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Tamriel Rebuilt:Maeracaine

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Maeracaine (TR_m3_Maeracaine)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Valenwood Mission
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 6 Class Nightblade
Other Information
Health 54 Magicka 112
Alarm 100 Fight 30

Maeracaine is a High Elf nightblade who can be be found on the lower floor of the Valenwood Mission at Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart. He is a representative of Ambassador Elteryn of Firsthold, and he will reward you if you betray Irniwen Man-Eater and tell him about her grudge against the Summerset Isles Mission.

He wears a common robe with matching shirt, pants, and shoes.

Aside from his natural weaknesses to fire, frost, shock and magicka, his natural bonus to magicka, and resistance to disease, he knows the following spells: Alad's Caliginy, Calm Creature, Calm Humanoid, Chameleon, Crushing Burden Touch, Detect Creature, Detect Key, Far Silence, First Barrier, Frostfist, Great Burden of Sin, Heavy Burden, Hide, Invisibility, Mark, Poisonous Touch, Recall, Sanctuary, Paralysis, Shadow Form, Shadow Weave, Strong Levitate, Tinur's Hoptoad, and Wild Earwig.

Related Quests[edit]



  • Greetings:
(Upon first meeting):
"Salutations, %PCRace. My name is %Name. I am a representative of Ambassador Elteryn of Firsthold. If you wish to speak to Arieglos, the Valenwood ambassador, he's right over there. If you are looking for the Summerset Isles Mission and Ambassador Elteryn, go down the hall and up the stairs to the top."
"Salutations. If you wish to speak to Arieglos, the Valenwood ambassador, he's right over there. If you are looking for the Summerset Isles Mission and Ambassador Elteryn, go down the hall and up the stairs to the top."
(If Disposition < 30):
"I have no business with you, do I?"
  • Background:
"I'm %Name. I was born in Holifal, a quaint little town in the Summerset interior. Worked my way up through magic and politics to where I am now. This reminiscing has been fun, but I really am quite busy."
  • my trade:
"As you know, ambassadors are busy people. Since Elteryn of Firsthold deals with general affairs, important meetings with both the people here and Queen Morgiah back in Firsthold, as well as dealing with the general public. She regretfully doesn't have time to visit every day. That's why I'm here instead to keep up relations when she cannot."

Aldmeri Diplomacy[edit]

  • Ambassador's Favor:
"That is troubling, thank you for telling me. Wait here for me while I go take care of it. I'll be back." (Irniwen Man-Eater is disabled)
  • [Wait.]:
"Thank you for waiting, she's gone now. Here's a book about Queen Morgiah of Firsthold; Amabassador Elteryn has plenty of extra copies." (Disposition +10, Elteryn of Firsthold's Disposition +20, Arieglos of Eldenroot's Disposition -15, and you receive a copy of The Firsthold Revolt)