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UESPWiki:Survey Results/Convention Comments

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These are the comments for the question:

   11. How interested would you be in attending a UESP/Elder Scrolls fan meetup or convention?

Some comments may have been removed or edited from containing personal information or questionable content.

  • ... although it might be a very long journey ...
  • ... But probably not able to...
  • ... if it's been held in my country.
  • ...Would be AWESOME!
  • A. I live in Sweden. B. I've got aspergers.
  • actually expect people to be interested? these meetups already happen its called video game conventions. Specific/personalized conventions never work.
  • Alas, I live in Russia
  • Although i find the idea interesting, i dont travel much at the moment and would only go to nearby events.
  • Always looking for ways to meet new friends in the gaming community.
  • An elder scrolls convention hosted by the UESP editors I would be my dream come true
  • An Elder Scrolls meetup, possibly, but I see little reason for a UESP meetup.
  • Any chance of holding one in New Zealand? :P
  • Area dependant
  • As a disabled player/site visitor it would be of little use to me. However other conventions do seem to be popular.
  • As an Australian, this would most likely be very expensive for me.
  • As I said, I'd expect to meet Skyrim fans to whom I don't count myself. If it was a Morrowind-Convention... Perhaps. Or a meeting for a pen & paper game based on TES, great idea. But the way I expect such conventions to be, I do not care much.
  • As long as I didn't get perved over for being female, that is!
  • As long as it's about the vanilla game, I'd love it.
  • As long as its not US-exclusive.
  • As long as there's no age requirement. I am 14, after all.
  • As much as I love TES I'm not huge on gaming conventions
  • As single-person role-playing games, I play Elder Scrolls to get away from people. If I wanted to socialize, I'd stay in the real world.
  • As stated previously, yes, yes and more yes!
  • As with any convention, Location would be a major factor.
  • Assuming it's not half a world away.
  • Awesome!
  • Being 16 and living in Australia doesn't help me out with this.
  • better be one in ireland
  • Both my girlfriend and I would be almost certain to attend, we have been looking forward to something like that for a while.
  • Brilliant way to bring the community together
  • But I live in europe :(
  • but i live in the uk so i guess it wont happen i'm skint but you guys go ahead lol.
  • But I Live in the UK, so it would be difficult.
  • but i not enough to travel extensively
  • But I probably wouldn't be able to, since I'm Brazilian.
  • By Sithis I command you!
  • can't participate, because I live in Russia :)
  • Cant do, live in estern europe
  • Cons just aren't my thing.
  • convention: maybe, fan meetup: not at all
  • conventions are always fun
  • conventions aren't my thing
  • Conventions aren't really my scene.
  • Conventions of any sort are never anywhere near us, so...not really an issue.
  • Cool
  • Cosplay strictly for TES sounds fun. Food for thought.
  • Could be fun, but I feel like if you weren't heavily involved in the community you wouldn't have much fun.
  • Could be interesting, but it could only be possible for me to attend if it was on my continent
  • Current circumstances make meet ups difficult, however they are a good idea.
  • Depending on if it's close to Kansas City.
  • depending on location
  • Depending on location obviously. Remember there are other countries other than America. :P
  • Depending on location, the closer the better, but that is not always possible
  • Depending on the location and size of said convention.
  • depending on the time and place
  • Depending on where it is of course. GA!
  • depending on where it is, i might go
  • Depending on where it is.
  • depending on where it was
  • depending on where it was; a lot of the audience isn't old enough to travel a large distance
  • Depends
  • Depends if it was held within a reasonable travelling distance
  • depends on how far i would have to travel for it.
  • Depends on how full the gas tank is.
  • Depends on location
  • depends on location
  • depends on location
  • Depends on location and my current means of transport
  • Depends on location.
  • Depends on pricing and location.
  • Depends on the costs for something like that.
  • Depends on the location
  • Depends on the location, for some people they can't go because of the distance.
  • Depends on the location.
  • Depends on time and place of course.
  • Depends on when, where, and who's there
  • Depends on where - if on Gamescom in Cologne, sure, why not :D
  • Depends on where it is.
  • Depends on where it will be held
  • Depends on where it's at.
  • Depends on where they are, since the fan base is quite spread out
  • Depends when and where.
  • Depends where and when
  • Depends where it is, if in uk then yes but if Anywhere else then i would not attend
  • depends which state its in
  • Disabled, housebound, not able to attend such things. sad
  • Does not live in US
  • Doesnt really suit me
  • don't attend meetups and live in europe, so no
  • Don't have the time, but would find it OK
  • Don't have time anymore
  • Don't live in USA, and i don't think that you would have a meeting in Sweden
  • Don't really have time for cons.
  • Double whammy! Yeah!
  • Due to my location it would be difficult to attend a convention
  • Eh~ I'm just generally awkward, and chances are it'd be in America, and I can't presently travel overseas. But It's a cool idea and I think it'd take off
  • Either the stupidest idea ever suggested or both the stupidest idea and the second stupidest idea. This is a single player game with plenty of forums.
