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Tamriel Rebuilt:Rynna Tunelim

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Rynna Tunelim (TR_m1_Rynna_Tunelim)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Tel Ouada
Location Tel Ouada, Tower: Living Area
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 9 Class Spellsword
Other Information
Health 85 Magicka 102
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 5(Spellwright)
Rynna Tunelim

Rynna Tunelim is a Dark Elf spellsword and Spellwright of House Telvanni who can be found in the living area of the tower of Tel Ouada.

She wears an expensive robe and a pair of expensive shoes. She carries 100 gold, a Standard Restore Health Potion, a Quality Restore Health potion, an ampoule pod, an ash yam, a portion of ash salts, and an alit hide.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Crushing Burden Touch, Daedric Bite, First Barrier, Great Burden of Sin, Great Resist Common Disease, Great Resist Fire, Great Resist Frost, Great Resist Magicka, Great Resist Shock, Greater Resist Poison, Heavy Burden, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Storm, Magickguard, Strong Levitate, and Tinur's Hoptoad.


  • local area:
"Tel Ouada dominates the land for miles about. The glory of Rathra's tower can be seen shining above the Dunnechi Bay and serves as a warning against Imperial aggression."