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Tamriel Rebuilt:Paruddma's Maw

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Dreugh Citadel:
Paruddma's Maw
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 6
Dreugh, Slaughterfish
Console Location Code(s)
"Paruddma's Maw"; "Paruddma's Maw, Bolus Vestible"; "Paruddma's Maw, Duodenum Passage"; "Paruddma's Maw, Ileum Chamber"; "Paruddma's Maw, Jejunum Descent"; "Paruddma's Maw, Solar Pylorus"; "Paruddma's Maw, Tower of Chyme
Aanthirin, [13,-37]
Paruddma's Maw.

Paruddma's Maw is a bewildering labyrinth in the depths of Lake Andaram.

Found far to the south of the port town of Aimrah, this sprawling citadel of the Dreugh winds deep into the rock, and is entirely without breathable air. Dreugh guards and Blind Slaughterfish throng the interior, while settled within the stygian depths of the Ileum Chamber lairs a Dreugh Queen, by the name of Paruddma.

The Exterior[edit]

Several separate areas can be accessed from the lake's floor, including the side areas Bolus Vestibule, The Tower of Chyme, Solar Pylorus and Duodenum Passage. The central tower contains an entrance to the main portion of the dungeon, Jejunum Descent, which leads directly to the Queen's lair, Ileum Chamber. Notable treasures in the exterior include a Glass Shield and a coin-filled chest in a small passage near the entrance to the Duodenum Passage.

Bolus Vestibule[edit]

A long, deep tunnel, the relatively unguarded Vestibule holds some small treasures in its deepest chamber, chief of which is a Dwarven Longsword.

The Tower of Chyme[edit]

The largest chamber holds a collection of ship crates and a pair of Dwemer Boots, presumably either lost overboard or taken from wreckage. A higher room contains several samples of human flesh.

Solar Pylorus[edit]

A small offshoot accessible via the lake bed, this contains a single chamber filled with corals and algae.

Duodenum Passage[edit]

This is a long and winding section, with many coral-filled rooms. The deepest portion connects directly to the Jejunum Descent, with pearls and gemstones lying on a platform near the door to this area.

Jejunum Descent[edit]

The most sprawling part of the citadel, the Descent can be entered through the door within the Maw's central tower on the lakebed. It connects to both the Duodenum Passage and the Ileum Chamber.

Ileum Chamber[edit]

The home of the Dreugh Queen Paruddma, and much of the Citadels treasure, this area descends into a large chamber at the very bottom, where Paruddma can be found. On the floor of this area is a pedestal holding the artifact known as the Scepter of Violation. Scattered gold ingots, Dwemer artisanry, Adamantium Boots and a Master's Mortar and Pestle can all be found in this area. Other chests and pedestals here are rich with treasures like gemstones and gold.

Related Quests[edit]

Mages Guild[edit]