  • Especially if it were on the east coast Us and guaranteed if it were in the Southeast.
  • Even though i'm probably too young for public meetups and the fact that i live in Norway.
  • Everyone would be wearing the Morrowind nostalgia goggles.
  • Fan meetups on their own don't sound particularly riveting, but gathering for a convention would provide external engagement to an otherwise exclusively social event. When drawing in the Elder Scrolls crowd in particular, I think that's an important distinction to take note of.
  • Genuinely interested, especially if it were held somewhere in Europe.
  • Geographically not possible, otherwise a cool idea
  • Good Idea
  • Haha, this sounds f*cking awesome.
  • Hell yeah! Please do
  • Hmmmm... Never heard this idea before. Probably wouldn't attend for a few reasons, but I think it would be a lot of fun for those that do.
  • hmmmmm!!
  • Honestly depends on location, size of the meetup, and other such details.
  • Honestly the only reason I'd have for not attending an ES or UESP convention is if I didn't have the cash to drive/fly out there. Or if I couldn't find someone to watch my cats while I was away.
  • How would this be feasible? Fans of the Elder Scrolls exist world-wide, as do UESP users, but how could a meet-up be facillitated? I don't think the UESP is the right place to facilitate such a meet-up.
  • However I would have to make the time for it.
  • However my location is very unpopular, and I wouldn't be able to travel abroad easily.
  • I already feel like I know many of the people on the forums and it would be great to be able to meet them in person!
  • I already have my Ordinator costume prepared. Where to?
  • I am a very shy person, so no thank you! However, I could dress up like an Ordinator so that nobody could see my face. That might work. I mean, who feels shy when they're dressed like an Ordinator?
  • I am disabled and don't go out much
  • i am GOING TO THAT
  • i am interested. but i live in Indonesia. so it seems impossible for me to join since most of the players are out side my country
  • I am not a "convention person" anyway.
  • I am not in US
  • I am not one for conventions.
  • I am not sure whether I can attend one,however.
  • I am typically very antisocial but a chance to meet fellow TES fans and UESP users is something I don't think I could pass up.
  • I believe it would be cool to converse with people who use the same website as you and obviously would like the same games.
  • I can see the appeal, but not for me
  • I can't say that I've had good interactions with Elder Scrolls fans.
  • I can't see myself going out of my way to visit one of these events.
  • I can't travel very far, and i live in Sweden, so i really dont think there is any way i'm afraid.
  • I cant really as northern ireland dosent have many conventions
  • I couldn't see myself doing that sort of thing.
  • i couldnt anyway even if i wanted to.
  • I dislike Skyrim, and I know of the games viral fandom, so I'd stay away until it fades a bit
  • I do not think that any meeting would be held in my country (I'm from Poland)
  • I don't do conventions.
  • I don't do internet meet up, they're pointless.
  • I don't have a car so it would depend on the location
  • I don't have much free time (college student).
  • I don't have the means to travel personally.
  • I don't have time.
  • I don't know, it'd be cool, but I'm in the middle of school, and probably wouldn't have time for it, High school courses and all.
  • I don't live in a region where such a meetup could be held.
  • I don't really care much for conventions.
  • I don't really know any big Elder Scrolls fans where I live. If there was a convention I would be very, very happy.
  • I don't really like conventions in general.
  • I don't really participate in the community side of things, and I don't see myself attending meetups or conventions.
  • I don't see the point in it, actually
  • I don't think you will make one in France :/
  • I don't want to meet people, to talk about games, that I could be playing in the first place.
  • I dont really go to conventions.
  • I doubt I could make time to attend.
  • I doubt I could travel to one considering no good conventions come to Tucson, Arizona.
  • I doubt I'll be able to attend though.
  • I doubt I'll be able to go
  • I doubt id be able to join anyway, as I live in Norway, but it would be cool I guess.
  • I doubt it would happen in my country, Brazil, but I would love to see it.
  • I doubt one would be held in New Zealand, and I wouldn't be too interested anyway.
  • I doubt there would be any where I live (countryside in Japan), so I'm indifferent.
  • I doubt, it could happen anywhere near my home city, and I'm not much of a convention visitor anyways
  • I feel like it'd be straying too far off from the purpose of UESP, but I don't doubt it'd be cool.
  • I find it very exciting to meet fellow players and lore enthusiasts.
  • I generally don't travel.
  • I get the information I need from the site and its community.
  • I guess that I live in China may adds some drawback to the interest for me because I assume the potential convention would take place in USA.
  • I have a hard time believing you would hold this convention in Sweden.
  • I have a life, actually ;)
  • I have a very busy life, going to KatsuCon is pushing my limits already.
  • I have COPD and cannot attend such social functions for the most part
  • I have never been to a convention before . . .I guess that would be interesting.
