Tribunal:Rerlas Mon

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Quests: written by Croup shrunk

Services: written by Croup shrunk

Personal Inventory: written by Croup shrunk

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Croup shrunk

Unique Dialogue: written by Croup shrunk

Spells: written by Croup shrunk
Rerlas Mon (rerlas mon)
Home City Mournhold
Location Great Bazaar
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 15 Class Merchant
Other Animal Trainer
Other Information
Health 128 Magicka 164
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Rerlas Mon

Rerlas Mon is a Breton merchant who can be found in the Great Bazaar. He sells three types of pets who will follow you around. Ask about "trained scribs and rats", then ask about "selling off" to get the option to purchase a pet.

He wears a common shirt with matching pants and shoes and carries two gold pieces. Aside from his natural bonus and resistance to magicka, and his ability to shield himself for short periods, he knows the following spells: Orc Strength, Poet's Whim, Powerwell, Rapid Regenerate, and Zenithar's Gospel.


  • Greetings:
    • "Greetings and welcome, sera! Are you in the market for trained scribs and rats? I think you'll find my prices quite reasonable, and my rats and scribs are fine as pets or beasts of burden -- or as tasty little morsels."
    • "I'm not selling you any more of my trained beasts. You don't take good enough care of them." Goodbye

  • latest rumors:
    • "If you're thinking of going down the sewers to explore Old Mournhold, watch out for the Black Dart Gang. They look like helpless paupers, but they are deadly. They prey on adventurers coming out of the ruins loaded with treasure. They call them the Black Dart Gang on account of the poisoned black darts they use -- deadly poison -- one is enough to kill you."
  • selling off:
    • "That's right, you can have a scrib for the low, low price of 20 gold, or a rat for 25. They are trained to follow you and attack anyone who attacks you. OR you can buy my exclusive pack rat for 100 gold. They not only follow and fight, but also carry small burdens. And, in a pinch, you've got fresh meat on the hoof, whenever you need it. What do you say? Would you like one?"
      • Yes, I'd like to buy a scrib.
        • "Thanks, %PCRace. Here is your very own scrib. He'll follow you around, right behind you, wherever you go. Come back anytime if you need another or want a replacement!" Goodbye
        • [If you have bought three already]"Sorry, %PCRace. I don't have any more in my stable, and it takes a while to train them. Tell you what. Check by with me later, and I'll see what can be done."
        • [If your first three have died]"Here is one of my finest pet scribs. He'll follow you around, right behind you, wherever you go. But take good care of him. They're hard to train, you know. Seems a shame to eat the poor little fellows, after all the trouble I have in capturing them and training them. But.. the customer is always right, and they're yours to do with as you wish." Goodbye
        • [If you have bought six]"Sorry, %PCRace. I don't have any pet scribs in my stable, and I don't think I'll have any more in the foreseeable future."
        • [If all six of them have died]"Good grief, %PCName. Six of the best scribs ever to come out of my stable... dead! And you want me to sell you more? No, sera! I just can't stand it! All that work I put into training them, and you treating them like grocery items? No! It just won't do!" Goodbye
      • Yes, I'd like to buy a rat.
        • "Thanks, %PCRace. Here is your very own rat. He'll follow you around, right behind you, wherever you go. Come back anytime if you need another or want a replacement!" Goodbye
        • [If you have bought three already]"Sorry, %PCRace. I don't have any more in my stable, and it takes a while to train them. Tell you what. Check by with me later, and I'll see what can be done."
        • [If your first three have died]"Here is one of my finest pet rats. He'll follow you around, right behind you, wherever you go. But take good care of him. They're hard to train, you know. Seems a shame to eat the poor little fellows, after all the trouble I have in capturing them and training them. But.. the customer is always right, and they're yours to do with as you wish." Goodbye
        • [If you have bought six]"Sorry, %PCRace. I don't have any pet rats in my stable, and I don't think I'll have any more in the foreseeable future."
        • [If all six of them have died]"Good grief, %PCName. Six of the best rats ever to come out of my stable... dead! And you want me to sell you more? No, sera! I just can't stand it! All that work I put into training them, and you treating them like grocery items? No! It just won't do!"
      • Yes, I'd like to buy your exclusive pack rat.
        • "Thanks, %PCRace. Here is your very own pack rat. He'll follow you around, right behind you, wherever you go. AND he'll carry small burdens for you. But take good care of him. They don't grow on trees, you know." Goodbye
        • [If you have bought three]"Sorry, %PCRace. I don't have any more in my stable, and it takes a while to train them. Tell you what. Check by with me later, and I'll see what can be done."
        • [If your first three have died]"Here is one of my finest pack rats. He'll follow you around, right behind you, wherever you go. AND he'll carry small burdens for you. But take good care of him. Seems a shame to eat the poor little fellows, after all the trouble I have in capturing them and training them. But.. the customer is always right, and they're yours to do with as you wish." Goodbye
        • [If you have bought six]"Sorry, %PCRace. I don't have any packrats in my stable, and I don't think I'll have any more in the foreseeable future."
        • [If all six haved died]"Good grief, %PCName. Six of the best packrats ever to come out of my stable... dead! And you want me to sell you more? No, sera! I just can't stand it! All that work I put into training them, and you treating them like grocery items? No! It just won't do!"
      • No, thank you.
        • "Well, come back anytime you think you need one. I sure could use the business."
        • [If you can't afford one]"I'd love to sell you one, %PCRace, but it doesn't look like you can afford it. Come back when you have the money and I'll have the creature packaged up and ready to go."
  • trained scribs and rats:
    • "Yes, when I was a lad, I dreamed of being the greatest scrib and rat trainer in the world. And, given the limited capacities of scribs and rats, I flatter myself that I've achieved my goal. These creatures are priceless... but since I find myself unexpectedly short of cash, I'm reduced to selling off my superbly trained scribs and rats as pets."


