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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ogn

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Ogn (TR_m1_Ogn)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Gah Sadrith
Location Wetstone Tavern
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 5 Class Miner
Other Information
Health 92 Magicka 66
Alarm 90 Fight 40

Ogn is a Nord miner who can be found in the Wetstone Tavern in Gah Sadrith. He and his friend, Thorhalla, have come to the tavern to try what has been touted as Morrowind's best mazte.

He wears a gondolier shirt, a pair of common pants, a pair of common shoes, and a pair of common gloves. He wields a miner's pick, and carries 10 gold and 2 loafs of bread.

Aside from his natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield himself, and a natural frost damage spell, he knows no spells.


  • Greeting:
"I wonder... What are a pair of Nordic miners doing in a mushroom tavern on a forsaken island full of mad elven wizards? I must have drunk too much, 'cos I can't remember coming here..."
  • mazte (These lines have a random chance of appearing):
"Say that word again and I shall draw my axe! Eh... I mean 'pickaxe'!"
"No more torture, I beg you! Stop asking about THAT!"
"Agh. Have some decency! That experience is still very painful to me."
"I swear to my forefathers, I will never touch that stuff again!"