  • I have never been to a convention before, but I would very much like to try it out.
  • I have never played any other game as much as I have TES, and I also have never used a website for a game as much as I use UESP.
  • I have no urge to add a social aspect to my fandom of the Elder Scrolls.
  • I have only played skyrim but it is by far one of the best games I have ever played and this site has made that experience more enjoyable
  • I have severe anxiety and very little income - even if I could afford to go, I'd be half-crippled by the stress of it.
  • I have triplets. I am not going anywhere. It's not you, it's me.
  • I imagine that the majority of them would take place in the US. Don't live there.
  • I like the idea, perhaps if enough people are interested this could be done
  • I like to play Skyrim in my basement. Why would I want to leave my house?
  • i live abroad
  • I live abroad so there is really no point in them for me.
  • I live at a remote place located Sweden
  • I live far away from where it would most likely be held. If it was near me I would attend.
  • I live far away... (Sweden)
  • I live in a country where there are not that many people, and which seems far away from everything, so I doubt I could make it to any convention, even though I would love to read/hear what kinds of discussions there would be at one.
  • I live in a galaxy far, far away...
  • i live in asia
  • I live in Australia.
  • I live in Denmark.. It aint gonna happen ^_^
  • i live in europe
  • I live in Europe, so obviously local rather than long-distance appeals.
  • I live in finland so it would be hard to attend to
  • I live in Finland, so I couldn't because I don't have the money :/
  • I live in Finland, so that is a no-go.
  • I live in France
  • i live in greece
  • I live in Hawaii so conventions aren't really all that accessible.
  • I live in israel so it will be hard to get to one of those things, I bet it will be in europe or us so I cant get to it
  • I live in New Zealand, so getting to overseas meetings would not be available for me.
  • I live in Portugal and have a busy life, so it'd be impossible to attend a convention.
  • I live in remote areas and move often.
  • I live in Scotland so a meetup is very, very unlikely
  • I live in South Africa so unfortunately there's little chance of that happening for me :/
  • I live in South East Asia. dunno if there's a fan meetup on my country
  • I live in Sweden, I doubt I could attend. But if I could then why not?
  • I live in Sweden, so I would have to travel a great distance.
  • I live in the U.K and would not fly to America for one but would attend one here
  • i live in the UK so this wouldnt apply to me :L but i would if i was in the US
  • I live in too remote an area.
  • I live in Toronto, Canada. There are conventions which would surely host a UESP booth.
  • I live outside USA, so it will probably be hard to attend a convention. Besides that, I would love too!!
  • I live quite far away, so this isn't really an option for me.
  • I love convention and fan meetup's , but I rarely go.
  • I love Elder Scrolls and you guys (or the Imperial Library guys, too) are the only fans I would trust to organize such a thing.
  • I love the games, but I don't need mini-ComiCon.
  • I love these games too much to say no.
  • I love this idea!!!
  • I may attend an event, but most events that are attached to gaming in some way tend to be far from home.
  • I may go if there were one, however.
  • I may not be allowed to, but it would be possible and very exciting if I could go.
  • I might be willing to do that, but it's unlikely I'd attend one any time soon.
  • I might be, but it would have to be fairly local.
  • I never go to meetups because I either don't have the money or do not have the time.
  • i never go to things like this anyway, FYI
  • I only use the site as an information hub, I don't really join in with the community
  • I personally wouldn't be able to go because of money issues.
  • I play skyrim, I don't have time for a social life.
  • I prefer solo gaming, only talk to close friends & family about it
  • I probably live too far away :(
  • I probably wouldn't be able to because of where I live but it is a good idea
  • I probably wouldn't be able to go though, since I live in the Netherlands and have no budget to travel abroad at the moment.
  • I probably wouldn't go, but I would love to see pictures and hear stories!
  • I really don't know if I would go there myself, but I'm eager to see what could be the outcome, if TES lovers and experts would meet and greet each other.
  • I should cosplay a Tsaesci so no one would know what I am.
  • I simply don't have the time. Online is enough
  • I somehow believe this is impossible. I, for instance, live in the Netherlands, where a friend of mine lives in Bulgaria.
  • I strongly doubt one would be held locally
  • I suppose the fan meetup would be held somewhere around USA? Yeah, I live in Finland and I haven't got money to travel, at least not at the moment. But I'd really like to attend...
  • I symply cannot because I don't live in the US.
  • I think being able to meet up with fellow UESP and Elder Scrolls fan is a wonderful idea, however, the issue of distance is always present. Getting to know the folks beyond the computer would be lovely.
  • I think if a UESP convention, or meet-up, was close enough, I'd attend.
  • I think it is a great idea, however I know it would likely be impossible for me to attend ( I live in a rural area in England which is unlikely to ever have a ES themed event)
  • I think it would be cool, but unfortunately I am way out in the boonies.
