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Tamriel Rebuilt:Royal Spies' Report (Ebon Tower 2)

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Royal Spies' Report
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
ID TR_m3_OE_HighRockSpyReport2
Value 200 Weight 2
Found in the following locations:
Royal Spies' Report
A report for King Helseth on recent politics and espionage in High Rock

This letter is of the utmost sensitivity and should be sealed upon delivery. If at any point this report is opened before reaching his Highness each courier in the chain should be put to death, especially if they are related in any way to the High Rock Mission. You know what to look for with my magic seal.

Your Royal Majesty,

As per your request, I will be making my own report for you alongside the royal report. Venonne continues to keep vital information from yourself and our collective agency, clouding her allegiance further. Perhaps Elysana has made a deal with her or maybe her master Sendu is being pressured to back off. Either way I advise you give the order to remove her before she can show her true colors. Most of the agents in our employ follow her direction so it could be dangerous to let her make the first move.

In ORSINIUM: Orsinium is the critical weak point for the alliance and tipping point for High Rock as a whole. Breaking their ties to Wayrest will end the status quo and plunge the kingdom back into wars she can't win against enemies from the east, west and south. Gortwog and Elysana have been fighting a cold battle for control over the Bjoulsae river, resulting in a standoff between their forces. A false flag attack on either side should be enough to spark a larger crisis for them. Further reports show that Wayrest may be abetting Orc blood trading in their Orsimer ghetto, something that could be the breaking point for an already tense relationship.

In WAYREST: The citizens are complacent as ever, barely recognizing a difference between which monarchs rule them. The nobility have mostly fallen into line, any rouge elements are purged immediately with ruthless action. This leaves Elysana's greatest difficulty from within as the Trade Princes, who are not thrilled with the new taxes levied upon on their enterprises to pay for Wayrest's expansion. We have already tried to work Zepodie Sendu but as stated above he may be compromised. I will have Evermore agents work on enlisting the other's help, especially the ones inside of the city.

In ALCAIRE: A small cult has begun to spread their teachings from the small island, following the Talos Heresy. This group preaches to return Wayrest to its Ostern roots and is sewing division within the populace. It may be best to stay clear of this group but taking steps to make sure it is not quelled too quickly would harm Elysana in the short term.

On BALFIERA: The Direnni, often a constant force of neutrality and proxy control within High Rock, have taken a hostile stance towards Wayrest after they took control over the Mines of Khuras during the Warp of the West. Balfiera and its holds have for millennia had a monopoly on the Adamantine trade in Tamriel but with the Mines under Wayrest control they have new competition. Evermore has long worked to have a cooperative relationship with the Direnni so it may be within everyone's interests to invite them in as an ally against Elysana. The authority of the Castellan goes a long way among Breton Lords even to this day, having a Direnni ally could be game changing.

From your trusted and loyal Ally, DM