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Tamriel Rebuilt:Orders

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Book Information
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
ID TR_m2_q_21_JorvalsOrders
Value 1 Weight 0.1
Needed for The Heist
Found in the following locations:
  • Helnim, Militia Headquarters (in Caedan's fortified chest, during related quest)
Orders to put Helnim under a militia-enforced lockdown in order to arrest members of the Thieves Guild


This is an advance copy and not official!

You are ordered to cordon off the area inside the walls of the town of Helnim, search out known members of the organization commonly referred to as Thieves Guild and arrest them. In accordance with this order You will:
1) Close the northeastern, southeastern and western gates. Crossing the gates is prohibited except for members of the Militia until the blockade is raised again by Knight Protector Caedan Jorval in written form.
2) Man the towers and send forth patrols in wartime strength. Crossing the walls or gates must be prevented by all means; measures according to wartime regulations are permitted.
3) Establish checkpoints i) at the gate to the docks, ii) at the old Prison, iii) between Lariast's tradehouse and Peladia Varousha's armory, iv) at the Crusader's Valet, v) in front of the courtyard of the Helnim Hall and vi) at the guildhouse of the Guild of Fighters.
3a) Militia personnel must not pass through checkpoints unless orders in written form explicitly authorize it to do so.
3b) Civilians must not pass through checkpoints unless they can i) prove their identity, ii) are not known members of the Thieves Guild and iii) are able to state compelling reasons to do so.
3c) Individuals trying to pass through checkpoints and not covered by points 3a and 3b must be halted and be delivered to Militia personnel ordered in written form to conduct further interrogations.
4) Enter every building inside the city walls and search for indices of illegal activities.
4a) Indices of illegal activities must be recorded and delivered to the superior.
4b) Buildings that have been searched must be marked by the responsible officer.
4c) Reports to Knight Protector Caedan Jorval must be made every half hour by the responsible officer.
5) Identify every civilian that You encounter.
5a) Known members of the Thieves Guild that are identified in so doing must be arrested immediately and be delivered to Militia personnel ordered in written form to conduct further interrogations.
5b) Civilians unable to prove their identity must be halted and be delivered to Militia personnel ordered in written form to conduct further interrogations.
5c) Identified civilians that are i) not known members of the Thieves Guild, ii) not suspected of conducting and/or having conducted illegal activities or iii) not suspected of having knowledge of illegal activities must be challenged to return to their homes as quick as possible.
6) Take known members of the Thieves Guild and other suspects to the Militia Headquarters for further interrogations.
7) Interrogate known members of the Thieves Guild and other suspects whether they possess further knowledge of members of the Thieves Guild and/or illegal activities.
8) Imprison known members of the Thieves Guild and other subjects charged with a crime.

Caedan Jorval, Knight Protector