  • I think it would be great to see other Elder Scroll fans
  • i think it'd be an experience id enjoy
  • I think that would be a cool idea, even if not just for elder scrolls games
  • I think that would be a really cool thing to be a part of.
  • I usually play games when I have free time, and I love the Elder Scrolls games, but I'm not entirely interested in a convention.
  • I usualy never go to conventions, though it might be fun. It has to be attractive enough
  • I wanna be with my people
  • I would attend the meetup if it would happen in my city or somwhere near it.
  • I would be greatly interested in such meetups, however it might be somehow difficult to attend one, regarding the fact that I live in Poland ;)
  • I would be interested but its unlikely that it would be in NZ.
  • i would be interested even though I probably wont be able to go :p
  • I would be interested in attending even though I am not a part of the community on this site.
  • I would be interested only if it were within 75-100 miles of where I live, but I don't see that happening. Maybe Chicago, Columbus, or Indianapolis.
  • I would be interested, but I live in Europe
  • I would be interested, but I live in the UK (Northern Ireland specifically), making travel to such events somewhat hindered by financial considerations. It's not impossible though.
  • I would be interested, but please see my comment for #10
  • I would be interested, but propably unable to attend.
  • I would be interested, however, due to my personal career status I would likely be unable to attend.
  • I would be unlikely able to attend.
  • i would be very interested, but i dont live in US and i guess most (if not all) of the conventions would be there.
  • I would be, except I don't really like meetings.
  • I would certainly give it a thought, but it depends upon location, as I am based in Ireland.
  • I would definetly find time to get to the convention.
  • I would gladly accept a free invitation to an event and participate, observe and comment.
  • I would glady attend a fan meetup! :D
  • I would go, no questions asked, as long as i was capable of getting there
  • I would have attended it if I haven't been leaving in central Europe, which is kinda uncomfortable.
  • I would have to go with some friends but if there was one locally I would love to go.
  • I Would indeed like to show up at such a Convention, But It would need to be in a public place like a convention center.
  • I would like to go to one, however I don't see it being possible as I live In Australia.
  • I would like to, but seems like I can't go abroad anyway :D
  • I would like to.
  • I would love it.
  • I would love that!
  • I would love the idea of a fan convention, but it would be difficult to get people from the entire world to come to one place, unfortunately.
  • I would love this, I however live in Ireland and would likely not be able to attend international events
  • I would love to attend and get to see my fellow Elder Scrolls geeks. I have been
  • I would love to be a part of an Elder Scrolls convention.
  • I would love to be around other ES fans who are actually educated on the lore
  • I would love to do this, but I live in New Zealand.
  • I would love to go to one it would be soooo awesome but the only prolem would be i can't travel overseas to go to one (wouldn't have the money) but if i did i would be there as fast as i could.
  • I would love to go.
  • I would love too! but i would most likely be unable too
  • I would need a good costume.
  • I would totally get off my coach and stop playing Skyrim
  • I would travel to a different city to attend
  • I would very much enjoy meeting up with some of the numerous fans of the Elder Scrolls. Talking about tips, expierences, and funny moments would be worth the travel.
  • I wouldn't be able to unless it would be in virginia, considering my only way of transport is crappy.
  • I wouldn't be able to. :)
  • I wouldn't go to these meetups personally but am not objected to the idea.
  • I wouldn't go, but i can imagine it is interesting and fun for other fans
  • I'd be interested in meeting other big fans of Elder Scrolls and RPGs in person, but meetups never happen in my area for Internet communities (because Sweden does not have a big enough population) and I do not have the money to travel internationally.
  • I'd be interested, except I am in a country in which I'm pretty sure there would be nobody to meet.
  • I'd be intersted ofcourse but I'm out of USA so there isn't much to be concerned with it from my point.
  • I'd be more interested if conventions were held within Central NY area, which is highly unlikely
  • I'd be more interested, but I live in Iowa, and wouldn't travel for this.
  • I'd definitely attend to a UESP convention in my state or country.
  • I'd go if I knew someone, but this being a single-player game, that's unlikely.
  • I'd go, complete with an arrow in my knee!
  • I'd like to, but I'm guessing it'll be held in the US, which is on the other side of the earth, so I'm not likely to show up :)
  • I'd love to attend, but probably wouldn't be able to for logistical reasons.
  • I'd love to go, but I probably wouldn't have the time. I also pretty much live in the middle of nowhere.
  • I'd love to, but don't have the budget for traveling, nor do I like to travel often. I'd have to have a few reasons to go to whatever city it's held in.
  • I'd love to, but I'm in another country
  • I'd need more information.
  • I'dneed to know a bit more before being sure. Definitely interested though
  • I'll do that with my friends
  • I'm a foreigner
  • I'm a kid and fairly low on funding
  • I'm a social recluse, so no offense, but I wouldn't attend anything of that stripe.
  • I'm a total TES junky and have been trying to host a LARP in said world for years, meeting up other devoted fans might just give the project another push.