Rerlas Mon and his pets for sale
Pet Price
Scrib 20 (25 after first three, see bugs)
Rat 25
Pack Rat 100
  • You can only purchase one pet at a time.
  • Once you have purchased three of one particular pet, Rerlas won't sell you any more until those three have died.
  • In total, Rerlas will sell a maximum of six of each type of pet.


  • Even though Rerlas advertises that you can eat his pets in a pinch, they don't actually drop any ingredients to eat.
  • After you have bought three of one particular pet, Rerlas says to come back later. However, no matter how much time passes, he will only sell more of that pet when all of the first three have died.[verification needed — see talk page]


  • After you have bought three scribs, any subsequent scribs you buy will cost 25 gold instead of 20, even though Rerlas still only lists them for 20 gold. ?
  • After Rerlas yells at you for killing six rats or pack rats (not scribs), you aren't actually forced to close the dialogue window. So, you can click on selling off again and choose to buy a different pet. This lets you buy one more pet before he stops speaking to you ever again. ?
  • If the extra pet you buy is a pack rat, you won't be able to access its inventory. This is because pack rats require MS_BadPets to equal 110 for them to have the Share option. After Rerlas yells at you, MS_BadPets is set to 150, and thus your "bonus pet" never enables its Share option. ?
  • Your pets can be taken to Vvardenfell by exploiting the fact that followers will travel with you when using transport. See the glitches page. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point. Though not really a quest per se, purchasing pets from Rerlas adds journal entries, but there is no quest title or completion state.

Rerlas Mon (MS_BadPets)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Today I met a Breton named Rerlas Mon who sells trained rats and scribs.
100 I purchased a pet from Rerlas Mon. The little guy seems loyal and eager to please, and Rerlas was more than happy to take my money.
110 I purchased a pack rat from Rerlas Mon. The little guy seems loyal and eager to please, and Rerlas was more than happy to take my money.
150 Rerlas Mon has refused to sell me any more of his trained beasts.