room in the Arcane University. "Hello. I am Raminus Pollus. May I help you?" The mage sitting on a bench said. "Yes, we'd like to look at the Mystic Archives." "We'll, I'm afraid I can't just allow anyone in... Oh! Is that Drevesi? Drevesi Onther?" "In the flesh, Raminus." "Well, for Drevesi, I'll give you an hour. I hope you find what you're looking for."

"Okay, team, lets look around." After a couple minutes, Raylin found a book titled The Crimes of the Draccons. "Everyone- look at this book! Let me just..." She started flipping through pages. "...Find a good page, and... here! Let me read this!"

Chapter one: The Draccons and their treachery.

The Draccons are a horrible crime syndicate spread throughout Tamriel. The Draccons have dated back to the early first era. They can be hired for: Thievery, Murder, Protection, and many,many more things. Anyone who is caught hiring the Draccons will be jailed for 50 years. The Draccons are lead by Eitom. And Eitom isn't a person, history shows it is a title, given to the leader to hide his/her identety. Outstanding Eitoms include: Eitom the Great, the first Eitom, a male imperial. Under his rule, the Draccons killed one of the emporer's sons. Then there was Eitom the feared, a female Bosmer, who was a strict tyrant and harshly punished her thugs. The last is Eitom the Horrible, a male nord, under his rule, the Draccons killed 50% more people than normal. The current Eitom is an old male dunmer, who has the nickname Eitom the Commander, and is regarded as the best Eitom is history.

Back at the base, Zane and the team were going over the facts. Zane reasoned, "So, a group this big must have a base. Also, a group this big must have people who know about it. So what I'm suggesting is that we go throughout the city and hang up posters asking for information about the Draccons. Sounds like a good course of action?" "Yes, now lets go." Raylin said.

After the posters were hung up around the city, the team waited in their base. suddenly, there was a knock on their door. Zane got up and answered it. There was an imperial man standing there. "Hi. I'm Mathius. You need information on the Draccons?"

"You know about the Draccons?" Grolug asked. "Yes. I was... I was in the Dark Brotherhood for a period of time, but I deserted. But often, the Dark Brotherhood and the Draccons work together. I know one important peice of information: Members of the Draccon force often kill people in the Imperial City, and the guard are bribed at the end on each month to delete all records of all the murders from th past month, erasing their names in history. It's getting close to the end of the month, and I bet in the list of murders and other crimes there is a Draccon agent in the list of names. You may want to check it out." Zane smiled. "Wow. Thanks for the information. Hey, you mind staying around our base a=in case we need more info?" "Sure."

Raylin and Drevesi were sent to retreve the list of horrible crimes on the last months. Drevesi tried first. She went up to an imperial guard. She cast a charm spell on the guard. "Hey, friend. You want to give me the list of crimes for the next month? It would sure make my day." Unfortunatly for Drevesi, the guard resisted the charm spell. "What are you talking about, madwoman? Go on, get out! Get out of the guard tower! Go!" Drevesi, much to Raylin's amusement, was dragged out of the tower. Raylin tried a different tactic. She went up to a different guard, and tried her method. "Hi. You know where I could find the list of bad crimes in the past month in the Imperial City?" She asked. "Sorry, ma'am. Those are off limit to the public." Raylin passed the guard 300 septims. "They are? I didn't know." "Oh... did I say off limit to the public? I meant only people the guards approve could see it. I approve, so just wait here. I'll go get it." Raylin smiled and thought to herself, Oh, Drevesi. You need to be tough to play the game.

Zane read the list of horrible crimes.

The wood elf in his young teens has had 26 accounts of stealing from the grand champion's house. This same wood elf has also been found stalking the Grand Champion; three months in jail.

The Nord salesman Murgo has sold several so called magical items to citizens, only to later find out they are fake. This includes selling a mirror that makes the person looking in it appear beautiful, but it only works in the dark, and a worthless music box that was said to grant a wish, but didn't. Murgo is still selling goods elsewhere, though.

The son of a minor lord kidnapped a High Elf named Shianni and commited rape. Luckily for her, Shianni's cousin was able to save her in time. The son of the minor lord is jailed for one year.