  • I'm anti-social
  • I'm anti-social/introverted, my opinion doesn't really count.
  • I'm antisocial.
  • I'm Australian, and since most conventions would be in America it's a little hard for me to go
  • I'm extremely shy. If that wasn't in the way, I'd probably be interested in attending a convention at least once, yeah.
  • I'm far away from any english speaking fan I could think of.
  • I'm fine with things as they are, but I might someday in the future.
  • I'm flat broke and don't have a car.
  • I'm from an Asian Continent. How the f should I go there
  • I'm from Brazil and can't travel to USA.
  • I'm from Brazil! This will be hard! >.<
  • I'm from Canada so I dunno.
  • I'm highly interested but i'm 15 with controlling parents. Even if there was one i probably wouldn't be able to go.
  • I'm in EU
  • I'm in the UK, so it's unlikely this'll ever happen close to me : (
  • I'm interested in the games, but not interested in meeting up at a convention.
  • I'm interested, but care more about the site.
  • I'm interested, but I live in the world's end... Northeasthern Brazil.
  • i'm italian...
  • I'm just busy, though. Sounds cool enough.
  • I'm living in S. Korea, thus it is very unlikely for me to be able to participate in any offline party or similar.
  • I'm nor to sure how useful I'd be to other users I'm not the most social person but I am a team player so sure I'd be interested in checking it out.
  • I'm not a convention type of person.
  • I'm not exactly a part of the TES community (I just like the games), but if the opportunity arose to attend a gathering close to home, I would consider going. It's certainly not a requirement, though, and I'm not going to travel out of my way to attend one, either.
  • I'm not into that kind of stuff.
  • I'm not much for social hookups.
  • I'm not particularly able to go meet up, but knowing that there are conventions and fan meet-ups is nice.
  • I'm not social. Would be interested otherwise.
  • I'm not too well funded, so if there would be country-specific meetups, I'd be able to show up, but unfortunately I can't afford traveling abroad. D:
  • I'm not very social.
  • I'm old and sickly. Young people may like it though.
  • I've been a fan of the Elder Scrolls for a few years, and I think a fan meetup or convention would be interesting. Whether or not this site holds one is fine by me.
  • I've never gone to any fan convention and have no desire to.
  • I've never thought about it. hmm...
  • I've only ever played Skyrim, and though that wouldn't matter, I just feel its not my Arena. (Arena...)
  • id love it(sadly im in the UK)
  • id rather eat a kitten
  • If I am capable of making it to one of these, I would love the idea. Transportation is very limited to be right now due to work.
  • if i can get there i will try my best
  • If I can make it I'd try to be there.
  • If I could find a way to attend, I would certainly enjoy it. Being a minor living with my parents though, it probably wouldn't happen.
  • If I could go.
  • if i could i would come to the convention if one is ever made.
  • If I had the money and the time, I would come! (Too bad i dont have either of those things)
  • If in Canada, why not?
  • if in midwest
  • If in sweden that is
  • If it happened to be nearby and I had the money to go, I'd do it.
  • If it is in my immediate area and that I would know It would get along well with everyone there, then yes.
  • If it looks possible for me to make it to one, I'd be there.
  • If it was close enough to me, (unlikely I guess)
  • If it was held in Europe, maybe.
  • If it was in Michigan, I'd go
  • If it was near Jax Beach, Florida
  • If it was near, with in a few states, hell yeah.
  • If it was nearby.
  • if it was relatively easy to get to or in my area
  • If it was within 1500km of Medicine Hat, Alberta Canada
  • If it were held locally to me, sure. But I won't travel for such a thing, no.
  • If it were in Belgium, i would go
  • If it would be full of cosplaying comicon enthusiasts , count me out.
  • If it's close enough to me, I would attend.
  • If it's in my area and I'm available, why not?
  • If it's in my area or in a reasonable distance of me. I'd love to come out and do a meet up or convention.
  • if its nearby wich i doubt ( NL )
  • If Michael Kirkbride or some of the other people responsible for the creative vision of Morrowind are in attendence, count me in! Swag, as in concept art prints or general TES goodness is always welcome.
  • If my schedule and budget permits, of course.
  • if near
  • If nearby....
  • If one were in my city of Memphis, I would probably go. Mainly for the experience since I've never been to one I suppose it would be nice to meet other TES fans.
  • If the even was close enough to my location I would enjoy the chance to attend
  • If there ever is one I will see you there.
  • If they are close to my location
  • If we did all meet up, what would we talk about that wouldn't easily be discussed online? I think it would be poorly attended.
  • If you all brought it to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, I would definitely buy a ticket.
  • If you could do this in northeasten Brazil... haha.
  • ill bring the argonian ale
  • Im always interested in becoming more active in the UESP community and have plenty of free time.
  • im game :)
  • Im guessing that your based in US, but I live in UK so I couldn't come even though i would want to.
