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Tamriel Rebuilt:Serjo Olmas Uvayn's Fate

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Uncover the truth of a noble's disappearance.
Quest Giver: Felara Uvayn
Location(s): Uvayn Manor, Arvud
Reward: Olmas Uvayn's Frostblade
Disposition: -10 to +10 (Felara Uvayn)
ID: TR_m4_Arv_VampireFather
You'll need to make enquiries across the Armun Ashlands.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Felara Uvayn in Arvud's Uvayn Manor about Olmas Uvayn.
  2. Ask around town about Olmas Uvayn.
  3. Speak to Lugash in the Ernabapalit Camp, southwest of Arvud.
  4. Go to the Uvayn Ancestral Tomb, southwest of Ishanuran Camp.
  5. Discover the fate of Olmas Uvayn.
  6. Return with Olmas Uvayn's Frostblade to Felara.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Felara Uvayn, the daughter of Arvud's governor, will make mention of Olmas Uvayn on your first conversation with her. Enquire further - it seems that to all others in Arvud, Olmas Uvayn is presumed dead. Felara believes otherwise. Take her story seriously or she will take offense, and volunteer to search for him. Felara will suggest asking townsfolk about Olmas Uvayn for leads. These individuals will quickly direct you to the local caravaners or scouts (for instance, Halfbret White-Bear), who will in turn point you towards Lugash, a former member of Olmas' retinue.

Lugash is working as a watchman in the Ernabapalit tradepost. It's a short way southwest of Arvud, although you'll have to go crosscountry. Lugash will remember Olmas clearly, and describe the last time he saw him - during an attack by Baluath vampires. Unlike Felara, Lugash is certain that Olmas is dead, and will recommend a visit to the Uvayn Ancestral Tomb to find his spirit there. He describes it as being southwest of the Ishanuran camp, which is directly west of Ernabapalit. Go west to Ishanuran first, and then proceed southwest from that camp (keeping the hill to your left), passed Puman cave, until you arrive at the tomb.

Once at the tomb, enter and make your way through the forces of the hostile undead, and enter the room at the west of the tomb (as opposed to the rooms on the southwest and northwest side). You will find Olmas Uvayn, alive and hungry. He has become a vampire. Speak to him - various options will initiate combat, but peaceful dialogue choices will result in him requesting that you lie about his condition to his family, once he is truly dead. Then, regardless of how you end the conversation, Olmas will attack. Kill him, and take the valuable Frostblade from his body as proof of his death. Then, return to Arvud.

Felara will not take the news well, regardless of whether you tell the truth of Olmas' condition, and no reward will be forthcoming. You may however keep Olmas' blade.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Serjo Olmas Uvayn's Fate (TR_m4_Arv_VampireFather)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I told Felara Uvayn, a Hlaalu noble in Arvud, that I would look for her father, Olmas Uvayn, who disappeared in the Armun Ashlands two years ago. She doesn't know where I should begin my search. I should question the people in Uvayn Manor and Arvud for more information.
15 I was told that serjo Olmas Uvayn's retinue had an Ashlander guide named Lugash. He was supposedly the last person to see serjo Uvayn. Lugash now works as a watchman at the Ernabapalit tradepost, southwest of Arvud. I should speak with him.
20 Lugash revealed that he and serjo Olmas Uvayn were attacked by Baluath vampires during an ash storm. Lugash himself managed to escape, but he is certain that Olmas Uvayn is dead. Uvayn Ancestral Tomb is located southwest of the Ishanuran camp. Lugash said that I should go there and consult the ancestral spirits of the Uvayn family. Perhaps the spirit of Olmas Uvayn is there with them.
45 I found a vampire named Olmas Uvayn inside the Uvayn Ancestral Tomb.
50 I found Olmas Uvayn inside the Uvayn Ancestral Tomb. He is not quite alive, though. He is a vampire.
60 Olmas Uvayn asked me to kill him once and for all. After that he wishes that I would tell his family in Arvud that he's dead, but without letting them know that he was a vampire.
80 Olmas Uvayn is no more. I should let the Uvayn family in Arvud know of this.
100 Finishes quest☑ Felara Uvayn was devastated to hear that her father is dead. She didn't believe me when I told her that her father had become a vampire.
110 Finishes quest☑ Felara Uvayn was devastated to hear that her father is dead. She was even more upset to hear that he had also contracted vampirism.
120 Finishes quest☑ Felara Uvayn was devastated to hear that her father is dead. I did not tell her that he was a vampire.