A criminal called Yusaris killed the shopkeeper Jalus Iounus, proprieter of Jalus's Antiques. Yusaris unfortunatly escaped.

"Thats it! Yusaris! The man from the note! He must be in the Imperial city now! Everyone, spread out and look for him!" Zane shouted, and headed towards the door. Raylin looked confused, "No, Zane. He must know what we look like; if he sees us in the street, he'll flee the city, and we cannot have that. We need to have someone not on our team to search for Yusaris. So... who fits that description?"

"So, do you know your task?" Zane asked. "Yep. Find Yusaris without attracting his attention." "Good. Now go get him, Mathius."

Mathius searched the Imperial City. He knew all of the shady backstreets, an abandoned Inn that is host to many criminals, and most other places where this Yusaris could be hiding. He had many failiues trying to locate him, until he went to the Bloated Float. He asked the Innkeeper, Ormil, "Have you had anybody check in here in the past week?" Ormil replied, "Yes, a few. Why?" "Is there anyone still staying here, from about a week ago?" "Just one. An old man who wouldn't tell me his name. He's upstairs, right now."

Mathius crept upstaris. He went to a slightly opened door. Inside, there was an old man of about seventy. He was slight hunched over, and had a long beard that went down to his belly. Behind it, was a very raggedy head of hair that went down to the bottom of his neck. He wore tan rags that looked like they've been through alot. This man couldn't possibly be Yusaris, Mathius thought. "Who are you?" Mathius asked. The old man chuckled to himself. "I should be asking you that, no? Herheher!" His laughing turned ito a slight cough. "I am Mathius." The old man chuckled again. "Now that's better, i'nit? Herheher. I am Aboudus." Mathius's face drooped. Aboudus noticed this. "What? Looking for someone else? Yusaris, perhaps?" The old man laughed at the shock on Mathius's face. "How did you-" Aboudus interruted. "...Know about Yusaris? I know many things, not important." Aboudus hobbled over to the other side of the room. "Now, can we get some fresh air?" Aboudus asked. Mathius smiled. "Yes, I know the perfect place we could go to, if you don't mind a trip to the Prison District."

Back in Zane's headquarters, Aboudus was under interrogation. "So," said Raylin, "are you going to tell us how you know about an exclusive criminal mastermind more dangerous than the Gray Fox, and more elusive?" Of course, for all Raylin knew, Yusaris could have been a lowly grunt in the Draccons. Aboudus flashed a knowing smile. "Well, when you put it like that, how could I refuse? I am an Ancestor Moth. Retired."

The Ancestor Moths are monks who read and attend to the Elder Scrolls. This makes them go blind, and they go to their temple to live the rest of their lives knowing almost the entire history, and future, of the human race. Aboudus did not go blind, obviously, a non-crippled man holding that sort of knowledge was not welcome in the Empire, so they tried to excecute him. Using his ecssesive knowledge of magic, futuristic magic and historic magic, he blasted his way out of the White Gold Tower and has been living in solitude ever since, and had turned into an infamous Warlock. Despite Mathius' best guess of a man of seventy, Aboudus used his near infinate knowledge to create an Elixir of Eternal Life, and is nearing his 1000th year on the planet Nirn. There is even a children's tale about him, called The Seer.

Aboudus sighed. Whenever he told this story, he was classified as a witch. A demon. Once, he told the leader of a small isolated town, a Khajiit man. The Khajiit and the rest of the civillians actually tried to burn him alive. Of couse, he had to kill them all. That was the way it always turned out for poor Aboudus. He hoped this group wasn't the same. He didn't want to kill them.

Easter Eggs from my story[edit]

Bethesda isnt the only group that can have easter aggs. Here are some of mine.

  • Zane is reading The Infernal City, the elder scrolls book,
  • The second crime on the list is from another game I like, Fable 2. Murgo is the salesman who sells the player the music box that starts his adventure as a hero.
  • The third one isn't from my sick mind. It is the story of the City Elf Origins in the game Dragon Age: Origins.
  • Yusaris is the name of The Handmaiden's father in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2. Yeah Star Wars. I'm a geek. Got a problem with it? :)