  • im lucky enough to live near a major city, so i would hope its somewhat close. but if held out in bufu, then no, i love elder scrolls, but not enough to take vacation days off for a con~
  • im not good with people IRL...
  • im not in the US :(
  • im not really a brainstorm type wether online or IRL so a canvention is best left to the active editor's of the UESP
  • In Central Europe?
  • In my opinion, fan meetups and social networking exceeds the scope of what UESP should offer. Do what you do best, and be the best at what you do.
  • In South Africa, most likely going to be too far to travel to.
  • Indifferent
  • Interested but somewhat impossible for me, cause' I'm living in Eastern Europe
  • Interested in attending, doubtful it would be in an area where it would be practical for me to attend. I live in a very rural area.
  • Interested in principle but I guess that you'd probably host it in the USA which is near impossible for me
  • Interested, but chances of me being able to go are very low
  • Interested, but not living near the States
  • Interested, but unable (age and location).
  • Interested, however there's always stuff in the way. :(
  • Interested, if local.
  • It all depends on the location but if it is nearby I will definitely consider going.
  • It all depends on timing/cost, etc.
  • it could be interesting and fun, but not something I would make a priority over other real life matters.
  • It could be interesting, but I'm more likely to be interested in a UESP/Elder Scrolls meetup at a pre-existing convention that I'd already planned on attending.
  • it cude be fun if you pland it thogether white som mayer convention like Närrcon ( in sweden only )
  • It depends on location
  • It depends on the date and such
  • It depends on the location and cost.
  • it depends on the location, really. and the timing.
  • It depends on the location.
  • It depends primarily on the location. I'm in South-East Asia
  • It mainly depends on schedule and location.
  • it may be hard due to my location in australia but i think it would be fun
  • It really depends on if it's near, but i would love to see a new addition where we could view livestreams or videos of uesp related stuff.
  • It really depends on where it is held. In other words, if it's more than a 3 hour drive to get there, I wouldn't go.
  • It really depends on where/when it is.
  • It seems wierd for a meetup for fans of a wiki.
  • It sounds like an interesting idea, but I can't say for certain whether I'd go.
  • It would all depend on location
  • it would be a great way to network with other players and great for the communtiy and site as well
  • It would be cool but i don't have the time, but that doesn't mean that others don't.
  • It would be cool but I live in Turkey,so it is very unlikely for me to attend.
  • It would be cool to see all of the fans, readers, admins, and editors get together at once.
  • It would be cool, but I'd doubt I'd actually do it.
  • it would be cosplay madness
  • It would be difficult to attend meetup because I don't live in US.
  • It would be fun, but I don't really think I would happen near me.
  • it would be great to go to a fan convetion
  • It would be great to see a "Scroll-Con", it is nice to be socially involved with people who share your interests!
  • It would be interesting to meet fellow fans and/or UESP crew at such a gathering.
  • It would be interesting, but I live in Europe, so I won't be able to attend. A YouTube recording would be suffecient.
  • It would be interesting, but I probably couldn't go - I'm not exactly bathing in money at the moment. :P
  • It would be interesting, but probably no feasible for me due to travel cost
  • It would be kind of boring really.
  • It would be too far away from where I live.
  • It would be too far for me anyway...
  • It would be very cool, everyone one who likes The Elder Scrolls in one building!
  • It would depend on if I could go or not, and how expensive it would be.
  • It would depend on what country it is in or if there would be multiple ones for different countries.
  • It would greatly depend on where such a meeting was held, which I'm sure is true for almost everyone.
  • it would have to be close to where I live
  • It would most probably be far away from my home city, and I'm not really that big of a fan, so I'd be reluctant at first, although I am interested indeed.
  • It would pretty much have to be nearby for me to even think about attending.
  • It would probably be on another country an i wouldn't be able to go anyway...
  • It would probably not be anywhere near where I live, sadly.
  • It'd be cool, but I'm a bit antisocial.
  • It'd be fun but I don't know if I have the time
  • It'd be fun, but I'm not that type.
  • It'd be fun, wouldn't it?
  • It's definitely an interesting concept but I live in New Zealand so the possibility will remain distant.
  • It's exceedingly unlikely one would happen in my country.
  • It's expensive to fly or drive somwhere. Otherwise that'd be awesome.
  • it's impossible for me, because i live in Europe.
  • It's not that the idea is bad, I'm just not a people-person
  • It's unlikely I'd be able to attend, but I'd certainly be interested in hearing news about it!
  • its not that important in my life
  • ive never been to a convention before and one dedicated to the elder scrolls would be awesome
  • Just not my thing.
  • like all conventions, it depends how close the location is to my residence
  • Like I have time for that.
  • Live in Nebraska so it's not very likely there would be one here.
  • Lives in Singapore, unlikely one such convention would be here.
  • living in Germany, I don't think this is relevant to me.
  • Location would be an issue.
  • Made 2 costumes already
  • Maybe if I was younger and not in the middle of nowhere, New Mexico
  • Meetups with people from the internet always tend to suck, I've never been to one nor do I want to because I've see a lot of evidence of how bad they are.
