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Tamriel Rebuilt:Rilmas Athyrion

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Rilmas Athyrion (TR_m2_Rilmas Athyrion)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Marog
Location Tel Onoria: Lord Athyrion's Chambers
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 27 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 139 Magicka 500
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 6(Wizard)
Rilmas Athyrion

Rilmas Athyrion is a Dark Elf mage and Wizard in House Telvanni, and the former master of Mages Guild member Francine Aldard. He is in his chambers that he shares with his wife, Solas Athyrion, in the tower of Tel Onoria in Marog.

He wears an extravagant robe, a pair of extravagant shoes, a pair of extravagant gloves, and an exquisite ring. He wields an ebony tanto and carries the key to the slave's bracers of the various slaves in Tel Onoria.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Speed (Ranged), Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Burden of Sin, Dire Weary, Drain Alteration, Drain Blood, Drain Destruction, Drain Illusion, Drain Mysticism, Drain Restoration, Feet of Notorgo, Great Feather, Masterful Golden Wisdom, Masterful Green Wisdom, Masterful Red Wisdom, Masterful Silver Wisdom, Masterful Unseen Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Poet's Whim, Toxic Cloud, Second Barrier, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Vivec's Mercy, Wild Distraction, Wild Spelldrinker, and Wizard Rend.

There are a number of quite valuable items in his chambers. As you enter the room, there is a desk on the left with a master's alembic, a master's calcinator, a copy of Song of the Alchemists, some void salts, and a daedra's heart on top of it. There is also a master's retort on the floor beside the desk. On the bookshelf to the right as you enter the room, there is a greater soul gem and 2 common soul gems on the top shelf, as well as a Standard Restore Health Potion and 2 Quality Restore Fatigue potions on the bottom shelf. To the right of the desk, there is a small table with a limeware platter and 2 limeware flasks on it. To the right of the small table, there is a locked chest (45) with a potentially large about of leveled gold: 25 guaranteed gold and 400 random gold. Upstairs, immediately ahead of the stairway there is a small table with a limeware flask and 2 limeware cups on it. On the bookshelf behind Solas Athyrion, there are 2 limeware cups on the middle shelf, and a small locked chest (45) containing 3 diamonds on the bottom shelf.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]


  • Greetings:
"I am %Name, but I don't recall anyone making an appointment. What do you need?"

If Disposition is at least 50:

"Ah, %PCName again. Feel free to talk. I am all ears."
  • Background:
"You are speaking to %Name, Lord of Marog. As a Telvanni Wizard, it is my duty to oversee the affairs of this town and ensure the security of its people. I inherited the position of Wizard from my father, Isaril Athyrion."
"A boring place. When will foolish outlanders learn that Marog has picked that place clean since the day of its destruction? There is nothing there of interest, and yet tourists come by droves to be the one to make some 'discovery'. Other than its use as a source of income for my subjects, the place is of no interest to the Telvanni."
  • latest rumors:
"I have more important things to consider."

If you are at least Oathman rank in House Telvanni:

"It seems that Omothran of Tel Mothrivra is trying to use Vaerin's favoritism to secure himself a place on the Council the next time there's a vacancy. The rest of us will just have to work up the traditional way."
  • little advice:
"My advice is saved for people who deserve it, %PCClass."

If you are at least Oathman rank in House Telvanni:

"Despite the ill reputation of the Lord of Tel Gilan, the Helnim Telvanni are capably led by his aides. Do not be afraid of dealing with them because of the Mad Lord's reputation."
  • little secret:
"Secrets should be kept as they are. Is this not so?"
  • Marog:
"Marog is my domain. Kemel-Ze has perhaps made it more famous amongst outlanders than any other Telvanni settlement, except perhaps Port Telvannis, or the Vvardenfell capital of Sadrith Mora."
  • my trade:
"I am Lord of Marog, and a mage of House Telvanni. I am a master of the arts of alteration and mysticism."
  • Nordssen expedition:
"Hmmph. The reference to my father as 'local hetman' certainly wins the book no favors from me."
  • someone in particular:
"My wife, Solas, is here with me, and the captain of the guard is Tilveran Athere. Otherwise, there is no one of great importance in Marog."
  • specific place:
"This town is my domain. It overlooks Falar Bay, and its proximity to the Dwemer ruins of Kemel-Ze has garnered some fame among visitors and travelers."

Mages Guild: Letter of Resignation[edit]

"[Rilmas starts reading the letter, then stops and starts anew.]
What's this about? Did I get this right? This Francine Aldard wants to apologize to me? I can't recall one Francine Aldard offending me anyhow. Interesting. Hm... Francine Aldard... Yes, I think I remember the name. If my memory serves me right, this Francine Aldard oftentimes complained about nobody caring for her work, and asked for assistance."
  • Continue: "But that's what it's about. Didn't she get that? She was not under my mentorship! The great House Telvanni won't weaken itself by putting people into positions they don't deserve to be put into! You have to prove yourself by cunning, wit and mastery of arcane skills. The strong will advance, the weak will fail. You may tell her that; she was smart enough to leave Marog, she'd be smart enough to get that."
"I told you that I don't mind if my incompetent apprentices run away from me. Your importunity is more irritating than this Francine Aldard's absence. Was that it?"

Mages Guild: Investigation at Fort Windmoth[edit]

  • got arrested:

If you have found out about his involvement in Francine's arrest:

"You are saying the disappearance of Mjara had nothing to do with the worthless apprentice? If you like. I figured it being one of several possible scenarios, and the only one to explain her unprompted "apologies". Either way, if the issue is resolved, then why are you taking my time?"