Tamriel Rebuilt:Koshtiliashu

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Koshtiliashu (TR_m1_FWSewers_Morphoid)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Firewatch, Sewers: Market Quarter
Species Morphoid Soul Greater (150)
Level 9 Type Daedra
  • 10-20 pts Melee
  • Fireball - Fire Damage 2-20 pts in 5ft on Target
Gold 750 Mercantile Creature (0)
Sells Daedric Crossbow, 30x Daedric Bolts
Buys Weapons, Armor, Books, Ingredients, Miscellaneous, Magic Items
Other Information
Health 95 Magicka 25
Alarm 0 Fight 0
  • Daedric Crossbow, 30x Daedric Bolts

Koshtiliashu is a Morphoid present within a cavern on the north side of the Market Quarter sewers in Firewatch. It appears to have been summoned and abandoned for an unknown period of time. If spoken to, you can barter with Koshtiliashu for its crossbow. It also has a substantial amount of gold with which to make purchases.


  • Background: "Hooks of magic through the skin... DRAGGED to this fetid plane... %NAME! %NAME! Nowhere to run, not for one age and then another... What is this rotted air, %PCName?"
  • Greeting: "'Tap tap tap... tap tap tap... It's finally here, yes..."
  • Greeting (2nd): "Ah, it's here again... tap tap tap... tap tap tap..."