  • Meetups won't affect me one way or the other, but I'm sure other users would enjoy such events.
  • Meetups would seem nice but the problem is this is an American site and I live in Holland.
  • Meh
  • Might be fun, can I walk around in my underwear and say a witch stole my clothes?
  • Might go if it were in NYC
  • Mmm, maybe no chance for me and meetup in Japan...
  • Most of these meets are in the US but if the circumstances were perfect, it would be awesome o.o
  • Most people that go to these kinds of things I try to avoid.
  • mostly due to my location
  • Mostly would depend on my money situation at a time, but I would find a way to go.
  • My access options are limited anyway, so I couldn't attend one.
  • My interest is tempered only by my living in Australia
  • my obsessive knowledge of TES lore annoys people
  • My only beef would be that it would be hosted on another continent from me.
  • my wife would, i guess i would go along
  • need a to find an awesome costume shop... when's bethesda gonna release the dress up packs DLC (armor etc) >; )
  • Never really thought about it, but it sounds alright.
  • No cosplay. There would be a room full of Sheogoraths wearing their mother's purple drapes.
  • No time sorry
  • Nope
  • Not a convention goer.
  • Not a people person.
  • not able to attend because of age
  • Not active in the community, would like to be
  • Not against it happening, I think it's a great idea! I'm just not the type of person to go to meet ups.
  • Not American
  • Not Applicable
  • Not available too.
  • Not big on convention visits, really.
  • Not convinced.
  • not enough time
  • Not exactly sure about this. I've lurked on the forum, but never done must past that (despite using the UESP for years)
  • Not for me but a good idea nonetheless.
  • not from US
  • not in slovakia
  • Not in the U.S., though.
  • Not likely due to where I live though.
  • not living in usa
  • Not much of a traveler, and still dealing with school.
  • Not my bag of tea, conventions.
  • Not my thing. Might be useful for other people, though.
  • Not my type of thing. I am a MASSIVE fan of the game, but meeting up with other gamers isn't my thing. I'd rather play Skyrim or go to the beach. Just my honest opinion.
  • not really interested in meeting up with anyone for skyrim
  • Not really into that sort of thing
  • Not really my thing.
  • not sure about attending, depends on location and content.
  • Not sure I would be able to
  • Not sure if possible, however (see below.)
  • not sure there would be a convention in new zealans
  • not that I don't think its a good idea, I just dn't like social gatherings
  • Of course depending on the location
  • Oh Yeah!
  • OMG... It would be Nerd-vana!
  • on how many coutries? =P
  • Once again: Wow!
  • Only if in the UK
  • Only if it is in EU.
  • Only if near me - in England
  • Only if such an event was available in Australia
  • Only if there was some in Poland
  • Only if we ALL get to wear nametags that say "Hello my name is (The Nerevarine/Hero of Cyrodill/Dovahkiin)"
  • Only interested if it would be in my homecountry
  • People are scary.
  • Personally I think TES fans usually appreciate videos and webs over meetings, unless if someone famous to the games is involved.
  • Personally I would like to go cause I think stuff like that is cool, however travel for me is not really too possible due to financial reasons at the moment so my opinion isn't too valid.
  • Personally im not a social person, so going isnt likely, but its nice knowing those things are going on.
  • Personally uninterested, but it would be pretty awesome.
  • Personally, I am not very involved with meetings or conventions.
  • pfffffffffffff why would i wanna meet basement dweller neckbeards omfg
  • Please don't waste resources on this!
  • probably don`t have the opportunity
  • Probably no chance of it happening in South Africa, but I would love it.
  • Probably won't have the time nor the money for it and it would probably be somewhere far away for me
  • Probably wouldn't attend as i'm lazy, but i'd love to see a convention of all that is TES.
  • Problem being living in NZ :)
  • providing it wasnt too far away from home.
  • Put it in settle, therefor i could come.
  • Really depends on what the event is
  • Really depends on what you have planned I suppose
  • really, interested but im not in the US, im in southamerica
  • Really? I guess there's a good forum community here or something...
  • relativly busy because i just started working, but i could make time
  • Residing in UK makes things difficult
  • Sadly I still have a life and that life is far from convention locations (Estonia, Tallinn) :/
  • Sadly, I live in Canada, so it might be hard to get to
  • Sadly, I live in Italy
  • Same answer as previous question.
  • SE Europe is out of range, right?
  • See Comment on Q.10
  • Simply don't have the time and to be honest, not quite that interested
  • Since I am not a US citizen and don't live in the US, I really couldn't care less.
  • Since I live in Denmark, any conventions would be far away
  • Since I live in Spain I'd be not able to go.
  • Since it will be in the US...
  • Social anxiety hinders me but otherwise that would be awsome.
  • Some forum members are already very close and have been able to meet up - it was fun!
  • Somewhat, yes.
  • sorry :P
  • Sort of just depends on where it is
  • Sounds like a lot of fun.
  • sounds very interesting
  • Sounds... interesting... but probably not something for someone with my mental handicap...
  • Sweden
  • Talking to people about Elder scrolls lore who won't think Im a nerd. WHEN AND WHERE!
  • That would be great! I could share my love and expertise of the series and meet others who feel the same!
  • That would be wonderful! I'd be more than willing to attend such a convention!
  • That'd be cool, though I doubt I'd be able to get there from Scandinavia...
  • That'd be really fun :D
  • The Elder Scrolls has one of the most compelling histories of near any series, be it movie, book, or game.
  • The idea appeals, though I doubt I would be able to with current lifestyle
  • The idea is great, but living in the eastern part of Poland I don't have much hopes of attending.
  • The only problem is I always seem to be living the furthest from any kind of worth con. I would like on on the east coast.
  • The trip would last nearly as long as the meetup and would be too expensive.
  • There seem to be a high number of TES fans/UESP users out there that are yet to be tapped and organized into a more unified fandom or fan community
  • There was a PAX convention in Seattle and it is getting really popular with tickets being sold out faster ever year. Skyrim was also there last year, so if UESP could get a small spot at PAX, something big might happen.
  • THere would never be one in my area.
  • they would have to be worldwide because i live in ireland
  • This could be a bad idea. Fan Frenzidom. "Hordecon, anyone?"
  • This is just because I don't "do" that sort of thing! So I'm generally neutral on the subject.
  • This would be about seven different kinds of awesome.
  • This would be almost entirely dependent on my finances, which aren't real great at the moment.
  • This would be amazing. I love the game and would love to meet other Elder Scrolls fans who are as crazy about the games as I am.
  • This would be difficult in terms of fan locations, I think this is a UK based website, but there is often a huge chance that a meetup will be held in London, that can be troublesome for some, especially those that live in the north.
  • This would be fantastic.
  • This would depend mostly on where it is and how easy it is to get there.
  • Those things are neat, but it's always dependant on if I can get to 'em easily.
  • Though a little impossible since i'm from Greece..
  • Too far, and I'm not fond of conventions.
  • Too new to it, perhaps in the future!
  • totally depends on location
  • Transportation means conventions are unlikely.
  • Travel would be difficult for me but not out of the question.
  • Travel would probably determine my availability to attend.
  • Try to get Bethesda's support
  • UK based?
  • Unfortunately I live in Hungary, so it would be very hard for me to take part in these meetups. :(
  • Unfortunately I live in small country called Estonia, so I will never meet up with fans...
  • unfortunately i probably.wouldnt have the time to
  • Unless it is in Sweden, but that's probably unlikely.
  • Unless its at Gencon then maybe.
  • Unlikely that one would happen where I live. Also I have CFS/ME and am frquently housebound.
  • Unlikely there's going to be anything anywhere near my country.
  • Unlikely to be held in area
  • Very interested but as i live in europe (Poland) nearly impossible
  • very interested depending on where, what, when and how.
  • Very interested indeed, however I highly doubt I would be able to.
  • Very interested, but not likely to have the time for it.
  • Very interested, however health conditions cause me to be unable to travel.
  • Very interested, though I doubt that I could afford the travel.
  • Very interested,but living in Russia makes it unlikely.
  • We're all pretty spread out :/
  • Well, I am unable to as I live abroad and cant afford to do anything like that
  • Well, I live in Germany, so any meetup would be difficult to attend.
  • Well, I live in Hungary, and I don't really see myself going to the United States for a meetup.
  • well, if its ever in QLD, Australia...
  • Well, since I live in Spain I don't think it will be near…
  • While interesting, I don't like big crowds
  • Who came up with this idea, because they deserve a cookie. Talking of food, i would go to such a convention only if there was cheese, cheese for everyone!
  • why
  • Why not?
  • Wife wouldn't allow! She hates cat people with a strange furry fury
  • Would be awesome.
  • Would be cool if it sounded fun.
  • Would be cool, but hard to orchestrate due to the large user base. Perhaps a meetup style like Reddit's where users set it up locally?
  • Would be fun
  • Would be interesting to speak to people with a common interest.
  • Would be really cool, albeit it would probably not be in my country :( (poland)
  • Would depend on where it is held. As being rural based it is hard for me to get anywhere.
  • Would largly depend on location
  • Would like to go, but it depends highly on where it is.
  • Would love to go but it would probably happen nowhere near me.
  • Would love to go there
  • Would love to see one.
  • would not do that.
  • Would sound like a great idea. I hope to hear of one nearby. (England, please!)
  • Wouldn't be able to come even if there was one
  • Yeah! I'd definitely be interested. Except I'm in Ireland.... :D
  • Yes.
  • you know how hard it is to find someone who's as in love with Morrowind as I am or even knows the game exists?
  • You must be joking.